The Isekai'd Hero Teyvat Need...

By Jordanwolfboy9743

11.1K 268 234

(Genshin Impact Harem x Male Reader) You were just a normal, every day guy living his life to the fullest whi... More

Reader's Bio & Harem
Harem List 2
Prologue Act 1 Part 1: A Whole New World

Prologue Act 1 Part 2: The Traveler and the Emergency Food

1.8K 60 48
By Jordanwolfboy9743

It's been about four weeks since you first arrived here in the world of Genshin Impact, otherwise known as Teyvat. The people of Mondstadt were still trying to get used to the idea of an otherworldly individual falling from the heavens right out of nowhere, but you tried your best to seem friendly to them which has worked as they began accepting you into their community. It should also be mentioned that due to you always helping Amber out with any and every monster problem that came to Mondstadt along with getting some proper training from her along with occasional sessions with Kaeya, Jean had now begun to trust you and she even made you one of the Knights of Favonius which made the adorable bunny themed Outrider very happy. Granted, it was a part time thing as you still needed to train, but that didn't erase the fact that they saw potential in you.

When it came to your living arrangements, it was decided by Jean that until you were able to afford your own place, you had to stay with either Amber or Lisa which undoubtedly led to more tension between them. Suffice it to say, they were at each other's throats almost all the time. Amber kept saying that since she found you, she had to be the one that you stayed with while Lisa constantly countered that you'd be better off staying with someone more mature than Amber, although, deep down, you knew that she was probably just looking for an excuse to flirt with you more. To put an end to their debate, you told them that you'd compromise by alternating between staying with both of them on a weekly basis which seemed to work as they agreed to it... even if it took a little more arguing.

Speaking of which, your time with the people you now called friends was well spent. For as seemingly airheaded as she was, Amber was a lot of fun to be around. Her giddy personality and positive outlook on life was really something you wished you had. How a girl like her was able to smile after a day of nearly being killed by countless monsters was beyond you and you were certain that it was probably best for you to not know. Still, you always accepted her company wherever and whenever possible. One time, she suggested that she should take you gliding, which was a big shock to you.

As it turned out, the town of Mondstadt was known for gliding as it was something the Knights of Favonius did constantly. The only problem with it was that you had to have a gliding license to be able to glide at all. However, with Amber's help and after many... many miserable fails, you were finally permitted to glide which was a dream come true for you as it actually allowed you to see what skydiving would have essentially felt like.

Jean had grown used to having you around as she did occasionally drop by to visit you whether you were in the town market or back at either Amber or Lisa's homes, although she never did stay around for long as she was very busy with other things. You understood why, seeing as how she was Acting Grand Master of the Knights of Favonius after all, but a part of you really wanted to get to know her better as you felt that it would help your relationship with her. She did have a mysterious nature to her and you were hoping that with enough time, she'd open up with you more and more. For the time being though, you resorted to the occasional talks which were still good.

And then there was Lisa and... oh boy, was she something else. As somewhat mentioned before, nearly every time you were with her, she would always find a reason, chance, or time to flirt with you, calling you nicknames like cutie, sweetie, or even darling. Honestly, her nicknames for you didn't really leave much of an impact on you. It wasn't that you didn't like being called those nicknames, far from it, but just as Jean had explained to you, she does that with everyone, so you didn't feel like you were really getting anywhere with her. Then again, she did hug you a lot whenever you visited her at the library, so there may have been a chance that she did really like you. Although... you probably could have done without the hugs... as she'd implant your face into her... ample bosom nearly every time. You did admire her intelligence though which made sense since she worked at the library and the fact that she was about ten years older than you, so her maturity wasn't just for show. It didn't take much to convince you on why she was really well respected.

Then there was Kaeya. A guy like him did perplex you a little. He was always so confident and sure of himself that it astounded you how he was able to maintain it all the time. It may have been a result of his Vision, which you had learned were objects that allowed people to wield one of the seven elements, as it was Cryo or Ice in this case, meaning he had a personality that was metaphorically and quite literally cool as ice. You had to keep yourself from rolling your eyes at that sheer coincidence multiple times. Still, aside from that, he seemed like a nice guy to you and he did really teach you how to fight, so you had to be thankful to him for that.

Suffice to say, things have been going well for you since you came to the world of Teyvat. However, things would only grow even more interesting on this particular day. You were at a beach near a place most called Starsnatch Cliff that overlooked a massive ocean as you came bearing a large fishing rod and some bait to catch some fish. Today was a day off for you, so you decided to do a little fishing. Taking a seat on the sand beneath, you put some bait onto the hook and after pulling back a few inches, you cast the line out into the water as it plopped down onto its surface. Turning the reel until the line was straight, you settled and waited for a bite.

However, only a few seconds could pass before a tug rumbled through the fishing pole, giving you the cue to begin reeling in. You noticed that whatever you caught didn't seem to be putting up much of a fight. In fact, you were sure that you didn't feel it moving much at all.

(Y/N): Huh, I guess I've got one that's more laid back.

You said to yourself while still reeling in your catch. Once the target had been reeled in a good distance, you prepared for the pull. With one mighty tug, you yanked whatever you caught out of the water with a splash, but you may have pulled just a little too hard as you fell onto your back as the fish sailed over your head. Due to the sun blazing into your eyes, you couldn't make out what it was as it appeared as nothing more than an amorphous blob.

You sat up before dusting yourself off and standing. You grabbed your fishing pole and tried to reel in your fish closer only to discover that it had gotten off the hook which made you let out an annoyed grunt.

(Y/N): Well, at least I got it out of the water. I'd better look for it before it's snatched off by a critter or something else.

You turned around to where the fish had likely gone as it took you through some bushes. You emerged through them and looked around, but still couldn't see it anywhere, that is until you found something odd. There seemed to be a little girl lying face down on the grassy ground. She had thick white shoulder length hair and she wore a long-sleeved white jumper and a night-blue cape flecked with stars, and white stockings with white boots. Rose-gold embroidery and shapes were attached to her jumper, boots, and sleeves. A rose-gold tiara also levitated above her head as though it were a halo. You couldn't make out what her eye color was due to them being closed.

You had to admit, this took the cake as far as anything weird going on today as you stared at this girl with a raised eyebrow.

(Y/N): What the...?


Based on observation alone, the girl looked to be unconscious as she didn't move all that much. As she laid unmoving, you scratched your chin in a deep thought over the situation you now found yourself in.

(Y/N): *thinking* Hang on. Is... is she what I pulled out of the water? Shiiiiit... I'm not gonna have to resuscitate her, do I? I'm gonna get such weird looks if I do. At the same time though, I can't just leave her like this. *sigh* Anna, if I get in trouble, I'll curse you for the rest of my life.

With your internal dialogue over, you walked up to the small, unconscious girl and picked her up by her legs and dangled her in front of you. There was a chance that she was just knocked out, so you tried just speaking to her.

(Y/N): Hey, are you okay?

You asked, gently shaking her to try and wake her up. All you got from her was a small mumble and a few words as her eyes remained shut.

???: *mumbles* So... so delicious. So... tasty.

You shook her again with a little more force and called to her a second time.

(Y/N): Hey! Pull yourself together! *thinking* Just wake up already so I can preserve whatever dignity I might still have left!

This time, your efforts bore some fruit as the girl stirred from her slumber, still mumbling in the process until she awoke with a gasp. It was now that you could finally see her dark purple eyes as they looked down at your feet before they slowly scanned upwards until they stopped at your face as you tilted your perplexed head to the side.

All of a sudden, she screamed and recoiled in fear, making you let go before she hovered over to a nearby rock as fast as she could and hid behind it... wait, hover?

Paimon: P-Please don't eat Paimon! Paimon tastes really bad!

She begged in a high pitched voice. You snapped out of your shock and put up your hands to try and calm her down.

(Y/N): Woah, woah, take it easy. I'm not gonna eat you. *thinking* Although, you do look just big enough for a meal, but... I'm not one for cannibalism. God, Silence of the Lambs really screwed me up. *speaking* Are you okay? Are you hurt in any way?

You asked, trying to show her that you weren't a threat. It seemed to have worked as the girl slowly came out from the rock and her fear was replaced with curiosity.

Paimon: O-Oh, Paimon's just fine.

She answered before hovering up to you until she was at eye level with you.

Paimon: Thanks for asking, Mr... uh, who are you?

You offered her a handshake.

(Y/N): I'm Y/N. Y/N L/N. I'm guessing that your name is Paimon since you keep saying it instead of "I" or "I'm," right?

She nods and smiles before accepting your handshake with her small hand.

Paimon: Uh-huh! It's nice to meet you!

You looked at her body size for a few seconds before you came to a conclusion.

(Y/N): *thinking* *sigh* I'm starting to think that she really is what I fished out of the ocean.

You thought as you took note of the water dripping from her boots.

(Y/N): *thinking* Yep, definitely confirms it. The hell would a little girl like her even be doing out in the ocean? Also... how the hell is she able to float like that? Did she get into some pixie dust or something? Unless... she is a pixie and I just don't know it.

Deciding to think about that later, you decided to press her for questions.

(Y/N): Hey, you wouldn't happen to remember being in the ocean, do you?

Paimon: Wait... Paimon was in the ocean?!

She asked, feeling scared from that sudden revelation.

(Y/N): Afraid so. If it wasn't for me fishing you out, you would have likely drowned.

Paimon: O-Oh... then... Paimon thanks you very much for that.

(Y/N): Uh... no problem, I guess. So... what exactly are you?

Paimon brought a finger to her chin and began to think on your question, humming as she did so. Soon, she replaced her expression with one of worry.

Paimon: H-Huh? What... what is Paimon?

She now started to panic.

Paimon: AHHH! Paimon doesn't know! Paimon can't remember!

You now showed surprise on your face as you recoiled.

(Y/N): Wait, what? You can't remember what you are?

Paimon: Uh-huh! Paimon can only remember her name and not much else!

(Y/N): You can't even remember why you were in the ocean?

Paimon shook her head, still in a panic.

Paimon: No! Oh, what is Paimon gonna do?! Where will Paimon go from here?! What'll Paimon do to live?!

She continued on in her distressed state. Admittedly, you felt bad for her. She really did seem to have a form of amnesia, at least one that involved her own personal identity. As far as everything else, you weren't sure. Bringing a hand to your chin, you thought about what you were going to do with Paimon. Due to her current predicament, she likely wasn't going to remember where she came from or where she could go and you quickly came to the conclusion that she's not gonna remember any possible friends she may have had.

With all of that in mind, you made up your next course of action and looked at her.

(Y/N): Hey, don't worry. I can help you get your memory back. *thinking* That is if people won't give us strange looks.

Paimon's mood brightened and she looked at you in surprise.

Paimon: Really?! You mean it?!

(Y/N): Sure. It might even be good for the both of us. You need to find out where you came from and I wouldn't mind the company, so it's kind of a win-win. Plus, if you stick with me, someone we come across is bound to recognize you.

Paimon grew an immediate grin and she circled all around you with skyrocketed happiness.

Paimon: Yay! Thank you, thank you, thank you so much, Mr. L/N!

(Y/N): Eh, I'm not usually one for formalities, so you can just call me Y/N.

Paimon: Okay! Y/N it is! Paimon owes you so much for this, so from now on, Paimon will do her best to be a great friend!

She promised, which made you smile warmly at her.

(Y/N): *thinking* Hmm, she's optimistic, I'll give her that. I'm not sure if that'll be a good or bad thing in the future. *speaking* I appreciate that, Paimon. Thank you. I'm guessing you're probably starving, aren't you?

As if on cue, Paimon's stomach gurgled loud enough to emphasize its hunger as she put a hand over it sheepishly.

Paimon: Eh heh heh. Paimon... could use some food right about now.

(Y/N): *chuckles* Don't worry. I think I've still got some meat skewers on me.

Reaching into your satchel, you took out a few meat skewers and offered them to Paimon. Her mouth drooled the second her eyes laid upon the delectable food and she gobbled them up without hesitation.

(Y/N): Jeez, you really were hungry. *thinking* Something tells me that this'll be a running theme while hanging out with her.

Swallowing her food, Paimon let out a small burp.

Paimon: Can you blame Paimon? Paimon thinks her stomach was about to implode from hunger just now!

(Y/N): *thinking* Isn't that being a little dramatic?

Paimon: Do you have any more on you?! They were sooo good!

She asked, floating closer to your satchel to take a look inside it.

(Y/N): I'm afraid those were the last ones I had on me. We'll have to head back to town if we wanna get more.

Paimon: Aw, really? That's probably gonna take forever!

She whined, crossing her arms and pouting in an admittedly cute way.

(Y/N): *thinking* *sigh* I see what you've done now, Anna. This whole thing about taking me to another world was too good to be true, so you've assigned me the job of babysitter. This really is gonna be like Konosuba, isn't it? *speaking* Look, it won't take us very long, okay? Mondstadt is just a hop skip and a jump from here. When we get there, you'll stuff your face with so much food that you'll likely not go hungry again for a whole year.

Paimon: *sigh* Fine. If you say so. It better be as you promise.

She replied, ending her brief tantrum. You nodded as you turned around, but before you could actually begin to head back to Mondstadt, you smacked right into someone as the both of you fell to the ground. Stars danced around your head before you shook them away and saw who you bumped into as they were still in their dizzy state. It was revealed to be a girl with shoulder length blonde hair, orange eyes, and a petite frame. She wore a baby blue and white dress similar to that of a kimono along with a set of long thigh high boots. She also wore two white flowers in her hair as well as two white feathers.

It didn't take long for you to realize what you did as you tried to remedy the accident by standing and offering her a hand.

(Y/N): O-Oh, sorry. I didn't see you coming.

You apologized, making the girl come back to her senses again. When she finally did, she looked up at you as your hand was still offered to her. She soon shakes her head before taking your hand, allowing you to help her to her feet.

???: N-No, it was my fault. I should have looked where I was going.

She replied, rubbing one of her arms and feeling a little guilty. You took a quick look at her before deciding to ask her a question.

(Y/N): It's all good. No hard feelings at all. Hey, I don't think I've seen you around here. Are you new to Mondstadt?

She looked away, seemingly unsure on how to answer your question. She did come up with something though as she looked at you again.

???: Yes, I suppose... although, I'm not sure for how long.

Her peculiar answer made both you and Paimon look at each other with lifted eyebrows.

Paimon: Uhh... Paimon's confused by what she means by that.

(Y/N): Ditto.

???: *sigh* I'm sorry if that was really cryptic, but... if I were to tell you, it would involve me having to explain to you something you likely wouldn't understand.

Raising an eyebrow, you crossed your arms before speaking.

(Y/N): Uhh... no offense, Miss, but I don't think I'd be too surprised by anything you'd have to say.

She sent a surprised expression your way in response.

???: What makes you say that?

(Y/N): Let's just say that I've experienced things that I thought were impossible.

Paimon: Impossible? Like what?

(Y/N): I'll explain later. Anyways, what's your story, Miss... Uhh... I don't think we got your name.

You said to the girl who brought a surprised hand to her chest.

Lumine: Oh, my name is Lumine. What are yours?

(Y/N): I'm Y/N L/N, and this little pipsqueak is Paimon.

You pointed to the possible pixie girl who huffed while putting her fists on her hips.

Paimon: Hey! Paimon's not a pipsqueak! If anything, Paimon's slightly below average size!

(Y/N): *thinking* Yeah, below the average size of a toddler surely.

Lumine let out a low chuckle from Paimon's reply as you both turned back to her. She took a seat on a nearby rock while you followed her example and sat on some nearby rocks as she started her story.

Lumine: Anyways, here it is. If you can believe it or not, I'm actually not from this world.

Both you and Paimon simultaneously gasped, the only difference being that Paimon showed genuine shock while you only displayed mild surprise.

Paimon: Really?!

She asked as Lumine nodded before she picked up a lone stick and started to draw different images onto the sand. The first being an image of two bright objects hurtling through the sky like shooting stars.

Lumine: In fact, before I came here, I traveled to many worlds alongside my brother Aether. We reached this world and were about to cross over to the next when...

She paused for a few seconds. The twinge of curiosity struck you and you leaned forward in your seat.

(Y/N): When what?

You asked, trying to urge her on before she took a deep breath and continued.

Lumine: When this unknown god came out of nowhere and stopped us. She said something about "The Sustainer of Principles and the arrogation of mankind being brought to an end."

She drew another image. This one was of an image of a woman with strange, floating cubes all around her.

(Y/N): The Sustainer of Principles? I don't think I've heard of anything like that.

Paimon: Neither has Paimon. Anyways, then what happened?

Lumine: She attacked us. Aether and I fought back, but we barely stood a chance, if there was any at all. She used these strange cubes to keep us at bay. There came a point where I was blown back and... and she ensnared my brother in the cubes, covering his whole body with them. I tried to save him, but the god did the same to me and I blacked out. And... and just like that, the god took away my brother.

She stated sadly as she fought to keep her tears from escaping her eyes.

Lumine: S-Some kind of seal was cast upon me, and I lost my power. So whilst we used to cross world after world, we are now trapped here.

She stopped shortly after as you looked back at her in sympathy. You couldn't really relate to what she went through, but you still could feel the sadness coming from her. Putting down the stick in her hand, she remained looking down sadly.

Lumine: How many years ago was it? I don't know... but I intend to find out.

She said the last part with a glint of determination in her voice as well as her eyes.

Lumine: After I awoke, I was all alone, right up until I met you two just now.

As she came to a finish, you stayed silent while taking in all she said. There was no denying that she had been through a lot which you were able to tell just from the tone of her voice and her body language. You couldn't exactly relate, but you did still feel the urge to help in some way.

It soon came in the form of you scooting a little closer to Lumine who looked back at you the second you made some movement.

(Y/N): Lumine... I'm... I'm really sorry to hear that. It must have been hard to witness that unknown god just take your brother like that.

She nodded soon after, peering right at you.

Lumine: It was. I... I don't suppose either of you have seen him, right? He's a little taller than me and he has similarly colored hair and eyes as I do. He should also be wearing a brown and black outfit.

Digging into the depths of your memory, you tried to uncover any possible memory of someone who matched her description. After a few seconds unfortunately, you exhaled at not finding anything.

(Y/N): I'm sorry, Lumine. I've never met anyone that looks like your brother.

You admitted as Paimon offered a similar response.

Paimon: Paimon can't remember anyone like that either. Then again, Paimon can't remember much of anything about herself, so she's sadly no help.

It was now Lumine's turn to sigh in defeat.

Lumine: It's okay. I... guess I should have seen that coming. I'm... I'm sorry to have burdened you two with it.

Lumine then stood up and stretched out her limbs before frowning determinedly.

Lumine: No matter. I need to find him, wherever he is.

Just as she was about to walk away, you stood and put a hand in front of her to stop her which worked as she halted.

(Y/N): Wait. Maybe you don't have to do this on your own. I can help you find your brother.

You offered, which led her to shoot a surprised face at you.

Lumine: You... wish to help?

(Y/N): Yeah. You'd have better luck having others around to assist you. Besides, I've got a zero tolerance policy when it comes to kidnappers. And hey, I'm sure that Grand Master Jean could help us too.

Lumine: Grand Master Jean?

(Y/N): Yeah. She's pretty much the one that runs everything over in the town of Mondstadt. If I take you there, she might have some possible leads on where we could find your brother. What do you say?

You offered, bringing your hand up for a handshake with Lumine. She looks down at it and back up at your face a few times, thinking over her options. Finally, her lips curled into a small smile and she accepted your handshake as well as your proposal.

Lumine: Okay. I'm... I'm thankful for your help, Mr, L/N.

(Y/N): Just Y/N is fine.

Lumine nods to that as Paimon throws an eager fist bump into the air. 

Paimon: Woo-hoo! Paimon will finally get more of that delicious food she was promised!

In response to that, you shot her a stern squint of your eyes which quickly made Paimon do a total attitude U-turn.

Paimon: U-Uhh... *nervously laughs* P-Paimon means, we'll definitely find Aether in no time!

(Y/N): *thinking* Note to self; keep as many meat skewers as possible to myself.

Paimon then approached Lumine by hovering closer to her.

Paimon: Paimon wants to help you too, Lumine! Paimon's not sure how much she can help, but Paimon will try to be a great friend to you too just as Paimon had promised Y/N!

Lumine's smile returned and she giggled.

Lumine: Thank you, Paimon.

Paimon: *giggles* You're welcome! Anyways, we should head off. Let's get going!

The white haired girl spun around and floated away as you and Lumine followed right behind her.

Lumine: Hey, Y/N? I noticed before that you didn't seem that surprised by me being from another world. Why is that?

She asked you so suddenly, which gained a scratch to the side of the head from you.

(Y/N): Yyyyyeeeeah, about that. I... also come from a different world, believe it or not.

Lumine certainly didn't see that coming as she uttered her earlier surprised gasp.

Lumine: Y-You do?

(Y/N): Yeah. However, it is different from this world in a lot of ways.

Lumine: Like what?

(Y/N): It's too many differences to list as of right now, but I'll be sure to tell you snippets here and there. The first is that my old world was not quite as advanced as things seemed to be here, one of them being technology. I mean, there's giant sentient robots in this world. Granted, there's no phones here, but still.

Lumine: What are these "phones" you speak of?

She tried to ask again, but you denied it with a halting motion.

(Y/N): They're a means of communication in my old world. Let's say you wanted to chat with someone and they were on the other side of the country, a phone would allow you to talk to that person, provided that they had one of their own as well.

Lumine was taken aback by that as she blinked in an admittedly cute fashion.

Lumine: T-That's fascinating! So, it's like a quicker way of sending a letter to someone.

(Y/N): Except you were able to not only get a message to them quicker, but also talk to them wherever and whenever you wanted.

Lumine: W-Wow... it sounds like a truly wonderful object.

She said, now awestruck by this intriguing device you spoke of.

(Y/N): Yeah... sure is. *thinking* If you exclude the fact that nearly everyone there practically made their phone their one and only priority.

You thought with a small frown as you carried on walking until you reached a more open area that had a great view of the city of Mondstadt which was now in sight albeit a good distance away. At the moment though, your attention was drawn to a small lake that circled a patch of land. It was a much shorter distance, so you decided to head there first. The walk continued until you reached the lake and placed directly in the center was a tall monolithic object with a statue on top that was very much identical to the giant one in Mondstadt.

You reached the water and took a few seconds to observe just how clear it was.

(Y/N): Hey, why don't I show you this cool statue over here?

You asked Lumine who maintained her gaze on the idol the whole time. You then did a few stretches to prepare yourself for the swim. Sure, it was a short swim, but it was still important to stretch before swimming, at least to you.

(Y/N): You know, this isn't the only statue of its kind. There's all sorts of these things all around Teyvat from what I've heard. There's these ones, Geo ones, and several other-

You didn't get the rest of the sentence out when Lumine ran past you and swan dived into the river, splashing beneath the surface and swimming over to the statue's land. Because of her sudden action, you stared ahead, not thinking to blink even once as Paimon copied your facial features.

Paimon: She seems... capably eager.

(Y/N): *sarcasm* Thanks for stating the obvious.

You replied snarkily. Deciding not to wait any longer, you dove into the water and swam after Lumine who had already reached the island and dried herself off. You emerged from the water and shook it off the best you could before you looked to see Lumine staring at the statue quietly. You walked right up beside her as it got her to look at you.

(Y/N): This is a Statue of The Seven. As I said, there's a bunch of these scattered all around Teyvat that show the Gods' protection over the world. The ones in Mondstadt's region are the ones pertaining to the Anemo God who's one of the Seven Gods.

Lumine: Anemo?

She asked, tilting her head.

(Y/N): It's another word for Wind.

Paimon: Ohhh. Wait, you don't think the Anemo God could be the one that took Lumine's brother, right?

(Y/N): Eh, I don't think so. The Anemo God is male, and Lumine seemed to have described a woman, so I don't think that's the case. Unless, of course, the gods can somehow change gender, but I've yet to hear about that.

Lumine: It wouldn't hurt to still check and make sure, right?

(Y/N): I guess.

You walked ahead of Lumine and put a hand on the base of the statue, gazing up at it as you did so. Lumine followed suit and put her hand at its base as well. Suddenly, right when her hand touched, the statue glowed a bright cyan color as it concentrated into the strange orb in the statue's outstretched hands. Eventually, the combined light formed itself and shot towards both you and Lumine. You both back away, shocked by what was happening as the orb dissipated and in its place hovered a small circular object, one with intricate designs at the sides. The front showed an image of what looked like two wings merged together.

Not really sure what to do, you reached a hand out and gently grasped the pendant-like object and observed it closely.

(Y/N): I... I've seen this thing before. It's... it's a Vision!

Paimon: A... Vision?

She asked, rubbing her head as you gave her a quick nod.

(Y/N): Yeah. It's something that gives a person the ability to wield one of the seven elements of this world. I've seen a few people carry them around, but I never got to see one really up close. I believe those people are also called Allogenes now that I think about it.

Lumine: I'm guessing this symbol means you possess the power of Anemo, doesn't it?

(Y/N): Looks like it. Hey, if it's something that gives me free powers, who am I to complain? Hang on. Don't you have cool powers too, Lumine? You touched the statue just like I did.

Lumine brings her hand up and stares at it.

Lumine: I'm... not sure. I guess I'll need to test it out when I-

She was suddenly stopped when Paimon got done rubbing her head and she found herself smiling widely again as she shouted.

Paimon: Hey! It's all coming back to Paimon!

Her loud voice made both you and Lumine turn back to her.

(Y/N): What is? Do you remember who and what you are now?

Paimon puts a finger on her chin in thought again.

Paimon: Nnnnnno, not that.

Her answer made you transition to a deadpan frown.

(Y/N): What then?

Paimon: Paimon's remembering details about this world! Now, Paimon can not just be a great friend, but also a great guide!

She hovered ahead and pointed her tiny index finger over at the town of Mondstadt.

Paimon: Our first order of business: Get our butts over to Mondstadt!

(Y/N): Hmm, she's right. Let's not dawdle any longer.

Lumine nodded in agreement before the three of you left the island and back onto solid ground. You carried on walking again until something else stopped you. This time, however, the thing that did so wasn't another statue, but instead a giant beast flying in the sky above you. It closely resembled that of a dragon as it had a light azure colored body and its talons and horns were a darker midnight blue color. It had six large wings with three on each side and it had a long feathery looking tail.

The beast roared overhead as it descended into a small patch of woods ahead. Meanwhile, you three were in complete shock over what you just witnessed.

Paimon: Wow, what is that?!

Lumine: I-It's huge!

They exclaimed while you were silent at first. That soon changed when you had a random thought.

(Y/N): *thinking* Could... could that be... who I think it is.

You thought before Lumine rushed ahead of you, snapping you from your train of thought.

(Y/N): W-Wha?! H-Hey, Lumine, wait up!

Lumine: I wanna take a closer look at it! Come on!

Paimon: Paimon agrees! Let's see what it's doing!

She added, hovering beside Lumine who still held the lead as you ran after them into the patch of woods.

(Y/N): H-Hang on! I'm supposed to be the one in front, not the other way around! *thinking* Okay, why does that sound dirty to me for some reason?

After a few seconds, Lumine finally slowed down, allowing you to catch up to her as you now resumed your earlier walking pace. The pathway led you to a more open area in the woods, but something else was there too which prompted the three of you to duck behind a tree. Peering around it, you spotted the same dragon from earlier along with someone else there. They were shown to be a feminine looking young boy with dark blue hair that bordered on black with short double braids that faded to aqua at the ends. He wore a white ruffled top with a leather corset-like midsection, teal shorts with gold embroidery, and a matching teal cape tied with a deep blue and gold bow. He also wore white stockings with three gold diamonds on each leg and a beret-like hat with a Cecilia flower.

As you hid from both his and the dragon's sight, you noticed that the boy looked like he was trying to communicate with the dragon as he had his hands up to it and he spoke in a soft voice.

???: Don't be afraid. It's alright now. I'm back.

He cooed as it appeared to be working due to the dragon looking back at him while docile. You, Lumine, and Paimon stared at them, surprised by how a boy could have been able to tame something like a dragon.

Paimon: *whisper* Is he talking... to a dragon?

(Y/N): *whisper* He's not being eaten by it, so I'm gonna assume it's a yes.

Lumine: But... how can he possibly tame a-

She was stopped when your vision and Lumine suddenly flashed a bright cyan which finally caught the sight of the dragon as it roared in agitation. The boy backed off a couple inches before he had to jump further away due to the dragon attempting to swipe at him with its claws. When he was a safe distance away, he turned to glance over at where you three were as he now looked irritated from being interrupted.

???: Who's there?!

He called as the dragon grew angrier. Seeing as how this was going nowhere, the boy backed away again before disappearing in a cyan flash of light. Soon after he left, the dragon flapped its wings and flew away, creating large gusts of wind that made Paimon hold onto you to not get blown away. When it was gone, the three of you were left pondering over what you saw.

Paimon: That was close! Paimon almost got blown away! Luckily, Paimon was able to grab a hold of Y/N. Thanks for that by the way.

(Y/N): Sure thing.

You gazed up at where the dragon had flown with a pair of widened eyes.

(Y/N): That... that was a dragon we just saw, right? Like, an actual real dragon?!

You asked, turning back to Lumine and Paimon who were just as confused as you.

Lumine: I-I... I think it was.

Paimon: That thing was huge! Paimon thought we'd get gobbled up!

(Y/N): Well, if it weren't for that kid that was talking to it, it likely would have.

Paimon: Paimon agrees! That boy was a weirdo for sure, but how was he able to tame a dragon?

Lumine: I'm still shocked that dragons even exist in the first place. 

(Y/N): I'm guessing you don't have dragons where you come from?

You asked and to no one's surprise, Lumine and Paimon both shoot you a "seriously?" kind of look. Paimon then decided to follow that up with a conk to your noggin.

(Y/N): Ow!

Paimon: What kind of question is that?! She wouldn't be surprised by a dragon's existence if she's seen one before, you dummy!

(Y/N): *sigh* Okay, okay, I had that coming. But anyways, the kid and the dragon are gone now, so let's get back to-

Lumine: Hey, what's that?!

She interrupted, pointing to the top of the rocky hill the dragon stood briefly on. Something small and glowing red floated just at the top which would explain Lumine's interjection.

Paimon: There's some kind of shiny red thingy on the big rock over there. Let's go take a closer look!

She went closer to the strange object as you and Lumine followed cautiously.

(Y/N): Paimon, slow down. We don't know what it is, so let's be careful about it.

Paimon: We won't know what it is until we see it!

She replied, simply ignoring any possible danger from this. You got closer to the strange object until you got a clear view of it. Upon seeing it directly, it looked like what you'd describe as a crystallized teardrop that glowed an eerie red hue.

It floated ominously while you, Lumine, and Paimon examined it.

(Y/N): What... is this thing?

Your question was only met with confused stares from both girls.

Paimon: Paimon's never seen a stone like this before, so Paimon can't tell what it is.

Lumine: Well, I'm no expert, but it honestly reminds me of a huge teardrop. It must have come from that dragon.

Her observation was met with a nod from you.

(Y/N): That would explain it being here so suddenly. The question is; What do we do with it?

Paimon: Paimon thinks we should hold onto it for now. Lumine, how about you take it?

Lumine: Wait. What if this thing is dangerous?

Paimon: Hmm, good point. In that case, then maybe Y/N should take it.

(Y/N): *sarcasm* Gee, it's nice to know just how much my life matters to you.

Paimon: Oh, don't be such a baby and grab it already!

Rolling your eyes to that, you looked back at the teardrop and slowly reached a hand out to it. Surprisingly, nothing bad seemed to happen when you touched it as you were easily able to stuff it into your satchel without a hassle.

Paimon: Okay, we've got it! Now let's get out of here!

She points at the pathway you took to get in.

Paimon: The path seems to continue through the woods, so let's head out that way.

She went on ahead as you followed her yet again. The trail carried on until you reached the outside of the stretch. The town of Mondstadt was so close now. All that was left was a short jog before you made it. Before you could properly leave the forest exit however, your eyes were suddenly covered by someone else's hands and a familiar upbeat and female sounding voice spoke into your ear.

???: Guess who!~

The girl's question was followed by a giggle. Now smiling widely, you easily deduced who it was as you playfully tapped the side of your head in thought.

(Y/N): Hmm, since we're in Mondstadt's region, and since we're also a good distance away from the City of Freedom itself, I'm gonna say that it's my amazing partner, Outrider Amber!

With another giggle, the girl removed her hands and stepped in front of you as you were spot on with it being Amber as she smiled widely at you.

Amber: ~Hey, Y/N!

She greeted, wrapping her arms around your neck in a hug as she also rested her head on your shoulder. You happily reciprocated it and held her close.

(Y/N): How's it going, Amber?

You greeted as well before the hug ended and Amber gave you one of her signature pouts.

Amber: Where were you today? I've been looking all over for you.

(Y/N): Sorry about that. I decided to go fishing today and I guess I forgot to tell you.

You apologized, smiling nervously and scratching the back of your head. Amber's pout soon went away and she shook her head with a small frown.

Amber: Look... I know you can handle yourself, but there's still you-know-who on the loose. Just remember to let me know that you're leaving beforehand, okay?

(Y/N): Sure. No worries. And hey, I could make it up to you by getting us some Sticky Honey Roast when we get back.

Amber almost immediately began to drool over the aforementioned food as she licked her lips.

Amber: Oh, yum! You'd better uphold that promise, Y/N!

(Y/N): Don't worry, you won't be disappointed.

You replied, smirking. Paimon finally joined in by clearing her throat, getting both your attention.

(Y/N): O-Oh, heh, sorry, you guys. Amber, these are some new friends I made just moments ago.

You gestured to Paimon and Lumine as Amber went up to them.

Amber: Oh, hello there! I'm Amber, Outrider to the Knights of Favonius! Any friend of Y/N is a friend of mine!

She greeted them. Lumine was the first to speak as she approached the bunny themed girl and shook her hand.

Lumine: I'm Lumine. It's a pleasure to meet you, Amber.

Amber: Hmm, Lumine, huh? Doesn't sound like a local name to me.

(Y/N): Well, to be fair Amber, for a time, mine wasn't exactly local either.

You pointed out, now standing beside her.

Amber: *chuckles* Good point.

Her eyes then wandered to Paimon as she curiously eyed her.

Amber: And this... mascot, what's the deal with it?

Lumine scratched her head in thought while you perked up when you came up with an answer... a rather devious one at that, one that made you grin sadistically. Seeing as how Paimon was deathly afraid of being eaten by you earlier and after realizing that this could be some good old fashioned revenge for her constant sass and for her putting you in possible danger earlier with the teardrop, you knew just what to say right then and there.

Lumine: Uhhh...

She tried to say, but you quickly came in with your response all while still smirking.

(Y/N): Oh, you know, Paimon's just our new backup emergency food. Nothing more.

You answered proudly. Paimon most definitely didn't see that answer coming nor did she even remotely like it as she shot you a glare and stomped the air in a tantrum.

Paimon: Hey! That's even worse than being a mascot, Y/N!

You and Lumine couldn't help but laugh at that as Amber patiently waited while somewhat chuckling herself.

Amber: So, I'm guessing you must be partnering up with each other then, correct?

Lumine: I suppose so.

She answered before Amber crossed her arms seriously.

Amber: Well, I'm afraid you've come at a rather inopportune time. There's been a large dragon sighted around Mondstadt recently. Best you get inside the city as soon as possible.

(Y/N): Yeeeeeah, about that...

You resumed your earlier back of the head scratching as Amber now looked at you.

(Y/N): We might have... sort of... ran into that very same dragon just now. It was right before we met up with you.

You sheepishly laughed while putting your hands behind your back. In response to that, all Amber could do was stare blankly at you for what felt like forever. Eventually, she snapped out of it and now threw on a genuinely worried expression.

Amber: First, you leave without letting me know where you're going, and now, you're telling me that you almost got nabbed by Stormterror?!

Her shout made you briefly cover your ears from the volume before one of your arms was grabbed by Amber and she held it close to her.

Amber: That does it! From now on, you're never leaving my side! Wherever you go, I'll go too! We're partners and partners stick together!

(Y/N): *thinking* Even... in the shower?

Your cheeks now glowed a bright red from not only that thought along with Amber's unexpected action, but also from her words too. Unfortunately, your embarrassment was only tripled when you realized that Amber had brought your arm in between her C cup... "assets" as well, sandwiching it between them while Amber either didn't notice or simply didn't care.

(Jordanwolfboy9743: *sigh* Look, you may as well say it. It's not like this story will be for kids. In fact, this one will be more mature than others.)

*sigh* Fine... your arm was between her breasts. Happy now?

(Jordanwolfboy9743: Well, I'm not unhappy, so there's that.)

*mumbling* Don't know if that's a good or bad thing.

*clears throat*

Either way, you were caught in an awkward situation. Fortunately, you didn't have to deal with it for very long as Amber soon realized what she had done and gazed down at your smothered arm. As immediately as you did, Amber's face burned red before she quickly let go and put her hands behind her back.

Amber: S-Sorry.

(Y/N): I-It's fine.

You stuttered in response while Lumine and Paimon copied your earlier scratching of the back of the head.

Paimon: Uhhh... do we need to give you both a moment or something?

Amber: N-No, that's not necessary. A-Anyways, Y/N's not the only reason I'm out here. I need to take care of another Hilichurl camp that has come up recently.

(Y/N): *sigh* Another already? They're more relentless than rats in your home trying to get at your food.

Amber: I know it's your day off and all Y/N, but you wouldn't mind helping me in taking out this camp, would you?

(Y/N): *thinking*Aaaand there goes my day off. Well, at least I'll get to spend it with my cute partner... wait, did I say cute? *sigh* I swear, I'm such a simp sometimes. *speaking* Sure, Amber.

Paimon: Wait! Can't Paimon help out too?

The rest of you gave her a raised eyebrow at her question.

Lumine: No offense, Paimon, but... you're just a little too... Uhh...

She tried coming up with some words until you interjected again.

(Y/N): A little too pint sized to fight Hilichurls.

You said, emphasizing her size by shrinking your fingers together.

Paimon: Hey! For the last time, Paimon is NOT SMALL! She's slightly below average size!

She snapped back, snorting out her nose in frustration from your measurements.

Amber: Paimon, I'm afraid Y/N's right about this. You're much too small to fight Hilichurls. You also don't look like you carry any weapons. Let us take care of them.

Paimon crossed her arms and pouted.

Paimon: Ugh, fine! But, Paimon gets to still watch, right?

Lumine: Sure, just... don't get too close.

And with that out of the way, the four of you headed off closer to Mondstadt together as Amber decided to further the conversation along the way.

Amber: So, Lumine, Paimon, what are you two doing in Mondstadt?

She questioned. Lumine quickly found herself unable to answer as she frowned sadly to herself while looking at her moving feet.

Lumine: W-Well... I-I'm...

Her voice trailed off, still not capable of getting the words out due to her oncoming sadness, obviously for her missing sibling. Her eyes then traveled up to you as you looked back at her concerningly.

Lumine: C-Could... you tell her, Y/N?

Understandably, you nodded and went ahead with the explanation.

(Y/N): She's... looking for her brother Aether. They both got separated a long time ago and she's been trying to find him ever since.

Paimon: It happened during a really, really long journey. Thanks to Y/N fishing Paimon out of the ocean, Paimon's decided to be his and Lumine's travel buddy while also helping Lumine find her brother!

The news of this changed Amber's demeanor as she now showed sympathy for the lonesome girl.

Amber: O-Oh, you're looking for your family? I'm... really sorry to hear that.

Lumine: Thank you.

She replied, nodding at her.

Lumine: Y/N told me that this Grand Master Jean might be able to help me find him.

Amber: Well, he's definitely smart for thinking that.

She commented, shooting you a proud smile as you chuckled.

(Y/N): Why, thank you. Just one of my many qualities.

Amber: Although, it isn't guaranteed that Grand Master Jean will know about your brother, but it still wouldn't hurt to ask.

Paimon: Paimon's thoughts exactly.

She added as you were now nearing the Hilichurl camp Amber mentioned before.

Amber: Okay, I scouted this camp out and we've only got a few stragglers hanging around; nothing too serious. Lumine, I assume you're able to hold your own in a battle?

Lumine nods, pulling out a basic silver sword from no noticeable source.

Amber: Okay, good. No need to get sneaky. Just go in and take them out quickly.

(Y/N): You got it, Am.

Amber's cheeks lit up a tad from your nickname as she smiled to herself. Making it soon disappear though, she brought out her bow and readied it to fire just as you pulled out your own weapon.

(Y/N): Ladies first.

You said, smiling sideways towards Amber who showed you the same expression before focusing on her shot and letting loose her arrow, sniping one of the Hilichurls with a headshot and alerting the rest. Shouting in their own gibberish sounding language, the other Hilichurls charged at you and the girls as Lumine readied for their arrival.

The first arrived and tried to swing at you with its club, but you dodged with a swift maneuver and slashed at its back, cutting off some of its fur in the process. It stomped in a grunt before spinning around and trying to hit you again as you avoided its basic horizontal and vertical attacks.

(Y/N): Come on! Are you even trying?

You taunted, angering your foe further. After dodging another one of its attacks, you peered off to the side to see how Amber and Lumine were fairing and you had to admit, you were colored impressed by Lumine. Her technique was near flawless when it came to swordplay, about as good as Amber in terms of such. She rarely missed a slice and maneuvered around attacks with fluidity similar to that of a ballet dancer.

In fact, it was so good that you were quite distracted by it, so much so that you failed to notice the Hilichurl you were fighting going in for an attack, one that planted itself into your gut. A pained cough came from your throat before it was followed by a yelp from the Hilichurl wacking you across the cheek very cartoonishly. The result was you falling to the ground and letting out an "oof" from impact which reached the ears of Amber who gained a look of surprise.

Quickly, she finished off the Hilichurls she was facing and shot two shots over at the one you were fighting with a shot landing in its abdomen and the other in its head. After it goes down, Amber goes over to you and hovers over you, looking a tad miffed.

Amber: You know, the more you hurt yourself like this, the more it just serves to prove my point that we need to stick together.

(Y/N): *sigh* Am, I'm okay. I just... got a little distracted.

She blushed yet again from the nickname before she helped you to your feet.

Amber: And one of those distractions will likely lead to your death if you're not careful.

(Y/N): *sigh* Amber, I-

Amber: No excuses, alright!? I can't stomach the idea of you getting hurt again, so just please stop being so reckless! I almost lost you once and I don't want that to happen a second time, especially now that Stormterror's been attacking more frequently than ever!

As her rant was going on, Lumine had finished off the rest of the Hilichurls in the camp, now focusing on you and Amber. You stood quietly, looking a little hurt from Amber's words until her face lessened into a guilty one.

Amber *sigh* I-I'm... I'm sorry, Y/N. A lot has been on my mind lately. Please forgive me.

She rubbed her arm slowly after that. Breathing a soft sigh through your nose, you went up and put both of your hands on her shoulders.

(Y/N): No... I should be sorry. I... got distracted. I didn't mean to make you so worried, Amber. I promise I'll be more careful next time.

Staying silent for a second, Amber stares at you, trying to spot any hint of deceit in your words. Thankfully, she couldn't find any as huffed a small sigh and soon smiled again.

Amber: Thanks. That's all I ask for.

You removed your hands from her shoulders after nodding as Amber turned her body so that it was facing the three of you while Lumine and Paimon came up to you two.

Lumine: Are... you two okay?

Paimon: We heard you scream a moment ago. Is something wrong?

Amber shakes her head.

Amber: No, everything's fine. Anyways, great work out there, you guys! Though, I've gotta say, you surprised me a little with your moves there, Lumine.

(Y/N): Yeah, you handled the Hilichurls pretty well. I didn't expect you to be really good.

Lumine blinks in surprise from the compliment as her cheeks turned a light shade of pink while rubbing the back of her head.

Lumine: W-Well, thanks. I've... been doing it for a long time.

Amber pouts and looks away with crossed arms which went unnoticed by you, but not by Paimon who narrows her eyes.

Paimon: *thinking* Wait, does... does she like Y/N?

(Y/N): Anyways, that takes care of that, huh?

Amber snaps back to it and perks up again.

Amber: Y-Yep! Thanks for the backup against the Hilichurls, you guys.

Paimon: Now that you mention it, how is it the Hilichurls ended up here? These creatures don't seem like the type to set up camp so close to cities is like this.

(Y/N): That's a good point. Didn't you once say that their behavior was due to Stormterror, Amber?

Amber: That's right. It's more normal for them to be much further out in the wilderness. But because Stormterror's been around more recently, our orchards have been destroyed and the local market has been affected as well.

Lumine: How many losses have you all taken?

Amber: *sigh* Too many to count, I'm afraid. When the storms hit, we usually end up with at least a few injuries, so the Knights of Favonius have been tied up doing the best they can to defend the area.

Paimon: So these annoying creatures have been getting closer and closer to the city?

(Y/N): This camp being this close to the city should be a good answer to that.

Amber: That said, clearing this camp helped make the area a little bit safer. Anyways, come with me! A responsible knight must make sure to see you to the city safely.

She urged as you approached her left side and smirked playfully.

(Y/N): *playful sarcasm* Oh, what? Am I suddenly not responsible enough?

Your teasing earned a giggle from the bunny themed Outrider who proceeded to slug your shoulder playfully.

Amber: *giggles* I didn't mean it like that, Y/N!

(Y/N): *chuckles* I know, I know. We should definitely get going though. The sooner we get there, the sooner we can avoid Stormterror.

Paimon: *shudders* P-Paimon's thoughts exactly.

She stuttered before flying ahead next to Amber who led the way to the city. After only a minute or two, you reached the stone bridge that led to the City of Freedom itself. Once across and once through the front gates, Lumine and Paimon were in awe upon first seeing the city up close. Lumine turned her head all around her, gasping at all the sights, sounds, and smells the city had to offer while Paimon let out the usual "oooh" and "aaaaah" one would expect to hear from a person struck with amazement. As they were distracted for the moment, you and Amber watched them, smiling with amusement.

Amber: *whisper* Kinda reminds me of when you first saw the city yourself.

She whispered to you as you couldn't help but nod your amused head. Cutting around the two ladies, you stood in front of them, getting back their attention.

(Y/N): Well, you two, welcome to the town of-

Amber: Oh, oh, wait! Can I do it this time, Y/N?!

She interrupts, skipping over and standing by you with a pleading look. Sighing, you smiled and looked at her.

(Y/N): Alright, alright. Go ahead.

A tiny whispered "yes!" could be heard from her as it was now her turn to face Lumine and Paimon.

Amber: Let me officially introduce the city of wind, dandelions, and freedom!

She crosses one of her arms across her chest next.

Amber: Travelers under the protection of the Knights of Favonius - Welcome to Mondstadt!

The screen cuts to black at the last line.

End of Part 2...

Next Time... A Storm Rising

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