Space Invaders

By FadedRonin

57.1K 515 426

"You may have fallen in your first life, but you should rise on your second one, come on Izuku! Rise, brother... More

Info: Izuku Midoriya
Part I: my broken life
Part II: I am your father Part 1
Part II: I am your father Part 2
Info: Harem
Info: Harem Pt2 (and a favor to ask)
Part III: new phase
Info: Harem pt3
Part IV: friends like these - Part 1
Part IV: friends like these - Part 2
Part V: first day
Part VI: USJ
Part VII: life at the dorms
Part VIII: sports festival
a little poll
Part IX: eri
Part X: einherjar from another realm

Part XI: final exams

785 14 3
By FadedRonin

Narrator's POV

Last time on Space Invaders, it was a usual normal day in UA, after Eri's rescue, Izuku had the idea to adopt Eri and raise her together with Shoka (and his future harem) and from that, Eri got used to being around others, especially her new Papa. Now, we move on two weeks after the rescue, Aizawa announced that the class will have the decision to pick their internships, meaning classes won't be available until next week. Izuku chose to join forces with Endeavor, together with Shoto, Shoka, and Dabi. From there, they began patrolling the city of Hosu, stopping crime and reporting any suspicious activity, until they heard the sound of an explosion from another section of the city, they found out that the League of Villains are planning an attack and they'd sent an army of Nomu to kill civilians and the heroes. Izuku stepped into the fray and made an attempt to defeat the Nomus, but he also heard the cries coming from Iida, as he was about to get killed by the Hero Killer, Stain. So with little time to spare, Izuku, together with Shoka, rushed in to save Iida, but then more villains heard the commotion so they began to attack Izuku and the heroes, but an army of einherjar appeared, saving Izuku and his friends, all led by a legendary hero from another realm. Now let's begin the story!

Our story continues where we left off, with the einherjar arriving at the world of the living and Alex Forza is now facing off against Stain, while Izuku watches from the sideline.

Izuku: (wait a minute, did you say his name was Alex Forza?)

Loki: (Yeah, he's an einherjar, sent by Odin.)

Izuku: (what the fuck is an einherjar?)

Loki groans in disappointment after hearing what Izuku said (Whoever loves Norse mythology, would be disappointed with Izuku as well.)

Loki: (How the fuck did you pass the entrance exam? An einherjar is a warrior who died in the heart of battle, but they were sent to Valhalla by the Valkyries, ordered by the god, Odin.)

Izuku: (but then how do you know Alex? Is he related to Havi?)

Loki: (He isn't. Alex is from another realm, a realm that created in the first place, Izuku.)

Izuku: (A realm that I created?)

NOTE: It's an Izuku Rowe (Villain AU) reference, that story has now reached 93k reads and counting.

Izuku: (There's something that you're not telling me but we will deal with it, later.) 

Loki: (Alright fine by me, but exercise extreme caution, Alex is very strong and I mean it.)

Alex: so...I have been reincarnated, huh? I never thought I would arrive in this new world and judging from the atmosphere, it looks like I am back in Japan. (Thank you, Odin, for bringing me here) *Looks at Stain* It's so good to see you again, Chizome.

Stain: have we met before?

Alex: we have, in another life, but right's time.

Stain: *smiles* I couldn't agree more.

Stain and Alex were having a standoff, and Izuku was just watching. Alex was waiting for Stain to make a move until he did. Stain rushed toward Alex, with fast speed and precision, he was about to strike him, but Alex utilized a counterattack.

Alex: Hachiman no Ikari! 

With great timing and a perfect window, Alex delivered three sword strikes toward Stain, he paused until he sheathed his sword away. But when he did, Stain was bleeding out, moderately injured from Alex's attack. To prevent Stain from escaping, Alex used one of his quirks: Below Zero, the same ice quirk that Izuku has, and froze Stain solid.

Stain: s-so you were waiting for the right time to strike, didn't you?

Alex: I've learned from the best, all thanks to you.

Stain: *smiles* I get it. What's your name, kid?

Alex: My name huh...well, I guess you should know, Chizome. My name is Alex Forza, the Crown Killer.

Stain: I have to admit, for an einherjar, you sure have some skill, I am impressed. 

Alex: thank you Chizome.

Alex heard the police sirens coming in.

Alex: shit, the police. Einherjar! Clear up and get to safety, we will regroup at a different location!

Einherjar: alright, Alex!

And so, the einherjar cleared away, getting out of the alleyway and into hiding. 

Alex: I should go too. *Recalls his axe* see you around, Stain.

Stain: you too, kid.

Before Alex was about to leave, he looked at Izuku.

Alex: (I can tell from those cute little freckles, little brother.) I will meet you again soon, take good care of yourself, Izuku.

Izuku: okay.

Alex parkour and got away from the crime scene. The police, along with some Pro Heroes arrived on the scene.

Dabi: Dear God, is that Stain?

Izuku: yep. You missed out on a lot.

Dabi: mind telling me?

Shoka: yeah Iida, mind explaining what happened?

Iida: *looks down in shame* alright then.

And so, after that whole incident in Hosu, the LoV got away and this whole event will be recorded in the history books as one of the most disastrous events in human history. We move on a week later after the Hosu incident, and we see Izuku, back in class, together with his peers.

Aizawa: alright class, now that the internships are out of the way, we are now approaching the end of the semester, which means one thing: the final exams. 

1A: final exams?!

Aizawa: yes! There are final exams, you morons. I strongly encourage you all to study, ESPECIALLY you two *Points at Denki and Mina*

Mina sighed while Denki gulped when Aizawa pointed at them since they're one of the few students in Class 1A who are more likely to score low in an exam or test.

Mina: yes, Sensei.

Denki: hai, Sensei.

Aizawa: good. I'm heading out now, so you got a free period. Use this time to study because you have a few weeks. *Leaves the class*

Katsuki: damn, we got a few weeks before the big test, right?

Izuku: yep. So we gotta study.

Shoto: alright bet. Havi, you got some notes?

Havi: I am a Jotunn, Izuku. This is a walk in the park for me.

Athena flicks Havi on his forehead.

Havi: oww! What was that for, love?

Athena: you should study, Havi.

Havi: alright, darling.

Hino: Izuku, any idea what to expect in the exam?

NOTE: For those who are wondering why Izuku calls Hino "onee-chan" despite HIM being the older brother, let me explain. This is something that one of my friends implemented when I first wrote Space Invaders. So, my friend "accidentally" gave an age progression effect on Hino, making her a bit older than Izuku, I really didn't want to ask why did he do that, but the other reason is...well, you've seen enough Rule 34 shit to get that answer, it's a stupid reason and I didn't want to bring up, just letting you from my perspective.

Izuku: well...since this is the final exam, everything that we've learned through our entire semester in UA counts and will be mentioned in that exam, but do not forget that Nezu will twist things up throughout this exam, making shit difficult.

Katsuki: I forgot the RatGod can do that, shit!

Izuku: but it's nothing that we can handle, right?

Shoto: besides, we got this.

Space Invaders: yeah!

And so, Izuku, his fellow Space Invaders, and Class 1A studied for the final exams, after studying and training diligently, everyone passed the first part of the exam (Yes even Denki and Mina, all thanks to Izuku and Momo), but now, right after passing the written exam, they were all being called by Nezu to meet at a fake city.

Iida: sir, we're here.

Nezu: oh good. Now, pay attention. I'm glad you've passed the first bit, now we move on to the second bit, which is practical.

1A: practical?

Nezu: yep, remember the entrance exams? Most of you fought against robots, but this time, this is something different. In this practical exam, you will be in groups of 2, it will be the two, going up against a Pro Hero.

1A: we're facing Pro Heroes?!

Nezu: yes, now we will split you all and we will see who will you face.

And so, Nezu split the teams up. Izuku was paired with Katsuki on this one, but...unlike the canon, this one is going to be sweet.

Nezu: Izuku Midoriya and Katsuki Bakugou, you two will face All Might, but...

Katsuki: but what? 

Nezu: there's another opponent who will be teaming up with All Might.

Izuku: who?

It's me, lad.

Izuku turned around to see a boy with blonde hair and green-goldish eyes

Nezu: meet Alex Forza.

Alex Forza, known as the Crown Killer back in his realm, before he was killed by Endeavor and the LoV (During the events of Izuku Rowe [Villain AU] it's been a few months since that story was complete. HE'S A LEGEND IN MY OWN MIND, MY MIDDLE NAME, MY GOODBYE. [Legend]

Alex: I will be your opponent, Izuku and Katsuki.

1A: Alex Forza?

Mina: another member of Havi's family?

Mineta: are you from Raventhorpe?

Alex was clueless about what he heard from Mineta.

Alex: I don't think I've set foot in Raventhorpe before, I've never heard of it.

Havi: do we know each other?

Alex: not really, we never met, and we're not related, Havi.

Havi: oh I see.

Alex looked at Havi and noticed a few things about him.

Alex: (So I can tell that Havi is part of the Jotnar. He's half-Jotunn, half-God. Just like the boy.)

Nezu: now that you know who are your opponents, I want you all to succeed in this exam, otherwise this will not look great on your report.

1A: Hai!

And so, the practical exam began, and the students of UA were facing Pro Heroes and UA teachers, some of the students passed the exam, and some failed miserably. Izuku and Katsuki joined forces as they face All Might and Alex.


Izuku and Katsuki entered the city, they were looking around the city just to plan out their attacks and be vigilant of Alex and All Might.

Katsuki: you got the plan down?

Izuku: yeah, it's 2v2.

All Might and Alex appeared out of nowhere and dropped in.


Alex was annoyed by hearing All Might's voice, so he did something so menacing. (Who remembers this moment?)


Alex slapped All Might in the face, sending him flying and crashing across different buildings of the fake city, surprising Izuku and Katsuki, along with students of UA and the Heroes.

Iida: he took out his own teammate! How could he?!

Momo: pfftt hahahahaha! That was hilarious.

Hino: shit I would've filmed that, Minoru, did you film that?

Mineta: nah I didn't have time, fuck!

Mina: Nooo! That was funny as fuck, fuck!

Iida: this is unacceptable, why would Forza-san knock out All Might-

Nezu: *sips tea* Shut up Iida. 

Iida: *gulps* yes, sir.

Aizawa: (Nezu is a terrifying creature, isn't he?)

Nezu: do you know how difficult it was to restrain Alex Forza from killing one of us?

Iida: what do you mean by that, sir?

Nezu: Alex nearly killed Endeavor today.

1A: wait what?!

Flashback. After the Hosu incident, Alex infiltrated his way into the UA High School to meet Principal Nezu. After getting past security, he made it to Nezu's office, surprising every hero in the area.

Alex: judging from the area, looks like I found your office, Nezu.

Aizawa: who are you? How did you get in here?

Alex: your security system is pathetic, Aizawa.

Aizawa: do you know us?

Alex: I do, I know every single one of you from a past life. Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Alex Forza and I came here in peace.

Present Mic: Another Forza? Is he related to Havi?

Nezu: it's a pleasure to meet you, Alex. What brings you here?

Alex: I'm here to help out. I'm not from around here and I am very experienced when it comes to combat, tactics, and stealth. I know each and every one of your quirks and drawbacks, so if you try anything stupid, I won't hesitate to send you to Helheim, am I clear?

Nezu: Understood.

Alex: good, glad we can understand each other.

Vlad King: Nezu, are you sure this is a good idea? You're letting someone that we do not, we don't know if he's working with the League of Villains. 

Alex: if I was working for the LoV, none of you would've been standing here by now, show some fucking gratitude that I graced you all with my presence and my strength because I am built differently than anyone else, sitting in this office.

Alex heard the door and Endeavor stepped into the office.

Enji: Sorry I am late, Nezu.

When Alex saw Endeavor, face to face, a whole stream of memories were flowing through his mind, if anyone remembers the events of the Villain AU of Izuku Rowe, yeah, that was a bad time for Alex, because Endeavor killed his parents when he was just a child, and he killed Alex with the assistance with the LoV. With furious anger, Alex called out his lightning axe: Stormbreaker and immediately strikes Endeavor with one powerful attack from the axe. Endeavor was hurt by Alex's strike and fell on his bum in surprise, Alex was about to decapitate Endeavor with his axe, but Aizawa used his scarf and made an attempt to restrain Alex.

Aizawa: calm yourself, Forza!

Vlad King: I told you that he cannot be trusted!

In a few moments, Alex used his newfound strength, since he's an einherjar sent by Odin, he broke free from Aizawa's scarf and punched him in the face, knocking him out cold. Nezu was sipping on his tea while he watched Alex taking down the heroes, one by one. That was the end of the flashback.

Nezu: well, to be honest, Alex is not from around here, to be quite honest, he is not from this realm, he's from another realm.

Iida: Another realm?

Meanwhile, back in the fake city, Izuku and Katsuki were surprised that Alex knocked All Might out with one powerful slap, sending that bitch flying across buildings and walls.

Katsuki: is he dead?

Izuku: I hope he died.

Loki: (Pfft!)

Alex: sadly not. But I believe we know where this is going.

Izuku: yeah *Creates the Leviathan Axe* 

Alex: I'll be taking this back

Alex recalled the Leviathan Axe that Izuku just created moments ago. This sent him by surprise.

Izuku: what the hell? Did you steal my axe?

Alex: FYI. This was MY axe, I know that you created a copy but a guy like you, doesn't need it.

Izuku: true *creates Mjolnir out of nowhere*  But I guess we have to settle this if we want to pass.

Alex: good, come at me, both of you!

Katsuki: let's go, Izuku!

Katsuki and Izuku rushed toward Alex, when Alex saw this, he knew what he had to do in order to win this exercise. He threw the Leviathan Axe toward Katsuki.

Katsuki: WHOA! *Dodges the attack* HA, YOU MISS!

Alex recalls the axe back to him. Izuku began running toward Alex with Mjolnir in hand, Alex smiled at Izuku and began countering him by sending a torrent of fire toward Izuku. At first, Izuku was surprised to see Alex has a fire quirk that is similar to his, but he used Below Zero (his ice quirk), and created an ice wall to protect himself from the fire, but the fire and ice collided and caused a mist around the city. Alex was nowhere to be seen, Katsuki and Izuku stood together, back to back, and searched around for Alex.

Katsuki: do you have eyes on him?

Izuku: no, fuck! Keep your eyes peeled, he is onto us.

Loki: (Watch yourself out there, Izuku. Alex is not someone to underestimate, he's coming at you with everything that he's got.)

Izuku: (Got it.)

Alex emerged out of the mist and didn't give Izuku and Katsuki enough time to react. He kicked Katsuki away from Izuku, sending him flying and crashing toward a building. Izuku tried to defend himself but Alex punched Izuku in the gut and kicked him in the face, sending him back.

Izuku began coughing up blood and looked directly at Alex.

Alex: is that all you got, Izuku? Even though you have the power of six different quirks, you still couldn't beat a guy with three quirks. It's really pathetic. I am not leaving this fucking until I see the real you, GET UP!

Izuku got up and took Mjolnir, he looked at Alex, who was holding the Leviathan Axe. 

Alex: come on, Izuku! Give me a proper fight!

Meanwhile, in the observation room, Shoka and her fellow Space Invaders were watching Izuku and Alex, clash like two gods from the Nine Realms. They were rooting for Izuku to win the fight against Alex.

Shoka: (Come on, Izuku, you can do this!)

Eri: (Go, Daddy! You can do this!)

Space Invaders: (Come on bro, you can do this!)

Meanwhile, back to the fight. It was the showcase of the immortals, Izuku and Alex, two titans who are ready to clash against each other and I feel sorry for Katsuki because that boy got knocked out by Alex.

Alex: ready?

Izuku: Let's do this.


Chapter Done
Next: forest raid
Then: war on the bridge
Then: izuku and alex


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