Bad Boy Chemistry

By simon_waters

4.7M 160K 112K

(ENEMIES TO LOVERS) (BXB) Everyone at school knows Ace Caldwell: The Bad Boy who was expelled from his last... More

Characters & Warnings
1. When Life Gives You Lemons
2. French Word for D*ckhead!
3. Detention
4. Hello
5. Halloween in August
6. Happy Berthday Ellie?
7. String of Hearts
8. Bowling
9. I'm Fine
10. Ace
11. Harry-The-Plant
12. Go to Hell
13. Welcome to the Club
14. Nice Punch, Charlotte
15. Beach Date
16. Velvet Green
17. Cotton Candy
18. Everything
19. Break and Enter
20. Monopoly
21. The Great Apple Debate
22. Project Paris: A Presentation by Ella Jonson
23. A Cute College Dropout
24. The Hotel
25. How Many Croissants Can You Eat?
26. The 40 year old Virgin
27. The Rooftop
28. The Harpy's Nest
29. Charizard
30. Video Games
31. What The Fudge?!
33. He Listens to Bon Jovi?
34. Oh My F**king God
35. December
36. Everyone's Invited!
37. Did you just have a Mochagasm?
38. Body Language
39. Seventeen
40. Coulrophobia
41. Never Have I Ever...
42. It's like a birthday party straight out of hell
43. The Pizza Palace
44. Mute
45. Coping Techniques
46. Pillow Fight
47. Guilty Pleasure
48. The Winter Fair
49. Disappointed
50. Cross My Heart
51. The Bad-Word Jar
52. A Modern Day Casanova
53. Arcade! Arcade!
54. Neon Blue Lights
55. Paintball
56. Let it Snow
57. Cinnamon
58. We Wish you a Merry Christmas
59. Shut up, Nerd
60. Wildfire
61. Void
62. New Me Day
63. Fireworks, Disco Balls, Balloons.....
64. Capeesh?
65. Happy Fudging New Years!
Bad Boy Vacation & More
BONUS: He's Giving Me a Striptease

32. Cloak of Invisibility

55.3K 2K 1.1K
By simon_waters

Charlie's POV

The words that came out of Ella's mouth left me in shock. "Ace was just arrested."

My breath caught in my throat.

"What for?" I asked concernedly.

"He was drunk and got into a fight with some guys." Ella explained whilst reading whatever was on her phone.

I couldn't help but feel as if it was my fault. That our argument earlier drove him to drink and beat up on some rando.

"He ended up throwing some guy through a store window."

"Is he alright?" I wondered, my heart semi-racing.

"The guy ended up with a broken nose and several missing teeth."

"I meant Ace." I rolled my eyes.

"Oh, I'm not sure. Della says that he's being held overnight."

"Who is Della?" Clayton wondered the same thing that I was.

"Ace's sister, Adelaide."

Oh, Ace had mentioned her earlier.

"Wait, isn't that the bad date guy?" Nora asked me.

"Yeah." I said, my thoughts drifting back to Ace.

I couldn't sleep that night.

No matter how many times I settled into a comfortable position and closed my eyes, sleep would not envelop me.

I hope Ace is okay.


"Dude, you look like shit." Clayton stated as we were seated at our main table at school.

"Yeah, I couldn't sleep." I said wearily before yawning.

My eyelids were threatening to slam shut.

"Is it because of what happened to Ace?" He wondered.

Everyone at school had heard about Ace getting arrested last night, and it was all that they were talking about.

"No, I just couldn't sleep." I stated defensively.

"Okay, sorry I asked."

"Where's Ella?" I changed the subject.

"Who knows. She's probably spying on her boyfriend again."

I was too tired to even slightly chuckle at that.

"Can you believe she's already dating someone new?" He groaned.

My eyes widened as I looked up confusedly. "Ella has a new boyfriend?" I wondered.

"No, not Ella. Olivia." He pointed towards his ex-girlfriend standing across the lawn with one of the football guys.

Oh, that makes more sense.

"Do you still like her?" I wondered.

"No. Honestly, she was always self-centered. I feel like she didn't care for me like I cared for her. And she also broke my trust when she told everyone about you being gay."

My blood began to boil.

"What did you just say?"

Clayton came to the realisation that he said too much.

"Clayton." I gave a warning tone.

"She's the one who outed you. I'm so sorry, I know I shouldn't have told her."

"It's fine." I said.

Apart from all of the physical and verbal abuse that I've received ever since.

"No it's not."

"Clayton, it's fine." I reassured him.

I was angry about it, but not towards Clayton. He's my best friend, he'd never intentionally do something to hurt me. Olivia, on the other hand had no right to tell the entire school about my sexual orientation.

Honestly, where the heck is Ella?

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and sent Ella a text asking her where she was.

It was weird without her here.

"Is Tom here?" I asked Clayton.

"Unless he's wearing the cloak of invisibility, I don't think so." Was his retort.

"Very funny." I rolled my eyes. "I mean is he here at school?"

"I haven't seen him. Wait, is that him over there?"

I followed his gaze across the lawn to where Tom and Ryan were both walking towards us.

I wonder if Ryan has told Tom about us.

"He looks upset." Clayton whispered loud enough for me to hear.

Tom did look upset, and Ryan was comforting him.

"Hey guys." Ryan greeted us as him and Tom took a seat.

"Do you guys know why Ella broke up with me?" Tom asked.

"She did what?" Clayton acted surprised, though it sounded a tad sarcastic.

Tom gave Clayton a weird look before turning to me with imploring eyes.

"Uh, it might be because you cheated on her?" I suggested.

Tom's face practically turned red.


I slightly flinched at his outburst.

"She thinks I cheated on her? Why would she think that?"

"She followed you to some girl's house. Said you both looked like more than friends." Clayton said casually, as if this was a typical conversation.

"That wasn't. I wasn't cheating on her!"

"So who was the girl?" I wondered.

"A friend. Guys can have friends that are girls." Tom stated.

He did make a good point, I mean, Ella was best friends with Clayton and I, and we're both guys.

"If she's just a friend, why didn't you tell Ella about her?" Clayton wondered.

"I don't know." Tom rested his head in his arms.

A text from Ella came through my phone and I was quick to read it.

Home. Was all she typed.

"You should go and talk to her." I said.

"Is she here?" He wondered.

"No, she's at home."

"She won't want to talk to me." He frowned.

"You could do a romantic gesture." Clayton suggested, causing me to give him a weird look.

"What? I love romance." He shrugged his shoulders.

"What should I do?" Tom asked.

"You could play her favorite song on a boom box?" Was my suggestion.

"No!" Clayton shook his head disappointedly. "Don't you have a football game tonight? You could do a grand gesture during half time or something. Like sing her favourite song, or recite poetry."

"Clayton, you're such a romantic." I teased.

"Do you think it'll work?"

"Yes?" Clayton and I answered at the same time.

"Thanks. You guys are the best."

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