By cyb3rstvr

781 33 8

Won't you dance with me, wallflower? More



104 5 0
By cyb3rstvr


almost love but it could be love

Jayeon woke up to the curtains in her room being open and letting the sunlight shine through her room. She looked up to see her dad walking out of her room but not before saying something along the lines of "get up I can't be late, and neither can you." Once Jayeon got the strength to get out of the bed she went to the bathroom and got ready. Ji-Hoon had sat out her new school uniform.

When Jayeon got done in the bathroom and made her way back to her room, she looked at the uniform and thought back the last one she actually wore one which she hated it. It was very uncomfortable and the fact that her skirt was just too small since her family couldn't afford to get her a new uniform her mom had asked one of her coworkers who so happen to have a daughter who was freshly out of the school and the woman gladly gave it to her.

The thing was her mom's coworker's daughter was smaller than Jayeon, so she had to keep pulling the skirt down.

Jayeon tried on her new school uniform, and it actually fit her better than she thought. Once she was dressed, she made her way to the kitchen and grabbed an apple that was waiting on her and grabbed her backpack and was making her way out of the front door when she heard a car honk. She looked up to see a bunch of girls waving at her dad who was getting in his car. Two of them walked up to the older man.

Ji-Hoon was a lady's man described by Jayeons mother and his wife Haewon, she would tell Jayeon and Jihyo her older sister about how she had to fight girls to leave their father alone.

The man was a very good-looking man, some people would criticize Haewon on how she married a man like that, and some would tell Ji-Hoon that he shouldn't have married her, Ji-Hoon will tell them that there wasn't any one like her Haewon and that was the only person he loved since he loved her since they were kids.

Jayeon always wanted to have the love just like her parents. She wanted to find her someone that would care and lover her like her dad loved her mother. Jayeon walked over to the group of girls that crowed her dad with a look of disgust, the girls looked like they were in collage making her more uncomfortable.

"Uh scram" Jayeon spoke up the girls looked at her and rolled their eyes and went back to trying to get her dads number who was also looking very uncomfortable at all the girls.

"I said scram and if you don't, I won't have a problem with dragging you across the ground" Jayeon said sternly, and the girls scoffed but backed up and went to their car and drove away. Jayeon made her way into the car and waited for her dad. Once he made it into the car and they were off.

Ji-Hoon pulled up to the school and stopped the car and looked at Jayeon who was grabbing her backpack.

"Jayeon you're going to have to take the bus home today cause i have to work late" Ji-Hoon said as Jayeon nodded and open the car door. "Have a good day and do good on your first day."

"You too dad I put your lunch in the back so you can eat" Jayeon said, and her dad smiled.

"Bye honey I love you."

"Love you too dad" Jayeon closed the door and walked away.

As she made her way to the front of Saebom High School, she felt the stares of people making her look up and look around and her worst nightmare had come true. Everyone was staring at her, and she saw some whispering. What the hell She thought as she continues to walk.

She walked into the gate of the school as people still were staring at her. She kind of heard what some of them were saying.

"wasn't she the girl that's dating Seojun" She heard as she walked past a group of girls.

She made her way into the main building and walked to the teacher's office so that why she could find out who her teacher was. After finding that out she made her way to the classroom, and she could still hear the whispers and could feel the stares that were coming at her, but she just continued to walk. Once she got to the class, she took a deep breath before entering, she saw everyone stop what they were doing and look at her and suddenly she wanted to crawl into a ball.

"Oh, look it's our new student happy to have you here go ahead and introduce yourself" The teacher said as she looked around.

"I'm Moon Jayeon" Jayeons eyes wandered until they landed on a pair of eyes that were staring right back at her.

"Okay Jayeon-" her teacher started before one of the girls in the front with short hair spoke.

"Shes the girl that's dating our lovely Seojun" the girl said as Jayeons eyes winded the last time she checked she was single, and she had just gotten to her new town.

Mummers and whispers from the class was heard as Jayeon made eye contact with the person she didn't want to. Seojun. And he looked right back at her and the two stayed looking at each other.

"Sooah what are you talking about?" A girl who had pretty long hair and was sitting next to a boy wearing a sweatshirt.

"There's pictures of them holding hand and kissing along with a video" Sooah said as some gasped and others whispered as Jayeon face turned a deep shade of red of embarrassment.

"Guys can we talk about this later Jayeon why don't you go sit down in any empty seat" The teacher said and Jayeon guess that he didn't know his classroom that well because the only seat available was next to Seojun which she dreaded but she made her way over to the seat as the teacher started to teach. She felt the looks of the class as she made her way to her seat.

After getting settled into her seat, Jayeon focused on the work in front of her and not the boy she had kissed hours prior or the stares of the kids in her class.

"Jayeon" Some whispered to her, she tried her best not to look at the person even though she knew who it was. "Jayeon" the person whispered again this time tapping her arm. Jayeon finally looked at him even though her head told her not to. She mentally cursed herself out.

"What do you want" Jayeons whispered back to him, and Seojun smiled and went in his bag and grabbed a banana milk from it and putting on her desk.

"I told you that I would get you a banana milk every day for a week and I'm going to keep my promise." He said with a smile on his face that as Jayeon grabbed the milk and put it in her bag. She didn't think he would actually go through with what he said he was going to do "now that I know this is the class, you're in I can give you it every day and not try to find you also so that they could be cold."

"Thank you" Jayeon said before putting her head down and closing her eyes.

She was awoken by the ringing and some one sitting in front of her desk and tapping on it, she looked up and saw the Sooah girl from earlier looking at her with a huge smile on her face lowkey creeping Jayeon out.

"Can I help you" Jayeon asked a little annoyed that her nap was interrupted.

"I'm Sooah" She said and Jayeon nodded before going to put her head down but the girl spoke up again "I think it's pretty cool that you walked in here on your first day and has everyone looking at you and talking about you , even though most of things they are saying is bad but it seems like you don't care" Jayeon looked at the girl again and she could see the smile she had on her face had disappeared then reappeared in flash. Before Jayeon could say anything another girl and a guy came over to the desk and Jayeon mentally rolled her eyes

"Sooah, are you talking the new girls ear off" the guy said and Sooah looked up at him and shook her head.

"No" Sooah said and looked back at Jayeon.

"I'm sorry about my over hyper friend here she likes meeting new people I'm Sooho and I guess you met Sooah" The boy looked over at Jayeon who just wanted to sleep but she couldn't do that "And this is Ju Kyung" Sooho pointed to the girl that was next to him who had a smile on her face and waved at Jayeon who smiled back.

"Can I just you are really pretty" Ju Kyung said "Like a goddess even."

a slight blush came upon Jayeons face at the compliment "Thank you are very pretty too."

She actually talked to Sooho, Sooah and Ju Kyung for some time and Sooah even invited her to hang out which she turned down, but Sooah was very convincing and Jayeon agreed. She didn't want to admit it but she actually like talking to them, of course she didn't know what the rules having friends was since she never had them, but she convinced herself that she was doing good because they didn't laugh at her. She found out her and Ju Kyung had a lot in common and Jayeon actually thought she had friends.

"Ah Seojun" Sooah said and Jayeon looked up to see Seojun sitting his seat next to Jayeon who looked more smiley from when he last seen her. "So, tell me when you were going to tell us you had a girlfriend" Seojun stopped what he was doing which was giving Jayeon a bag of chips and his banana milk because he saw the empty one on her desk when he came back into the classroom and looked at Sooah.

"Shes not my girlfriend" Seojun said and went back to what he was doing and Jayeon gladly took the snacks since she didn't eat anything that morning.

"Wait so you're telling me that video of you guys' kissing was just you guys kissing there's nothing going on betw-" Sooho started but was interrupted by Sooah.

"Or they want to keep their relationship private which we can totally respect" Sooah looked the two who didn't know what to say.


"Sooah listen" Seojun interrupted Jayeon "There's nothing going on between me and Jayon we kissed but it was to keep some girls from harassing me any father I don't like Jayeon in that way were just friends that so happened to meet yesterday night" Seojun looked at Jayeon and saw the girl let out a small breath. Making the boy look away and look back at Sooah who looked defeated.

"But you guys would look so cute together" Sooah whined making Jayeon cringe a little

"Sooah let's not pressure them into dating one another that's wrong if they want to get together then let them get together on their own" Ju Kyung said as Sooah slumped in her seat "Seojun were hanging out today after school with Jayeon you coming."

"Yea sure" Seojun nodded and looked at Jayeon who was eating the chips and talking to Sooho about a book that they both read.

Usually, the school days would be so boring and would go so slow for Jayeon at her old school, but the time went by fast that Jayeon didn't even realize that it was the end of the day. She had spent most of the day talking to her new friends she even got the numbers of everyone and during lunch she met a girl named Soojin who was friends with the group and Sooah's boyfriend Tae Hoon who was just as chaotic as his girlfriend.

As the group plus Jayeon were walking to a restaurant to eat, Seojun and Jayeon walking side by side it was quiet until Jayeon broke the silence.

"Thank you" she said making Seojun look at her with a confused look.

"What" he said.

"Thank you for being so nice to me and making me feel welcome also thanks for the chips and banana milk" she said looking at him and he looked her dead in her eyes.

"of course, your actually not that bad, I thought you would be obsessed with me, but it turns out you-"

"dude" Jayeon interrupted him "I would never be obsessed with you."

Seojun scoffed "everyone is obsessed with me I'm amazing."

Jayeon rolled her eyes "Keep telling yourself that" Jayeon started walking away from him.

"Jayeon come back" Seojun ran after her as the girl started walking faster. "Jayeon"

Jayeons laughed as she turned to see Seojun ran after her, but he was running to fast and ran into the girl and fell on top of her. Making the girl fall.

"Guys what's taking so long" Sooah said as she walked to the two on the ground "AHHHH OMG."

Jayeon looked at Seojun and Seojun looked down at her as Sooah screamed again making everyone run over to them.

"Sooah why are you scre-" Ju Kyung said as she looked at Seojun and Jayeon which she covered her mouth.

Jayeon and Seojun was still looking at each other and a light blush come onto Jayeons face, and she could see Seojun's face turn a dark red. His left hand has on her head and his right arm was around her waist while Jayeons arms were around his neck.

HOLY SHIT Jayeon thought as her new friends looked at her.


Omg this chapter is so chaotic i hope im not going to fast cause honestly Jayeon is a hopeless person in need of friends she's still scared but she doesn't think Sooah hurt her. I love Jayeon and Seojun they are too cute omg but thank you for reading i love you and i hope you know im proud of you BYEEEEEE

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