Tim Burton's Batman Continues

By Bat-Knight

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Batman Continues was originally the title Tim Burton was going to call his third Batman chapter until he was... More

Friend of the family
Main Titles
Clear of charges
Zatanna Zatarra
Tim Drake
Horror dinner
Mayor Hill
A New Player in Town
Mystery Figure
Another flashback
Bruce meets Tim
Worst Fears
The Scarecrow
Guess who's back
Dick quits
Alfred returns
Scarecrow's intail
Fragile trust?
Unwelcomed guests
Catching up
Family history
Tim's fresh start
Mayor Hill's fallowing laws
Merry Chase
Charity trouble
Master of Fears
Burning of Wayne Manor
Zatanna confronts Selina
Scarecrow's threat
Zatanna vs Catwoman
Wayne Tower Invasion
Face to face of fear
Battle of worst fears
Zatanna's allusion
Goodbye Selina
The End of an Era
End Credits

I am vengeance...

161 1 13
By Bat-Knight

Back in reality Zatanna was right by Bruce holding his hand

Alfred still at the Batcomputer nearly completing the cure for the fear toxin

And Tim talking to Barbra on the phone

Zatanna stares down at Bruce speaking softly to him

Zatanna: I don't know if you can hear me but....

Zatanna eyes over at Selina still out but back to Bruce

Zatanna: When our fathers introduced us to each other....I didn't know that....I could ever....know someone as strong as you. Smart. Even brave. Especially after the night your parents were killed.... Daddy always said you....that you were always special. Bruce I wanted to tell you.....that....

Zatanna looks back for a second and back to Bruce as she whispered

Zatanna: When I came back to Gotham.... especially after learning who you are....I started to hope....

Zatanna leans down and softly hesitantly kisses Bruce on the lips

After the kiss she leans up looking at him Bruce stirs opening his eyes....

....but smiles like the Joker laughing

....back inside Bruce's head Joker was sitting at the table feet at the table with the carnage of the other villains around him but then he heard a door cracking open

Joker pulls his feet off and stands up looking where it came from

Joker: Hel-lo!

No response

Joker grabs his gun holding it up and peaks out

All Joker could see was wind blowing in the trees

Joker: Hehehe little gone with the wind here. Hope we don't have a hurricane.

Joker turns around but STARTLED....

.....by a statue of Batman

Joker: DOHH! Ho ho! Nice one Brucie. But you're gonna to do better than that.

Joker shoots the statue blowing it apart

He then looks up and standing up stairs was Jack Nappier's office Alicia Carl Grisom's wife wearing her mask

Joker: Alicia?

Alicia: Jack...he said I can't make an omelette without breaking some eggs

Alicia shatters like glass and a shriek of bats fly out right at the Joker

Joker yells mildly laughing then falls and next thing.....Joker....

....was in the chapel of the abandoned Gotham cathedral....the place where he fell to his death in 89

Joker: Hey I remember this place. I dragged Vicki up here with Batman chasing me for her. Hehehe hey Bats! What's the scoop here? Dragging me to memory lane?

Next thing he noticed a shoe fell on his head

Joker: Ooh!

He tipped back seeing it was a white high heal that Vicki Vale use to wear

Joker: Haha! Vicki's glass slipper. Very creative Batsy!

Joker waltzed outside but wouldn't you know it he ends up....in the the Batcave

Joker: Ahh...so this is the legendary Batcave. This must be where you do your.... detective work.

Joker explores the cave gripping his gun unadmittley he was... starting to get tense

Next thing he noticed was....

... his former henchman Bob was at the Batcomputer

Joker: Bob? Is that you?

Bob didn't respond he was typing on the keyboard it's like he didn't hear the Joker

Joker: Bob?? BOB?!

*Hey Jack.*

Joker turns around and to his surprise.....

....it was Lt Eckhart who Jack Nappier shot at Axes Chemicals

Eckhart: Your turn to think about the future.

Eckhart pulled his gun shooting the Joker

All of a sudden Joker landed outside....of Arkham Asylum before it was abandoned 

Joker: Where the hell am I? Is this.... Arkham? Oh yeah... hehehe.....this is where you wished you put me in Bats instead of killing me. Funny you would put Bob and Eckhart in our playground but this....I kinda like better.

Joker approaches the gate but....the gates opened by themselves which again unadmittley giving him chills

Joker clicks his gun as he was in the halls of Arkham

Joker: This place wouldn't be bad for a live action Scooby Doo. Ho ho I can read the titles now. Scooby Doo horror hospital.

He then stumbled upon a hall of cells

Which all the villains were in alive

Penguin turns and hits the glass of his cell

Penguin: YOU LOUSY CLOWN! You think you got it all?! Well you're in for it now!

Joker backs up then a hand in the cell behind him slaps on the glass

It was Two-Face

Two-Face: The call has been made. Fate's in a fowl mood with you tonight.

*Riddle me this!*

Joker looks over to the Riddler in the cell next Two-Face's

Riddler: Who...will be the most forgotten thing on the planet?

Joker aims his gun just to see his feet...frozen

Joker: What the---?

Mr. Freeze: What killed the dinosaurs....the ice age.

Bane bursts out of his cell in TITAN form roaring and charges at Joker

Joker tries to shoot him but Bane grabs him and then....throws him

Joker lands....in the middle of crime ally

Joker: What the...oh ho ho ho crime ally? Yes I know. This is where I blew your parents hearts out. Tell me Bats....you every danced with the devil by a pale moonlight?

Joker turns around and he saw...

...the young Bruce Wayne of that night

Joker points his gun

Joker: See you around kid.

He shoots but the young Bruce blows into another streik of bats and they flew on him again

Joker falls back laughing and once the bats were gone

Joker: Nice one Bats but this joke is getting old. You think you can scare me? What do I have to be afraid of?

Next thing Joker saw....was a pair of white menacingly eyes in the shadows

The Danny Elfman music plays as it stared deadly at him

Batman's voice speaks in a darker and deeper tone

*You're afraid of being ashes. You're afraid of being forgotten. And you will be forgotten Joker...*

Batman steps out of the shadows staring at Joker with death in his eyes

Batman:... because of me.

Batman approaches Joker who shots him but no avail on him he shifts into bats each time Joker shoots him

He kept coming for him Joker backs up till Batman grabs him and pulls him to him

Batman: I am vengeance....I am the night....I....am.... BATMAN!

Batman headbutts Joker and then begins plumbing him to a pulp

And he then throws him to the other side

Joker fell on the pavement and suddenly he felt his feet being grabbed and forcefully being pulled into the shadows


Batman stares down at him brooding

Batman: Goodbye Joker.

Joker: No Bruce! Don't let them take me! You....need me!

Joker lost his grip and he was forcefully pulled into the darkness

The Joker was gone.....for good this time

Batman turns away as the camera zooms in his eyes

Slowly cutting in reality Bruce....

.....wakes up seeing a needle being injected in him and Selina

(Bruce is cured....the Joker is gone....up next....the Scarecrow....)

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