{ !! Alice In Borderland one...


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Requests please !! I will do any gender of Y/N Really any character I won't do: Smuts Lemons Limes Anything l... More

Chishiya X Blind!F!reader
Chishiya X EnglishSpeaking! Reader
Kuina X expressionless!Freader
Banda X Forgetful!GN!Reader
Banda X Reader
Niragi X Tired!F!Reader
Chishiya X Insane!Reader
Last boss X F!reader
Cheater Chishiya X Reader
Tatta X Dead!reader
Niragi X Dumb!Reader
Chishiya X calm!reader
Chishiya X Emotionless!Reader
Arisu X Reader
Different approach
Chishiya X Reader
Chishiya X Freader X Niragi
Niragi X reader
Chishiya X reader
Arisu X Reader
Chishiya X scared!reader
Chishiya X Reader
Obsessive Arisu X Reader
Important!! Please read
Chishiya X Sad!Reader
Chishiya X injured!Reader

Chishiya X Smiley!reader

905 15 0

Plot: the game beauty contest, except it's 2 survivors for the plot (lol) you showed that you were care free this game and somebody notices this, gains interest about your lack of interest

Warning : disturbing deaths! Acid! Gorey sights

Enjoy <3


Joining a game, unaware of what you had in store for you, future you would have warned you to go to a different face card game, after being traumatized by these deaths of the game, however you did meet somebody there in the game, that maybe future wouldn't warn about.

King of diamonds.

Sitting in a room, with a few other players, you spot the king right away, staring at him, only glancing at the others, awaiting the rules.

The tv ai starts speaking, explaining everything, you were clever enough to get a some what understanding of this, it's about math, and that's really all, you weren't gonna over think it, but the others were, as they seem stress of confusions, the game finally ends it's rules and says.

"Only 2 players can survive," it says, everybody whispered,

The game has finally started.

You leaned back a bit, who ever is closet to the mean of the whole thing wins, we'll sort of, but it's divided by 0.8 instead of the total number answers, which is the total number of players, 0.8, isn't that a drop?
Everybody starts talking, you stay quiet.

Round one start.

You took around, not stressing to much about what you pick, you wait a bit, watching the others hands, you wait for the last person to pick which is the blonde man, and you finally decide to pick yours, but you pick a answer you were sure that wouldn't be right, the screen plays for everybody.

"Winner: Kuzuryu," says the ai, a point gets added to his, you scoff, of course the king is clever, it is a diamonds, you see a lot of the players in deep thought, everybody needs to calm down.

"Ah I see, you just need to predict your opponents moves and be a few steps ahead, hmmm... this feels like a heart more than a diamond," says a player, you laugh a bit, she turns to you "what? We're reading each other," she says you look to her.

"Never said we weren't," you smile, not rudely or mockingly, just a smile, but clearly she didn't like it she scoffs in annoyance, you don't want her to dislike you, but if you were her you'd probably be annoyed if somebody said that too, you look down and stay quiet for a moment, listening to the other man talk.

"Wether you play poker or chess, in a intellectual game, you have to read your opponent, not reading their minds, but predicting their reasoning, wouldn't you say? Huh? King?" He says, trying to get the kings attention, you also want to see if he'd agree, you look to the king, but he ignores him.

"Wow," you say.

"There reasoning?" Says the woman with the orange cardigan.

"You ignoring?" Scoffs the blonde, you smirk in amusement, stopping to look up when you hear a weird sound, like a tap running water into a bowl.

"What's that? Water?" Asks, you also wanted to know.

"That is sulfuric acid," says the king.


"Oh so you'll answer him.." says the guy, you scoff.

"Acid? Wow what a way to go," you say looking up as the scale tilts toward the players that got it wrong.

"If someone reaches negative ten points, the scales will tip," wow thanks captain obvious.

The others talk.

"Scales?" You say, smirking.

"The king of diamonds is a lawyer," said the blonde "at least he used to be," he continued.

"Yes but that's in the past," the king says, how badly you wanted to say a joke, but you held it back, just thinking about it in your head, not wanting to cause a annoyance, but you laugh about it thinking it in your head.

"What's so funny?" The girl asks, annoyed at you for finding fun in this situation, you shrug at her.

"Dunno, why you so serious though?" You ask, it was obvious why.

The next round starts, after some argument, the girl with the orange cardigan was causing drama for some reason, she got easily annoyed, it bothered you, but you couldn't help but find her pretty, so you'd let it slide (jk pretty privilege tho 😍👆🏼)

Everybody was taking there time, you look up to see there expressions, orange cardigan was stressing, the guy that waves his fingers around a lot was licking his lips, you laugh, he seemed like a fun person, the blonde and the king had poker faces, the random guy that talked all smart was in a pretty deep thought, you know your answer.

"Winner: y/n," chimes the tv, you lean back a bit, happy to get it, you wanted to throw a bad victory pun, but it clearly wasn't the time, and you knew when to joke, you wanted to lighten the mood, but it's just not the time right now, people be pissed if you'd joke about there loss, but you were gonna joke about your win, not their loss.

The others sigh in frustration, as another point gets added to them, and the scales fill up.

People talked this round, blah blah blah, nothing that special, but you'd listen anyway in entertainment, especially the kings and the blondes conveniently.

Next round, Daimon won, she freaks out in excitement, you snicker, you noticed the blonde picked 100, you picked 0, knowing that you wouldn't win this round, because almost everybody else was gonna do 0, you suspected one person to not pick 1 or 2, and then they would win, but you were just having a bit of fun, clearly, the blonde was having fun too.

"I think all of you are overthinking this, that kind of stuff just gives me a headache, so I blew it up," he says, you chuckled, you thought the same exact thing back.

"Yea," you agree, as the acid pores.
"Wow you two are insane," the winner laughs, you smile with her, and the blonde scoffs.

Round 6 chishiya won.

People are freaking out about this. You were doing pretty good, you weren't a head like the king, but you weren't gonna die soon, you wanted to win of course, not wanting to die by acid, but also, you really really didn't wanna die first, that's embarrassing.

The king, chishiya, Daimon, and you, we're doing pretty good, but the other two not so much, they acted to smart but they haven't even gotten one right, it's sad not gonna lie, you felt bad.

It finally leads to a round, round 10, two players are at -9 points, so either one of them is gonna die, you think, you wonder what it would look like for somebody to get acid dumped on them, but even though you liked to joke around a lot and prank, you weren't insane. And you did not want to see somebody die like that.

Round ten, two players now have -10 points, poor souls, you look at them, your usual smile was gone, wanting to not smile infront of somebody while they die, and also because it was nothing to smile about, you look down a bit, you wanted to see, but it isn't worth it, at least they die together right? Ehhh.

You watch them freak out from the corner of your eyes, as the scale fills and it overflows sort of, spilling on them, yes, you definitely don't want to die, hearing the screams as some of their skin sizzles from the acid, and they beg and beg, you close your eyes calmly, no matter if you wanted to look or not, you also wanted to sleep tonight.

You hear the screams as they get burned, the younger one dying first, as you accidentally opened your eyes slightly, seeing the disgusting sight, and quickly shutting them, squeezing them shut this time, you here Daimon freak.

"Now this is more like a face card game," says chishiya, you open your eyes, and don't stare at the bodies around you.

Two new rules added, huh, and they're interfering rules too, alright, watching the others pick, you picked 0.

Results in for round 11, everybody picked the same answer, you scoff, you weren't laughing as much after the deaths, but you wanted to keep your mood up, not wanting to be as depressing as these other dreadful people, smirking and nodding your head looking down, as all of you loose a point, chishiya was at -9 points, you favorited him out the most, he brought some humor to this, which you liked, you didn't want him to die really, it's not looking good for him, you sigh, you were at -6 points.

Round 12, we all pick, you decided to pick 0 again, wanting to not have a major chance to win, trying to give chishiya a chance, you wanted to leave with him, or Daimon, not so much as the king though, he was a king after all, and he thought of this horrible game, and he thought of the gruesome deaths too, soo, not him.

Chishiya won, and got a perfect answer, you smile and tilt your head, however, like I said, he got a perfect answer, now you're at -8, uh ohh, maybe you should have tried, but whatever, you still have a chance, you smile, but it flatters as you realized Daimon has lost, you here her scream, you feel pretty bad, although she was rude, this is a death game, you'd be rude too, you use to be rude, but you decided to take a funnier approach to be more likable, you used to be like her.

She screams, claiming chishiya cheated, she didn't have to be a sore loser now, you here him explain his reasoning, he was pretty smart huh.

He guessed it perfectly, you scoff at his finishing sentence, regretting scoffing because you realized it was quite rude, somebody was gonna die, and Daimon found it rude too, she turned to you and was about to scream at you, but quickly got shut up by the acid, you weren't prepared enough this time and couldn't look away in time, as you saw the acid dump on her, and you stare in shock, yea yea, you definitely shouldn't have picked this game, you also had a extra day on your visa, you just wanted to get this over with, ughhhh you're a idiot.

"Well, she said not all lives had the same value, think she still believes in that? Up until the bitter end?" Chishiya says, you glance to him, as he looks towards you, you change your shocked look to a more displeased one, was he mocking her? That's not really nice, but she was rude, she did accuse him of cheating too, well, it's not like she still deserves that though, but still, you change you displeased look to a smile, wanting to show some smile, not wanting to be how you used to be, how you used to be, was a cold, rude, person, and you're sick of that, he smirked at you.

The king talks weird stuff, some real life stuff, something you hated, you hated the real life problems, and always tried to ignore it with your jokes, but still, you listen to him, saddened by his words, you looked at the king, his words seemed so understanding, you felt sympathy for him, but you change your look again, back to a calmer one, and put on a little soft smile, you heard some where that the more you smiled the more happier you'd actually get, and right now, you need to smile a lot.

A new rule added, it's a completely rule, it says, if 1 or 2 players pick 100, and 1 or 2 players pick 0, then the person/people that picked 100 wins the round instantly, also in these final rounds, 2 players can win a round, in stead of 1, wow, well that does make sense, there are supposed to be 2 winners anyways, so this makes it difficult.

Chishiya explained his smart stuff again, you smile at him listening, as he talked, your smile being so fake but so sincere at the same time, a sadden smile, suddenly he ends his words with.

" I'm going to pick 100," he says, we look in shock, you think for a moment.

"Me too," you laughed, at this point, you don't care enough for this, you didn't want either to die at this point, and as much as you didn't want to die like this, you'd much rather die saving 2 others, what's the point anyways, you'll get old and die some day anyways, so it's better to die now, and the deaths looked find of quick? Plus what a way to go, you laugh, but ad much as you wanted to sacrifice for them, you had something in your mind, no matter how suicidal you could think, you didn't want to die, and that's the problem of making sacrifices like this.

"What?? Why would you say that?" The king freaks a bit, the most emotion you seen from him.

"Just giving you help," said chishiya.

"Are you guys mad?" He said " you can't just tell me what you will choose." He said annoyed.

"Unless I select 0 this round, you will guarantee your death, and you will be closer to death!"

"Sitting a cross from you, is 2 who are charging towards death, you have to decide, what value do we hold, you value does my life hold, what value their life holds,"

"Don't overthink it, you won't think straight, just pick," you say, sense you're picking 100, you are boundto win, no matter what now, sense chishiya is also picking 100 too, so you won't die, and you will be one of the two survivors, well maybe, but still, you'd wish to be willing right now, like how the king is, and how chishiya is, because right now, his life is on the line, and not yours, and that's the thing, you never have to worry.

He makes his answer as we wait, he looks to me, contemplating his answer, and I warmly smile at him sympathetically, wow you wished you could do more, you really do, you're just sitting here waiting for him to pick, you wishes you did more, here, and with your life, and you wished you picked your more happy and joking life root long before coming here, you'd be more happy and helpful, god you hate yourself, and your life, but to look back right now, what else is there to do, you smile flatters only slightly, but you don't notice the man reading you from around the table, watching you from your peripheral, reading and understanding your act of braveness, you couldn't realize it but he could, and he admired both you and the king, for what you two are doing.

The king picks, he picks....0.

"Time reached, the winner of round 13 is, master chishiya and master y/n" the ai says.

"You actually selected 0?" Chishiya sounds confused, you feel so much pity for the fact he was surprised the king spared him, he kind of sounded like he was gonna cry, maybe you were just trying to cover up the fact you were gonna break soon.

Acid pours.

Round 14, 100 again, you glance at chishiya, he looks at you and you smile, and he stares back at the king, nodding to you, like he could understand you.

Winner of round 14, you, and chishiya.

"This is it now, isn't it?" Chishiya asks, "y/n is guarantee victory, but for you and I?" He questions.

Round 15 start.

"So then, can you do it? If you're finding it hard to make your choice, you can just kill me, that's fair isn't it?" He says, you sadden, the king has to decide, you lean back and stare in the middle of both of them.

"I can not make that decision," says the king annoyed, and then continued talking to him, and you watch patiently, sense you were guarantee win, you wanted to understand these two, because one of them isn't going to make it.

Chishiya turns his screen, showing 100, you all 3 had created a bond in this game, in like a friendship bond, but a sort of bond that could go deeper, more deeper then any friendship, and you were going to witness if the king will break the bond, or keep it.

The king, thinks for a while, I wonder what he will pick, you think.
he gives a little speech, a speech that makes you feel yourself break really, because what he is doing, is something you've always wanted to do, you wanted to cry, but you feel so undeserving to cry, one of these two will die, and you won't, and they aren't crying, so why would you? You hold back.

The king finally picks, what did he pick?

The tv declares the winner, but before it could even you feel tears streaming down your cheeks, you put on a sweet smile, all this time you didn't want to smile, thinking it would be rude to for them, but you'd never realized maybe that's something they could need, none of these guys that you played with knew your life story, but it's almost like they could figure it out without even needing to talk about your past, you put on a big, sincere, toothy grin, with tears falling, it was kind of cheesy, but as the king glances at you, he smiles too, and he leans back, when the tv reveals, he picked 0.

Chishiya asked him a simple question, that went deeper with meaning, but the king, Kuzuryu, gave a more simple response, a response that made your smile almost leave, but you didn't let it fall.

"I did it for my ideals," he said

"It's nice to see you can actually smile,"

"I am finally free,"


"It's all because of you two,"

And with that, it was the end of the king, as the acid falls to him, yet gracefully, you had never thought to get attached to a king, but you realized they were just normal players like yourself, although you were praying to yourself earlier on why you picked this game, you were glad you did, learning thing's important that you really couldn't see before, you realized what had mattered most, the tears stopped slowly, but your smile never fell down.

"You quit while you were ahead, we gave you the chance to make that choice, I'm so jealous of you," chishiya says, you stare at him, hearing the buzzing of the belts you wore, and you stood up, chishiya got up to and walked towards the exit near you, but looking back, and then towards you, after you whipped your cheeks.

"You were a good player y/n," he says, you turn to him.

"Thanks," you smile warmly, pleasured to play in the game like this.

"I think we should stick together from now on," chishiya says walking away, it's like he knew you'd already agree, because from the very start, it's like he knew who, and who not to trust, even though this wasn't even a trusting game, it mind as well would have been.

Following behind him, knowing this bond won't break soon, you both made each other realized things, although you didn't talk much, just your smile made him realize everything about you, and he could say he's even jealous of you, because unlike him, you were the one trying to change from your cold, heartless ways.


Please I actually love this one shot

Hoped you all enjoyed it too as much as I enjoyed writing it 😭

This chapter was 3340 words 😭 ❤️

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