I Wish I Knew You Wanted Me...

By LeatinGretson109

315 27 2

Lina Stilinski knew one thing for sure. She hated Malia Tate. She doesn't know how their hatred for one anoth... More



56 7 1
By LeatinGretson109

After a long while still in the bathroom with some kissing from Stiles and Malia and the lights flickering on and off while they almost electrocute Scott to death in the other room, the three are let out of the bathroom and the Calaveras are sending them on their way.

Though Stiles and Lina were more worried about the fact that the one who took Derek was none other than Kate Argent herself, a werewolf hunter that was murdered by the one who bit Scott and was supposed to be dead. The two talk while they wait outside near the Jeep for Scott, the others standing nearby though they were in their own conversation, not listening to the siblings.

"I remember Scott telling me about this once. How Kate and Chris had said you could get turned by a scratch, but only if the claws go deep enough." Stiles explains to his sister who shakes her head.

"This is great. First Peter and now Kate? Who's next, Allison?" Stiles elbows her. 

"Don't joke about that" Stiles scolds and Lina holds her hands up. 

"Sorry, you're right." Lina nods. The two glance back at the three girls leaned against the Jeep, waiting, Lina's eyes on Malia specifically. 

"You must really like her, huh?" Lina brings up and Stiles nods. 

"She's not that bad, you know? She had to grow up in the forest after the whole car crash thing. She's still learning how to be human. I doubt you arguing and fighting with her is helping" Stiles points out and Lina rolls her eyes.

"Stiles, you were there at Eichen. You know exactly why we're the way we are." Lina reminds him and he sighs. 

"Eichen was months ago. Can't you forgive each other?" Stiles pleads. Before she can answer, she spots Scott walking towards them and walks past Stiles to approach, Stiles huffing in exasperation but following behind her.

"Well, what did she tell you?" Lina wonders and Stiles nods curiously. 

"She thinks she knows where we can find Derek." Scott informs them with a shrug.

"She gonna tell us where?" Malia asks from over by the Jeep, her arms crossed.

"Uh, actually, she's giving us a guide." A woman rides up on a motorcycle near the Jeep, causing Stiles to jump as she takes her helmet off, the others looking her over. Stiles looks over at Scott in surprise.

"You know her?" 

"Braeden" Scott breathes in recoginition, looking her over. Braeden looks over at the mention of her name. 

"Who's Braeden?" Kira whispers to Lydia and Malia and Braeden looks towards her. 

"She's a mercenary." Lydia answers, looking over Braeden's motorcycle. 

"Right now, I'm the only one who's gonna take you to la iglesia." Braeden adds, looking around the group. 

"The Church?" Lydia asks confused. 

"What's the Church?" Stiles adds and Braeden smirks.

"It's not a place you'll find God." She urges them to get a move on and as everyone starts climbing into the Jeep, Lina smirks, stepping up to Braeden who raises an eyebrow at her.

"I remember you. You're the one who saved Isaac" Lina brings up.

"I was the one hired to save him" Braeden nods and Lina motions to the back of her bike.

"Jeep's pretty cramped. Mind if I ride with you?" Braeden looks at the Jeep where her friends were climbing in before shrugging and tossing her a helmet. 

"Hop on" Before she can, Stiles intervenes.

"Whoa, whoa. No way are you riding with a random stranger. I veto!" Stiles quickly disagrees and Lina scoffs.

"One of us has to! There's no room and I'll be damned if I have to be near that coyote or worse, have her sit on my lap again" Lina growls, her eyes narrowing towards Malia who was talking to Scott about something.

"But-" Before Stiles can protest, Braeden chimes in, annoyed and impatient.

"I don't care who rides, just someone get on and let's get moving. We don't have all day" Braeden urges. Lina turns back to give Stiles a look.

"I'll be fine, Sti. Promise" Lina holds up her pinkie with a cheeky smile and Stiles huffs but obliges, locking their pinkies. 

"Be safe" Lina nods, putting the helmet on as he gets in and she climbs on behind Braeden. 

"You ever been on one of these before?" Braeden asks and Lina shakes her head.

"Hang tight. I go fast" And with that, she takes off, Lina quickly grabbing Braeden's shoulders for support. 


"So, Kate's still alive, huh? How long have you known?" Lina wonders as they drive down the desert road, both of them having to call out to each other to be able to hear.

"I've been on the search for a quite a bit now. The Calaveras have a lot of money riding on me finding her" Braeden says and Lina hums in response.

"Can't imagine an already psychotic killer now having claws. If she was willing to burn down an entire family, what else might she do now that she has powers?" Lina brings up and Braeden scoffs. 

"That's what I've been trying to figure out" They hear a pop come from the Jeep and both glance back to find Stiles pulling over. Braeden quickly turns around and pulls over as well, Lina and Braeden pulling off their helmets and climbing off to investigate.

"What happened?" Braeden asks as the group moves around to check out the Jeep.

"Are you all okay?" Lina worries. 

"Yeah, we're fine. It felt like we hit something." Stiles explains as they look over the damage.

"Scott, we need to get there by night. It's too dangerous otherwise" Braeden tells him. Scott looks between the Jeep and his friends, unsure. 

"Go" Stiles waves him off but Scott shakes his head.

"Not without you" he denies.

"Dude, someone needs to find Derek. We'll figure something out. We always do. Just go" Stiles urges. Lina holds the extra helmet out towards him, noticing his reluctance.

"Stiles is right. We'll figure out the situation and meet you there. We've got enough supernaturals if anything happens" Lina agrees. 

"Okay" Scott nods, moving towards Braeden's bike where Braeden was waiting. Kira runs up to him to have a moment as Lina notices Malia looking at one of Stiles' front tires while Stiles is busy messing with something under the hood.

Scott and Braeden drive off, leaving them there, Kira staring off after them as Malia gets down to examine if further. "What is it?" Lina wonders as Malia reaches in, grabbing something.

"Stiles, I don't think we hit something." She shows a large claw of some sort, frowning. "I think something hit us." Stiles quickly grabs it looking it over as the others go into high alert, looking around. 

Malia nudges Lina, smirking. "Not so useless, now am I?" Malia points out before walking away. Lina scoffs, shaking her head, looking out around them for any sign of a supernatural creatures. Something was out here with them.


"Maybe we should just walk" Lydia suggests, leaned beside the Jeep while Stiles fiddled with it. 

"Hey, I will never abandon this Jeep. You understand me? Ever. Ever...E'er" He had a tool in his mouth as he spoke the last one, Lydia sighing and moving to help. Kira moves towards where Malia stared around, looking for any sign of a monster. Lina was stood near the back of the Jeep, looking around on that side.

"Work faster, Stiles. There's something out here with us" Lina hears Malia call from around the front. 

"She's right, for once. Something big" Lina agrees, sensing something strong. She couldn't tell what it was, but she knew if it wanted to take out the Jeep, it was dangerous.

Malia and Lina stay on guard, it soon getting dark enough for Lydia to have to hold a flashlight for Stiles while he worked on getting the Jeep fixed. Technically, the Jeep was to be shared by both siblings, but Stiles was way too obsessed with it that Lina just went ahead and said he could have it and she got herself her own Jeep. 

Though her Jeep was currently not working at the moment which meant she had no car so she had just been riding around with Imani for a bit. Kira stands beside Lina, looking around nervously near the back while the other three were near the front.

"What if something attacks us?" Kira worries. Lina gives her a shrug.

"Then we fight it." 

"Fight it, as in, like, fight it?" Lina turns to raise an eyebrow at her. 

"That is what fight means, yes..." Kira moves to open up the trunk and digs out her sword.

"I'll go check on Malia and see if she's seen anything" Kira moves around towards the front as Lina nods, focusing back on the desert around her. 

Something was still around. She could still sense it. She just couldn't exactly tell where it was coming from. Not to mention, now that it was dark, it was hard to see. She flashes her lion eyes, glowing amber as she slowly circles the Jeep, looking out around them as she hears Malia complaining about how dark it is.

Her eyes flicker over something that quickly ducks out of sight and she gasps, moving to stand beside Kira and Malia. "There" She points out into the distance and the others squint their eyes, Lina watching the spot closely.

Kira uses her sword to shine the Jeep's headlights in that direction and they all see something duck out of sight again. Malia growls, roaring and runs off after the thing. "Malia, wait!" 

"No, don't go after it!"

"Hey, Malia!" Three of them panic at once, Lina quickly running after Malia with Kira right behind them, the sound of Stiles panicking in the distance.

Lina catches up with Malia, gripping her arm to stop her from going any further, seeing as they were already pretty far out. "Are you crazy? We were only supposed to fight it if it went after us, but it didn't" Malia pushes her hand off of her.

"It would've went after us anyways! I'm trying to protect us!" Malia growls. Something giant appears and starts attacking them, slashing down on both of them. It runs off before they have a chance at fighting back. Malia moves to go after it, groaning as she held her hip.

"No, Malia, stop! The thing is too dangerous to face off against. We have to go back" Malia pushes her off again.

"Look what you did! I could've gotten a hit on it if you hadn't stopped me!" 

"No, you could've been killed!" Lina protests and Malia scoffs, holding her hip in pain while Lina holds her arm with a hiss where the thing had attacked her. 

"Like you care if I die" 

"I don't. But Stiles would be devastated, so maybe try thinking of him before you run off and do something stupid" Lina bites back. Kira appears, sword drawn, ready to fight when she notices them.

"What happened? What's out there?" Kira wonders.

"Not sure, but it is big and fast. And it cuts deep" Malia groans out, a deep cut in her hip. Kira looks the two of them over, noticing the deep scratch across Lina's upper arm as well. 

"Come on, let's get out of here" Lina tells them, hearing the distant sound of Stiles' Jeep starting up again.

The two follow after her and quickly climb in the Jeep, Stiles taking off. They drive down the road, on the way to the Church, Malia and Stiles up front while the other three sat in the back.

Stiles wastes no time in scolding Malia. "You...You please don't do that ever again!" Stiles breathes out, still freaking out over the situation. 

"Do what?" Malia asks confused.

"I...I thought you just took off. I thought you were running" Stiles brings up, glancing between her and the road.

"I was running" Malia nods.

"Yeah, into danger" Lina growls, holding her arm in pain. Malia glances back to glare at her.

"No, I mean, like I thought you were leaving." Stiles clarifies, sending her an anxious look. 

"I wouldn't leave without you." Malia assures him.

"Really?" Stiles asks in shock and Malia nods.

"I would never leave without you." The two look at each other, Lina noticing the way Lydia looked between the two of them. Malia glances back at the three in the back then, specifically Lina, looking back to him.

"Them I would leave, especially her" Malia adds and Kira and Lydia both give her a look while Lina glares. Stiles quickly glances back at them. 

"Yeah. Uh, it's progress." He assures them and Lina scoffs.

"Whatever you say" She mutters.

"That doesn't look so good" Lydia comments, looking at Malia's hip where she had been cut. 

"It's okay" Malia shrugs, not worried about it and Kira chimes in.

"Are you sure? It looks deep" She worries. 

"Yeah, I can feel it healing...not that it was my fault..." She adds as an afterthought.

"Don't try and blame this on me, Tate. You ran right out after it. You probably would've been hurt worse if I hadn't gone after you" Lina replies.

"I can handle myself" Malia argues.

"Yeah, against another coyote, maybe. Newsflash, that wasn't a coyote though. Whatever it was, it was big, and it had a strong scent" Lina brings up.

"Like what?" Stiles asks, looking at her through the rearview mirror.

"Like death" Malia answers and Lina nods in agreement. The car ride goes silent as they focus on catching up to Scott and Braeden. It doesn't take them long and they're soon pulling up to the front of the church, just as Scott and Braeden are stepping out, someone wrapped around their shoulders as they helped him out.

They all climb out of the Jeep, Stiles and Lina gaping as they take in the stranger's appearance. "Is that him? Is that Derek?" Malia asks curiously as the siblings share a look of surprise. 

"Uh, sort of..." Stiles answers cautiously. Lina steps closer as the teen raises his head, breathing heavily. 

"Did I enter some weird Back To The Future type timeline" She mutters, looking over Derek's teen features in disbelief. She looks between Scott and Stiles who were just as surprised as she was. What did Kate do to him?

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