Electricity || Max Mayfield

By 1mayfield1

68.5K 1.5K 1.1K

Max Mayfield x fem OC season 2 - ✅ season 3 - ✅ season 4 - ✅ season 5 - More

Season 2
Trick or Treat, Freak
The Pollywog
Will the Wise
Dig Dug
The Spy
The Mind Flayer
The Gate
Revealed Feelings
Season 3
The Mall Rats
The Case of the Missing Lifeguard
The Sauna Test
The Flayed
E Pluribus Unum
The Bite
The Battle of Starcourt
Moving Day
Season 4
The Hellfire Club
Vecna's curse
The Monster and the Superhero
Dear Billy
The Nina Project
The Dive
The Massacre at Hawkins Lab
The Piggyback
Liv's Breaking Point

Suzie, Do You Copy?

2.8K 68 31
By 1mayfield1


"Hey, dingus, your sister and children are here."


It's now summer and Liv and Max have been dating for 7 months and they couldn't be happier. The two were at Liv's house cuddling in bed. The whole party was going to the movies at the new Starcourt mall later and Liv and Max wanted spend time together before hand.

Max was laying down with her head buried in Liv's chest while their legs were tangled with each others and Liv had her arms around Max's waist. The two were laying in silence until Liv spoke up.

"How do birds pee?"

Max lifted her head from Liv's chest. "What?"

Before Liv could say anything else her walkie started going off.

"Liv? It's Lucas. Do you copy?"

Liv reached over Max and picked up her walkie.


"Me and Will are going to the mall now if you wanna come. Is Max with you?" Lucas said.

"Yeah, she's here. We'll be there in 15 minutes." Liv replied before putting her walkie down and looking at Max to see that she was already looking at Liv with a smile. "What?"

"Nothing." Max smiled before leaning in and kissing her girlfriend.

Liv smiled into the kiss and wrapped her arms around Max's waist. Liv broke the kiss and pushed Max down on the bed. She smiled as she hovered over the girl. Liv went to lock her lips with Maxs but the sound of her walkie talkie going off made her groan.

"Oh, and Liv-"

Liv angrily picked up her walkie talkie. "Lucas, I swear to god!" Liv yelled into the walkie before turning it off.

Max laughed. "Come on. We'll finish later."

Liv sighed before getting up and opening her bedroom door. She let Max leave first before following her out of the room. Max studied Liv's face.

"Stop pouting." Max smiled.

"I will when people stop ruining our alone time." Liv crossed her arms.


When Liv and Max arrived at Starcourt Lucas and Will were already there waiting outside.

"Where's Mike?" Max asked.

"With El. Where else?" Will snapped.

They waited a couple minutes before Mike finally showed up. He put his bike in the bike rack as Liv, Will, Lucas, and Max walked over to him.

"You're late." Lucas said.

"Sorry." Mike quickly said,

"Again." Liv added.

"We're gonna miss the opening." Will complained.

"Yeah, if you guys keep whining about it. Let's go!"

"if you guys keep whining about it. Nyeh-nyeh-nyeh." Lucas mocked.

"Just please stop talking, dude." Mike pushed Lucas into the mall.

"Let me guess. You were busy." Lucas made kissy noises.

"Oh, yeah, real mature, Lucas." Mike rolled his eyes.

"Oh, El, I wish we could make out forever, and never hang out with any of our friends." Lucas teased causing Will and Liv to smile.

"Lucas, stop." Max ordered.

"Will and Liv think its funny." Lucas said.

"Because it is." Liv smiled earning a slap on the arm from Max.

"Yeah, it's so funny that I want to spend romantic time with my girlfriend." Mike threw his arms up for dramatic effect.

"I'm spending romantic time with my girlfriend." Liv put her arm around Max's shoulders.

The group made their way down the escalators, pushing through people to get to the theatre on time.

"Hey!" A girl said.

"Excuse us! Sorry! Sorry!" Mike quickly apologized.

"Excuse me, I'm sorry." Max said.

As they exited the escalator Liv bumped into a girl from their school.

"Hey! Watch it!" The girl waved Liv away.

"I'm sorry!" Liv apologized.

"Yeah! Watch it, nerd!" Erica, Lucas' little sister, said.

"isn't it past your bedtime?" Lucas asked.

"Isn't it time you died?" Erica insulted which made her little group of friends laugh.



"Mall rat!"

"Fart face!"

Lucas ran out of comebacks so instead he just blew a raspberry at her.

"Oh, now that was mature." Max scolded as the group walked into Scoops Ahoy.

They walked up to the counter and Mike moved out of the way so that Liv could get to the front and talk to her brother. Liv repeatedly rung the bell, trying to get Steve's attention.

"Hey, dingus, your sister and children are here." Robin called to the back.

Steve opened the sliding window and glared at his sister. "Again? Seriously, Livie?"

Liv cringed at the nickname. Steve hasn't called her that since the first grade. Max stifled a laugh as Liv rang the bell once more. Steve rolled his eyes and let them all in.


Liv turned around and Robin handed her a bag full of snacks and drinks.

"Thanks, Robin." Liv smiled as she handed the bag to Liv.

"Anytime, Liv." Robin said as the teens entered the back hallway.

"Come on, come on." Steve rushed them. "I swear, if anybody hears about this-"

"We're dead!" The teens yelled back.

Mike opened the door to the movie theatre and checked to see if the coast was clear. Once it was they all left the hallway and entered the theatre to watch Day Of The Dead. There weren't enough seats for all of them to sit together so Lucas, Mike, and Will sat in a row and Max and Liv sat in the row in front of them.

"See, Lucas? We made it." Mike whispered.

"We missed the previews." Lucas replied.

"Still made it. Fart face." Max teased causing Lucas to give her a mocking smile.

Will passed down snacks and drinks to the group as Liv intertwined her fingers with Max's. Will handed Liv a coke and a pack of skittles. Liv opened up the coke and handed it to Max.

"Thanks." Max said as she took a sip.

Just as the movie was getting good the power went out causing everyone in the theatre to groan. Liv tightened her grip on Max's hand.

"You've gotta be shitting me." Liv groaned.

A few minutes later the movie turned back on causing the theatre to cheer. Max looked at Liv with a smile which Liv returned.


The next morning was the day that Dustin was finally coming home from summer camp. The party was gonna ignore all of Dustin's calls and then surprise him with a banner.

"Livie, wake up!" Max yelled as she jumped on Liv.

Liv groaned. "Don't call me that."

"Why? It's cute." Max smiled as she straddle Liv.

Liv wrapped her arms around Max and pulled her down so that Max was laying on top of her.

"Livie, we need to go to Dustin's." Max tried to remove herself from Liv's grasp.

"5 more minutes." Liv pleaded.

Max removed herself from Liv's grip and got up from the bed. She pulled the covers off of Liv, grabbing her hand and pulling her out of bed.

"Get dressed." Max ordered.

"You're mean." Liv pouted.


Once Liv got ready she and Max went over to Dustin's house. Will and Lucas were already there and working on the welcome home banner. Mike and El were the last one's to show up, no surprise there.

They heard a car pull into the driveway and assumed that Dustin was back. They hid behind a wall as Dustin entered the house and stomped into his bedroom.

Mike signaled El to make Dustin's toys go off. The toys led Dustin into the living room where they would surprise him.

"It's just a dream. You're dreaming." They heard Dustin talk to himself.

"Now." Mike whispered to Eleven.

El opened her eyes and the toys stopped moving. They all snuck up behind Dustin as he bent down to inspect the toys. Max counted down from three and they all blew their noise makers.

Dustin screamed and sprayed Farrah Fawcett hairspray into Liv's eyes making her scream. Dustin finally realized what was going on and stopped spraying the hair spray.

"Holy shit, Liv! I'm sorry." Dustin yelled.

Max grabbed Liv's hand and pulled her into the kitchen. Max turned on the kitchen sink and put Liv's head under the water to wash out her eyes.

"Ow, ow, ow!" Liv forced her head out of the water because the pain was to much.

"Better?" Max asked.

Liv shook her head. "Still stings." Liv rubbed her eyes and noticed a zit on Max's forehead. "Is that a new zit?"

Max blinked her eyes in disbelief. "What is wrong with you?" Max grabbed Liv's head and pushed it back under the water causing her to scream in pain.

"Wait, wait! Max- ahhh!"

Once Max let go of Liv and she pulled her head back up.

"I was kidding." Liv said.

Max crossed her arms. "Well, it was still rude."

"Well, it was still rude." Liv mocked.

Max glared at her and moved her hand to push Liv's head back under the water.

"Wait, I'm sorry! Please don't!" Liv begged.

Max smiled and looked behind Liv at the others who were leaving the house. "What's going on?"

Liv turned around.

"Going to talk to Dustin's girlfriend." Will smiled at the two as he and the others left the house.

"Girlfriend?" Max and Liv said in shock.

The two shared a look before Liv grabbed her backpack and left the house with Max.


The party was now walking up a huge hill carrying bags full of parts for Dustin's cerebro. El and Mike were in the back of the group holding hands and whispering in each others ear.

"Aren't we high enough?" Lucas panted.

"Cerebro works best at a hundred meters." Dustin informed them all.

"Is this really necessary?" Liv asked.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure people in Utah have telephones." Max said.

"Yeah, but Suzie's Mormon." Dustin replied.

"Oh, shit. She doesn't have electricity?" Lucas thought.

"Oh, that's the Amish." Max corrected.

"What are Mormons?" Will wondered.

"Super religious white people. They have electricity and cars and stuff, but... since I'm not Mormon, her parents would never approve." Dustin explained. "It's all a bit... Shakespearean."

"Shakespearean?" Liv questioned.

"Yeah. Like Romeo and Juliet." Dustin said.

"Right." Liv rolled her eyes.

"Star crossed lovers." Dustin added.

"She gets it." Max snapped.

"Hey, guys!" Mike called out.

They all turned around to see Mike and El still halfway down the hill.

"This is fun and all, but, uh..." Mike pointed to his watch.

"I have to go home." El said.

"We're almost there." Dustin pointed to the top of the hill that was literally right there.

"Sorry, man. Curfew." Mike apologized.

"Good luck." El said before she and Mike ran down the hill, hand in hand.

Dustin looked at his watch. "Curfew at 4:00?"

"They're lying." Lucas said.

"It's been like this all summer." Will rolled his eyes.

"It's romantic." Max told them.

Liv looked at Max with her nose scrunched up. "It's gross."

Max slapped her in the arm.

"It's bullshit." Dustin added. "I just got home. Well, their loss, right? Onwards and upwards! Suzie awaits!"

Max, Lucas, and Liv groaned before following Dustin the rest of the way up the hill.

"Will, come on!" Dustin called out to Will who was still watching Mike and Eleven leave.

Will ran after them as they approached the top of the hill. Liv dropped her bag and sat down on the ground.

Dustin dropped his bag next to Liv's. "Made it."

"Yeah, only took five hours." Max exaggerated.

"Why couldn't we just play D&D?" Will asked.

"I'm so thirsty." Lucas took out his water canteen and drank the whole thing.

"Did you seriously just drink the rest of our water?" Max asked.

Lucas looked at Max before spitting some of the water back into the canteen and offering it to Max with a smile. Max shook her head at him before she went over to Liv. Liv reached into her backpack and handed Max some water.

"Thanks, Livie." Max smiled.

Liv sighed. "Please, stop calling me that."

"Never." Max smirked.

Liv stood up from the ground and went over to help the others with building Dustin's cerebro.

"Pretty impressive, right?" Dustin smiled. "Now, you ready to meet my love?"

"Okay, sure." Max said.

"Yeah." Will said.

Dustin sat down next to the radio and turned it on. "Suzie, this is Dustin. Do you copy? Over." Suzie didn't respond and instead Dustin just got silence. "One sec. She's probably... She's still there. Suzie... This is Dustin. Do you copy? Over?"

Lucas, Max, Will, and Liv watched with annoyed expressions that Dustin was wasting their time.

"I'm sure she's there. It's just-"

"Yeah." Lucas nodded.

"You know, maybe she's, like, busy or-"

"Yeah." Lucas said again.

"It's around dinnertime." Dustin said.

"Mmm." Liv nodded.

"Yep." Max said.

"Here." Dustin shrugged before trying again. "Suzie, do you copy? This is Dustin. Over. Suzie, do you copy? This is Dustin. Over."


It's night time and Dustin was still trying to get in contact with Suzie. Liv was sitting down on the grass, running her fingers through Max's hair while she laid her head in Liv's lap.

"Suzie! This is Dustin. Do you copy? Over. Suzie, this is your Dustin. Do you copy? Over. Suzie-"

Max sighed as she got tired of Dustin saying the same thing over and over again. "Dustin, come on! She's not there."

"She's there, all right? She'll pick up." Dustin said.

"Maybe Suzie doesn't have her cerebro set up yet." Will said.

"Or maybe cerebro doesn't work." Lucas suggested.

"Or maybe Suzie doesn't exist." Liv accused.

"She exists!" Dustin squeaked.

"She's a genius and she's hotter than Phoebe Cates? No girl is that perfect." Lucas told him.

Max sat up and looked at Lucas. "Is that so?"

"I beg to differ." Liv said.

"I mean... you guys are perfect. I mean, like, per- perfect in your own way. In your special- your own special way." Lucas stammered.

Max smiled before laughing. "Relax, I was teasing. Livie and I are obviously perfect and Dustin's obviously lying." Max stood up and held her hand out for Liv. "Come on, Livie."

Liv took Max's hand and pulled herself up. Liv quickly picked up her backpack before the two of them started to walk down the hill hand in hand.

"Where are you going?" Dustin asked.

"To fuck." Liv jokingly answered earning a slap on the arm from Max.

"We're going home." Max replied.

"And fucking." Liv added.

Max rolled her eyes. "Oh, my God, Livie."

"What? I was joking." Liv laughed as Max dragged her down the hill.

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