Enstars smut oneshots

De Biscuitlilas

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I lied, I do write smut Not open to requests, I only write smut when I rlly want to, unless u have a rlly goo... Mai multe



394 0 6
De Biscuitlilas

A/N: This is mostly not smut btw, I could have easily made this sfw but I didn't lmao

The Tako room was entirely empty, it was much earlier than most students would be there, most students being anyone who wasn't Jun. A majority of the time, non-special students were forced to do menial tasks and useless errands until quite late, so whenever Jun managed to slip away, he usually had the room to himself for a couple of hours, no one else had enough drive to care about trying to avoid chores, it's as if they were mindless worker bees. Being able to slip away was a very rare occurrence however, saying no to a special students demands meant you were practically asking to be beaten until you could no longer stand, and who would stuck up for a non-special student? No one in this crappy school at least, except Tatsumi, but you would have to be lucky enough for him to have witnessed the entire thing, and more often than not, he was not lucky enough. Jun seriously doubted luck even existed in Reimei Academy, if you weren't a special student your life within school was practically guaranteed to be torture. Jun was lucky as far as non-specials went, he actually had enough talent, and enough drive that maybe, if a miracle was to happen, he could claw his way up to greatness.

When Jun had this rare time to himself, he usually spent it catching up on lost sleep, the Tako room got very noisy at night. Between Tatsumi's followers not so quietly whispering amongst themselves as they leave for the catacombs, stressed people crying themselves to sleep, and just generally loud sleepers, Jun always found it exceedingly difficult to have a full-night's sleep, no matter how exhausted he was. Jun was practically always exhausted, the special students liked to make sure of that, so he was thankful for the times where he did manage to sleep early. Today was extra rough, he barely had enough time to breathe before yet another special student was demanding him to make him a sandwich, or ordering them to mop their ensuite bathroom, literally anything they could easily do themselves that they were too arrogant and lazy to bother doing themselves. It was all so tiring, so when Jun laid down on his futon, sleep came easily to him.

Jun hadn't even slept for an hour before he was rudely shaken awake, he groaned, smacking away the hand that was grabbing his shoulder. "What do you want? I'm trying to sleep." Jun was slightly confused why someone was back and yet he could hear no one else in the Tako room, but not confused enough to care.

"Wake up, you need to help me with something." Jun groaned again, great, just great, Kaname was definitely someone Jun wanted to see right now, and he totally believed that whatever he needed was worth missing sleep for.

"Um, no, I don't need to help you with anything Tojo-kun, find someone else to boss around, I'm sure you can find someone who can stand you." Jun tried to press his face into his pillow and ignore Kaname's presence, but the former special student was just as persistant as he was annoying, going straight back to shaking him.

"You're supposed to call me HiMERU idiot, that name is dangerous. And you do need to help me because I am far better than you, in fact it's a privilege to have the chance to help me, you should be honoured." Jun rolled over, finally opening his eyes to glare at Kaname for one, waking him up, and two, having the audacity to act so arrogant when he was literally here to ask him for help.

"Okay, 'HiMERU', why do you think I would help you when you literally just disturbed my sleep, do you know how hard it is to sleep in this stupid room?! Plus you're kinda just annoying and arrogant, I don't like helping people who aren't even going to entertain the thought of being grateful." Kaname had been a non-special student for long enough to understand that, even a few days was enough to realise how crappy it felt to be treated less than human, so Jun was not surprised when Kaname looked to the side avoidantly.

"I never said I wouldn't be grateful if you helped me Sazanami, I don't really have anyone else to ask, so I would appreciate it if you helped me, because annoyingly I can't order you around anymore." Jun was going to argue that Kaname was never really able to order him around because he didn't have any friends who would stick up for him if Jun did refuse, and Jun could easily beat him in a fight, but he felt like he probably shouldn't say that.

"Fine, I'll bite, what do you want?" It was honestly quite satisfying watching how quickly a deep blush spread across Kaname's face, Jun chuckled, he'd literally just been running his mouth and now he couldn't even ask the question he woke Jun up for, it was completely laughable. Kaname glared at him, which would have probably been more effective if he wasn't as red as a lobster. "Okay okay, I'm sorry for laughing or whatever, but can you just tell me what you want or let me go to sleep?"

Jun was hoping that Kaname would go with the second option, but Kaname took a deep breath and began speaking, "This is a little embarrassing to admit, but I have never kissed anyone before." Jun blinked, okay, not what he was expecting.

"And why does this have anything to do with me?" Jun raised an eyebrow, seriously, was Kaname being a kissing virgin really important enough that it was worth interrupting Jun's objectively much more important sleep?

"Sazanami, let me finish. As I was saying, I have no experience, which is bad because I have recently become interested in someone. I'm worried because what if I mess it up when we kiss?" It took every part of Jun's willpower to not correct when into if, but he had a feeling Kaname wouldn't appreciate it at all.

"Are you going to get to the part where you actually need my help or what?" Again, Jun didn't see how Kaname's romantic issues had anything to do with him. He could honestly think of very few things he cared about less than Kaname being a bad kisser.

"Didn't I literally just tell you to shut up and let me talk? You're so annoying." Jun shot him a glare, which seemed to make him remember who was the one asking for a favour. "Anyway, even I can't be naturally good at everything, so I will need some practice, that is why I need you to help."

Nope, there was no way Kaname had just asked him that, Jun refused to believe it. "Huh? Are you being serious?" He seriously couldn't believe it, the high and mighty Tojo Kaname asking him to practice kissing with Jun, a non-special student? He should start doubting Tatsumi's words less, because maybe miracles really do happen.

"Yes, of course I am, I am always serious Sazanami. Even if it was completely humiliating to ask you this, it's not really something I can just practice by myself unfortunately, so, will you assist me or not?" At least he had some logical sense for asking Jun, although Jun still didn't know why it couldn't have waited till he was awake. "Unfortunately I have gotten used to this awful lifestyle, so I know that we will be alone here for at least another three hours, which will save me from any more embarrassment." Well, Jun supposed that answered his question, Kaname was scared of someone walking in on them. Though Kaname already knowing when exactly people started getting back must have meant he managed to avoid doing chores at night quite alot over the week he had been a non-special student, Jun was impressed actually, he would have to ask Kaname how he managed it.

"Why are you acting like I've already said yes? I don't remember agreeing to a single thing HiMERU." Kaname looked surprised, he probably hadn't even entertained the thought that Jun might say no. Though it wasn't like Jun couldn't see why, objectively speaking HiMERU was an absolutely gorgeous person, if it wasn't for his unpleasant attitude and horrendous obsession with himself, Jun would likely be attracted to him, it was too bad really that his looks were the only palatable thing about him.

Actually, would kissing Kaname really be that bad? Jun tried his very best to purge that thought from his brain, but his mind began to wander, imagining himself kissing Kaname's soft lips, imagining the taste of his mouth, the feeling of slipping his tongue through his sightly parted lips. Jun shoved those thoughts away in favour of looking directly at the real Kaname who was right in front of him. He was very attractive when he kept his mouth shut, and Jun's mind helpfully reminded him that kissing tended to be an activity best enjoyed in silence. Jun groaned, was he seriously considering going along with Kaname's request just because he was pretty? And when Kaname flashed his signature sad pout that he always made when making Jun go along with his requests, Jun realised that was exactly what he was going to do. "Ugh, fine I'll help you, so don't you dare look at me like that."

Kaname's face lit up so quickly, you could have thought that he was pretending to be sad, which Jun knew he definitely was, he was playing him like a fiddle, and Jun was surprisingly okay with that. "Fufu, I knew you would say yes, who would give up an opportunity to kiss me, the most attractive idol alive." As annoying as his constant arrogant compliments to himself were, Jun couldn't say he disagreed with that one. "Um, I don't know what I'm doing though, so I'll let you take the lead."

Well crap, Jun also had no experience in kissing so he didn't have a clue what to do either, he had hoped that Kaname's arrogance would make him take the lead, but right now he just looked nervous and unsure, which Jun thought was actually kind of cute. "Sure, but I'm gonna warn you, this is also my first kiss, so you can't say crap about me being bad okay?" Kaname moved from the floor to sitting down in front of Jun on the futon, nodding firmly before letting his eyes fall shut.

Jun still didn't know what to do, even when Kaname was in front of him like this. At least now he could finally admit to himself that he wanted this, Kaname looked so beautiful like this, and he realised how lucky he was to be able kiss such a perfect face. Not that he'd ever tell Kaname that, he didn't want his ego to become even bigger, if that was even possible. Despite his hesitation, Kaname just sat there, he was being surprisingly patient for someone like Kaname, and who would Jun be to not reward that patience?

Jun tentatively brought a hand up, cupping the side of Kaname's face, Kaname flinched slightly at the sudden contact, but leaned into the touch afterwards. Jun hesitated moment longer, hold on, why was he so scared of messing up? It's just a kiss Jun, get it together. Jun finally began to lean in, slowly closing the gap until his lips gently pressed against Kaname's. Jun had been worried that both of their lack of experience would make this messy and just bad, but now that his lips were against Kaname's it all felt as natural as breathing. Kaname's lips felt so soft against his slightly chapped ones, and the breath he stole from him tasted like mint, it was addictive, and Jun briefly thought that he wouldn't be able to brush his teeth again without thinking of this moment.

At some point during the still soft kisses Kaname had shifted to be sitting on Jun's lap, wrapping his arms around Jun's neck for support, their chests were pressed together, and Jun only became more hungry for the minty taste of Kaname's mouth. Jun swiped his tongue over Kaname's lips, a silent request that was met with full approval as Kaname's lips parted enough for Jun to slip his tongue between them. As Jun's tongue entered Kaname's mouth, and his senses were flooded with his taste, he found himself being grateful that Kaname was so good at getting what he wanted from him, because from the second his brain conjured up the image of Jun kissing Kaname every cell in his body began craving his lips against Kaname's. Jun pushed the aching feelings about this being a one time only thing to the back of his mind, he wanted to enjoy this in the moment, especially if it would never happen again.

They were both panting by the time Kaname pulled away from the kiss, at some point they needed to breathe, and neither wanted to part, wanting it to last as long as possible. "Sazanami, I thought... that you had never kissed before?" Wow, Jun must still be light headed from the lack of oxygen because that almost sounded like Kaname was complimenting him.

"I'll take that as a compliment~ I really don't have any experience, but that felt right at least, so you're probably fine for kissing that person you were talking about." Jun tried his best to ignore the tightness in his chest upon being yet again reminded that the kisses were never meant for him. He wasn't even sure why he was so bothered by it, sure, Kaname was attractive, Jun did have eyes so that much was obvious, but Kaname was an annoying jerk right? There was absolutely no way that Jun was falling for this idiot, no matter how pretty he was.

"Hm, I'm not sure if I have enough practice yet Sazanami. I would never be imperfect so you must help me until I am completely perfect." Jun raised an eyebrow, that sounded an awful lot like an excuse to kiss him again, but there's no way Jun would call him out on that. Now that he'd kissed him once, any excuse to do so again was one that he'd take.

"Of course, would the great HiMERU settle for any less?" Jun was glad that Kaname had little understanding of sarcasm, because he nodded, diving straight in for another kiss. Maybe it was just Jun's hope talking, but with the way Kaname kissed him with so much passion he was slightly doubting the existence of the person Kaname was practicing for. Jun wouldn't even be mad that Kaname lied, because he didn't want anyone else to know what kissing Kaname felt like or how the inside of his mouth tasted. He wanted that all for himself.

Jun felt a hand go up his shirt, oh, oh, this is where this was going? Kaname was moving a bit fast wasn't he? As much as Jun would love to let Kaname feel him up, he still wasn't sure whether Kaname actually wanted this with him or the practice excuse wasn't actually just an excuse. There's no way Jun would accept going further than kissing if it was only practice for someone that wasn't him, it just seemed wrong. Jun hesitantly pulled away from the kiss, and gently pushed Kaname's hands away from his chest, earning a very confused look from Kaname. "Look, HiMERU, I'm fine with making out, but you're not using me as practice for anything sexual."

Kaname chewed his bottom lip, looking off to the side in what Jun assumed was embarrassment. "What if it isn't as practice? Is it fine then? Hypothetically, of course." Jun was pretty sure he had heard better lies from literal children, Kaname should be worried if he ever gets any acting jobs. Jun chuckled, Kaname was so dumb sometimes, did he really think Jun would even kiss him if he didn't want it? "D-Don't laugh at me Sazanami!"

"Sorry~ It just doesn't sound very hypothetical y'know~" Ahah, it was quite satisfying to see Kaname go bright red, he opened his mouth to refute Jun's words, but Jun spoke up before him. "It's not like I mind though, as annoying as you are, I can't lie and say I'm not attracted to you." This was usually when Kaname would say something arrogant like, 'Of course you are, who wouldn't be?', but he was apparently too flustered to even think about maintaining his composure.

"Uuu, Sazanami, you're not fair, how am I supposed to be cool about this when you're saying stuff like that?" Jun rolled his eyes, of course, he was being the unfair one, not Kaname who wouldn't even admit his intentions with him.

"Hm? Maybe you should be more honest and then I wouldn't need to say anything like that~ Anyway, are you too embarrassed to continue or...?" Kaname quickly shook his head, oh, maybe it was possible for Kaname to listen to people, because he actually was being honest for once. Apparently he was still too embarrassed to make the first move, staring at Jun for him to take initiative so he didn't have to.

"We don't have all day Sazanami, I wouldn't want to be caught associating with a non-spe-." Jun pushed Kaname so he was lying flat on the bed, recieving a glare from the older man. He was planning on being a little more gentle, but if Kaname was going to be annoying, he would also be annoying. "If you leave a single bruise on me, I will make you regret it."

"Oh no, I'm so scared." It seemed that Kaname had finally learnt what sarcasm was because his glare only looked angrier upon Jun speaking. His expression quickly changed upon Jun removing his shirt though, his annoyance with Jun was instantly replaced by the need to stare at his abs. Jun could have easily commented on how easily he was distracted by him being shirtless, but he chose not to because the more annoyed Kaname was the more annoying he would be back. Jun leaned over, pressing yet another kiss to Kaname's soft lips, and beginning to unbutton Kaname's shirt, removing it after hastily removing his tie. Kaname tended to wear clothes slightly too large for him, so now with his shirt off, Jun could really feel just how small he really was, he had surprisingly little muscle at all for someone with such a physically demanding job. Kaname felt so tiny and vulnerable beneath him, and Jun loved it because despite all of Kaname's words he was smaller and weaker than him, it was kind of cute~

Kaname hooked his arms around Jun's neck as Jun deepened their kiss, pulling them closer together so their bare chests were pressed against each other. Jun reached down, palming Kaname's half hard length through his trousers, which made Kaname moan against Jun's lips. A few more rubs left Kaname entirely hard and whimpering from the uncomfortable tightness of his trousers. It was cute hearing him whimper pathetically, but Jun wasn't cruel, so he pulled Kaname's trousers and underwear down, a contented sigh coming from Kaname as his length was freed. Jun wrapped his hand around the shaft, beginning to pump his hand slowly, stroking the tip with the pad of his thumb. Jun broke off the kiss because Kaname was quite literally drooling into his mouth. Now that he had nothing to muffle them, the moans were pouring from his lips with little to stop them, he was very loud though, and as much as the sounds coming from Kaname's throat were the sweetest music that Jun had heard, he did not want anyone to catch them in the act, and it would be pretty obvious to anyone who went anywhere near the door to the Tako room what was going on. "Ka- HiMERU, shut up, you're being way too loud."

Kaname squeaked, likely not even realising how vocal he had been, nuzzling into the side of Jun's neck to quieten himself while he tried to control his moans. Surprisingly, it didn't take him long to be able to be quiet without anything to dampen the sound, very surprising seeing as Kaname was well-known for not ever shutting up. A few moans still slipped through, but they were quieter, quiet enough that you'd have to be in the room to hear them, and by that point there'd be little point in trying to hide what was happening. "It's fine if you want to call me by that name." The sentence was barely whispered out, but the emphasis he put onto the word 'you' was still decipherable. Jun felt kind of special, Kaname even scolded Tatsumi and teachers for using his name. "You must call me HiMERU in front of others though, ha~ah! I'm not sure why, but people get mad when they hear my name."

Jun had actually never realised that before, but now that he thought about it, when Kaname had introduced himself to Jun, a few people around him had gotten a very unpleasant look on his face upon hearing his surname. Maybe Kaname was like him? Where his name was looked down upon in the idol industry because of something outside of his control. Jun didn't know, but he could relate to Kaname's dislike of having his name known because of others' shallow opinions. It appeared that sometime when Jun was thinking he had gotten distracted, because Kaname had bit his shoulder gently to get his attention. "Don't you dare slow down Sazanami!"

"Haha, sorry~" Jun sped up his motions, spreading the bead of precum that had pooled on Kaname's slit over his length to make the movements easier. "Kaname, you can call me by my first name as well y'know?" Jun lazily kissed Kaname's throat, being very careful to keep his kisses light so that he didn't face the wrath of Kaname if he did accidentally leave a bruise on him.

"I know that, I can do whatever I want to Jun." It really didn't sound like Kaname actually thought that, if anything he sounded surprised that Jun was allowing him to use his first name, he sounded happy though, maybe most people he knew didn't allow him to use their first name? Or maybe he wasn't genuinely close with anyone. "Jun, it's not enough, go faster." Jun couldn't say he approved of Kaname's demanding tone, so started moving his hand slower. "Please?" He sounded embarrassed that he had to be polite to get what he wanted, almost like a kid that had never been taught manners before.

"Of course, since you asked so nicely~" Jun had really underestimated how fun it would be to tease Kaname, feeling his face heat up so easily at his words was almost as satisfying as hearing his moans and whimpers at the smallest of touches to his length. Jun, true to his word, sped up, moving his hand at a relentless pace, a choked moan coming from Kaname as he tried to get used to Jun's fast motions.

"Jun~ Jun~!" The way Kaname sobbed his name, his voice full of lust and desperation could've made Jun cum right then and there. Kaname was really an unfair person, he had no right to be this freaking attractive, and he had absolutely no right to make Jun feel so special for getting to see him like this. "Haaah~ Jun, I lo~ve you~" Ah crap, that confession hit him like a truck. Kaname looked as though he didn't even realise what he said, far too lost in his own pleasure to control what he was saying. Kaname saying he loved him shouldn't even affect Jun, he was already ninety-nine percent sure that was the case, but Kaname directly saying it to him felt alot different. Kaname's breath hitched, moaning out one last quiet "Jun~" before he came into Jun's hand and stomach. Jun reached his other, slightly shaky hand down to his own length, Kaname's small sobs and whines fueling his own very quick climax. Jun continued to stroke them both through their orgasms, Kaname crying quietly from the overstimulation.

After a few minutes, they both came down from their high, and it appeared that Kaname had realised what he had said, his face going a pretty shade of pink as it dawned on him. "Jun, um, pretend I didn't say that." Nope, there was no way that Jun was going to ignore that.

"Why should I~" Kaname shot Jun a very pleading look, which usually would have worked, but Jun really didn't want to pretend the confession never happened, especially not when it made him feel so happy. When Jun showed no signs of changing his mind, Kaname's expression changed to a very annoyed one.

"Ugh, because it's embarrassing, you're annoying and will tease me about it." Well, he wasn't wrong, Jun would tease him for it, but that wasn't reason enough for Jun to go along with what Kaname was saying.

"I don't really feel like ignoring what you said though, but don't get me wrong, it isn't just because I want to tease you." Kaname opened his mouth, likely to ask what the other reason was, before shutting it quickly, blushing deeply when the realisation hit him. "Haha, you get it right? I love you too Kaname~" It was probably a bit late to have a realisation that he was deep in love with Kaname, but now that he did realise, he wasn't going to let Kaname run away from his own feelings.

"Y-You-!" Kaname was apparently too flustered to continue his sentence because he turned around so that Jun couldn't see his slight smile that he wasn't quick enough to hide. "I hate you so much Jun."

"You don't hate me~" Jun put his hand on Kaname's shoulder, turning him around gently. Kaname wrapped his arms around Jun's neck, pulling him down onto the futon, giggling directly into his ear. This sly dude, he was really just pretending to be as flustered as he was~

Kaname wrapped his legs around Jun's hips, his breath hot against Jun's ear. "I know~"

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