A Year of Jubilee [The Death...

By LJL0ng

12.1K 675 175

[L/OC] When petty thief Jubilee Jenkins has a near death experience, she awakens with the ability to see in t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72

Chapter 29

136 10 0
By LJL0ng

Misa stood before a bathroom mirror, small and pale. Behind her loomed a demon; tall, gray, and with purple, serpentine coils hanging off of its head. In its outstretched hand it held a small scrap of paper, the tip of which was touching Misa by the skin of her elbow.

Misa's eyes were wide with surprise, but not fear. Turning, she tilted her head back to gaze up at the demon, awed. The demon was speaking to her. Cocking her head to the side, Misa opened her mouth to reply...

And then Misa was in a red sports car, next to a familiar looking man. Kyosuke Higuchi. He had a mad gleam in his eye as he parked the car and turned to face Misa.

"I am Kira!" he declared. "And if you are truly the second Kira...then you shall be my wife. And we will rule this world together."

"Fine with me," said Misa. A line over her head snapped in two, but then reformed itself and straightened when she said, "I am the second Kira."

Higuchi was on top of her an instant, leaning the passenger seat back all the way with a swift motion and a click. "Prove it," he whispered into her face.

Behind them in the rear seat, the demon from before sat, its large frame hunched over in the small quarters. It narrowed its eyes with a look of fierce, protective anger.

"Ginzo Kanabochi is the president of one our business rivals," continued Higuchi. "He also happens to bribe his employees. Kill him for me...and I'll know that you really are the second Kira."

Misa, startled but once again showing no fear, leaned up on one elbow and retrieved a pen and scrap of paper from her purse...the same one that had touched her elbow earlier. She scribbled something onto it, then held it in front of Higuchi's face.

"There," she said. "In forty seconds, he will die." The line over her head wavered for a second, and started to snap.

Higuchi's eyes widened, as did the demon's in the back seat. Time seemed to slow, and in that moment the demon's thoughts became audible and clear.

Misa doesn't have her memories back yet, thought the demon. Its voice sounded feminine. Until then, she cannot kill using paper from the Death Note. Then, as though in sudden realization, So she's expecting me to do it for her.

In a quick but discreet motion, the demon produced a pen and a black book, flipping it open and giving the scrap in Misa's hands a cursory glance before copying down the name that was written on it—Ginzo Kanabochi—with perfunctory precision.

The broken line over Misa's head mended itself and became straight once more. Time sped back up. Forty seconds passed in an instant, as well as a phone call made by Higuchi. He turned to Misa with a look of awe and pure delight. A small, black shard had lodged itself in Misa's heart, but neither she nor Higuchi seemed to notice.

"Now your turn," said Misa, the corner of her lips turning upward. "Prove that you're Kira."

In a swirl of motion and color, time sped up again. Hours passed, or maybe days. Higuchi's face appeared, mad with a desperate hunger for power.

"I'll make the deal!" he cried. "Give me the shinigami eyes!"

His eyes began to gleam red, though the color was invisible to those around him. He gasped, and what could only be seen through his eyes suddenly appeared in the air—words and numbers floating over the heads of all the people around him. They were names and life spans.

Then Misa's eyes appeared. They, too, glowed red. Reflected in them were more names and numbers. In one eye was the reflection of a man. He was leering, a gleam of unmistakable malevolence and gleeful victory in his eyes. Over his head floated the words, Light Yagami. There was no number under it.

In Misa's other eye was the reflection of another man. Above his head was the number, 7. In a moment it changed, like a countdown, to 6. And above that number, was a name.

L Lawliet.

And then the man was falling.


Jubilee sat bolt upright in her bed, gasping.

"Hellenos," she wheezed. "Hellenos!"

The angel was by her side in an instant. What is it?

"I—I—" Jubilee was shaking, but as she took deep breaths her eyes suddenly cleared of their panic, to be replaced by puzzlement. "I don't know," she stammered at last. "I had—a nightmare, I think. I can't remember—"

Hellenos leaned closer and peered into her eyes, as though evaluating something within. When he drew back, his tone was somber but cryptic. Increase in sight can be overwhelming for the human mind, was all he said.

"Ah," said Jubilee, feeling suddenly sleepy again. "I see." She looked at the clock beside her bed. It was 12:01 AM. She hadn't been asleep long. Yawning, she continued, "I admit I've been—" Yawn. "—Stressed, ever since seeing the line do the weird thing over—" Longer yawn. "—Misa's head." She reclined back into her pillows, her eyelids drooping. "I know people change, Hellenos," she slurred sleepily. "But I just hope...we can be friends, a little longer, until then. Me, and her, and everybody..." She drifted off as her eyes closed.

Beside her, the angel was silent as he bowed his head.

The following afternoon at work, Jubilee found herself increasingly anxious while awaiting Misa's return from her "job interview" with Yotsuba. As L had predicted, Yotsuba had taken the bait after being contacted by Aiber posing as Eraldo Coil. Now they were in the process of hiring Misa as their spokesperson.

"How long has it been?" Jubilee asked for about the third time, looking at the clock. "Shouldn't she be back by now? Do you think she's okay?"

"Relax, Julie," said Light. "It's only been a few hours since she's left. I'm sure she's fine. They're probably just about to wrap up and then Mogi will bring her back."

Jubilee stared at the clock again, doing some quick math. "I guess so," she mumbled.

L watched her quietly from where he crouched in his seat. "Why so anxious, Miss Amachi?"

"I don't know," said Jubilee. For a brief instant, the image of red eyes and a black shard flashed through her mind and she shivered. Then the thought dissipated, leaving her disoriented and confused. "I just...have a bad feeling I guess. It's probably nothing."

L only hmmed and said nothing more, but continued to eye her. Uncomfortable, Jubilee turned away. She couldn't see Hellenos at the moment, only barely registering a slight, shimmery haze beside her. Sighing, she tried to return her attention to her computer, where the video of the Yotsuba Group's last meeting replayed itself over and over again. The men had announced that they would not have another meeting until next week, so all she could do for now was try and discern as many clues as she could from this one video. But her current anxious state of mind hindered her from seeing much, if anything. She could make out the dark auras around each of the Yotsuba board members, she could see that the shades of darkness varied slightly from one to the other, and some even looked to have a different texture than others...but whenever Jubilee tried to squint and see more, it would all waver in and out of focus.

She sighed again. Wasn't her vision supposed to be upgraded now? It was true that her sight had been more vivid, and visions and images seemed to be dropping into her head with increasing frequency...but even so, fears and doubts didn't cease to have an effect on her ability to see, whenever they popped up. At the moment, she couldn't even see well enough to compare and contrast the men like L had taught her, much less discern whether Kira was among them. It occurred to her then that the Yotsuba men had looked just as unclear to her yesterday, during the live stream of their meeting, as they did now. That was when she had been worried over the fates of Light and Misa once this case progressed. What was it that Hellenos had said right afterwards? Fear for others is still fear. And fear was blinding.

Suddenly the image of red-eyed man flashed through her mind again, too quickly for her to make out a face. I am Kira, the faint memory of a voice echoed through her head. She started, and the memory faded.

"What—?" she began to herself, when the sound of rattling handcuff links alerted her to L's presence by her side. She turned. He, at least, she could still see clearly, a cloud of soft light and gentle colors wafting around him as usual. She smiled at him. He gave her a nod and then, with his non-handcuffed hand, placed his plate of not-yet-eaten tiramisu before her.

"I find that when I am feeling troubled without explanation, that sweets tend to calm the nerves, and a small shot of caffeine gives clarity to the mind," he explained quietly. "Which makes this particular dessert an ideal remedy, and is why it is my favorite treat."

Jubilee stared at the plate for a second. "You're giving it to me?" she asked, dumbfounded. "Your favorite treat? But...it's yours." The notion of L giving up his sweets for her seemed like an infant giving up its security blanket.

L shrugged. "I can have Watari make more."

Her head whipped around to him this time. "This was the last one? And you're giving it to me?"

L raised an eyebrow in slight annoyance. "I am trying to, Miss Amachi, if you would accept it. You act as if I am some stingy miser who has never done anyone a good turn in my life."

Jubilee scrutinized him for a moment. The line over his head stayed mostly straight, but wavered slightly. Suddenly, she started laughing.

"I'm sorry," she said. "Forgive me for my ungracious attitude, and thank you for thinking of me." She grinned at him. "Even if it is because you're just trying to coax my subconscious to produce more clues for you."

L narrowed his eyes at her for a second, then sighed heavily. "Nothing gets past you, does it, Miss Amachi?"

"Must be because you're starting to rub off on me."

He gave her a sharp look. "I won't deny that that is a motive, nor have I ever pretended otherwise. Even so, Miss Amachi...that motive hinges on the confidence that you are an unsurpassable asset to this case."

This time the line over his head stayed straight and true. Jubilee softened and gave him another tender smile. "Good save, boss."

L eyed her a moment longer, seeming unnerved by her cheerful attitude. Then, turning, he said, "Let me know if you deduce anything of note," and went back to his seat.

"Will do," said Jubilee, turning to the tiramisu and digging in. Hellenos hovered beside her, now clearly visible, and grinning widely.

"What's so funny?" she mouthed to him under her breath, while savoring the sweetness on her tongue.

You are, Jubilee Jenkins, he said. Did you know, that when you stop acting hostile to every living being around you, you are actually quite pleasant? I see why the Father delights in you so.

Jubilee was in the middle of wondering how to reply to such praise when the phone suddenly rang. Mogi's number appeared on the caller ID.

"Yes?" L answered, putting Mogi on speaker.

The officer sounded out of breath. "Ryuzaki!" he panted. "It's Misa. She—she gave me the slip."

A knot of dread form in Jubilee's stomach. The rest of the task force members stopped what they were doing and looked up.

L's eyes had narrowed. "What happened?" he asked.

"Well, Yotsuba hired her almost right away," Mogi began to explain. "The interview was probably no more than ten minutes and then they told her she had the job. Then she said she had to go to the bathroom, and—well, that's when she got away from me," he finished, sounding abashed.

L brooded over this information. "Was there anything of note that happened between her getting the job, and the moment she disappeared?" he asked.

There was a pause as Mogi thought. "Well, one of the Yotsuba guys caught her on our way out and asked her to go on a date with him. Kyosuke Higuchi, I think it was. He was really insistent and gave her his card, but she just deflected and told him maybe some other time."

"Hmm," intoned L, deep in thought. Then, in a stern tone, "Mogi. If all this happened only ten minutes after her interview, then what took you so long to call?

Mogi gave an embarrassed cough. "Ah, I'm sorry, sir, I—well, I thought I could catch up to her and find her somehow...I've been trying to for the last couple hours, time just got away from me, and..."

At that moment the main doors slid open, and Misa herself came sashaying in.

"I'm baaack," announced the blonde in a singsong voice. "And guess what? I got the job!"

Relief washed over Jubilee upon hearing her friend's return. She turned to welcome Misa, when a sudden wave of nausea hit her. She stopped, the forkful of tiramisu that she had been holding clattering down to her plate. Clutching her abdomen, she leaned forward and shut her eyes tightly, willing herself to keep down the contents in her stomach.

"Julie!" Jubilee heard the sound of Misa's footsteps running over to her. "I thought you'd be happier to see me," the younger girl teased, before her voice took on a more worried tone. "What's wrong?" she asked, reaching out a hand to touch Jubilee's shoulder. Jubilee's nausea increased, and she put a hand to her mouth.

A rattling of chain links and then L was by her side as well, silent but attentive.

"I—" Jubilee breathed hard through her fingers. "I just—felt sick all of a sudden—" She looked up to meet Misa's concerned gaze, and her eyes widened. There was a dark, oily tinge to the pink aura that usually surrounded the other girl. It was this that was making Jubilee feel the need to regurgitate the dessert L had just so generously offered her.

She squeezed her eyes shut again as her mind reeled. This was the same sensation she felt whenever she passed by a particularly powerful demon in the street, or walked through an area recently vacated by one. Their presence always left behind a greasy, sickening feel. But this was even stronger than usual.

A gentle touch on her shoulder from Hellenos lightened the weight of the nausea. She looked back up into Misa's eyes.

"Misa," she rasped. Her throat was tight from her earlier attempt to refrain from throwing up. "What happened—at your interview? Did you..." She didn't know what to ask next, but then the sudden, somehow familiar image of Misa standing before a mirror, and a tall, purple-haired demon reflected behind her, flashed momentarily through her mind. "—See something...strange?"

"What?" Misa's eyes became suddenly guarded. "What are you talking about? I didn't see anything, all that happened was that Yotsuba hired me, like I said." The line over her head snapped in two, showering both girls with black dust.

Still feeling woozy, Jubilee said without thinking, "You're lying."

A look of annoyance crossed Misa's face. "Okay, fine," snapped the blonde girl, straightening up and turning away from Jubilee to dig through her purse. "There's more, but you don't have to be so touchy about it. It's good news, and it was supposed to be a surprise."

"What is it, Misa-Misa?" asked Matsuda, stepping forward to join them.

Misa whipped something out from her bag and held it behind her back, smiling secretly at the rest of them. "Guess who figured out who Kira is?" she sang, then held out the device, which was a sound recorder. "I did!" She hit a button on the device, and a man's voice came out of the speaker.

"I am Kira!" said the voice. It was the same voice that belonged to the man known as Kyosuke Higuchi. "And if you are truly the second Kira...then you shall be my wife. And we will rule this world together."

The recording ended, followed by a still, abrupt silence as everyone in the room stared at Misa.

"Um," Mogi's voice crackled from the phone. He was still on the line. "What's going on?"

"Mogi," said L into the phone. "Return to headquarters immediately, please." He hung up, then returned to staring at Misa, his eyes large and calculating.

Jubilee's mind was reeling with a sudden, heavy sense of déjà vu. She stumbled forward, towards Misa.

"Play that again," she demanded.

Smugly, Misa did.

The man's voice played once more. As it did, the familiar words drew familiar images to the forefront of Jubilee's mind. Misa and Higuchi, in a red sports car. A purple-haired demon, hunched in the rear seat. A name—Ginzo Kanabochi—etched onto the blank page of a notebook with covers blacker than night. A shard, just as black, lodged in Misa's heart.

Jubilee gasped as clarity flooded back into her vision. She looked up at Misa again. The black shard that she had seen in her mind's eye earlier was now clearly visible, protruding from Misa's chest.

Jubilee closed the gap between them, startling the other girl as she took her suddenly by the shoulders.

"Misa," she whispered. "What have you done?"

Misa looked bewildered, then irritated. "What do you mean, what have I 'done'? I found out who Kira was and got a confession out of him."

Jubilee leaned in closer and said, too softly for the others to hear, "...Who is Ginzo Kanabochi?"

Misa's eyes widened in alarm. She stepped back, shaking Jubilee off before her eyes hardened, a cold mask clicking into place.

"I don't know what you're talking about," she said coolly. She put a hand to Jubilee's forehead, though the action was unfeeling. "I think you need to lay down, Julie," she declared, withdrawing her hand. "You're not feeling well, and you're saying things that don't make sense."

"But—" Jubilee floundered, suddenly realizing her mistake in being so blunt. She could almost tangibly feel the other girl withdrawing from her, and a sudden, strong sense of loss hit her like a punch to the gut. Beside her Hellenos faded back into a shimmer, but she remained acutely aware of every other sensation she was still perceiving. The sickening tinge around Misa. The black shard in her chest. The dark, foreboding feeling of events teetering on a precipice. Desperately, she began again, "Misa, I didn't mean—"

She was cut short as L's cool fingers suddenly covered her forehead as well, and he stood before her. She stopped speaking, utterly surprised. Warmth rose to her cheeks.

"Yes," he said quietly, and leaned in close to peer at her with a look of intense scrutiny. "You are indeed feeling rather warm, Miss Amachi."

That's because you're touching me! she thought, but said nothing as she stared back at him.

He continued, "Have a seat and take it easy for a minute."

She opened her mouth to protest again, "But—!"

He drew back his hand but kept his face inches from hers, their eyes locked. "I insist, Miss Amachi," he said softly, but with cryptic intent. "Just sit for a moment."

Shut up for now, was what he meant. She could almost hear the thought audibly from his mind. Biting her lip, she nodded and lowered herself shakily into a seat.

Meanwhile Light had approached Misa. "How did you get Higuchi to confess?" he asked her.

Guilt momentarily flashed through Misa's eyes then, before she masked it and turned to Light. "Well...I told him I was the second Kira."

"What?" Light sounded aghast.

"What?" returned Misa, in an almost whine. "He already thought I might be anyway! It was the only way to get him to confess."

"Wow, Misa!" cried Matsuda from beside them. "I can't believe it...you actually managed to find the current Kira, and get a confession out of him!"

"Pretty good, right?" said Misa with a grin and a wink Matsuda's way. To Light she pouted and said, "See, Matsuda knows to appreciate me for my undercover skills."

"You've done impressive work, indeed," L cut in. He was addressing Misa, but his eyes were still on Jubilee, cool and calculating. "In fact...it's uncharacteristic."

"Huh?!" Misa whirled on the detective. "What do you mean? You're saying you don't believe I did the work?"

"I'm not saying anything," replied L, turning to her. "Simply that it doesn't match up a hundred percent, given your sloppy work as the second Kira before losing your memories. You left your fingerprints all over the place."

"Hmph!" Misa angrily crossed her arms. "Well, maybe I've gotten better since then."

"Hmm," intoned L doubtfully. "Perhaps." Jubilee saw the line over his head snap.

"And anyway," continued Misa, "I was trying to say, that I told Higuchi he had to prove that he really was Kira, before I would agree to marry him...which, obviously, I'm not going to do, so don't worry Light," she added, snuggling up to the younger man beside her. "Sooo," she went on, "Higuchi said that he would stop killing criminals for a week, so that I'd know. I've got that part recorded too!" she exclaimed, pulling out the recorder again. "That would give us cold hard proof that he's Kira!"

"Yes it would," agreed Soichiro from his place behind everyone. "That was rather well done, Misa. All we have to do now is wait and see if the killings stop after this weekend, and then that's sufficient evidence to gain a warrant for Higuchi's arrest. That's rather satisfactory, don't you think, Ryuzaki?"

The detective was silent for a moment, his expression unreadable. For the briefest moment he looked over and caught Jubilee's eye again. She was still trembling, and her fists were clenched.

"If criminals stop dying, then that is undeniable evidence," he acquiesced at last. "However...we cannot apprehend Higuchi until we determine how he kills, lest his power simply transfers on to someone else once we do. But before we proceed..." He turned abruptly to Light and Misa. "There's something that I must ask the both of you. And I want each of you to answer—honestly."

"Um, alright," said Light.

"How will you know if we're being honest?" said Misa, arching an eyebrow at the detective.

"I'll know," said L simply.

He didn't turn to glance at Jubilee, but she felt as though he had eyes in the back of his head drilling her with a stare as he said so. Again, his intent rolled into her mind. He's expecting me to check for him, she realized.

"Fine," said Misa, rolling her eyes.

"Light Yagami. Misa Amane," L continued. "Tell me this. Do either of you have any memory, whatsoever, of being Kira?"

The question dropped through the air like a weight and was met with a moment of silence. Jubilee stared diligently at the space above Light's and Misa's heads.

"No, Ryuzaki," said Light. "Of course not. How many times do I have to tell you that?"

The line over his head stayed straight and true. Jubilee felt herself let out a breath.

"And you, Miss Amane?" prodded L.

Misa gave him a defiant and slightly disdainful look. "No," she said. Her fingers tugged at each other for a moment, before she stuck them behind her back. "No I don't," she repeated.

The line over her head stayed straight, but wavered slightly, as though unsure of itself. Jubilee stared curiously at it. What was that supposed to mean? Did Misa remember being Kira or didn't she? Either way, it was at least some relief that the line stayed straight.

Then something else caught her eye. Jubilee glanced back at the straight line over Light's head. It was fading.

She felt herself go cold.

"I see," L was saying in a measured tone as he turned from the two. Chewing on a thumb, he sent Jubilee a cursory, questioning glance.

She didn't know how to signal to him what she had seen. She wasn't even positive what it all had meant. But one look at the worry in her face seemed to be enough for L.

"I see," he said again, more assured this time. With that, he turned and strode back to the desk, not heeding Light's grunt of annoyance as he was dragged along. Back at the desk, L picked up the phone and rapidly dialed a number.

"Wedy?" he said into the phone after a moment. "New instructions. I want you to wiretap the residence of Kyosuke Higuchi, just like you've done with several of the other Yotsuba members so far."

He paused, listening with a frown. "Fine," he said. "Then just wiretap his cars for now. That you can handle that, can't you?" Another pause. "Very good." He hung up.

"Ryuzaki," said Light, "What are you planning?"

"A way to discover how Kira kills," replied L. "And, after that, a way to apprehend the current Kira without his power transferring on. Everyone, please pay attention," he announced, turning around to face the rest of the task force. "Here is the plan."

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