By kxss_of_dexth

113K 3.6K 1.6K

Enid Sinclair x Fem!Reader x Wednesday Addams A curse. That's what Wednesday felt like to Y/n. A curse that s... More

Soundtrack (not complete)
Chpt.1: "L'inizio della fine"
Chpt. 2: "Riunione, mio ​​fiore"
Chpt. 3: "Confronto e accuse"
πŸ”žChpt. 4: "Coccole?"πŸ”ž
Chpt. 5: "Il primo giorno"
Chpt. 6: "Il primo giorno parte II"
Chpt. 7: "Un centesimo per i tuoi pensieri?"
Chpt. 8: "Provando"
Chpt.9: "Elemosinare per me"
S Chpt. 2: Don't fuck with an Addams
πŸ”žChpt. 10: "Priez pour cela"πŸ”ž
Chpt. 11 :"Le conseguenze"
Interlude: The Russo Family Curse
Chpt.12: ''Solo il tuo amore''
S Chpt.3 : Possessive
Chpt. 13: "Azioni involontarie"
Chpt. 14: " Dolori crescenti"
Gift for you: smut brain storming(updated)
Chpt. 15: ''Autosabotaggio''

S Chpt. 1: The Pugsley Affect

4.6K 123 20
By kxss_of_dexth

↑what he wore to the party (besides the belt)

A/n: The aesthetic I'm giving to Pugsley may not be what you want from him and I can completely understand but this is the way I feel he would be when at this age.

Fyi: The chapters marked "S Chpt" are about Pugsley and his journey, these chapters will include bxb writing as well as smut. I've never written bxb before so bare with me please I'm still learning

Fyi pt.2: All characters are 16+, Pugsley as well as his love interest are 17(Pugsley) and 18(Gabriel).

Third Person P.O.V

It had been a year since Wednesday left for Nevermore Academy. At first there was peace for Pugsley and Pubert but then the two began to miss their sadistic older sister.

The Addams Manor didn't have the same air about it with Wednesday gone, it was too quiet as the screams of her victims and the chaotic music of a cello no longer wafted through the house.

Instead the distant sounds of ballroom music could be heard playing from the dinning room of the manor. At the centre of the music are the matriarchs of the Adams family, calmly dancing with one another while looking deeply into each other's eyes.

Knowing the two Adams they might have been dancing for hours on end, too entranced with the other to care for the time.

Pugsley trudges down the stairs of the Adams family manner and into the dinning room with a roll of his eyes. The boy had grown a lot over the year that Wednesday was gone.

He'd gotten much taller than his father, almost reaching his mother in height and while he did slim down a bit he still kept some of his weight that gave him a soft look for such a tall person. His once round and soft face had a bit more of a chiseled look to it without being overbearing.

"Father, mother." Pugsley then trys to walk away from the two only to be stopped by his father.

"Not so fast young man, where are you off to dressed in such attire?" Gomez looks his son up and down with a wide smile, obviously proud of his fashion choices.

"I've decided it's time for a change, without Wednesday here I have way more free time to do what I want" Gomez hums in understanding with a firm nod of his head.

"That doesn't answer my question son, where are you off to? You know we don't keep secrets in this family" Pugsley rolls his eyes in annoyance, although Pugsley loves his family very much he does want his privacy.

"It's nothing important father, just getting things for school; it does start tomorrow" Morticia hums in agreement while placing a hand on her husband's shoulder.

"Let the boy be tesoro, we were once secretive teenagers don't you remember" Gomez looks up at his wife in adoration, the memories of their many ventures together flashing through his mind as he gives a playful smirk to his wife.

"Well before the two of you begin making another child, I shall be taking the family car to the nearest town to... shop" The two love birds are too busy in their make out session to acknowledge their son that had walked away quickly and left the manor with the slam of the door.

Pugsley releases a deep breath and approaches the family car, Lurch already standing at the car with the door to the backseat already open. "Thank you Lurch, to the town closest to school please" Lurch grunts in response to the young master of the Addams family, shuts the door and makes his way to the driver seat to begin their commute.

The two arrive to the town in no less than ten minutes and Lurch opens the door to the family car, Pugsley stepping out and begins to straighten and dust his outfit of all the nonexistent lint. "My deepest thanks Lurch, I'll be sure to grab you lunch while I'm here, feel free to shop for yourself until I call for you" Lurch once again grunts in response and slowly trudges away from Pugsley.

The boy let's out a sigh while straightening his Gucci belt, retucking his shirt into the black slacks he was wearing and straightening his trench coat, begining his walk to one of the many designer stores.

"Hey Aiden is that who I think it is?"

"It's Pigsley!"

"Come on dude we're too old for that now"

"Man who cares, his freak of a sister ruined Dalton's life so let's make this the worst year ever for him"

Pugsley whistles a little tune at he looks around the shop, hands in his pants pockets. "Hey! Pigsley!" At the call of his 'nickname' Pugsley turns around with a sigh of annoyance. "Can I help you?"

Aiden stops in his tracks, after coming closer to Pugsley he could see that the boy didn't look so much like a boy anymore. Puberty really did a number on him over the summer, on top of him being suspended for the rest of the year after what Wednesday did.

"Yo Pigsley is that really you?" Pugsley's eyes narrow into a glare, his obviously thin patience showing on his face. "Can I help you." The words seem like venom coming from the boys tongue because his supposed bully visibly flinches at the words.

"Oh yeah, where's your freak of a sister?! You know what she did to Dalton, he won't be able to have kids now!" Pugsley begins to smirk at the boy causing him to frown deeply.

"It's good that a degenerate like him can't procreate, we don't need anymore idiots walking the Earth when we have you" Aiden growls in frustration, the urge to punch Pugsley over take the boy and he reaches for his collar pulling Pugsley closer to him with his fist raised in the air.

Pugsley smiles down at the bully, leaning closer to his face. "You're staring awfully hard, you gonna punch me or kiss me pretty boy?" Aiden grits his teeth in anger and pushes Pugsley away roughly.

Pugsley flashes a playful smile in his direction before turning around and walking back around the store while whistling.

"Come on Aiden, let's just go" The bully, whose name we now know is Aiden, shoulder checks his friend and walks out the door of the store. 

Gabriel shakes his head at his friend and turns to look back at Pugsley who can be seen watching the two from a distance with a smirk on his face, hands still in his pockets.

Pugsley makes eye contact with Gabriel, while doing so he sticks his tongue out and licks the air in a suggestive manner with a grin now forming on his face.

Gabriel's face erupts in red and he glances back over his shoulder to see Aiden long gone, looking back he sees Pugsley smiling at his while making a very obscene hand gesture and then pointing towards the changing rooms begining to walk backwards while beckoning Gabriel to follow him.

With a flushed face Gabriel slowly begins to follow Pugsley, already feeling himself getting excited.

"Yo Gabe let's go dude we're gonna be late for Dalton's party I'm trying to get hammered and maybe we can finally find you a girl" Aiden pokes his head back into the store and calls out causing Gabriel to jump in fright and whip around to face his friend.

"A-alright, I'm coming" Aiden gives the boy a weird look and leaves the store. Gabriel looks back in the direction of Pugsley and sees him leaning against the wall next to the changing rooms.

Pugsley blows the boy a kiss and raises a hand to wave with a smile, wiggling his fingers for extra affect. Gabriel waves back shyly and reluctantly shuffles out of the store, looking back every so often to see Pugsley giving him the darkest stare filled with something unknown to Gabriel.

"Gabe dude what's your problem?" Gabriel looks at his friend in confusion, the flush on his face still there as the two drive to Dalton's party.

"What do you mean? I didn't do anything" Aiden glares at his friend before looking back to the road. "That's exactly the problem, you let Pigsley embarrass me like that and didn't do a thing" Gabriel sinks into his seat slightly, "I told you to just leave you but you didn't want to listen, whatever happens to you is on you plus Dalton even said to leave him be for a bit"

Aiden groans in anger and tightens his grip on the steering wheel. "That dweeb thinks that just because he got taller and skinner over the summer that he's better than us"

Aiden glances at Gabriel with a dark look on his face, "Hey you think Pigsley is coming to Dalton's party? I mean he is supposed to be coming back this year and Dalton invited everyone to his family's villa"

Gabriel simply shrugs and continues scrolling on his phone. What the boy was really doing was trying to find Pugsley on social media, because apparently everyone has social media nowadays.

"We should totally embarrass him at Dalton's party" Aiden says with a dark smirk on his face. Gabriel shakes his head as the two pull into Dalton's driveway, multiple sports cars already lining the street.

"WE aren't doing anything, Dalton already told you to leave it so leave it Aiden and stop trying to act like Dalton too while you're at it" Gabriel gets out of the car and walks into Dalton's villa greeting the many people already gathering.

"Gabe my dude you made it, is Aiden with you?" Dalton slings an arm over Gabriel's shoulder and passes him a bear. "That idiot is still outside, you know he tried to bully Pugsley" Dalton scoffs and takes a swig from his red solo cup.

"Aiden never follows orders these days, it'll be his ass when that freaks sister hurts em but nevermind all that we came here for a party and that's what we're going to do, let's hope for a good year for the team" Dalton raises his cup and then chugs the rest of it's contents down in one go.

The party goes on for another hour and a half before Pugsley shows up. The boy pulls into Dalton's driveway in the Addams family car, stepping out and readjusting his outfit that consisted of a black mulberry silk shirt, black slacks and black dress shoes. He switched his Gucci belt out for a Louis Vuitton checked one and a plethora of rings adorned his hands. The final accessory being a single silver chain on his chest.

With a wide smile Pugsley enters the party and looks around first before going towards the kitchen where not many people could be seen as most of them were outside near the pool.

He looks over the many drink selections and chooses to go with the only good quality drink in the place, water.

With his solo cup of water Pugsley joins everyone near the pool and almost immediately he turns heads, catching Dalton's attention almost immediately.

"Pigsley? I didn't think you'd come to a party like this" Dalton approaches Pugsley and wraps his arm around the boys shoulder, dragging him towards his group of friends. "Hey Pigsley how about we let bygones be bygones and become friends, you seem like a pretty chill dude"

Pugsley scoffs in response and ducks under Dalton's arm after spotting Gabriel in the crowd of Dalton's friends. "Yeah no thanks I have a better idea, who wants to play spin the bottle truth or dare version?" A round of cheers and applause are heard throughout the area, Pugsley smiles in response while grabbing one of the many empty beer bottles off the ground.

"Who wants to go first? How about you Pigsley, since you suggested it" Pugsley simply shrugs and spins the bottle while taking a small sip of is water. The bottle comes to a stop and lands on one of Dalton's little lackeys.

The game goes on for another hour with most of the people getting bored and dispersing to do other things. The only people being left in the group being Dalton, Pugsley, Gabriel, Aiden, and two other strangers that were barely paying attention with how drunk they were.

Aiden spins the bottle and it slowly lands of Pugsley, Aiden gains a dark smirk on his face and looks at Pugsley with a smug expression. "Let's spice this up a bit, I dare Pigsley to take a body shot off somebody"

Dalton let's out a small sound of agreement while looking at Pugsley, "So you gonna do it or are you too chicken Pigsley?" The mentioned boy looks around at the people around them before looking back at the group, "Does it matter who it is?" Everyone collectively shakes their heads and Pugsley let's out a low hum of amusement.

"Take your shirt off Gabriel" The bold demand from Pugsley shocks Gabriel out of his dream state, "Huh?! Why me?!" Pugsley's eyes darken as he keeps eye contact with Gabriel, "Off. Now."

Gabriel is quick to obey the order and practically rips his shirt from his body, lying down on the cool tiles near the pool.

After a bit Dalton and Aiden come back with a bottle of tequila, a slice of lime, and small baggie of salt.

"Well Pigsley, what are ya waiting for get to it" Dalton remarks smugly and  Pugsley hums with a nod and straddles Gabriel.

Pugsley leans down so that his body is directly over Gabriel's and places the line near his lips. "Open." Gabriel quickly opens his mouth slightly as Pugsley slips the slice of lime between them, "Good boy, now sit still for me"

Pugsley sprinkles the salt from Gabriel's chest down to the waist band of his jeans. With a smirk and while holding eye contact with the flushed boy under him, Pugsley slowly licks the salt from Gabriel's body, kissing his right breast once he reaches his face.

He then pours the shot onto the middle of Gabriel's body and quickly slurps the liquid from it's spot with ease, leaning up and taking the lime slice from Gabriel's lips with his own; purposely touching his lips to Gabriel's while still holding the eye contact.

The people that were once very uninterested had once again gathered and watched the whole ordeal, silence filling the area.

Pugsley sits up, still straddling Gabriel, as he takes the like from his lips and drops it into the shot glass. He glances down and smiles darkly before looking up to Gabriel through his lashes, he takes a finger and lightly grazes it over the forming bulge in Gabriel's pants.

"Hm, how interesting"

Pugsley then stands to his full height and turns to leave the party, "See you all at school, I'm looking forward to how this year will play out".

Once Pugsley left all eyes were on Gabriel who shyly had one arm covering the very prominent bulge in his pants, shirt already on.

"What the hell just happened?!"

A/n: So how are we feeling about this chapter? I didn't want to write Pugsley as someone that is weak especially with him being a part of the Addams family, it simply wouldn't make sense. Plus I had a feeling that Pugsley would be the cocky type once he grows into his skin and since Wednesday got her father's looks and height then Pugsley should have his mother's.

Anyways I hope you all enjoy the less drama filled and more cute side of this book with these little special chapters! See ya next time cuties!!

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