¿?Treten Sie darauf?¿

By Aschefall

13K 154 195

This Is A König x reader ¿?Warnings?¿ death/Blood Fluff/smut swearing past trauma/Abuse ¿?Other Languages?¿... More

¿?neunzehn?¿ ❕


467 6 21
By Aschefall

Week time skip


"Drink night? The fuck is that?" I asked König he shrugged "I don't know maybe to welcome a new guy...Horagni? I think it was" he said slowly playing with the rings on his hands "What?" "Some south Korean dude" König said "So They want everyone to get drunk? Is there gonna be a fire at least?" He laughed at that "yes Y/n, I still don't see why you prefer drinking around a fire" "Keeps you focused on not falling" König nodded giving a soft huff "maybe but it's august it's not exactly warm.." he said crossing his arms his black mask covering his face "So? I used to sit on top of about three feet of snow getting dipshit drunk, and your dumbass is going to complain about some wind?" I said looking at him, ghost walked into the room with his tea "Well your batshit crazy mate" he mumbled König nodded "Ghost is right.." "when am I not?" "half the time" I said he glared at me lowering his mask to take a sip of the drink in hand, "Wait when's the new kid get here?" König asked looking at ghost "in half hour, if that KorTac is actually on time for once" he said.


Horagni turned out to be similar in height to ghost being a tad shorter he was König with ghost's personality kind of he was kind though brining up his past was off the table "도대체 뭐야?" (what the fuck man?) Horagni said looking up at König "Uhhh English or German man" König said "I said 'what the fuck man' AND WHAT THE FUCK DID THEY FEED YOU?" he yelled spinning on his heel "He is to damn big!" "Drugs..." König mumbled "Drugs? really? huh...who the hell let a child have that shit?" "my parents changed my DNA they are scientists if ye get ze based just" König said "Anywho your turn tah talk" "your English is more broken then mine Jesus, if you can't say my name right just call me tiger it's the translation" Horagni said "alright then Tigger" soap mumbled "도대체 뭐라고 했어, 비누 빨래 바?!" (what did you say you soap laundry bar?!) Horagni huffed turning his head to look at soap "English damn it" ghost mumbled "No, I may respect you but I don't have a death wish.

"your a pussy mate" ghost laughed "No I don't have one I have a dick and a asshole nothing more nothing less" "It's a figure of speech" Horagni huffed at ghost his camo mask crinkled "the worst part is I know what he said" I said looking at Tigre "How many languages do you know?" Gaz asked "Three English, German and Korean the ones I was required to know" "then what I say?" tiger asked tilting his head "you said 'What did you say, you laundry soap bar' if my Korean is up to date" "You called johnny WHAT?!" ghost snapped "Oh shit..." tiger said jumping off the couch going behind the sofa me and König were sitting on he jumped onto the back his hands on König's shoulders "Uhhh hi?" König said "hi" Horagni said ghost stood up "König had him over" "nah I'm good he can stay you can beat him up in training" he said.




we were now outside drinking and playing truth or dare a child's game me, ghost and Horagni had our masks off "Your turn König" ghost said "Hm? oh soap truth or dare?" "DARE" he yelled his voice echoed slightly "hm...I dare you to kiss Ghost" I said did I forget to say as long as the two or more were Comfortable with the request it could be anything "where?" "where do you think?" I said soap giggled like a kid in a candy soap grabbing ghost by his dogtags kissing him ghost's face was bright red soap laughed once he pulled away, ghost mouthed a 'thank you' the fire cracked "Tiger truth or dare" "truth" soap had to stop and think for moment "is it true you were in bad debt before you joined the army?" tiger sighed "yes I was" he huffed "Y/n truth or dare?" "Hm..I think I'm going with dare this time" they said "I dare you to sit on König's lap for the rest of the night unless for another dare or if it's an emergency" "easy" they said standing from there spot and sitting down in my lap, as they did so I put my drink in a cupholder wrapping my arms around there waist "Alejandro truth or dare?" "dare amigo" he said y/n smiled "Horagni hold my drink for a moment?" he grabbed it from them y/n stood up taking handcuffs out of there pocket grabbing one of Alejandro's arms and one of Rodolfo's the cuffs clicked as they locked them "I dare you to stay cuffed to rudy for the rest of the night I will unlock them at breakfast" she said walking back to me leaving Rudy's face red and alejandro confused "Alright then" he said "gaz! amigo truth or dare?" "truth I'm a bit scared of the dares now" he said "how did you and price meet?" ale asked.

"Well I was a cop I was involved in an accident and he was there? that's the best I can explain it I've had one to many.." he said "great so I have a shit ton of work to do tonight.." I sighed "I'll help you König don't worry" price said holding up his coconut water "wait why do you have a ton of work?" tiger asked "I can't get drunk easily part of what my parents did to me" I explained he hummed "shitty deal" "König truth or dare?" gaz asked taking the light back on the game "dare" I said "I dare you to..Kiss y/n" my eyes widened, my fingers gripped there jaw turning there head "may I?" I asked softly "yes" that's all I needed my lips crashed with there's in a simple kiss both of us pulled away after a moment "Ghost truth or dare?" "..Dare?" he said his face still red from him and soap's kiss "I dare you to take your shirt off you look like your a little hot right now" he sighed lifting his shirt off soap went red hiding his face in his hands "rudy? you know the question" ghost said "dare" "hm..I dare you to take a shot of vodka he said gesturing to the bottle.

he stood up dragging ale with him he poured the shot downing it shuddering "Ugh Gross.." he said going back to his seat "Vodka in Russia is really good but it's illegal here" Y/n pointed out "True but this shit is nasty" he said.


everyone besides price and Horagni where either drunk or dipshit drunk the two helped me get water into everyone so they didn't get a handover or not a bad one if they did before getting everyone to there rooms Horagni was across from Y/n in my old room Horagni was helping soap to ghost's room because any time we tried to get them to there proper rooms ghost lost it he even drunk had enough fight in him to stop us from separating the two Y/n was sitting on the floor by her room door "what are you doing?" I asked letting Horagni get the door "waiting for you.." they said ghost leaned on me more as I walked him into his room Horagni put soap down on ghost's bed I put ghost down he grumbled curling into soap under the covers, "night you two" Horagni said with a yawn "night man nice meeting ye" I said my English slipping "you two bud" he said disappearing I lifted y/n off the ground they wrapped there arms around my neck hiding there face in my chest "stay with me tonight?" they asked "Ja My love"(yes) I said slowly using the word with caution "yay" they said as I leaned them down onto the bed putting them under the covers I went around to the other side slipping into the bed they put there leg over my waist putting an arm over me there head on my chest they hummed "your like a pillow with abs" they mumbled making me chuckle.

they feel asleep on me I fell asleep with a smile on my face glad a got lucky with them

-- 1417 words

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