Sincerely, Yours (Draco Malfo...

Av raali16_heh

352 32 45

A timeless rivalry, Y/n Y/l/n and Draco Malfoy sworn enemies, locked in an unmatched discord. Forced-to-be p... Mer

Chapter 1 ~ The Hogwarts Express
Chapter 2 ~ The Paddock
Chapter 3 ~ A Potions Parley
Chapter 4 ~ Library Liaisons and Test Ties
Chapter 5 ~Hogsmeade Haunts
Chapter 6 ~ Boggarts and Revelations
Chapter 7 ~ Sleepingbags & Friends
Chapter 8 ~ Quidditch in the Storm
Chapter 9 ~ Potions and Prejudices
Chapter 10 ~ Brewing Bonds
Chapter 12 ~ Astronomy Tower
Chapter 13 ~ Quidditch Plays and Patronuses
Chapter 14 ~ Charmed Misunderstandings

Chapter 11 ~ Whispers of the Shack

19 2 3
Av raali16_heh

Their second Hogsmeade trip of the year arrived and Y/n was strolling the streets by herself. She pushed the door to Honeydukes, the bell door chiming as she stepped inside. She was greeted by the warm and inviting aroma of sugary treats. The shelves were lined with every imaginable confection, from brightly coloured candies to hand-dipped chocolates. Y/n felt a sense of excitement as she gazed at the tempting delights. The crisp air of the shop only added to the sense of enchantment. Honeydukes were always busy, never empty.

At the corner of the shop, she found Seamus Finnigan and Neville Longbottom, as she picked out the usual candies she liked to eat.

She stood before the counter, deftly slipping off her gloves as she counted her money. "Two Chocolate Frogs, one Cauldron Cake, and Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans." The attendant was most gracious, a gentle smile adorning his face as Y/n expressed her gratitude. Y/n grabbed one Chocolate Frog for Ron. She always did.

She navigated through the crowded shop, the door opening at her touch, revealing the brisk winter air beyond. As she stepped outside, she noticed Neville no longer had his red lollipop.

Y/n made her way back to the Three Broomsticks, where her friends were. Gazing through the frosted window, she observed Aura and Jack, lost in fits of laughter and carefree merriment. Yet, she thought it was best to allow them their moment and stepped away.

Y/n ate her Cauldron Cake taking the sights around her. She had no particular place to be, for once. Perhaps, she'll go see the Shrieking Shack from afar. Her mind was consumed by thoughts of Sirius Black and the haunting familiarity of the name Peter Pettigrew. Her mind tried to piece together any information she knew.

As she lost herself in contemplation, the weight of her upcoming potions competition with Malfoy began to weigh heavy on her mind. The pressure to perform was overwhelming, and she could not help but feel like she was drowning in her responsibilities. Then there was that fateful encounter with the Dementor. She shuddered at the thought of its chilling presence, and she tried to push it to the back of her mind. Despite her attempts to clear her head, the thoughts continued to swirl, leaving Y/n feeling lost and uncertain.

She walked until she found Ron and Hermione standing in front of barbed wire, overlooking the Shrieking Shack. Y/n felt like she was interrupting again. "Y/n!" Hermione smiled.

"Hey," Y/n smiled back her gaze shifting to the abandoned house on the outskirts of Hogsmeade. There were rumours that it was haunted, because of the shrieking noises that came out of it every month. According to Ron, "Even the Hogwarts ghosts avoid it."

"Isn't this just the most magical thing you've ever seen?" Hermione exclaimed, her eyes sparkling as she gazed at the snow-covered trees.

"This is pretty fun," Ron chuckled, making a snowball and tossing it playfully at Y/n.

Y/n remembered, "I've got you a Chocolate Frog, Remind me to give it to you when we leave." She made a snowball ready to throw it at Ron but was interrupted.

Malfoy approached with Crabbe and Goyle following behind "Well, well look who's here. Are you two shopping for your new dream home? Bit grand for you, isn't it Weaslebee? Don't your family sleep in one room?"

"Shut your mouth, Malfoy" Ron said defeatedly.

Malfoy looked amused, "Ooh, not very friendly. Boys, I think it's time we teach Weaslebee how to respect his superiors." he said proudly, fixing his coat.

Hermione laughed, standing in front of Ron "Hope you don't mean yourself."

Malfoy sneered, "How dare you talk to me! You filthy little Mudblood!"

Y/n stepped forward, her heart beating faster, "You will not speak to her like that, Malfoy. Hermione is worth a hundred of you and your petty insults." Ron's defeated expression transformed into one of pride, and he stood taller, ready to back up his friend.

Malfoy's smirk faltered. "You'll pay for your disrespect,"

Y/n despised this aspect of Malfoy, the way he carried himself with a sense of entitlement, believing he was superior just because of his Pureblood lineage and prestigious family name. The very sight of him, strutting around filled her with a mixture of frustration and resentment.Y/n longed to show Malfoy that his beliefs were nothing but a facade of arrogance. She yearned to find a way to teach him, to make him understand that true worth was not measured by one's bloodline or social standing. But how could she possibly achieve such a feat?

Suddenly, a snowball struck Malfoy's arm. The three Slytherin boys frantically searched for the source of the attack. "Who's there?" Malfoy demanded, fear in his voice. Another snowball came flying at him, causing him to wince in pain. "Don't stand there! Do something!" Malfoy barked at Crabbe who looked dumbfounded.

Y/n was caught off guard, but soon realized the source of the commotion. Crabbe had fallen into the snow, his pants pulled down. Malfoy tripped over him and went tumbling down the hill.

Harry, who was hidden under his cloak, took advantage of the situation and grabbed Malfoy's legs, pulling him towards the Shrieking Shack. Malfoy's screams echoed through the air and Ron called out from behind, "What's up, Malfoy? Lost your skis?"

Harry let go, and Malfoy sprinted up the hill, pushing his friends out of the way. Hermione and Y/n erupted into laughter, while Ron's expression was one of fear as the pom-poms of his hat floated in the air.

"Harry!" Hermione called.

"Blood hell Harry. That was not funny." Ron said relieved.

Harry explained what the Weasley Twins gave him, and how he entered Hogsmeade undetected. "Those Weasels! Never told me about any Marauder's Map" Ron grumbled.

"Harry isn't going to keep it. He's going to turn it over to Professor McGonagall. Aren't you?" Hermione asked.

"Sure, along with this invisibility cloak," Ron replied with a hint of sarcasm.

As they were speaking, they noticed Madam Rosmerta hanging a signboard outside the pub. As the Minister of Magic arrived with Hagrid, Madam Rosmerta expressed her frustration about the Ministry sending Dementors into her pub regularly. "Ron fancies her." Hermione smiled as Ron denied her claims.

Professor McGonagall appeared on the scene, and the four of them watched closely as the Minister whispered Harry's name. McGonagall hushed Madam Rosmerta and crowded inside.

Before they knew it, Harry had put on his invisibility cloak and snuck into the pub. Hermione, Ron and Y/n tried to follow, but the skulls guarding the entrance were rude and forced them away. "What a bunch of thickheads" Ron sighed.

All they could do was wait for Harry.

The door burst open and Y/n rose to her feet. Harry left a trail of footprints in the snow and he pushed his way past a choir of students, sending many of them tumbling to the ground. Y/n, Ron, and Hermione hastened after him.

Harry found a secluded spot and took a seat on a large stone. Hermione approached him cautiously and knelt by his side, removing his cloak. Harry was torn between a feeling of anger and sadness as he spoke, his voice echoing through the trees. "He was their friend...he betrayed them. He was their friend!" Harry yelled, his eyes blazing with rage. "I hope he finds me. When he does, I will be ready. I will kill him!" The determination in his eyes was palpable.

As they headed back in time for the carriages, Y/n realised she had forgotten to give the Witch at Gladrags Wizardwear a pair of pants that needed mending. She excused herself to drop them off.


The next morning, Y/n and Jack were in the midst of a heated debate about Muggle Studies when they noticed Ron and Hermione bickering about Crookshanks and Scabbers. Harry was hanging back, clearly not wanting to get involved. Y/n waved off Jack and joined Harry, on their way to see Hagrid after the hearing for Buckbeak, following a complaint made by Malfoy to his father.

"I got up and did my piece," Hagrid said, "Said how Buckbeak was a good Hippogriff, always cleaned his feathers and then Lucius Malfoy got up. Well, you can imagine. He said Buckbeak was a deadly and dangerous creature who would kill you as soon as you looked at him. Then he asked for the worst, did old Lucius."

Ron muttered, "They can't be sacking you, Hagrid!"

Y/n echoed Ron's concern, "They'd better not, Hagrid."

"No, I'm not sacked," Hagrid replied with a hint of sadness in his voice, "But Buckbeak has been sentenced to death." Tears welled up in Hagrid's eyes, but he held them back.

"I can't believe it," Y/n said, shaking her head in disbelief. " Buckbeak doesn't deserve this. He's a gentle creature."

Harry nodded in agreement. "We have to do something, Hagrid. We can't just let this happen."

Hagrid looked at the two of them with hope in his eyes. "It's too late now."


Y/n couldn't bear to be by the lake and listen any longer, otherwise, she would start tearing up. Y/n walked solemnly along the halls and sat down on a bench sighing. Divinations started soon. For now, she just wanted a minute with her thoughts. She sat just outside her next class. The only time she ever got to think was before bed. Y/n rubbed her eyes, feeling the exhaustion hit her all at once. She realized that she had not slept much lately, her anxiety keeping her up at night. She yawned, feeling her body yearn for rest.

Just as she was about to close her eyes for a moment of peace, she heard familiar voices echo the corridor. Susan Bones and Dean Thomas talking about Quidditch. Flitwick told the tudents off. First-years excitedly talking about the Weasley Twins' latest invention. Y/n smiled and it was moments like these that made Hogwarts special.

It was time to enter Divinations.

"The art of crystal gazing is in the clearing of the Inner Eye. Only then you can see. Try again." Professor Trewlaney explained to the class Harry and Ron were practically asleep, struggling to stay awake as they gazed into the depths of their crystal ball. As Professor Trewlaney approached their table, Y/n remained unmoved but Harry and Ron sat up straight. "Now what do we have here?"

Hermione eagerly offered, "Do you mind me trying?" she flatly said, "The Grim, Possibly."

The Professor took a closer look at Hermione and said, "My dear, from the first moment you stepped foot in my class" she held her hand, "I sensed that you did not possess the proper spirit for the Noble Art of Divination. No, you see there" Trewlaney said pointing at her palm. Y/n looked at her palm. Hermione was indignant, "You may be young in years, but your heart is as shrivelled as an old maid's, your soul as dry as the pages of the books to which you so desperately cleave."

Hermione was furious and pulled her arm away, pushed the crystal ball away off the table and stormed out of the room.

"Have I said something?" Trewlaney asked aloud.

The class continued, but everyone was bored and uninterested. Afterwards, Harry, Ron, and Y/n made their way down the spiralling staircase. Ron commented, "She's gone mental, Hermione has. Not that she wasn't always mental but now it's out in the open for everyone to see."

"Hang on," Harry said looking down at the stairs. He picked up the crystal ball that Hermione had pushed. Y/n was surprised it didn't manage to shatter halfway down the staircase. "We better take this back."

"I'm not going back," Ron said as if Harry too was crazy. Harry turned to Y/n, "No, thank you."

"Fine. See you later." Harry shrugged and climbed back up the stairs.

As they continued down the staircase, Y/n remembered she had forgotten to give Ron his Chocolate Frog. She took it out of her satchel and offered it to him, "Y/n, you don't have to always get one for me you know. I feel bad"

Y/n put his hand on his shoulder, "Ron, you don't have to keep feeling bad about me always getting you one of these. I enjoy it."

They talked about current events and Ron was eager to tell a story about his brother Charlie, who was working in Romania.

"Charlie's got this amazing job over in Romania," Ron said, a note of pride in his voice. "He's been working with dragons, you already know this. He's been promoted though. Training them for the Ministry's dragon reserve."

Y/n listened intently, fascinated by the idea of working with dragons. "That sounds amazing," she said. "How's Charlie liking it?"

"Loves it," Ron replied with a grin. "Says it's the best job he's ever had. Of course, he's always been a bit of a daredevil, so I'm not surprised he's taken to dragon training."

They avoided mentioning Buckbeak's upcoming execution. Instead, they chatted about other topics, such as the upcoming Quidditch match between Gryffindor versus Slytherin and Slytherin versus Hufflepuff later on, which got everyone excited.

They reached the courtyard and Ron started going on off about Scabbers. His rat always seemed to be slipping away. Booming voices of laughter filled the air. Malfoy walked with his usual entourage of Crabbe and Goyle. Malfoy's gaze met Y/n's as he was passing by, and without thinking "How could you do it, Malfoy?" she spat, "How could you stand there and lie about Buckbeak like that? He's an innocent creature and you just condemned him to death!" her voice filled with emotion.

Malfoy raised an eyebrow, looking amused by her outburst. "Why do you care so much? It's just a filthy, ugly monster,"

Y/n felt her blood boil at the insult. "That 'filthy, ugly monster' is one of the kindest, most gentle creatures I've ever met! And you dare to stand there and call him a monster?" Her heart pounded in her chest, the anger coursing through her veins like wildfire.

"That beast deserved to die. It's a danger to everyone at Hogwarts." Malfoy scoffed.

This was low, even for Malfoy. "You're just trying to prove your worth to your father, to show him how much of a pure-blood supremacist you are," Y/n said with disgust, her jaw clenching.

Malfoy's expression hardened, and he took a step towards Y/n. "You watch your mouth, Y/l/n. You're lucky I don't report you for speaking out of turn."

Professor Lupin approached with a serious look on his face. He was a tall man with greying hair and a tired expression, but his eyes were kind and his voice was gentle when he spoke. "Y/n, could I have a word with you?"

"Of course, Professor."

Lupin turned to Malfoy and told him that he better not be causing any trouble. Lupin led Y/n to the side of the courtyard, away from the prying ears of the other students. "I wanted to talk to you about the incident with the Dementor," he began, his voice lowered. "As you know, Harry has been learning to fight the Dementors and I think it's important that you do the same."

Y/n listened attentively, "I agree, I don't want to be caught off guard like that again."

"Good, I'm glad to hear that," Lupin said with a small smile. "I'll set up some extra lessons for you and Harry to work on your Defence against the Dark Arts. We must be prepared for anything that may come our way."


Y/n tossed and turned in her bed in the Hufflepuff common room, unable to find a comfortable position. She found herself during a strange dream. She was in a lush green field, with tall grass swaying in the wind. Scabbers, the rat belonging to Ron Weasley, was running through the grass, its small form quickly disappearing into the sea of green. The name Peter Pettigrew reigned in her mind, the infamous traitor of the wizarding world, in her dream. She sensed something was very off.

As she walked into the garden, she felt as though her mind was being searched like someone was trying to find something. The feeling was uncomfortable and intrusive, it made her skin crawl. Y/n jolted awake, sitting up straight in bed. She felt disorientated, trying to shake the feeling of the dream from her mind. She took deep breaths, trying to calm herself down and regain her composure.

The fire in the fireplace had burned down to embers, casting a warm glow over the room. The sound of gentle snoring filled the air, and Y/n could hear the soft rustle of curtains as students shifted in their sleep. She couldn't help but feel like she was being watched. Eventually, she managed to fall back to sleep.

Perhaps, she was just paranoid with everything going on and all the talk about Sirius Black or discussing the Shrieking Shack too much.

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