U and I || Keyshipping - BoyX...

By thevoiceinmyheart

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|completed ; unedited| 🛇contains: nsfw; yaoi🛇 10months now passed by since Astral returned to his own world... More

Chapter One: Astral returns!
Chapter two: Astral's strange acting
Chapter three: Love is in the air
Chapter four: Tori finds it out! - Unwanted..!
Chapter six: Astral's Fear
Chapter seven: Nightmares,
Chapter eight: Quarrel!
Chapter nine: Forgive me
Chapter ten: Tori apologizes
Chapter eleven: ZeXal
Chapter twelve: Embarassing things
Chapter 13: Weird events
Chapter 14: You are mine, Astral
Chapter 15: Help!
Chapter 16: Remedy for Astral
Chapter 17: Angry with Astral?
I'm sorry
Final Chapter

Chapter five: Tori's jealousy

2.3K 67 22
By thevoiceinmyheart

After Tori realised that Yuma and Astral are a pair, she walked away from the beach amd called Bronk, Cathy, Flip and Caswell. They all met at a park and were kinda excited.

"Tori, why did you called us?? Dud something happened?" Asked Bronk with an worried look.

"Did something happen to my Yuma-kun???" Asked Cathy.

"Kinda...I have to tell you guys something that is very important." Explained Tori and took a deep breath:

"But don't freak out. I just saw Yuma and Astral at the beach..and...I know now why Yuma acted so strange.."

Everybody looked at Tori and waited for her to tell them the reason

"Yuma and Astral are a pair"

"WHAAAAAT!?!?!?!?" yelled Cathy:

"No way! Yuma isn't gay or something like that! And than, why should he love Astral!? He's a ghost! He should love girls like me!"

"Believe me Cathy, I just saw how they two kissed at the beach!"

"Ah yeah, the ways of Love. What is so bad that they are a pair? If they are happy...we should be happy for them" explained Bronk:

"I mean, Yuma and Astral are our friends after all."

" In the end: Bronk is right" replied Caswell and Tori noded. Cathy indeed turned away and sighed but she than noded too.

"It's...kinda hard to believe that they two are a pair." said Flip and turned to Tori

"And you have no problem at all with that, Tori? You were always together with Yuma-kun and, to be honest, I always had the feeling that you and Yuma would be a pair one day." Tori blushed a bit and looked on the ground. She actually really had some feelings for Yuma and is a bit jealous at Astral too.

"As-as long as Yuma is happy it's okay...." Tori turned away and slowly walked home. The others realised quick that Tori is definitly jealous.

"After all that me and Yuma did together...after all the wonderful and bad times we spended together...as kids...and now...and in the past...after all the times I cried for him, after all the times I cheared him up, after all the times I helped him, after all the times I standed him by in bad situations...! After all he loves a ghost from a diffrent dimension! After all he loves a boy! A BOY! Not me, no, a boy-ghost fom another dimension!!!"

Two days after in the morning, Tori came very late to school this time. As she entered the classroom, everybody looked at her in shock. She was never late before! So why was she late now?

"Tori? Why are you so late to school today? Almost 1 hour too late! I really didn't expected that from a girl like you." Mr.Kay said and sighed frustrated. Without saying a word, Tori sat down on her place and didnt't even looked at Yuma or said something to him, she just stared at the table the whole time.

In the brake, she didn't even went to the others and just sat down on a bench and ate all alone. The others started to really worry about her and her jealousy, and Yuma just didn't understood why she acted like that.

"Say, Guys, do you know what is wrong with Tori? She acts so strange today..." asked Yuma his friends. But instead of giving him an answer, they just looked away and mumbled some stuff that Yuma couldn't understand either.

"C'mon guys, I know exactly that you know what's wrong with her! So answer me already!" Cathy turned to Yuma

"You really wanna know it?" she asked and the others looked at Cathy, knowing exactly that she was about to say it

"Tori-chan is jealous. She knows, well...we know that you and Astral are a pair, and she is very jealous at Astral because she loves you too. That's why she acts like that"

Yuma was shocked.He couldn't believe that they already know the thing between him and Astral. In the same moment, Astral appeared out of the key and looked on the ground.

"A-astral...l-listen, I-"

"There's no need for explanations. I heard everything that Cathy said." said Astral. As he wanted to say something else too, they suddenly heard footsteps. Tori came up to them and looked at everyone, espacially at Astral. She walked towards to him and said:

"Hello, Astral.."

"Hello, Tori.." replied Astral with fear in his voice. What will she do or say now?

"So, you are Yuma's boyfriend, hm?"

All of the sudden, Tori was about to hit Astral with her fist, but Yuma quickly jumped between them and grabbed Tori's arm in order to stop her. Astral was freezed in shock and Yuma was very angry at Tori now.

"What do you think you're doing!?" asked Yuma angrily while he had grabbed Tori's arm. Tori shouted:

"Getting revenge on Astral for stealing you from me! We two always had a so good time and than you are getting a pair with a ghost!?" she stayed quiet for a while and than she added:

"I really wish Astral would have never come to this world. Than you would be mine now.." after saying that, Tori pushed Yuma away and ran away. Astral had some tears in his eyes and looked on the ground as he suddenly collapsed. Yuma catched him and shouted:

"Astral!? Astral!? H-hey, what's wrong with you!?" Yuma started to cry a bit and the others ranned to them

"Looks like he passed out...!" noticed Bronk

"I guess that was a real shock for him. It's not that bad, he'll be alright, yuma..."

"Not that bad...!? You say that it's not that bad!? He just collapsed and passed out all of the sudden and you say that's not that bad!?" Yuma had some more tears in his eyes and looked at his passed out friend.

"Yuma is right, Bronk. This is bad. Yuma, it's the best if you go home with Astral and take care of him. I'm sure he'll be alright." said Cathy

"we are going to tell the teacher that you had to go sooner because your friend collapsed!" said Caswell. Yuma smiled at bis friends and said "thanks, guys!" than he carried Astral and walked home.

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