Danganronpa: The Inventor

By SamM387

907 8 0

You've been accepted into Hopes Peak High School. However, things get weird as your put in a killing game inv... More

Chapter 1: Welcome to Hopes Peak High School
Chapter 3: The First Investigation
Chapter 4: The First Class Trial
Chapter 5: Not Everyone is Trustworthy
Chapter 6: Second Investigation and Trial
Chapter 7: A Glimmer of Hope
Chapter 8: A Strange Search
Chapter 9: The Third Trial

Chapter 2: No Hope of Escape

96 2 0
By SamM387

After learning from Monokuma that the students of Hopes Peak will be staying there for a long time, many of them had tried to see if they could find a way out in the gym. Aoi and Sakura were near the the top of the bleachers while Mondo and Leon were near the podium that Monokuma appeared from. Of course there was one way out, that was to kill another student. It wasn't something anyone wanted to think about, but it couldn't be ignored either. Especially since there was the possibility that one of the students could be thinking of killing someone right now when given the chance.

Everyone was also given a digital notebook that displays their information, as well as a map of the school. While checking out the rules of on the digital notebook, Aoi and Sakura rejoined the group that was still on the gym floor. 

"Sorry everyone. Nothing over here." Says Aoi.

"Same here." Says Owada as he then kicks the podium.

"Bah! Don't lose heart friends! If we persevere the way out is bound to present itself!" Said Kiyotaka.

"I'm with captain pep talk. Better to stay positive than spin our wheels." Says Aoi.

"I agree." Said Sakura.

"Yeah fine. Leave no stone unturned right?" Says Leon.

"I prefer to search alone." Said Byakuya.

Byakuya's statement caused almost everyone to look at him and gasp. Leon and Mondo then rejoined the group.

"Think that's smart?" Junko asked.

"I do yes. Considering one or more of you might already be planning my untimely demise." Says Byakuya as he then starts to walk towards the exit.

"I get your reasoning, but going alone could also be bad for you." Y/N said, obviously against the idea of going alone.

"I appreciate the concern, but I will still search alone." Byakuya says while continuing to walk away.

"Oh come on." Says Sayaka.

"Only a fool would deny it." Said Byakuya.

Mondo then runs up to Byakuya and gets right in front of him.

"Whoa there pal. You can't just do whatever you want." Says Mondo.

"Out of my way narwal." Byakuya says in an annoyed tone.

"Ohh, your paranoia is about to be right on." Mondo says while sounding a bit pissed off.

Mondo then cracked his knuckles and looked like he was about to knock out Byakuya. Y/N put the bracelet on and was about to step in to stop it, but Makoto ran up to them to stop it before Y/N could.

"Hold up guys. The last thing we want to do it fight." Said Makoto.

Mondo then looked at Makoto and then seemed to turn his anger towards him. Clearly he had some anger issues by the looks of it.

"Say what? The hell you think you are punk? You wanna lecture me? Give me a lesson on teamwork?!" Mondo said as he was even more angry than before.

"No I..." Makoto said as he put is hands up.

"Shut up!" Said Mondo.

Makoto had stepped back to not get close to him, but it didn't help as Mondo punched him right in the face, knocking him out cold. Everyone gasped then Mondo looked at Byakuya, ready to knock him out as well.

"Calm down, Mondo. You already knocked out Naegi, no need to drop someone else now." Y/N said as he walked towards him.

"Oh, I see. Guess I'll have to teach you a lesson as well!" Mondo said as he looked at Y/N.

Mondo was ready to punch Y/N, then stopped as he lifted arm up to show the bracelet. While this happened, Maizono ran over to check on Naegi. 

"You think that little bracelet will help you?!" Mondo said as he was being controlled by his anger.

"Everyone wanted to see if it works. We can test it right now if you'd like." Y/N said while continuing to keep his hand up.

"Fine." Says Owada as he lowers his had and takes a deep breath.

"Good. We're all stressed about this, Mondo. The last thing we want to do is hurt others right now until we figure out everything we can." Y/N said as he also took a deep breath and lowered his arm.

"I agree." Says Byakuya as he left the gym.

Most of the other students leave. Only Y/N, Mondo, Sakura, Aoi, and Sayaka stayed with Naegi. Mondo didn't stay long as he walked away a bit afterwards.

 "He'll be okay. He is still breathing." Sayaka says while staying by Makoto.

"We should get him somewhere to lie down." Y/N said to Sayaka.

"Sakura, can you pick him up so we can find him a place to rest?" Said Sayaka.

"Of course." Says Sakura as she picks up Makoto wit ease.

The group then left the gym.

"Any idea where we can lie him down?" Says Aoi.

"Why not take him to his room?" Says Monokuma.

The group was startled by this since he just appeared out of nowhere.

"Where did you come from?" Sayaka says startled and scared.

"Does that really matter? Anyways, I forgot to give everyone their room keys. Oh, and just so you all know, if you lose them then tough luck. You won't be getting another one." Says Monokuma.

He gave everyone a room key then disappeared without saying anything else. Y/N then took his digital notebook out to find out where the rooms where. He guided everyone to Makoto's room as the map actually displayed everyone's room location. Once the group arrived at Makoto's room, Aoi opened the door and everyone walked in. Sakura would then lay Makoto down on his bed then would back away. Sayaka was still worried about him.

"Don't worry Maizono. He will be up again soon. He just needs to rest." Y/N said to make Sayaka feel better.

"You're right. But, I'm going to stay here and make sure he is okay." Says Sayaka.

"Of course, someone should be here when he wakes up. Plus you two are friends." Said Aoi.

"I agree. The rest of us can start searching for a way out of here." Says Sakura as she also nods.

"I'll talk to the other for us to meet in the cafeteria after searching. We can fill you both in then." Said Y/N.

"Sounds good to me. See you later." Sayaka says then sits next to Makoto's bed.

Y/N, Aoi, and Sakura left the room. The three of them split up to search around the school for any way out of the school. After a couple of hours of searching, the students met up in the cafeteria. Only Makoto and Sayaka were not there as you all sat down and talked while waiting for them.

Eventually, they both come in and sit down with the rest of the class. Makoto and Mondo seemed to sweep the incident from earlier under the rug. Kiyotaka then stood up and got everyone's attention to discuss what everyone had discovered. Mondo had found an iron door near the main entrance of the school and tried to open it, but failed to do so. Aoi and Sakura found a stairway leading up near the bedrooms, but it was blocked off from entering. Y/N said the same was for a stairway near the gym as well. Hifumi talked about how stylish the bedrooms were, except that there were cameras and iron plates on the windows, just like the rest of the school. Chihiro had told everyone that the food in the kitchen is fully stocked, and that Monokuma appeared and told her that all the food gets restocked depending on how much was eaten the day prior. 

With no one able to find a way out, Celestia had a suggestion for everyone since everyone would be there for what seems like a long while. The suggestion, was to adapt to the situation. She mentioned the rules that there was a curfew, and for everyone's protection and safety, to stay in there rooms when it becomes nighttime. Obviously Celestia's suggestion wasn't something to be enforced. It was merely a choice for everyone.

Over the next two days, everyone would continue to search for a way out. Eventually, Y/N would go to the laundry room. It wasn't a room he'd think would have an escape, but it didn't hurt to check out. He looked around the room to find nothing. When walking around, he tripped on the table, causing him to fall to his knees. He caught himself, but his digital notebook fell out of his pocket and next to the washing machines. When reaching out to grab it, he saw something unusual in between the machines. He grabbed it along with his digital notebook, making sure the cameras didn't see what he grabbed. 

Once he got up, he left the laundry room and went into the men's restroom since there were no cameras in there. He knew he'd have a few minutes to figure out what it does before whoever trapped you here got suspicious. Y/N took the device out of his pocket and got a look at it. It was shaped like a pen, however it had a light on top and a button on the middle of the device. He assumed it was just a laser pointer or flash light so you pressed the button. There was a bright flash of light that for some reason, hurt his head. 

As he held your head, he remembered something, like it was locked away. He couldn't remember what it looked like, but he remembered a conversation.

Start of Memory

"What are you working on?" Said a female voice

"Just a little device. It can only be used by both of us." Y/N said with a smile on his face.

"What does it do?" Said the girl in the memory.

"Brings back memories of us. Just in case something happens to us and we forget." Said Y/N

"I don't think we'd ever forget about each other." Said the girl after she giggled.

End of memory

Y/N was confused by what he remembered. He tried to force himself to remember anything else that could help him, however, nothing came to his mind. He then realized that he might have some gaps in his memory. He was so focused on Hopes Peak and getting out that he didn't realize it until now. Y/N pressed the button again to see if he could get more memories, but it didn't work at all anymore. With this now, he put the device back in his pocket then walked out of the restroom. He headed over to the dining room to regroup with everyone. Just like the previous two days, nothing.

"Damnit! I'm telling you no matter how many times I look, I come up with squat!" Said Leon who was angry.

"Same here." Yasuhiro says then looks down.

"We're stuck. We're never getting out of here. No one is coming to help us." Chihiro says then starts to cry.

"Chin up, Chihiro. Someone on the outside is bound to start missing us soon." Says Aoi.

"Y-Yes, of course." Says Toko.

"You think so?" Says Junko.

"Well we've been gone long enough to raise the alarms. We're talking three days. The police are bound to be closing the net on this place." Said Aoi.

"That's true. Someone has to have reported us by now." Y/N says then smiles.

A maniacal laugh can be heard. Everyone was then shocked to see Monokuma sitting with you all. 

"Dear, oh dear. You're not hedging your bets on law enforcement. You know it's quite simple. If you want out of here, all I need to see is a little initiative." Says Monokuma.

Everyone just stares at him. Some with anger and others with fear. 

"Well I gotta hand it to you Generation-Z'ers, you got balls when it comes to authority. Frankly though the attitude only goes so far, you're boring me to tears." Monokuma says while crossing his arms.

"If you think you can trick us into killing someone, you're crazier than I thought!" Makoto says while yelling at Monokuma.

"Eureka! That's the problem. Granted my setups perfect, the right atmosphere, a good balance in tension and intrigue, the perfect amount of pressure, but not the vital ingredient to bring it all together." Said Monokuma.

"What are you getting at, buddy-bear?" Said Leon.

"Motivation, son. All students report to the multimedia room at once!" Monokuma says then disappears again.

After saying that, everyone headed to the multimedia room and went to a station. Everyone had found a CD with their names on it, along with headphones so everyone listened to their own video. The students then plugged the headphones in and put the CD in as well to see what Monokuma wanted to show them. The video started up and Y/N saw his younger siblings in front of the house that he was staying at with them. His younger sister and brother, who were twins. Y/N had always taken care of them. Seeing them smile and be happy for Y/N made him happy.

However, that happiness faded away in an instant as the video became static before revealing the same house being burned to the ground. His siblings no longer in video. His heart raced with fear and concern for his siblings. Y/N then look around and saw mostly everyone else react the same way. 

"NO!" Sayaka said then backed up against the wall in fear.

Monokuma then appeared on the big screen in the room, laughing at everyone.

"Yeah, who are you really? And what are you getting out of this? Is this all some kind of sick game to you?" Kyoko says after getting up from her seat.

"Yes, what am I getting out of this? Very good question. My payoff... is your despair." Said Monokuma.

Sayaka then screams again then runs out the room with Makoto running after her. Most of the other students get up and walk out, watching Makoto try to calm Sayaka down from what she saw and what Monokuma said. Eventually this works and she isn't scared anymore. Instead she buries her head into Makoto's chest and cries. Y/N looked back into the multimedia room, watching Monokuma on the big screen laughing.

After everyone had watched the videos, the students all went to their rooms to rest up for the night. Y/N didn't bother to stay up late, he wanted to rest and sleep early. While sleeping, he started to have a weird dream. It wasn't actually dreams, as they felt like memories coming back to him. They seem to be memories of him and a girl having fun and going out quite often. Eventually, near the end, she was revealed.

Y/N had woken up early then sat up from his bed, rubbing his eyes as these memories came back to him. He thought about the girl in his memories then remembered her name.

"Mukuro Ikusaba." Y/N said to himself.

He was confused by why she was removed from his memories. His thoughts were interrupted by Monokuma's Good Morning Announcement. He got up, cleaned himself up, then made his way to the cafeteria to meet up with the rest of his classmates. Sakura, Aoi, Chihiro, Kiyotaka, and Makoto were already sitting there and waiting. They, along with Y/N, were normally the first ones to arrive. Mondo, Hifumi, and Junko all arrived a bit after Y/N did. Finally, the last of the students were the ones that sort of arrive on their own time. Those students were Kyoko, Leon, Celestia, Toko, and Yasuhiro. 

Everyone noticed that only Sayaka and Byakuya were the only ones not with the rest of the group. Byakuya had finally entered, meaning Sayaka was the only one who has yet to show up. Mondo then spoke to Byakuya.

"Dude, Maizono behind you or what? I'm starving." Says Mondo

"Do I look like her keeper? I came here directly from my room, thank you very much." Byakuya says then sits down.

"Little out of character for her to be late. She's usually here before I am." Says Hifumi.

"Uh oh, think maybe she's sick?" Says Aoi.

Y/N glanced at Makoto and noticed he didn't look so good. Hagakure also noticed this as well.

"Something wrong, Naegi?" Yasuhiro asked and got everyone to look at Makoto.

"Excuse me. I should probably go check on her." Said Makoto.

He got up and ran out of the cafeteria before anyone could do anything.

"Hope everything is okay." Yasuhiro says then looks at the group.

"I know their friends, but didn't anyone notice Naegi looked scared?" Aoi asked while looking at the door.

"Hey. Does anyone else have the feeling something bad happened?" Y/N says then looks at the group.

A few seconds after that, everyone then heard Naegi scream.

"Was that, Naegi?" Aoi asked while sounding very worried.

"I'll go check on him." Y/N says while standing up quickly.

"I'll come with you." Kyoko says and gets up as well.

Y/N and Kyoko ran to the open door, which was Sayaka's room. When entering, they saw scratch marks all over the floor and walls. Along with a gold sword and messed up bed. Y/N saw that Makoto was laying on his back neat the bathroom door of the room. Kyoko stepped into the bathroom while Y/N checked on Makoto.

 "He is alright. He passed out, again." Y/N says and keeps looking at him.

"Y/N, you should probably see this." Kyoko says as she stands still.

Y/N stood up and stepped into the bathroom with Kyoko, and what he saw was something he hoped would never happen.

"No. She's..." Y/N says as he couldn't believe what he saw.

The bell rang and Monokuma's voice can be heard through the speaker system

"Everyone, please come to the gym for a pep rally and a very special announcement." Monokuma says then the speakers cut off.

End of Chapter 2

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