RWBY: Bee Family


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This is a fan fiction that takes place after the main RWBY story, in a hypothetical future. Years after defea... More

Chapter 1 - Starting a Family
Chapter 2 - Boy or Girl
Chapter 3 - Announcement at the Reunion
Chapter 4 - Yang's Mission Story
Chapter 5 - Baby Shower
Chapter 6 - Yang's Fear
Chapter 7 - The Birth
Chapter 8 - Her name is....
Chapter 9 - The Promise
Chapter 10 - From Friends, to Family
Chapter 11 - Do You Believe in Destiny?
Chapter 12 - Yin's 1st Birthday
Final Chapter - Yin's Semblance!?

Chapter 13 - Yin at Schnee Manor

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Yin ran through the corridors of Schnee Manor as fast as she could. The six year old cat faunus couldn't believe what was happening. She thought her Aunt Weiss loved her, but to think she'd put Yin through such unspeakable torment.

"Gotta hide. Gotta hide." Yin said to herself, panting heavily. She was out of Weiss' sight, so now was her chance to hide. She ran into the next bedroom she saw, and quickly shut the door behind her. She scanned the room for a hiding place. "Behind the curtains? No." She thought to herself. "In the closest? No." Her cat ears perked at the sound of the corridor door opening. She gasped as she heard the step of Weiss' heels echoing just outside. Her time was short, she had to pick somewhere now. "Under the bed!" She quickly crawled under the bed and tried the calm down to slow her breathing. The door flew open, Yin put both hands over her mouth so she wouldn't gasp. She could see Weiss' feet walking around the room. Checking the hiding places that Yin had previously considered. "Please don't come this way." Yin thought to herself. Her cat ears perked up again and she grew hopeful, hearing Weiss sigh in frustration. She walked out of sight and towards the door. Yin took a quiet breath of relief. It seemed she had escaped the horror that she was being subjected to. Suddenly, she felt something grab her ankle and before she knew it, she was being dragged from underneath the bed. "No!" She screamed. Yin tried to grab anything and everything she could, but it was no use. As she was being dragged out of the bedroom, Yin looked over her shoulder to see that Weiss had gotten her. "No! Aunt Weiss! Please!" She begged while trying to claw at the floor. Weiss didn't say anything. She just dragged Yin to her coming nightmare. Yin wanted to call out for her mothers, but she knew it would be pointless to try. They wouldn't come.

"Yin." Weiss said. Yin looked over to shoulder in terror. Weiss had brought her to what she had always feared.

"Please Aunt Weiss!" Yin pleaded with tear filled eyes. "Don't do this! I'll do anything!"

"I'm sorry Yin." Weiss said as she reached for the door knob. Beyond this door was Yin's terrifying fate. "It's time."

"Nooooo!" Yin screamed.

Weiss opened the bathroom door.

"Young lady." Weiss said. "It's time for your bath."

"No!" Yin yelled as she hugged the doorframe as tight as she could with her eyes shut. Weiss sighed. Blake and Yang warned her that Yin hated baths. But she had no idea it was to this extent. She knelt down to be eye level with her goddaughter.

"Yin, sweetie." Weiss said as she placed a hand on Yin's shoulder. "I know you don't like taking baths. But this one is nice." Yin opened her eyes and turned her head towards Weiss. "The bathroom has a speaker system to play soothing music. There's an assortment of bubble baths and bath salts. And there's even a jacuzzi function in the tub. Sounds nice doesn't it?"

"No!" Yin shouted as she turned away and shut her eyes again. "All baths are awful and I hate them!"

"How do Blake and Yang do this?" Weiss thought to herself while she sighed and pitched the top of her nose between her eyes. She thought back to when they dropped Yin off that morning.

Hours earlier

Today was a big day for Weiss. She'd spent the previous day and early hours of the morning getting everything ready. Ready for when Blake and Yang would arrive with Yin. The two were heading out on a mission together. Normally only one of them would go, while the other stayed home to look after Yin. But if the mission required both of them, like this one, they would leave Yin in the care of someone close to them. Ever since Yin was born, Weiss wanted to help take care of her while Blake and Yang were away. But, more often than not, she would be left with her grandfather Tai, or her Aunt Ruby & Uncle Oscar. Which of course, always made sense because they lived so close. And at least while staying at Ruby & Oscar's, she'd be able to play with her cousin Summer Rose. Not only that, but Ruby and Oscar had recently gotten chickens at their house. Which both Summer and Yin loved. Even Pyrrha enjoyed taking care of them when she was there with them. However, Weiss still wanted to be there for Yin and spend some time with her. After all, she was Yin's godmother, she should be able to spend some quality time with her every now and then. After some discussion, Blake and Yang agreed to let Weiss look after Yin the next time they went on a mission together. And Weiss was so happy that the day had finally come.

The doorbell rang just before noon, and Weiss was quick to open it. She was greeted by the site of Blake and Yang in their combat gear, with a suitcase next to them. And Yin bundled up in her winter clothes, with a backpack.

"Hello!" Weiss called as she opened the door.

"Hi Aunt Weiss!" Yin yelled as she ran in for a hug. Weiss knelt down and hugged goddaughter.

"Yin. How are you?" Weiss asked.

"Good." Yin answered.

"She's been so excited to see you all morning." Blake said.

"She was even keeping an eye out for your house the entire trip here." Yang said. Weiss smiled and stood up to greet her friends with a hug.

"And how about you two?" Weiss asked.

"Good, but we can't stay too long." Blake said as she reached for the suitcase and handed it towards Weiss.

"Oh, you have to go so soon?" Weiss asked. "You can't stay for even a cup of coffee, or tea?" She took the suitcase from Blake.

"Nah, we need to get going." Yang said. She and Blake knelt down to be eye level with their daughter to say goodbye. The three shared a family hug. "Alright Yin, have fun with Aunt Weiss. We'll be back in a couple of days."

"I will moms." Yin said. "And I'll miss you."

"We'll miss you too." Blake said. "And remember. Be on your best behaviour."

"I know." Yin said. She and Blake smiled to one another and shared one more hug. Weiss watched the mother and daughter, while Yang leaned closer to her with a hand covering her mouth.

"I should give you a heads up." Yang whispered to Weiss. "When it's Yin's bath time, she's not gonna wanna take it. When she refuses, try bribing her with some nice food. A fish dinner or dessert usually does the trick."


"That's it." Weiss thought to herself. "Yin, sweetie." Weiss said. "How about this?" She asked, as Yin opened her eyes and turned to face her. "If you're a brave girl and take your bath." Those words made Yin tense up. Dinner was already being prepared, so fish wasn't really an option. "I'll have the cooks make you something special for dessert." Weiss could see Yin's eyes beginning to sparkle with intrigue, while she was thinking something that sounded enticing enough to ensure Yin would take her bath. "How about a vanilla ice cream sundae, with hot chocolate sauce, whipped cream and a cherry on top?" Yin gasped and smiled. But, she looked back to the bath and took a more serious expression. She looked back to Weiss, and back at the bath. She repeated this without saying a word. "Oh please let this work, and just take the bath!" Weiss thought to herself while trying her best to keep up her smile.

"Okay." Yin said. "I'll do it."

"There you go." Weiss said. "Oh thank goodness! Finally!" She thought to herself. Weiss drew Yin a bubble bath, but left momentarily to check on something.

With Yin finally taking her bath, Weiss quickly checked in with the cooking staff. Dinner was being prepared, and they had everything needed for the sundae that Weiss had promised Yin.

"That's good to hear." Weiss said as she let out a sigh of relief.

"She's a handful isn't she?" The head cook asked.

"Just when it's bath time." Weiss said. "A fish dinner will get her to do it. So, thankfully, things should go smoother tomorrow." While she was checking on dinner and whether Weiss could deliver the sundae she promised. She spoke with the head cook about having a fish dinner the next day.

"Of course." The head cook said. "But it went well tonight?"

"Yep. She agreed to take it." Weiss said. "I made her a lovely bubble bath." The head cook seemed rather concerned.

"Umm, Miss Schnee?" The head cook asked. "Did you disable the jacuzzi jets?" Weiss thought back to when she prepared Yin's bath.

"I'm sure I did." Weiss thought to herself. "I made sure it was the right temperature, used the bubble bath, Yin has a rubber duck to play with and..." Weiss' eyes went wide with panic. "Oh no." She said before she rushed out of the kitchen.

Weiss hurried back to the bathroom, with a towel in hand. Once she entered the hall and approached the door, her worries were realised. Soapy bubbles and suds were seeping out through the bottom of the door. She heard the door creak and dreaded what awaited her.

"Yin? You okay in there?" Weiss asked as she knocked the door. She could hear Yin inside, but she didn't respond. Weiss grabbed the door knob, turned it and the door flew open. A tidal wave of soap bubbles and suds poured out through the door and into the hallway. Weiss watched as her hallway was flooded and saw Yin, covered in suds, riding on top of a wave into the hallway.

"Weeeee!" Yin cheered with her arms in the air as though she were riding a rollercoaster. She slid on the now soapy floor and laughed until she came to a stop. "Woo! Now THAT was a bath!" She yelled and started giggling. Weiss meanwhile was stunned by what she'd just witnessed. She had both hands covering her mouth in a state of shock. "Aunt Weiss! Did you see that?" Yin asked excitedly. "Can I do that again?" Weiss regained her senses.

"Again!?" Weiss screamed. "The bathroom! The hallway floor! What a mess!" Yin's smile faded and she grew scared. "Is this the 'Best Behaviour' you promised your mother? I have half a mind to cancel your sundae." Yin felt awful and looked down to her feet.

"I'm sorry Aunt Weiss." Yin said with sorrow in her voice. She thought she'd just had a bath that she actually enjoyed. But now, looking at the mess she made while Weiss was scolding her. She felt terrible. Both for making the mess that upset Weiss, and because she wouldn't get that sundae after all.

"But." Weiss sighed. "I suppose I'm also at fault here. Since I should've disabled the jacuzzi jets." Yin looked back up to see a faint smile on Weiss' face, before she held the towel towards Yin. "Now come on. Let's get you cleaned up before dinner." Weiss said before she rubbed Yin with the towel, which tickled the young girl and made her laugh again. Once Weiss had gotten Yin cleaned up and changed, some of her staff cleaned up the mess. Given how big it was, Weiss promised each of them a bonus. The two shared dinner together, and Yin got the sundae she was promised. It was delicious.

Later that evening, the clock turned to Yin's bedtime. Weiss took her to a special bedroom that she had furnished for Yin, Pyrrha and Summer. It even had a triple bunk bed in case all three of them stayed at Schnee Manor. Weiss tucked Yin into the bottom bunk. However, Yin wasn't quite ready to go to sleep just yet.

"Aunt Weiss?" Yin asked. "Can you tell me a story?" She'd hoped that a bedtime story would help her sleep.

"Oh, yeah, of course I can." Weiss said with a bit of hesitation. "Although I don't know if I have any books around that you'd enjoy."

"Oh I know!" Yin said enthusiastically. "How about a Team RWBY story? My moms have told me some of those. About you, them and Aunt Ruby." Weiss pondered on this idea for a moment. She liked the idea of telling Yin about Team RWBY. But, she'd have to be careful on what events she'd talk about. Along with certain details. Though she came to a decision rather quickly.

"Okay." Weiss said. "I'll tell you the story of how Team RWBY first formed." In the end, Weiss decided to tell Yin about some of Team RWBY's first semester at Beacon. Though with some altered details. Painting her attitude back then a bit differently. When Weiss said that she tried to set her mothers up that early on, Yin couldn't help but laugh. "What's so funny?" Weiss asked.

"That's not how my moms tell the story." Yin said. Weiss was a little shocked. She wasn't aware that Blake and Yang had already told her about those days.

"Oh? How do they tell it?" Weiss asked with concern in her voice.

"They said you were mean back then." Yin said.

"Oh, they said that?" Weiss asked while she felt her heart sink. She wasn't proud of her early days at Beacon. Knowing that Blake and Yang had told Yin about it, only made her feel even worse.

"Yeah." Yin said. "They said you were mean. But after you, Aunt Ruby and them became friends, you were nice. I like that part of the story." Weiss began to feel her spirit lift.

"You do?" Weiss asked as Yin nodded.

"Yeah." Yin said. "They told me that part and said that I shouldn't judge someone before I get to know them. That anyone can be your friend if you give them a chance." Weiss smiled. While she wasn't happy that Blake and Yang had told Yin how she was back then. It did mean a lot to her that Yin still loved her and that she'd learnt a valuable life lesson from it. Yin was finally tired. She yawned and drifted off to sleep. Weiss gently stroked her hair.

"Goodnight Yin." Weiss said softly.

Once the morning came, Weiss waited for Yin to wake up. She sat at the dining table with a hot cup of coffee in hand. She took a sip and saw Yin walk into the dining room.

"Good morning Yin." Weiss called.

"Good morning Aunt Weiss." Yin yawned. She sat at the table, and one of Weiss' staff approached the two with a pencil and note pad at the ready.

"So Yin. What would you like for breakfast?" Weiss asked.

"Umm." Yin said drowsily while she rubbed her eyes. "Do you have Pumpkin Pete's?" She asked. "That's what I usually have at home." Weiss pondered. She had all kinds of food at the ready, and cooks capable of making Yin all manner of amazing dishes. But she wanted the same cereal again?

"Yin. You don't have to have the same cereal." Weiss said. "You can have anything you want." Once those words were spoken, Yin's eyes began to sparkle. Her mind raced just imagining the possibilities.

"Anything?-" Yin asked.

"Within reason." Weiss interrupted.

"Aww." Yin said. "There goes ice cream for breakfast." She thought to herself.

Just after Yin and Weiss had finished breakfast, the two heard three loud knocks coming from the front door.

"Miss Schnee!" A voice called from outside. "This is New Atlas Police, open up!"

"Police?" Weiss asked herself. She made her way to the front door with Yin cautiously not too far behind. "What's this about!?" She asked through the door.

"We have a warrant for your arrest!" The voice answered.

"Arrest!?" Weiss asked. She opened the door to see a single police officer holding her hat down over her eyes. This perplexed Weiss, but she was too focused on this absurd arrest warrant. "Under what charge?"

"We've received word that you're harbouring a fugitive." The officer said. Yin peeked from around a corner to see what was happening. The officer spotted her and pointed directly at Yin. "There! There's the little fugitive I'm looking for!" Weiss was about to interrupt these ridiculous claims. But something about this officer seemed familiar. "Young lady. Did you really think you could hide here?" The officer lifted her hat off of her head. "Without even saying hi to your aunt?" Yin immediately recognised this police officer as Ilia Amitola.

"Aunt Ilia!" Yin called as she ran to Ilia, who knelt down to hug her and pick her up.

"Hi Yin." Ilia said. "Aww, I haven't seen you in ages. Look how big you've gotten."

"Ilia?! What a nice surprise." Weiss said. "What brings you by?"

"I heard that you're looking after Yin for a couple of days." Ilia said. "So I thought I'd come over, on my way to the station, and see you both while I had the chance."

"Oh, well would you like to come in for a coffee?" Weiss asked.

"I'd love to." Ilia said. She put Yin down and the three of them walked into the manor together.

Yin, Weiss and Ilia sat at the dining table together. Weiss had prepared some coffee for her and Ilia. And had brought out some milk for Yin.

"So how have you been?" Weiss asked. "The last time I saw you was yours and Coco's wedding." Yin remembered that day well. Both because she had a lot of fun, and because she got to be the flower girl.

"It's going great." Ilia said. "I'm sure you've heard that Coco's signed a deal with a big design firm." Weiss nodded. "And I'm in contention to be the new chief of New Atlas Police."

"That's so cool!" Yin said.

"That's fantastic news!" Weiss gasped. "Sounds like everything is going splendidly for both of you."

"It really is." Ilia said. "But that's not all." Both Weiss and Yin looked at her with intrigue. "We've been talking about starting a family."

"Aww that's wonderful!" Weiss said. "Though I'm curious. How do you two plan on going about it?" Weiss wondered if Ilia and Coco had planned on getting the same procedure that allowed Blake and Yang to have Yin.

"Actually." Ilia said. "Coco and I have talked about it and, we're going to adopt." She took a breath. "You remember how I lost my family when I was young?" Weiss nodded. She remembered that explosion in the dust mines. A few tears formed in the corners of Ilia's eyes. "Well, I didn't have anyone after that. So, the thought of adoption means a lot to me. I want to find a child who needs a home and give them another chance at a family. Something that I never got." She wiped the tears from her eyes. Weiss was touched. Ilia's desire to adopt, was nothing short of beautiful.

"Ilia." Weiss said. "I think that's lovely."

"Thanks." Ilia said. "Coco loves the idea too. So we're going to apply to an adoption agency soon." Weiss raised her cup.

"Here's to you and Coco." Weiss said. "I hope the two of you get your baby soon." Ilia raised her cup, Yin raised her glass of milk and the three of them clinked their drinks. To toast Ilia & Coco their future family.

After Ilia left, the day progressed and everything went much smoother for Weiss than yesterday. She promised Yin a fish dinner, so there wasn't a chase through the house over a bath again. And Weiss made sure to disable the jacuzzi jets this time. During dinner, something had been on Yin's mind since that morning when Ilia told them about her and Coco adopting a child one day.

"Aunt Weiss, can I ask you something?" Yin asked.

"Of course Yin." Weiss replied. "What is it?"

"Why don't you have kids?" Yin asked. Weiss was surprised that Yin would ask something like that. "It's just that. My moms have me. Aunt Ruby and Uncle Oscar have Summer. Aunt Nora and Uncle Ren have Pyrrha. But you don't have anyone. Don't you get lonely?" Weiss wasn't prepared for that question, especially from Yin.

"Well, Yin." Weiss said. "I just, never clicked with anyone the way that your mothers did. And I've been so focused on helping to rebuild the kingdom, meeting someone and having kids just hasn't been on my mind. If I do meet somebody and things work out, then that'd be great. But for now, I'm perfectly happy with how things are." She pulled Yin in for a hug. "Especially since I have the three best nieces on Remnant." This made Yin smile. Weiss had, on occasion, pondered the possibility of having a child of her own one day. While she was perfectly happy being on her own, and being there for her nieces, it was still an option for her. But, whether or not she becomes a mother herself. She's perfectly content with being Aunt Weiss.

The next day, Yin had packed the rest of her belongings. Blake and Yang called Weiss to say their mission is over and that they were on their way to pick up their daughter. While Yin was happy to be going home, and seeing her mothers again, she was sad to be leaving. Weiss was sad too. She loved having Yin around and couldn't believe she was already going home. The two heard a knock at the front door and sure enough, it was Blake and Yang.

"Hi moms!" Yin yelled as she ran through the open door. Both Blake and Yang knelt down with open arms.

"Hi Yin!" Blake said as all three embraced.

"Did you have fun with Aunt Weiss?" Yang asked.

"Yeah, I did." Yin replied. The two mothers stood up and looked to Weiss.

"How was she?" Blake asked.

"Oh she was an absolute delight." Weiss replied. "Although there was one incident during bath time." Yin was embarrassed because she knew what Weiss was about to tell them.

"Aww, did she not want to take it?" Yang asked.

"Well yes. She didn't." Weiss said. "But the bathroom got flooded." Blake and Yang were both shocked to hear that.

"Yin!" Blake said sternly, looking down to her daughter.

"It was partially my fault." Weiss said, Blake looked back to her with intrigue. "Let's just say, don't run a bubble bath in a jacuzzi." While Blake tried to apologise and Weiss insisted that everything was okay. Yang leaned closer to Yin.

"Hey Yin." Yang whispered. "How was a bathroom full of bubbles?"

"It was awesome." Yin whispered. "The room filled up with soap and bubbles, it was a lot of fun. When Aunt Weiss opened the door, it all spilled out like a water slide."

"Wow, that sounds like a water-ful bath." Yang whispered. Yin laughed a little at her mother's pun. Though her expression saddened.

"I do still feel guilty about it though." Yin whispered. Yang wrapped an arm around her daughter.

"Hey, don't worry about it." Yang whispered. "Weiss says everything's fine, so don't beat yourself up." Yin smiled again. "Just, don't do that at home. Okay?" The two laughed together while Blake and Weiss continued talking.

"Weiss, please." Blake said. "Let us do something to pay you back."

"Everything's fine, don't worry about it." Weiss said. "Though if you want do something. All I ask, is that you two invite me over more often. I just want to be in Yin's life." Blake smiled and nodded.

"Okay. If you're positive." Blake said. Weiss was happy that the matter was finally resolved. Blake looked to her wife and daughter. "Alright, we should get going. We've got a long trip back to Patch.

"Sounds good to me." Yang said. "Yin? Is anything you wanna say before we go?" She asked as she tilted her head towards Weiss a couple of times. Yin knew what her mother was hinting at.

"Aunt Weiss." Yin said. Before Weiss could respond, she was interrupted by Yin hugging her. "Thank you for having me." Weiss smiled and hugged her goddaughter back.

"You're welcome here anytime Yin." Weiss said softly. She watched the three leave and waved off their transport as it slowly disappeared from view. Weiss was happy that she finally got to take care of Yin by herself for a while. And looked forward to the day she would see her, Summer or Pyrrha again. Though the experience did give her a new respect for Blake and Yang. While she had some troubles with Yin in such a short time, she could only imagine what they must go through every day.

Next - Final Chapter - Yin's Semblance!?

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