Gravity Falls X Reader

Galing kay Multiplefandomsgirl

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Triplets (Y/n), Dipper and Mabel Pines are sent to spend the summer with their great-uncle, Grunkle Stan, in... Higit pa

Tourist Trapped
The Legend of the Gobblewonker
The Hand That Rocks the (Y/n)
The Inconveniencing
Dipper vs. Manliness
Double Dipper
Irrational Treasure
The Time Traveler's Pig
Fight Fighters
Little Dipper
Boss Mabel
Bottomless Pit!
The Deep End
Boyz Crazy
Land Before Swine
Gideon Rises
Into the Bunker
The Golf War
Sock Opera
Soos and the Real Girl
Little Gift Shop of Horrors
Society of the Blind Eye
Blendin's Game
The Love God
Northwest Mansion Mystery
Not What He Seems
A Tale of Two Stans
Dungeons, Dungeons, and More Dungeons
The Stanchurian Candidate
The Last Mabelcorn
Roadside Attraction
(Y/n), Dipper and Mabel vs. the Future
Weirdmageddon 1: Xpcveaoqfoxso
Weirdmageddon 2: Escape From Reality
Weirdmageddon 3: Take Back The Falls

Carpet Diem

724 16 2
Galing kay Multiplefandomsgirl

An eyeball rolls into a cup. "Hwaah! Total domination! I am the master of Attic Stuff Mini-golf! From the mighty Swiss Alps, to the badlands of Dipper's old laundry where man fears to tread!" Mabel said. Dipper walks to another golf ball and prepares to hit it. "Alright, let a pro on the field, or floor. Whatever." He said. Dipper hits the eyeball very hard. The eyeball bounces around the room and crashes through a window. "Ah, my head! It hit me right in the head!" Stan shouted. (Y/n) cracks up. "Yes! Stan shot. Is that legal?" Dipper asked. "Nice one, Dipper!" (Y/n) said. "Thanks." Dipper said. The two high five. (Y/n), Mabel and Dipper look at the judge, Waddles, and see him eating the score card. 

"The judges say it's out of bounds." Mabel said. "You're out of bounds!" Dipper then lightly jabs Mabel in the stomach with his golf club, then does the same to (Y/n). "Hey! Watch it!" Mabel shouted. "Hey! What was that for?" (Y/n) asked. The triplets continue jabbing each other for a few seconds until Mabel's Meow o'clock clock starts ringing. "Hey, guys, I gotta go hang out with Candy and Grenda tonight." Mabel said. "Aw, again? You can't leave mid-game." Dipper said. "Don't be silly, I'm not leaving. My friends are coming to me!" Mabel said. "Wait, what? Oh no. No no no. Sleeping bags?" (Y/n) looks at sleeping the bags. "Rom-coms?" She looks at romantic comedies. "Calling All Boys: Preteen Edition?!?" She then looks at the game. "You're not having a-" The door opens and shows Candy and Grenda are grinning in the shadows. They walk in and interrupt (Y/n) and finish her sentence. "Sleepover!" They shouted. (Y/n) screams in horror.

Time Skip

Mabel, Grenda, Candy, and Waddles are sitting on the floor, talking. "Okay, so how much do you like boys?" Mabel asked. "So much!" Grenda said. "Boys make me think about kissing!" Candy said. "Candy! Oh my gosh!" Grenda throws a pillow at Candy which hits her in the head. "Ow!" She said. "We are so crazy tonight!" Mabel starts screaming. Her friends join her in screaming. Meanwhile (Y/n) and Dipper are seen on their beds with a pillow over their ears. "Who wants to smear makeup on my face?" Grenda asked. "Ugh, you're already so beautiful, Grenda. What would be the point?" Mabel asked. Grenda starts punching the floor. "Beautiful! Beautiful!" She shouted. "Shut up!" (Y/n) shouted. "Arrrrgh! Mabel! Do you think you can do this somewhere else?! You're laughing at frequencies only dogs should hear!" Dipper shouted. "Come on, it's not that bad." Mabel said. "You know what your brother and sister need?" Grenda asked. Mabel gasps. "A makeover?" Candy holds up beauty products. Dipper screams. 

"Run!" (Y/n) shouted.(Y/n) and Dipper are later walking in the hallway with their blankets and pillows. They walk up to Soos, who is screwing something in. (Y/n) sighs. "Hey, Soos, can we sleep in your break room tonight?" She asked. "Of course, dudes." Soos opens the door to reveal a very cramped room with hazardous pipes and steam. "You just gotta make your body go like a video game puzzle block. Beebity boop boop beep beepity boop bop boop boop." He gets into the room by moving his body into an odd position. "The trick is to hold perfectly still." He rests his hand on a pipe and his arm gets scorched. "Ow, wait wait." He does it again. "Ow, wait wait." And again. "Ow, wait wait." "I think we'll sleep somewhere else..." Dipper said. Dipper  and (Y/n) walk away while Soos continues doing the same thing over and over, Soos said "Oh, actually felt good that time." Later Dipper and (Y/n) are outside. "Ah...sleeping under the stars...not bad." Dipper said. "Yeah, it's actually quite beautiful." (Y/n) said. Dipper hears a growling sounds and gets up. He sees a wolf biting on his leg. "Aaah!! Get off! Aah! Get away!" Dipper shouted.

"Hey! Get off!" (Y/n) shouted, trying to scare it off by hitting it with a book repeatedly. As she does this, Dipper looks up and sees Mabel's sleepover from the window. Mabel, Grenda, and Candy are jumping up and down, singing loudly. "Lalalalala! ... Disco Girls!..." Dipper looks down at the wolf and his sister trying to get rid of it. "This is still better." Dipper lays down again. The next day, Mabel wakes up in a state of confusion. She has her hair messed up with the words "PARTY GURL" written on her forehead. "Ugh...what happened last night? Whoa!" She sees Candy taped to the ceiling. "What's up, party girl?" Candy asked. Grenda walks out of the closet with lipstick all over her face. "I don't know what I was kissing in there, but I have no regrets!" She shouted. "Candy falls down now." Candy falls from the ceiling and knocks down the Eiffel Tower from the twins' attic stiff golf game. "That was awesome, girls." Mabel fixes up her hair and waves. "See you again soon!" She said. Candy and Grenda walk out of the room and Dipper with a black eye and twigs in his hair and lays on his bed. 

(Y/n) walks in after, she also has twigs in her hair. "Hey, brother and sister! Want any of this leftover pizza? It's got glitter on it!" Mabel asked. "Mabel, last night an owl tried to eat my tongue." (Y/n) said. "Ha ha! That's great!" Mabel said. This pissed (Y/n) off. She gets up from her bed. 'No, it's not great! You and your friends are impossible to live with!" She shouted. "What? I'm delightful to live with! Besides, I thought you liked some of the things we do!" Mabel protested. "Don't get me wrong Mabel, I like dressing up, and I do like some other girly things, but I don't like the way you and your friends do it. Whenever your friends have given me a makeover I look as if a box of crayons have thrown up on me!" (Y/n) said. "That's not true, you like beautiful when they do your makeup. Maybe this fun stick will change your mind. 

 Get ready to be poked by the fun stick! Boop!" Mabel takes a stick and pokes (Y/n) with it. She slaps it out of Mabel's hand. "Mabel, I've had it with the fun stick! You've totally wrecked our room. And-" Dipper gasps. "Oh no! Our mini-golf course!" He said. "Heh heh heh, yeah. Grenda sure loves breaking things." Mabel said. "Mabel, we need to lay down some ground rules if we're gonna be living in this room together. First of all, no sleepovers." Dipper said. "What?! Well if I can't have sleepovers, then you can't keep me up every night with your summer reading." Mabel said. "How does reading keep you up?" Dipper asked. (Y/n) had to roll her eyes for that one.


Dipper gasps. " Ooh... heh heh heh... interesting... but who stole the capers?" Dipper  clicks the pen several times. "Grr...!" Mabel puts her pillow over her head and so does (Y/n).

~back to the present~

"Well then (Y/n) can't stay up all night watching movies and keeping me awake!" Dipper shouted. "What?! I use my headphones for that! How does that keep you up?" (Y/n) asked. "Really?" Dipper asked sarcastically.


(Y/n) laughs while watching one of her favorite movies on her tablet, which was hidden under her covers, but some of the light still shined through. "Ugh!" Dipper groaned and turned to the other side, pulling his covers up more.

~back to the present~

"Well, at least my braces don't whistle when I breathe." Dipper said. "At least I wash my clothes once in a while." Mabel picks up a pair of underwear with the fun stick. "Washing clothes is a waste of time, I'm a busy guy!" Dipper said. "It's not a waste of time, its important for your hygiene." (Y/n) scolded. "You really think I care about that, (Y/n)?" Dipper snapped. "Meow meow meow meow meow!" Mabel mocked. "Alright if you meow one more time-" (Y/n) warned.  "Meow meow meow!" Mabel said. "Okay, that's it! That's the final straw! Maybe we shouldn't share a room anymore." (Y/n) said. "Wah...uh...well maybe we shouldn't!" Mabel shouted. "Fine by me!" Dipper said. "And me!" (Y/n) said. 

"Triple fine by me!" Mabel said. "Then we need to talk to Grunkle Stan about moving rooms." Dipper said. "Yeah. He's a reasonable guy." Mabel said. "You think so?" (Y/n) raised an eyebrow. Stan is watching a show with two guys pushing each other. "Fight, fight, fight!" He changes the channel to a station that has two deer fighting each other. "Fight, fight, fight!" He then changes the channel again to a station airing Baby Fights. "Fight, fight, fight!" One baby is poked with a stick and the two begin slapping each other. "Baby fights!" The announcer said. "T.V. It knows what I want." Stan said. "Grunkle Stan, we want different rooms." (Y/n) said. "Ha! And I want a pair of magic money pants. It's not gonna happen." Stan said.

"Magic money pants...?" Mabel asked. "Come on, Grunkle Stan. Can't we work something out?" Dipper asked. "Look kid, there's my room and the attic. That's it. What do you think, there's some kinda "secret hidden room" in the Shack?" Stan asked. A very loud crash is heard. " Dudes! I found some kind of secret hidden room in the Shack!" Soos said. (Y/n), Dipper and Mabel grin at each other. All of them look at Soos with a door. "Okay, so I was cleaning up behind this bookcase when boom! Mystery door! 

This old Shack is full of weird secrets." Soos opens the door and they all look into it. (Y/n), Dipper and Mabel walk into it and look around. "Whoa-hoh!" Dipper said. "Classy..." Mabel said. "It's pretty nice." (Y/n) said. Dipper looks at a calendar. Mabel blows the dust off a small mirror and coughs. (Y/n) looks at the tag on the shag carpet. "Experiment 78? Grunkle Stan, what is this place?" She asked. "I don't know. Just another room I gotta clean up now." Stan takes a pair of glasses off a table and puts it in his shirt. Mabel makes snow angels in the carpet. "This carpet is amazing!" She said. 

"Yeah, if you're into things that are terrible." Stan said. Dipper sees a key hanging on the wall and grabs it. "Problem solved, I'll move in here!" He said. "What? But what about me? You're still making me suffer with Mabel?" (Y/n) asked. "Hey! I'm not that bad! And why do you automatically get the room? We all saw it at the same time." Mabel said. "Wait a second." Stan takes the key from Dipper. "So you all want this room, huh? I guess I'll give it to whichever one of you I like more." He unties his own shoe. "Uh oh. Looks like my shoe's untied." He said. (Y/n), Dipper and Mabel look at each other for a second before attacking each other trying to tie Stan's shoe. "Muah ha ha. To the kitchen! Fight, fight, fight!" Stan said. Stan runs to the kitchen and (Y/n), Dipper and Mabel let go of his shoe. They get up to follow him out the exit, but Soos blocks the door. "Whoa! I don't know dudes, this room gives me major, creep-o vibes. Y'know, the attic is a pretty good space. Maybe you three should appreciate what you got." Soos said.

The triplets look at each other before running past Soos. "Heh. Hey, what do I know?" Soos grabs a broom and starts sweeping. "Maybe there's nothing creepy going on in this room." The carpet's tag that says "Experiment 78," is crackling with electricity. The triplets are in the kitchen, elbowing each other. Stan holds up the key. "Okay, here's how it's gonna go down. Whoever sucks-up the hardest get's the key to the new room." He said. "Grunkle Stan, we're not gonna suck-up to you just to get the new room." 

Dipper crossed his arms. "Yeah we are!" Mabel said. "Ten suck-up points for Mabel!" Stan said. "I mean-uh-yeah we are!" Dipper said. "Trying too hard. Minus 15 suck-up points." Stan said. "Good decision Grunkle Stan!" (Y/n) said. "Trying way too hard! Plus 50 suck-up points!" Stan said. Dipper and Mabel both glare at (Y/n) as she grins innocently at her siblings. Stan holds up a bucket filled with tiles. "Now, who wants to re-tile the roof in searing 105 degree heat?" He asked. "Me me! I'll do it!" (Y/n), Dipper and Mabel said. (Y/n) runs up, takes the bucket, and runs outside. 

"Hey! (Y/n) give that to me!" Dipper shouted. "No, (Y/n), give it here!" The two chase her. "He he. Stan, you're a good uncle." Stan said. "Gimme it!" Mabel shouted. "No give it to me!" Dipper shouted. "I'm not giving it to either of you!" (Y/n) said, then stuck her tongue out at them teasingly. "It's mine!" Dipper shouted. "Mine!" (Y/n) said. "I'll kill you!" Mabel shouted. (Y/n), Dipper and Mabel are mowing the lawn while Stan watches them. Dipper stops for a second to take a break. "Dipper, Mabel, you're phoning it in!" Stan said. Dipper and Mabel continue mowing as (Y/n) smirks. Stan drinks lemonade. 

"Man, that's refreshing. 10 suck-up points for this lemonade! Thank you, Stan! Oh-ho! 10 more for politeness." He takes a sip. "Oh, and so sweet!" He said. Dipper opens the door to the room and sighs. "All these chores will be worth it when I get this room. Shag carpeting? Come on!" He takes off shoes and begins shuffling feet on the carpet, and electricity builds up around his legs. "Hey brother. Don't get too comfortable. I just made Stan an omelet shaped like his own face." Mabel said. Stan is looking at his omelet. "I have seen the face of beauty... " he starts eating.

"As if that's going to compare with everything I've done. Face it guys, this room is totally mine." (Y/n) said as she enters the room. Dipper starts circling them, building up more electricity. "Face it. I'm like a suck-up ninja. This room's as good as mine. You might as well give up now. What do you say?" Dipper stretches out his hand. "I say I'm gonna win this room somehow, and when I do I'll finally have my own space..." Mabel and (Y/n) raise their hands. "And we'll never have to share anything ever again!" (Y/n) shouted. Dipper slaps their hands away, electrocuting Mabel and (Y/n), and causing a huge glow in between the three. "Aaaaah!" The triplets screamed. Dipper sits up. "Ugh...what happened?" He asked. "Dipper? Why are you wearing my clothes...and my...face?! Are you in my body?" (Y/n) asked as she was in Mabel's. And Mabel was in Dipper's, and Dipper in (Y/n)'s. The triplets all screamed. Mabel throws up in the bathroom toilet. Dipper runs to a mirror and is in (Y/n)'s body. "Aaah!" 

He runs off, but runs back soon after. "Aaah! Mabel is punching Dipper's stomach. "Get out, get out, get out!" "This isn't happening, this isn't happening, this isn't happening..." (Y/n) whispered over and over. Mabel's shadow is seen on the wall and she screams. (Y/n), Dipper and Mabel are looking at their new, swapped bodies in the mirror. "Great! Just what we need, more Gravity Falls weirdness." Dipper said. "This is stupid! Sharing a room was bad enough, now we're sharing bodies?" Mabel asked. 

"Ugh, braces are horrible. It's like my mouth hates me. And what are these things?" (Y/n) pokes Mabel's loose hair. "I don't know why you're so sweaty, and awkward." Mabel said. "He's a teenage boy, Mabel! They're all like that!" (Y/n) said. "Hey!" Dipper said. "Well it's true." (Y/n) shrugs. "Hey look. Experiment 78." (Y/n) walks over to the tag on the carpet, and turns it around. On the back it says "Electron Carpet") Electron Carpet. "Atoms can swap electrons. This carpet must build up a static charge so powerful it can swap minds!" She starts clicking a pen. "It was the static electricity! Maybe we can use it to switch back." She said.

"Phew, ho ho! Glad I'm switching back. If I was you I would totally lose the contest." Mabel said to Dipper. "And if I was you, which I am, I could sabotage myself! Then (Y/n) would lose all her points and the room would go to Dipper!" Dipper said. "Wait, what?" (Y/n) asked. "Oh Stan! I've always hated you! Ha ha, see who he gives the room to now!" Dipper said. "No! Wait" (Y/n) and Mabel run after him. Stan finishes eating his omelet. "Mm! Those cannibals are onto something. I taste delicious!" He said. "Grunkle Stan!" Dipper said. "What's the word, (Y/n)?" Stan asked. "That's right. It's me." Dipper tucks some hair behind his ear. "Stan If ya like that omelet you'll love this! A sandwich made out of rocks!" 

Dipper pulls out a rock sandwich and gives it to Stan. "Candy rocks?" Stan asked. Dipper shakes his head. "Regular rocks." He said. "Keep that up and you won't be getting the key." Stan said. "Ha ha! I mean, darn." Dipper said. "Hey Grunkle Stan! Your face looks like a butt!" Mabel said. "What?" Stan asked. "Breaking stuff is so much fun, I am Dipper and I stink!" Mabel kicks the oven and kicks bottles around. "Mabel's gone bananas! Zing! Zow! Ballow!" (Y/n) pours cereal out of the box everywhere and laughs. "Well this is gettin' weird." Stan gets up and walks away. "Wait! Are you gonna dock Mabel points?" (Y/n) asked. "Dipper should lose all his points!" Mabel shouted. "So should (Y/n)!" Dipper shouted. Mabel and Dipper start to chase him, but (Y/n) tackles them.

"Grunkle Stan!" (Y/n) shouted. "Grunkle Stan, come back! I have more terrible things to do! You're toast, guysl! That room's as good as mine!" (Y/n) runs off, but crashes into Grenda. "There you are, Mabel!" Grenda said. "Attack her with love!" Candy said. "Yeah!" Grenda said. "Sleepover!" Candy and Grenda said. "What!? No! No no no!" (Y/n) panicked. Grenda carries Candy and (Y/n) up the stairs. Mabel runs after them. "(Y/n)? Hey, wait! Come back!" She shouted. Grenda runs into the triplet's old room. "Wait, come back! Hey, um, can I talk to my... sister, for a sec?" Mabel asked. "This is a sleepover, buddy. No boys allowed!" Grenda closes the door. Mabel looks in through the keyhole. "Look guys, I'm not really in a sleepover mood right now. One of my, irrational girl mood swings, you know. 

Right? Don't we have those?" (Y/n) asked. "Come on, my mom's age inappropriate romance novels aren't gonna read themselves. Ooh! "Wolfman Bare Chest." Grenda said. "Ooh." Mabel said. "Uh, really. I should probably, uh-" (Y/n) said. Grenda grabs (Y/n) and puts her on the bed. "Come on! You know you love it! "My name is Gerard. I am a werewolf, creature of the night. But I am also a creature of passion." She said. "Oh." (Y/n) said. "What's going on, Dipper?" Mabel gasps and tries to cover the keyhole where she was looking in. "Ah, you're at that creepy age where you spy on girls, huh? Guess it's time you and me had a man to man talk. About the birds and the bees, you know?" Mabel frowns. Stan puts a book called Why Am I Sweaty? on his desk. "I-I should really be goin-" Mabel said. "No way out of it!" Stan pulls Mabel on his lap and opens the book. "Look. It all begins with this little fella. The pituitary gland. He may be little, but he has BIG PLANS." Mabel screams.

Time Skip

"And now you know where babies come from!" Stan said. "Goodbye childhood..." Mabel whispers. "You know, I find you more likable today than usual. Maybe you could still win that game after all." Stan said. "Huh?" Mabel asked. "I was gonna give that new room to (Y/n)-" Stan said. "No, you shouldn't! You should give it to Mabel... you. big. jerk!" Mabel shouted. "What did you say to me?" Stan asked. "I said, uh, shut up old man! You're fat and dumb and you're a dummy and, take that!" Mabel lightly punches Stan on the arm. Stan glares at her. " Finally "Stan'n" up to me, huh? Ha ha! I love it! You know, I made up my mind!" Stan takes out the key. "The room belongs to you. Dipper." He said. "You can't! You have to give it to Mabel!" Mabel shouted. "Ssh." Stan hugs Mabel. You had me at "shut up old man." He said. "NOOOOOOOOOOO!" Mabel shouted. Grenda is finishing up "Wolfman Bare Chest." "The end." She said. "Thank god." (Y/n) said. "Now for the 38 sequels!" Granda said. "NOOOOOOOOOOO!" (Y/n) shrieks.

Time Skip

Grenda is tossing dice and moving a piece on "Calling All Boys: Preteen Edition." "3, 4, 5." The phone in the middle of the game rings. "It's him! My dream date!" Grenda picks up phone. "Hello?" She asked. "Hello baby, this is Kevin. My beach house has room for 2." The robotic voice said. "Kevin has the voice of a robot." Candy said. "Don't ruin this for me, Candy!" Grenda hangs up. "It's your turn, Mabel." She looks up but (Y/n) is not there. (Y/n) runs down the hallway. "Gotta win the room. Stan! It's me, Mabel! I'm doing things you hate!" She flips over a table. Mabel sighs. "It's over, (Y/n). Stan gave Dipper the room." She opens her hand up and reveals the key. "What?" (Y/n) asked in disbelief. "Ha ha! Yes! Alright!" Dipper raises his hand and leg in the air, but realizes it, and lowers them awkwardly. "Well, let's switch bodies then and I can start moving in." He said. "Wait a minute. You can't have the room... 

if you can never get in!" Mabel runs off. "Hey, come back!" Dipper and (Y/n) run after her. Mabel runs into the room and closes the door. Dipper and (Y/n) bang on it. "Come on!" Dipper shouted. "Arrgh! Open the door, Dipper! I mean, Mabel." (Y/n) said. Dipper face palms and sits down. "How am I ever gonna get in there?" He asked. (Y/n) smirks and gets an idea. "Hmm..." she said. "(Y/n), I know that look. What are you about to do?" Dipper asked. "You'll see..." she replied. "Kevin, for the last time, I am not interested!" Candy hangs up. "How could you say that to Kevin?" Grenda asked. "Hey girls... who wants to give my brother and sister a makeover?" (Y/n) asked. The girls gasp and grin. Mabel is sitting on the ground writing on a sign that says

"NO BOYS, NO GIRLS, NO BOYS ALLOWED. There's suddenly a knock. "It's Candy and Grenda!" The girls said. "Friends!" Mabel opens the door. "Hey guys, what's up?" She asked. (Y/n) and Dipper walk up behind Candy and Grenda. "(Y/n)? Dipper! Wa-wait! Don't let them in here-" Mabel said. "Makeovers!" Grenda and Candy shouted. They come in and bring in a box full of cosmetics supplies. "No no, wait stop!" Mabel shouted. Mabel slips on her piece of paper and Candy and Grenda begin putting on blush, lipstick and mascara. "We're gonna make you SOO hot!" Grenda said. "No! Wait! Stop! Guys, you have to listen to me!" Mabel shouted. Grenda puts more blush on Mabel. "No!" Mabel shouted. "Good job ladies. Now let me just add one..." Dipper starts walking over, building up electricity. "" he raises his hand. ..."touch..." Dipper touches Mabel's nose causing the atoms to swap electrons again, 

switching their bodies back. "Oh oh." Candy said. "Ah my body." Dipper takes out the key. "I'm a genius, ha ha! Ugh." He wipes off the makeup. "Alright, girls. The room is mine!" He said. "Wait, hold on here. What just happened?" Grenda asked. Mabel sighs. "I barely understand it. All I know is that if you shuffle your feet on this carpet, you can switch bodies or whatever." She said. Candy gets up and begins to shuffle feet. "Zip, zap." "No!" Dipper shouted. Candy touches Dipper's nose, switching the electrons and switching bodies. "Aw, come on!" Dipper takes back the key. "I am a boy now!" Candy then says in a deep voice "Wassup, bro. Let's grow some mustaches." "Dipper, give me that key!" (Y/n) runs to Dipper and tries to get the key and so does Mabel. "Guys stop fighting!" Grenda tries to pull them apart. The 3 built up electricity and they swap bodies. "Oh no! Then again, I like having muscles for once." Dipper said. "Again?" (Y/n) asked in annoyance. "Wow, now I have tiny little doll hands!" Grenda said. "Everybody look. Swap back in.. "

Everyone starts building up electricity. "3, 2..." (Y/n) counted. "Oh dudes!" Soos said. "Come back! I wanna deep fry your ears!" McGucket said. Everyone in the room switches bodies; they start yelling. "Hey, no!" Give me my body back!" "ow ow!" "Cool! I'm Santa Claus." Grenda said as McGucket. " WOOEE! Haha! I've regained my innocence!" He said as Candy. Dipper sighs. "Well, I guess I'm a pig now, so, that's a thing." He grabs an apple. "Om nom nom." "This body's not that different from my old one." Soos said as Grenda. "We've got some reports of excessive gigglin'." Sheriff Blubs said. Candy and Grenda in Dipper and McGucket's bodies laugh and run into each other, causing them to swap bodies with Blubs and Durland. "My horoscope didn't say anything about this."  Blubs said. "AHH! What's happenin' to me?!" He runs into wall. "Ow!!"  Then runs into the wall again. "Ooh!" He starts giggling. "I am a police officer now!" Candy giggles. "Let's go bust some perps, Candy!" Grenda said. "Give me that key, (Y/n)!" Dipper lunges at her and she quickly dodges. "Never!" She shouted. 

They bump into people several times and switch bodies. "Mabel, are you you?" (Y/n) asked. "Yeah, I'm me." She said. "Me too. And I've got the key!" Dipper said. Mabel and (Y/n) chase Dipper up to the attic and they fight over the key. "Girls, the room is mine! Give it to me!" Dipper tackles (Y/n). "What's with you guys? Why do you two need that room so bad? I never even wanted to move out!" Mabel shouted. "Me either!" Dipper and (Y/n) shouted at the same time. "Wait, what? Say that again?" Mabel asked. "We... we  never wanted to move out." Dipper said. "Then what was all this?" Mabel asked. 

"Everything was fine until you started bringing your friends around every night. I mean, hanging out with you this summer's been fun. But, now you're always with Candy and Grenda, and we're like... just, left behind." (Y/n) said. "Aw, guys." Mabel said. "It's okay. We've just been having a hard time, you wouldn't understand what we're going through." Dipper said. "You're probably feeling awkward and sweaty, huh?" Mabel asked. "Yeah. How'd you know?" Dipper asked. "She's been in your body all day, Dipper, remember?" (Y/n) asked. "oh... yeah." Dipper said. "Here. I won't fight you for it." Mabel tosses Dipper the key. "Me either." (Y/n) said. "Thanks." Dipper said.

Time Skip

"Well it looks like everyone's back to normal... Except for Soos, who may be a pig permanently...?" Mabel asked. Soos was chewing on the door frame. "Oh no, I changed back. At least I think I did." He said. McGucket comes up from behind Soos with fork and knife. "I'll still eat ya." "Okay, pal, that's enough of that, move it along." Dipper, (Y/n), and Mabel push McGucket out the door. "Move it along, weird old man." Mabel said. "Yeah, you freak." (Y/n) added. Waddles walks under Soos' leg. "I guess being a pig wasn't that great after all. Hey, let me get that spot you can never reach." Waddles grunts, and the doorbell rings. Soos answers the door. "Hey, I've been thinking, and the answer is yes, I will marry you!" A random lady said. "Wait, I don't remember anything about-" she kisses him. "Oh-alright." Soos said. "Ah, there." Dipper said, moving into the new room. "Ah, a man and his own space." Stan said. 

"That's right. Finally." Dipper said. Stan points to the carpet. "So what are you gonna do with this old thing?" He asked. "Get rid of it." Dipper said. Stan smiles nervously. "Haha! You got it." He picks up the carpet and leaves the room. "Yeesh, this carpet's ugly." He said. Dipper gets into bed. "Ah. Finally, my own room. Good night Mabel and (Y/n)." He looks to the left, and remembers that they're still in the attic. "Good night Dipper." The grirls said, then look to right, remembering that he's in the new room, and turn over. Suddenly there's a knock on the door. Mabel gets up and answers. "Hey, um. Do you want to have a sleepover?" Dipper asked. Mabel smiles, then turns to (Y/n) who also smiles. "FORE!" (Y/n) swings a golf club. The triplets laugh. "So what are you gonna do with that new room?" Mabel asked. "I gave it to Soos to replace that horrible break room he has. Hey, do you know what the deal was with that lady?" Dipper asked. The girls shrug.

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