Dolly in the Wizard of Oz: A...

By deamion001

1K 32 1

When Dolly and Dorothy are caught in a twister along with their house, they are swept up onto one of the most... More

Chapter 1: We're not in Camden Anymore
Chapter 2: Munchkin Land
Chapter 3: Meeting the Scarecrow and Tin Pup
Chapter 4: Meeting the Cowardly Cub?
Chapter 5: Coquelicot Club
Chapter 6: The Emerald City
Chapter 7: Witches Castle
Chapter 10: Oz's Gifts
Chapter 11: There's No Place Like Home

Chapter 8: Rescue

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By deamion001

Dylan, Dante, Dock-Ins, and Dorothy looked around the corridors of this humongous castle with little to no luck.

"Ugh, where could she be?!" Dante asked.

"According to my calculations, we'd be too late if we continue searching all the corridors like this." Dock-Ins pointed out.

"He's right, we gotta come up with a different strategy." Dylan said as two guard dogs walked by which the group minded their own business.

"Can't believe Clarissa has captured the mutt." One of the guards said to the other.

"Hey relax, once she dies all of this will be over."

"Thank dog we're not guarding her at the west tower."

"Hey hey, not so loud. Don't want Clarissa to snatch you up for talking huh." The other guard said as they headed upstairs.

"Did you hear that?!" Dylan asked excitedly.

"Yes, yes, I heard them. Dollys locked up at the west tower. But where can we find this west tower?"

"Maybe we could look at that?" Dante asked pointing to a convenient layout of the castle.

"Oh hey, how come I didn't see it?" Dock-Ins asked.

"Oh, I noticed it." Dylan said.

"And you didn't tell me?"

"I thought you knew it was there." Dylan said which Dock-Ins sighed and looked at the large layout, "Alright well got to find this west tower."

Dolly watched the hourglass get emptier and emptier. She started to feel weak as she tried to make one more effort at the door. With the last amount of strength she had, she ran toward the door and crashed into it with all her might. But it didn't make a dent she sighed, it was useless to keep trying, it was hopeless.

Dylan, Dante, Dock-Ins, and Dorothy hurried down the halls hoping to reach the west tower in time to rescue Dolly. Suddenly they skidded to a halt.

"Why did we stop?" Dylan asked which Dock-Ins shushed him.

"There, that must be where they're keeping Dolly." He said pointing to a door where two guards were standing.

"Great, how are we gonna get to the door?" Dante asked.

"Simple, blend in." He said as he walked over to the guards, "Reporting for our shifts."

"Your shifts, I didn't think we'd be here that long."

"The Witch wants a tight schedule change in case she tried to escape." Dock-Ins explained which the two guards looked at each other, but shrugged it off and walked away. Once they rounded the corner Dock-Ins whistled for the others to come over.

"Nice idea Dock-Ins." Dante said as he started to take off his disguise.

"Naturally, now let's save Dolly." He said.

Dolly simply sighed as she lay down when she suddenly heard a loud knocking on the door.

"Dolly?! You in there?!" She heard someone ask and immediately recognized the voice. With little strength she had she quickly went over to the door and started scratching at it.

"Dock-Ins?!" She called out, "I'm here, please hurry, I don't have a lot of time left!"

"Don't worry Dolly, we'll save ya!" Dylan yelled out as Dock-Ins and Dante pulled on the door, but no luck.

"We can't open it, it's bolted shut!" Dante yelled in a panic.

"Well what are we gonna do now?" Dulan asked.

"Climbing the window would take forever, so there's that idea." Dock-ins stated as he pondered.

"Come on Dock-Ins use that head of yours." Dante said.

"Wait that's it!" Dylan said as he picked up Dock-Ins.

"Hey hey hey! What are you..." Before he could finish asking Dylan chucked him to the door, causing him to crash into the door. After a moment, Dock-Ins shook his head, "What you do that for?!" He asked.

"Sorry, I thought that could work." Dylan said with a shrug.

"Well, it mostly hurts!"

"Dock-Ins look!" Dante pointed to the door which revealed a huge dent.

"Hey, look, your head made a dent."

"That's what I call a hard head."

"Well come on you two we gotta bust the rest of the way through!" Dock-ins said as Dante, and Dylan picked him up and readied themselves, "Ok guys, on three... one... two..."

"Three!" Dylan yelled and he and Dante charged at the door, crashing into it, creating a bigger dent.

"Come on, again!" Dante yelled out which Dock-Ins shook his head as he was rammed into the door again, this time the door splintered a small bit.

"Ok, guys... one more time." Dock-Ins said very groggily as Dylan and Dante backed up and charged again crashing into the door fell force. This time Dock-Ins head went straight through popping in the room, "Dollllly... we're herrre..." He announced winded Dolly, using the strength she had left, pushed Dock-Ins out and escaped just in time too.

"Dolly!" Dylan and Dante yelled out in victory, hugging Dolly who was starting to get her strength back.

"Guys, I knew you would rescue me!" She said before returning their hugs. Dorothy came up and nuzzled with Dolly, "Oh Dorothy, I missed you too!" She cried out before turning to Dock-Ins, "You okay Dock-Ins?"

"Y-yeah... I'm fine." He said.

"Well, now that that's done, let's get out of here!" Dylan said and was about to run off but Dolly quickly stopped him.

"Hold your straws, bro, we gotta get Clarissa broom."

"B-but how?!" Dante asked. Suddenly from behind, a large fiery explosion went off, revealing the Wicked Witch.

"Ahh, I see you've had escaped from your death bed." She said with a cackle, "Well, I'm sorry to say this but this is where you'll see the end of your days, GUARDS, GUARDS!" She screamed out.

"That's our cue!" Dante said which the crew began to run off.

"STOP THEM YOU FOOLS!" Clarissa yelled out as hundreds of guard dogs rushed from every direction, "STOP THEM, OR I'LL HAVE YOUR HEADS!"

"Where do we go?!" Dolly asked leading the pack.

"Quick this way!" Dylan pointed to a hallway that everyone ran down.

"Why do these Villians always have to have confusingly large houses?" Dolly asked as they turned a corner, only to run into more guard dogs.

"There they are!"
"Get 'em!" The guard dogs barked, which the crew scrambled back to where they ran from.

"Okay, now where genius?" Dolly asked Dylan.


"Quick down here!" Dante called out, and the crew hurried down the stairs where it exited outside.

"STOP THEM, YOU IDIOTS!" Clarissa screamed out as the crew hurried across the walkway where they entered another tower.

"This has to be the way out!" Dylan said only to run into more guard dogs.

"Quick head back!" Dante yelled out but it was too late, the guard dogs caught up to them, cornering them. All holding spears in their mouths.

"Well, this sucks." Dylan said as the crew sat with their backs on the wall.

"Well well well, look what we caught?" Clarissa asked hovering over them with her broomstick before landing in front of them, "Thought you could get away eh my pretties?" She asked with a laugh.

"You won't take away my collar."

"Of course not, you and your pathetic band of riff-raffs are tougher than I thought, but now we're gonna play a game." She said which the crew gulped in fear, "You there, scarecrow." She pointed to Dylan whose entire body turned snow white, "You like to play with fire?"

"N-no ma-am..." Dylan answered quivering at his feet.

"Oh, don't worry, this won't hurt a bit for me." She cackled before putting her broom over a torch, which caught on fire, and thrust it at Dylan, which caught his side on fire. As he screamed and pranced around, Clarissa laughed at the sight. However, this got everyone distracted, giving Dolly the opening she need. She quickly snuck underneath all the guards and ran off.

"Where is she going?!" Dante whispered to Dock-Ins shrugged, "Did she leave us for dead?!" He asked when they spotted her coming back with a bucket of water in her mouth. Dorothy barked in joy which made everyone turn to see Dolly skid to a halt and throw the bucket of water at Dylan, putting him out. Unfortunately, she also hit Clarissa with the water as well.

"Thanks, Dolly." He said with a sigh and shook off the extra water.

"Ohhhh, YOU STUPID CHILD!" Clarissa yelled before throwing down her broom, "Guards seize them and throw them in the..." Suddenly smoke started to rise as she felt her skin burning strangely, "W-what... what's happening?!" She asked looking around only to notice that she was getting shorter, "Oh no! I'm... I'm melting!" She screamed out, "I'm melting! Oh, what a world, what a world!" She yelled as her body started to melt more and more into the ground soon to be covered in smoke. Once the smoke cleared, all that remained was her hat, her cape, and her broom.

"S-shes... she's dead." One of the guard dogs said with shock.

"I... I didn't mean to!" Dolly apologized but shockingly all the guard dogs cheered, "Wait what's... what's happening?"

"They're, celebrating?" Dock-Ins asked confused.

"The Witch is dead!" One of the guard dogs yelled out in excitement before turning to face Dolly and bowed, "Many thanks to you for what all of us wanted to do for years."

"W-what do you mean?"

"For years the Witch has abused us."

"She wouldn't even pay us." Another guard dog added.

"But thanks to you and your brave friends." Dante heard this and gave a smile, "We are now free!"

"We are initially in your debt."

"Well, first things first..." Dolly quickly picked up the broom, which showed that the brush part of the broom has been burned severely, but it was still a broom nonetheless, "We got the broom, now we need to find a way to get to Emerald City fast." She said as the guard dogs looked at one another and had small conversations with one another.

"The flying blue dogs could help you!" One of the guard dogs said which the others cheered in agreement.

"Yeah, they could help you get to Emerald City in no time."

"Y-you sure?" Dante asked.

"Oh, I'm sure." One guard dog said before whistling for the flying blue dogs, "Don't worry they won't hurt you guys."

"Alright then." Dolly said as she and the crew walked over to them, "Flying blue dogs?!" She called for them, which they looked down at her, take us to Emerald City." She said which the blue looked at each other before nodding.

"Looks like we got our ride." Dock-Ins said as the blue dogs lowered themselves to let Dolly and the crew hop on.

"Come on gang, off to Emerald City!" She yelled as the flying blue dogs started to flap their wings. Hovering off the ground, the guard dogs waved to Dolly and her crew while celebrating, giving the flying blue dogs some room to cast off and fly to Emerald City. High into the clouds, Dylan, Dante, Dock-Ins, Dolly, and Dorothy all had their tongues out enjoying the wind.

"This is awesome!" Dylan yelled out before suddenly choking, after hitting his stomach several times a fly suddenly flew out of his mouth, "I swallowed a bug!" He yelled out and the rest of the crew laughed as they flew over the clouds.

"There, there it is!" Dolly pointed down to Emerald City, "Flying blue dogs, dive, dive, dive!" She yelled out and the flying blue dogs began their dive.

As most of the residents of Emerald City began their day, they suddenly stopped and scream in terror, seeing the flying blue dogs have returned and were diving into them. Some quickly jumped back into their houses, others took dove to the ground to hide. It wasn't until the flying blue dogs landed revealing Dolly and her crew.

"We're back, quickly to Oz!" She yelled getting a cheer from her crew as they ran to the lair of Oz.

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