The Silver shadow Chronicals

By Bakutoga4life

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My Au where Mercury black wasn't raised to be a deadly assassin but instead the secret hero of Remnant. How... More

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The Room of Mystery
Ice Cold Camp
Ice Cold Camp P2
Saint Salem's Day
Saint Salem's Day P2
Satyrenza P2
Apollo's Big Day P1
Apollo's Big Day P2
Midnight at Billy's P1
Midnight at Billy's P2
The Sound of Danger
Sound of Danger P2
Double Cross Bridge
Double Cross Bridge P2
The Polendina Disaster P1
The Polendina Disaster Part 2
The Polendina Disaster P3
The Polendina Disaster P4

Room Of Mystery P2

1 0 0
By Bakutoga4life

Silver fell into the black void spinning out of control "Apollo can you read me?" Silver asked into his earpiece before it burst into flames and he had to toss it away. Silver looked back down to see " red?" trees started to appear and silver quickly started hanging onto branches to slow his descent, even though he put great effort into it, Silver still landed with a heavy thud.

Silver got up, his head throbbing at the hard landing he had just received. Silver took a look at his surroundings; he was now in a Forest with dark red pine trees, blue-green grass,and a hot pink sky. "What the heck?" Silver asked out loud. Not long after, Silver heard something moving through the trees. In a flash a humongous glowing wolf lunged itself at him; silver managed to dodge the lunge, grabbing it by the tail and throwing it into a tree. The tree snapped in an instant but the wolf continued as if nothing happened, snapping and clawing at silver who continued to dodge and kick the wolf away. The wolf managed to predict Silver and jumped off of a tree and flew straight into his shoulder jaws scraping deep into his flesh. Silver howled wildly In pain and grabbed the wolf by the neck and slammed it to the ground and started stomping it's head until he could only feel the ground under his boot. Silver treaded away trying to get his shoulder in a less painfull position, yet the wolf got up on it's paws and it's head started to reform like a video of shattered glass was playing backwards. Silver jumped onto one of the surrounding trees as the wolf's regeneration completed "try and catch me now" Silver taunted from the tree, the wolf simply walked over to the tree and snapped it's trunk with a headbutt. The red pine started to timber so Silver hopped to the one next to him and the wolf knocked that one down to. The two continued this dynamic for a little while before a collom of dark purple smoke caught Silver's eye so he started hopping over to it.

The wolf continued to follow Silver through the woods. Silver couldn't see it but he knew that it was there, waiting for him to touch the ground. Silver continued until he saw a fairly large cottage spewing the smoke. He landed on the roof of the cottage and looked to see where the wolf was. The wolf in question had bound up to the roof and started to approach silver almost as if it feared coming near the house. Silver took the opportunity to hop down the chimney into the house. Silver hopped into the room which was oddly empty except for a singular glowing sword just floating in the air for seemingly no good reason. Silver decided to take the sword for himself to try and end the wolf so he, sword in hand charged outside the door to the cottage where the wolf was waiting for him. It growled at him with the most ferocious eyes Silver had ever seen. It charged Silver,fangs bared to kill. Silver raised the sword with all the strength he could muster, and in the blink of an eye the sword was deep in the wolf's chest. Before the second had finished Silver felt himself lifted back up in the air by invisible strings in his back.

Silver found himself back in the room but everything was wrecked, the furniture had been thrown across the floor, the wallpaper had been reduced to confetti, and the wall leading outside had a hole blown into it. Silver followed the hole outside to see Watts fighting the boy who was now floating around, tossing stuff like trash cans and stop signs at Watts who hid behind a car for cover. Silver immediately sprang into action delivering a solid kick to the top of the boy's head causing him to plummet back down to earth. Watts seemed to be taken back by this and simply looked at Silver "fancy seeing you up" Watts said trying to regain some of his cool head " I'd say it's a reasonable time to get up" Silver retaliates but before long the boy had risen back to his feet "restrain him!" Watts said as Silver who struck the boy at the knees and grabbed him, wincing at having to use his injured shoulder. Watts placed one hand on the boy's forehead and the other on his heart "power of soul hear my call" he muttered just loud enough for Silver to understand "take my essence and restore this child to full strength" he shouted as his neon green aura became visible as it connected to the smokey purple of the boy's. In a flash of colorful light the boy's body ejected out a small imp like Grimm with no legs which floated weakly trying to reach Watts before Silver stomped on it, breaking it easier than smoke. "A chill" Watts said out loud " They're usually Vale and South Mistral, only Grimm right?" Silver asked "yes I haven't a clue how one found its way here or how it got into the city" Watts said puzzling in his head. Silver then heard shutters opening on the other buildings so he quickly ran back to the empty home and teleported back home.

Silver dropped to the ground upon his return home finally letting the pain from his shoulder finally overtake him. "Oh geez" Apollo said, going over to his brother as soon as he saw it. Silver was helped to a chair and soon Apollo started whistling his aura forming a yellow ball in his open hand. He pressed the ball into Silver's wound and the shoulder began reversing it to before it even happened. " What the heck happened? I lost signal halfway through?" Apollo asked Silver who simply grabbed the exploded earpiece and set it on the table. " It got pretty weird," Silver said in a jokey manner.

Marcus and Adam then entered through the front door, Adam in a new bomber jacket, loose street pants and holding a decently long scabbard. Marcus took in the mood of the room "lemme guess, fresh back from a mission?" Mercury simply nodded, too tired to give a witty remark. "What's with the new get up Adam?" Apollo asked "it's my mission suit" Adam said "wait what?" Both of the boys asked, Mercury waking out of his drows. Marcus gave Adam a small elbow to his side "it was Supposed to be a Surprise" Marcus said clearly disappointed in Adam. "Cool," Apollo said, "but where will he be staying when he's not on missions?" Apollo asked " downstairs" Marcus said in unblinking assurance. "Can I pass out now?" Mercury asked "Knock yourself out " Marcus said as Mercury took his advice and passed out on the spot.

Watts was fresh from taking the Wildfire boy, William to a local orphanage. One he was assured would be the right place for him growing up. He turned the corner to see a fit dog faunus in a trenchcoat and fedora "Arthur Watts" he said in a voice that may have been inconspicuous for a kindergartner "Marrow Amin, Age:17, height:5'8, nationality: atlesian, orphan, first year in Atlas academy" Watts confirms to him. " Do you just greet everyone like that" Marrow asks "everyone trying to cosplay the incognito tab on a search engine" Watts says enjoying Marrow's broken confidence " I can assume that the general would like to speak with me personally?" he asks "just come with me mr. knows it all" marrow said pointing to a helipad. " It has been a while since my last chat with James," Watts said with a nostalgic smile.

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