Rise Of The Owl House

By Anthony7410

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The first mystic warrior of the Boiling Isles in centuries. Follow AJ and Luz the humans in mystic and magic... More

The lying Witch, a Warden and a Mystic Trainee
Witches before wizards
Origami tsunami
We were teenage abominations
The intruder
Hooty's moving hassle
Lost in language
Once upon a swap
Something ventured, some kids framed
Escape of the palisman
Sense and insensitivity
Owl-pellet adventure shorts
Adventures in the elements
The first day
Really small problems
Understanding Willow
Enchanting grom fright
Wing it like witches and warriors
Agony of a Witch and Mystic Warrior
Young blood, Old souls, Endless hope
Separate tides
Escaping exspulsion
Echos of the past
Keeping up A-fear-acnes
Through the looking glass ruins
Hunting palisman and Mystic Warrior
Eda's reqium
Knock, Knock, Knockin' on Hooty's Door
Eclipse lake
Not everything is in black and white
Yesterday's lie
Follies at the Coven Day Parade
Christmas Special!
Elsewhere. Elsewhen. Elsewho?
Black as night, bright as white
Any sport in a storm
Reaching out
Them's the breaks, kid
Not so happy returns Vol. 1
Tale of the Yokai Vol. 3
Insane in the Battle Nexus Vol. 4
Happy Pride Month
Merry Christmas (Thank you)

A dream become reality Vol. 2

592 21 11
By Anthony7410

Open in the middle of Fungus Valley. On to the top of the giant mushroom, the same one AJ and King had found Millie resting on, and right at the moment the Oni leaped into the air right on top of the three. AJ kneels down with his hands pressed on the mushroom roof as well.

AJ: King!

King: *Gently sets Millie down* On it!

He rushes over to AJ, hops up on his back, and takes a deep breath.

King: Weh!

He releases a sonic wave to all the Oni in the air, blasting them all further into the air and far off from the mushroom they stood on.

Assistant: *Grunts annoyed* Of coursse I misssed one.

AJ: *Stands up straight with King on his shoulder* Yep, we're just that lucky.

King: I prefer to call us skilled.

AJ turns on his heel, rushing over and picking up Millie's unconscious body in an attempt to run away. The assistant suddenly preforms a familiar maneuver and appears in front of them in a blur, stopping AJ in his tracks.

The side of her foot smacked the disk device that failed to hit King's neck off from the roof of the mushroom and falls to the ground, but is fortunately still intact.

AJ: Whoa!

King: *Doing a double take from where the assistant once stood to right in front of them* How did you-?

Assistant: *Raising a brow* Do you really think I'm gonna let lowly cowards like you get away that eassily?

AJ glares at her as he gently sets Millie down.

AJ: *To King* Keep her safe. Take out those horned freaks if they come back.

King nods, jumps off his shoulder, and stays close to Millie.

AJ preforms the Light as a Feather Jitsu straight towards the assistant. This caught her by surprise to see him move like how she did that she couldn't react in time from a punch to her face.

AJ keeps up the barrage with two more punches to the assistant's gut and face once more, but once he goes for a fourth punch, the assistant took a stepped back letting AJ swing his left fist forward and trip off of the mushroom. He thinked quickly, reaching out his right hand to the assistant's hood and pulling her down with him.

King: *Eyes widen in shock* AJ!

Transition their fall to the Mad Dogs as they go to defend themselves from the incoming disk devices, Maxie tightly held the sleeping Lotis in her amrs, and Eda had fully transformed into Harpy Eda.

Willow and Amity were both going to block the needled disks a wall of abomination goo and vines, but instead, purple and pink veined vines appeared in front of them all, tanking the needles.

The Mad Dogs and Big Mama looked surprised by this, watching the disks activate, forming collars all along the vines, shocking and burning the purple vines into ashes, and finally leaving the collars vines to fall to the ground and ashes to blow in the wind.

Luz: Purple vines? *Gasps loudly, looking to Willow and Amity excitedly* Did you guys just do a plant and abomination magic combo?!

Willow and Amity both shook their heads. The ground suddenly began to sprout more of the purple vines all balled up together. The Mad Dogs watch wide-eyed, along with Big Mama narrowing her eyes as the vines separate to reveal Draxum with his hood down.

Draxum: *Turns to the Mad Dogs* That would have to be me who saved you from magic prevention.

Big Mama: Baron Draxum. *Gets his attention* Scramulant to see you again, but you really must learn to not meddley weddle in my business.

Draxum: *Points at her* You must learn to use real words!

Harpy Eda: That's what I'm saying!

Maxie: *Nudges her arm* Enough. *Turns to Big Mama* Big Mama, I demand you explain why you just tried to capture us.

Big Mama: With how you described your friends Maxie Waxie, they seemed like fitting and tasty victims, *Grapsed her small claws together* for my Battle Nexus.

This shocked Maxie to the core hearing Big Mama say she very much caused the possible enslavement of her friends and saviors. But the others were more shocked by something else Big Mama had said.

Mad Dogs excluding Maxie and Eda: Battle Nexus?!

Big Mama: Yes, my third and most favoritey poo job.

Cassandra: You mean to tell me the Lou Jitsu movies are real?!

Big Mama: Movies? What are you talking about? And.. *Raises a brow* Lou Jitsu?

Harpy Eda: *Holds her hand up to them* Kids, I'm surprised as you are, but let's focus on the whole situation in front of us first.

They all nod to her and look back to Big Mama.

Big Mama: As I was saying. *Points to all of them, except Maxie* I have not been told much about you all specifically, but I can tell that you are all excellent fighters. *Grinning* But the one person I am most excited to meet was your Abby Jabby.

Harpy Eda, Cassandra, and Amity narrowed their eyes to her as Luz, Maxie, Gus, and Willow eyes widened.

Big Mama: Flinging an entire shippy whippey like nothing, punching Shredder into the ground with minimal effort, *Giggles giddily* even surviving a slash across his body from Shredder and living to tell the tale. I had never heard of such raw strength before, I find it very enticing.

Maxie only stood there as she grew more and more guilt ridden about telling Big Mama about AJ.

Big Mama: But the icing on the cakety cake was that he had he even found my missing Splixsin Jaguar, *Grins mischievously* she has a very long overdue appointment with my assistant.

This made the Mad Dogs grow furious of her threats to capture AJ, Millie, and possibly King, too.

Harpy Eda: If you even grace them with those meaty claws of yours!

Big Mama: *Giggling* Ohohoh.~ I'm not the one that will catch your friend. My sweet little assistant is taking care them for me. *Her grin grows bigger* She's there now with them as we speak.

The Mad Dogs gasped in shock of the news, horrified at the thought of AJ and King being forced to fight in the Battle Nexus, and whatever Big Mama has planned for Millie.

Draxum: You will not be taking innocent people to your death sentence arena, or use those innocent creatures for you sick way of transportation anymore. *He takes out three small purple balls in each hand, crushes them in his hands, and creating purple spears from his hands* I won't allow it!

He lunges forward at Big Mama, swinging his spears at her, transitioning back to AJ and the assistant, now with her hood down revealing he hair to be black with bleached blonde in the back, both still descending to the ground.

The assistant hissed loudly, and AJ let out a low growl as they grasped each other's hands, pushing each other back with all their strength. Unfortunately for AJ, the assistant poked her claws into his hands, almost breaking through the skin.

AJ groaned from both their struggles, looking down to see they were only a couple yards away from the ground. He growled once again looking back to the assistant as he tucks his legs all the way up to his chest, pulling his and the assistant arms back.

AJ: Hot soup!

The assistant eyes widen hearing his battle cry, but as she got distracted, she didn't see the incoming kicks straight into her face.

The assistant exclaimed as a crack formed across her mask from the force of AJ's kick. She lost her grip on AJ's hands and is sent back into a mushroom tree with glowing mushroom bulbs on the tip of the branches sprouting out from the trunk.

As she fell to the ground once again and on her stomach, AJ flipped backwards, attempting to preform a safe landing to the ground only to hit and roll through the dirt for a few seconds before coming to a stop on his side, his clothes covered in soot.

From atop of the mushroom, King rushed over to the edge, carefully dragging Millie along with him to see both AJ and the assistant on the ground wounded.

King: AJ!

King heard multiple thumps behind him. He yelped in surprise and turned around to see the Oni Yokai now behind him with their claws out.

Down below with AJ, he pushed himself up off the ground on his knees, rubbing the top of his head, groaning. He hears King yelling, "Weh!" up above him, looks up and sees a few of the Oni Yokai flying off the giant mushroom by King's sonic screech.

AJ: *To himself; worried* Oh, please be okay. *Lowers his hands, noticing the bruises forming on his hands, sighs* I really wish I could learn how to use healing magic.

Assistant: *Hissing loudly* You..!

AJ looked over to see the assistant on her knees as well and had her back towards him. She had both her hands on her face, removing the white and red mask off her face, but a second after she took it off, the mask cracked further more until the snapped in half in her hands. She clutches onto the broken pieces on her mask as her hisses grow louder and more enraged.

Assistant: How-

She snapped her head back to AJ, revealing herself to be a snake Yokai with white scaley skin and her jade green eyes. She has two long hair strands passing over her peirced ears, black mascara around her eyes, and bright red eyeliner over the tips of her eyebrows.

Assistant: *Furiously baring her fangs* Dare you?!

AJ flinched from her snap, quickly standing back up on his and getting into a fighting stance. The assistant stood on her feet, turning her whole body to AJ, and tossed the peices of her masks aside.

Assistant: And why did you yell that war cry?!

AJ: *Raised a brow* I learned it from my favorite movie character, Lou Jitsu.

Assistant: *Narrows her eyes* Lou Jitssu?

AJ: *Sighs, seeing the look in her eyes* Oh, I've seen that look before.

Assistant: *Hisses, slithering her tongue out for a moment* I'll quesstion you more about this "Lou Jitssu" more *Crouches a little, ready to pounce with her claws ready* after I take you and your little friendss in.

AJ took a deep breath, stealing his nerves and preparing himself for a fight against Big Mama's assistant. He shuffled his left foot a little to the side, securing the correct footing for battle.

AJ: *Glaring, speaks in a deeper voice for a moment* Don't bet on it.

He performs Light as a Feather Jitsu head on to the assistant, the snake Yokai doing the same. They rush head on towards each other, AJ swings his right fist forward, and the assistant doing the same with her left claw, both inches away from clashing their attacks.

Cut back to the Draxum, swinging his speared hands after Big Mama, who blocks his attacks with the natural armored spikes on her bigger claws. She trips Draxum off his feet, grabbing his arms, and throws him to a building. Draxum spins himself around safely, landing on his feet onto the side of the building, and jumps after Big Mama swings his right spear forward. Big Mama quickly dodged behind him, jumped up, and quicks him away.

Draxum spins himself around again, landing on his feet, and stabs the spears into the ground, shooting his purple vines from the ground and after Big Mama.

The Mad Dogs quickly moved to the side together so as not to be a part of the cross fire. Big Mama jumps and backflips onto the building behind her, she continued to run along the circled buildings, dodging the continued assaults by Draxum. The Oni Yokai that stood on top of the buildings get smacked and launched off from the buildings by the vines.

She stops for a moment as all the vines surround her, but at the last second, she jumps off the building, dodging the strikes of the vines at the last second and spins above Draxum.

She opens her mouth wide, shooting out a string of webbing at Draxum from her mouth. Draxum raises his left hand up catching the webbing and clenching it in his hands as thin strings of the webbing leak out from in between his fingers. He pulls Big Mama towards him and gives a devastating to her face, pumbling her into the ground and forming a dust cloud around them.

The Mad Dogs covered their faces from the dust blowing in their faces. Once the dust clears, they all look up to see Draxum standing straight, peeling the webbing off his hand. After all the webbing was off his hand, he rushed over to them.

Draxum: We must leave. Big Mama is down, but not for long. *Holds a hand out to them* And do not worry, I am not a deceiver like Big Mama.

The Mad Dogs still seemed a little unsure if this may be another trap.

Maxie: *Looks to Harpy Eda* Eda, what do we do?

Harpy Eda looks down in thought for a moment, but they all suddenly hear rumbling in the distance. They all look over to see the Oni Yokai moving away the rubble caused by Draxums vines, rushing their way towards the Mad Dogs.

Amity/Willow/Gus: *Turns to Harpy Eda* Eda!

Harpy Eda: Alright, alright. *Turns to Draxum* Where are we going?

Draxum: *Rushes over to them, standing in the center of the group* Just stay close.

He draws a spell circle, creating more purple vines from the ground, surrounding them all and pulling them all into the ground together. The Oni ran over to the spot they all escaped from, looking around for any signs of them. Big Mama groaned, pushing herself off the ground, glaring in the direction of where the Mad Dogs once stood.

Big Mama: This will simply not do.

Back with AJ and the assistant. They both were bruised and battered, AJ had a few scratches on him, and his clothes were a little tattered, but they did not stop their fight.

The assistant goes to strike with her left claw, but AJ ducked down, avoiding her attack. He spins in a circle with his leg out sweeping the assistant off the ground and up in the air for a moment as he continues to spin with a fist, creating more momentum.

AJ: Hot soup!

He releases all that built up momentum into a bashful punch straight into her stomach. The assistant exclaimed in pain as the force pushed her to the ground, bouncing off and slamming into a mushroom tree.

The assistant grunts, falling off from the tree and landing onto her feet, crouching and clutching onto her stomach. She glared at AJ, watching as he stood straight in a stance with his hands balled up into fists.

The assistant: Very impresssive. *Groans* It'ss sstrange, *Stands up straight* you know hiss war cry, and have that ssame warrior sspirit. It'ss almosst uncanny.

AJ eyes widen a little, hearing this, putting what little clues together the assistant was dropping. First, how Luz mentioned how Big Mama looked oddly familiar, the assistant knowing about the war cry he yells, the look of curiosity in her eyes after he said Lou Jitsu, and now the assistant saying that she and Big Mama find AJ oddly familiar to someone they know, probably someone like Lou Jitsu.

AJ: *Stunned* What..?

Suddenly, they hear another one of King's sonic wails. AJ looks up to the giant mushroom growing concerned from how the wail sounded rough and strained, meaning King is over using his power.

The assistant took AJ's distraction as an opportunity to strike, running head-on towards him. AJ finally looked back to her, but he wasn't fast to brace from the assistant, ramming him back in full force with her elbow, making him fall to the ground on his back.

AJ groaned, trying to push himself up, but was only able to push his upper up a few inches off the ground before his hand slipped, dropping drop back to the ground due to exhaustion.

The assistant took steps closer to him, panting as well as feeling the exhaustion catch up with her. She towered over him and hissing in intimidation.

Assistant: Sshould have sstood down *Raises her left foot over his right foot* when you had the chance.

Up top with King, he panted, feeling exhausted from the constant sonic wails. He held Millie close to him as he stared down the few Oni Yokai that were still persistent on capturing them.

0:47 to 0:50

He suddenly heard a loud crunching sound, followed by AJ's agonizing scream, he looks down from the edge of the mushroom to see the assistant nearly breaking his ankle. AJ's had swung his head back and his mouth agape, his screams echoing throughout the mushroom forest.

King's eyes nearly bulge out of his skull and gasps loudly at the sight.

King: AJ!!

The Oni took advantage of him being distracted to lunge at him and Millie. One Oni grabbed Millie by her waist, King saw this in his peripheral vision and tried to pull her back, but the Oni easily pulled Millie out of his grasps. This causes King to stumble back and trip off the edge of the mushroom. He screamed in fright and flailing his arms around as he looked down to the ground, inching closer and closer.

AJ hears him screaming and grunts as he opens his teary eyes to see King falling to the ground behind the assistant.

AJ: King!!

The assistant also looks back to see King continuing to scream. But a sudden orange and grey blurr flew by King and picking him up in the blurrs grasp. AJ and the assistant watch the blurr fly over their heads and land to the ground, revealing to be Tiger Claw who had caught King in time.

Tiger Claw: Leave the young Hamato be, Karai.

The assistant, or "Karai" hissed angrily at Tiger Claw as she moved her foot off of AJ's ankle. But for AJ, once he took a second to get a better look at Tiger Claw, and once he realized who he was, he no longer acknowledged his sprained ankle as his eyes slowly widened and breathes in a long gasp.

AJ: Ohmigosh! Are you Tiger Claw?!

Tiger Claw: *Raises a brow* You have heard of me?

AJ: Heard of you?! *Rolls on his stomach excitedly* You're one of the greatest ninja warriors from Lou Jitsu: 1 fish, 2 fish, red fish-dead fish! *Slowly pushes himself off the ground* You proved you can fight off 6 guys at once with only fish and ladders- *He mistakenly tries to stand on his sprained ankle, making a loud crunch sound and falls back on his knees* Agh!!

Karai saw this and goes to grab AJ, but Tiger Claw leaped forward and punches her in the gut, launching her back into the mushroom tree.

Tiger Claw: *Kneels down to AJ* I am flattered you know of me, but you must come with me, I will take you and your canine friend to safety.

King: But we can't, we have to save Millie!

AJ: *Gasps in realization* King, where is Millie?

King: *Points up to the mushroom* She's still up there.

They look up to see Millie in the Oni's grasp. All the Oni jump down from the mushroom and land side by side of Karai, who stands up on her feet.

AJ: Millie! *Continues to try and stand up but only results in falling back on his knee* We have to save her!

Tiger Claw: No, you are too injured to stand. *Goes to grab AJ* We must retreat.

King But-

Karai: You are not going anywhere!

The three look over to Karai pulling out two tokens from her pouch, one in each hand, and tosses them in the air either side of her creating two orange and magenta ringed portals. More Oni Yokai hopped through the portals as Karai took out another token, tossing it in front of the Oni with Millie in their arms.

Karai: Take the Ssplixssin Jaguar to her cell along with the others.

The Oni nods and goes to enter through the portal.

AJ/King: NO!!

They both try to something, anything to stop the Oni from taking Millie away, but King had overused his sonic wails as the best he could do was whimper out pathetic wehs, and AJ would try to stand up and use his mystic tonfa jitsu reach over and grab Millie, but would instead get shocked by the collar, and fall back to the ground from the shock and his sprained ankle.

Tiger Claw goes to grab AJ, but a small stream of light hits eyes, making him squint by the light. He looks over and lightly gasps to see it was the disk device that was reflecting the sunlight into his eyes. He quickly grabbed the device and stashes it away in his pocket. He finally lifts AJ up in his free arm, carrying him by his waist, and under his armpit.

Tiger Claw: We will save her, but right now we must retreat.

AJ and King look to him, then back to Millie's unconscious body in the Oni's hands, watching tantalized as they walk through the portal and it dissappears once they pass the gateway. They eyes watered from watching Millie being taken away, but their attention was drawn to Karai and Oni lunging towards them. Tiger Claw preforms Light as a feather Jitsu, dodging their barrage attacks in time, and hides behind the trunk of a giant mushroom.

Karai and the Oni land on their feet, looking around for any sign of them.

Karai: *Hisses aloud* Show yoursselvess cowardss! *Turns to the Oni* Keep ssearching, they can't have gone far!

The Oni heed her commands and begin to do full search around the area. Karai flicks her forked tongue out of her mouth a few times sniffing out the possible location of AJ, King, and Tiger Claw.

Tiger Claw still held the boys in his arms as he tried to think of a way out of this situation. AJ wiped away the tears from eyes, trying to calm himself down and come up with a plan too as King sniffed and took out the remains of Millie's scarf from his collar, staring at the scorched fabric intently and caressing it with his thumb.

Tiger Claw: *Grunts* There are too many Oni for me to fight or outrun in the circumstances we have ourselves in. We need a distraction if we are to escape.

AJ: *Sighs exasperatedly, finally regained his composer, and digs through his pocket* I have a few things that could help, *Fishes out a mist glyph combo, invisibility glyph, and his experimental glyph combo, now including a second light glyph* but I'm not a hundred percent sure it's gonna work.

Tiger Claw: Then how certain are you this will work?

AJ: I'd say *Pauses* at least 75 percent certain it'll work.

Tiger Claw: *Hums* I'll take it.

AJ nods.

King: AJ..? *Looks up to him as AJ looked back* We're gonna get Millie back, right?

AJ pauses for a moment before reaching a hand out to King, petting him softly atop his head with the best smile he could muster up.

AJ: Of course we'll get her back. *Lifts his hand up, clenching a fist* We'll make a plan, and get back with brute force if we have to. Besides, as your right hand man, it's my duty to make sure nothing bad happens to my King and Millie.

King: *Chuckles a little as his tail wags* Thanks, my right hand man.

Tiger Claw: Excuse me, I hate to ruin this tender moment, but we still have Oni and Karai searching for us.

AJ: O-oh, right.

King: Sorry.

Tiger Claw: It's fine. *Looks to AJ* What is your plan?

AJ: *Smirks, reaches down, grabs a rock, lifting it, the mist, invisibility, and experimental glyphs up in his hands* We fake them out.

Cut to a short distance away from the abandoned laboratory, Draxums vine sheild pops out from the ground, opening up and letting the Mad Dogs free.

Draxum: *Steps down from vines* We are safe, *Turns back to the others* for now.

Harpy Eda turns back into her normal form in a puff of smoke. She looks over in direction of Fungus Valley, where King had pointed to where Millie had teleported to. Luz and the others noticed this, looking over to Fungus Valley, remembering AJ and King are in the mushroom forest to find Millie.

Draxum: No need for worry. *Gets their attention* A freind of mine is off to save your friends from Big Mama's assistant. *Gives them a reassuring smile* I assure you, they will be alright.

They all look to each other for a moment before they all get down from the vines together. Willow, Gus, and Eda jumped down normally, Maxie carefully stepped down still holding the still sleeping Lotis close to her, and Cassandra jumped down with a front flip. Luz jumped down before holding a hand out to Amity, politely helping her step down from the vines.

Eda: *Steps up to Draxum* Thanks for your help, but if your friend doesn't come back with my kids, *Pokes his chest* you'd better have a good plan on getting them back.

Draxum: Of course. *Turns around and begins to lead the others to the abandoned laboratory* Come, we will discuss more at our hideout.

Eda looks to other, waving her hand for them to follow her. They all nod and follow Draxums lead along with Eda.

Cassandra: Eda, what are we gonna if AJ, King, and Millie do not return? How will we ever find them?

Eda: *Looks to her* I don't know. But right now, all we can do is hope that *Nods her head to Draxum* his friend helps bring them back to us safely.

She sees the worry in all the teens eyes for their friends well beings. She looked over to see Maxie looking away, not even being able to look in Eda's eyes. Eda slowed her pace down, now walking closer with the teens.

Eda: *Gives them all a reassuring smile* Ah, don't sweat it kids. AJ's a mystic warrior, King's got his wails, and Millie teleport away remember?

Gus: But, what about those collars that turned Draxums vines into dust? What if they caught in them too?

Draxum: Those collars were created to negate a person, and beasts magic abilities. Once they are on, it will be hard to remove them.

This only made them more worried that AJ, King, and Millie got the collars on them too, which they sadly don't know is true.

Eda: Then AJ will take them down with his *Pumps her fists forward* ninjitsu fighting whatsit. They'll be just fine, I know it.

This did help reassure Gus, Willow, and Cassandra a little, knowing well that AJ can protect him, King, and Millie. But Luz and Amity were still wary for their boyfriend and friends safety, especially Luz being the only other person in the group knowing Big Mama's capabilities. Maxie still stayed silent as she only caressed the top Lotis' head for comfort. Eda brought Luz and Amity close into a side hug by their shoulders, sandwiching Luz in between her and Amity.

Eda: Their gonna be okay. We just gotta believe in that, okay? *Frowns a little* I'm worried something bad could happen to them too, *Regains her smile* but all we can now is hope they make it back just fine.

Luz and Amity both now finally grow small smiles on their faces hearing Eda's encouraging words. They grow closer into their hug, Luz wrapping her arms around Eda and Amity's waist, with Amity doing the same around Luz's waist.

Luz: Thanks Eda.

Amity: Yes, thank you.

Maxie watched them have their tender moment before looking forward, taking in all that has happened. Being potraide by the one person she thought was a friend, and being part of the reason causing the near capture of her friends and saviors. She looked down to Lotis in her arms, a little surprised to see her infant son had slept through the ambush and fight between Big Mama and Draxum.

Maxie: Why don't you ever sleep like this during the nights?

Back with Karai, who flicked her tongue in the direction of the warriors and King, having found their stench past the giant mushroom they are hiding behind. Karai hissed, snaps her fingers commanding the Oni to stand by her side. She waved her finger forward as she walked towards the mushroom as the Oni followed her lead.

Tiger Claw sniffed the air, sensing Karai and the Oni, making their way towards them.

Tiger Claw: They are advancing.

AJ: Then what are we waiting for. Go!

Tiger Claw nods with a grunt, runs out of hiding, and stands his ground in front of Karai and the dozen of Oni Yokai.

Karai: Sstanding your ground with wounded children in your armss, Tiger Claw? Truly foolish.

AJ: You're foolish for not taking action. *Lifts up his hand up to his mouth, clamping the mist glyph and activating it* For example.

He unclamps his hand and blows out the growing cloud of smoke in Karai and the Oni's faces. The assistant and Oni all took a couple of steps back as they covered their faces, coughing from all the smoke blown at them. As they shield their faces, AJ holds up the rock and experimental glyph each in hand and slaps the glyph on the rock. A green light surrounds him, Tiger Claw, and King for a second before the light moves onto the rock.

AJ: *Whispers to himself, pleading* Please work.

He removed his hand off the glowing rock as the green light glew brighter and brighter.

Within the smoke, Karai manages to peek her eye out to see the green light pass the smoke before it dissipates.

AJ: Yes!

After she heard AJ cheer, Tiger Claw ran past her and the Oni through the smoke with AJ and King in his arms. Karai hissed, turning to then and swiping away the smoke around her.

Karai: *Pulls up her head and points at the three* Get them!

The Oni follow her commands and chase after the three. Tiger Claw zigzagged past any giant mushrooms, trees, and hurdled over any boulders that blocked their path. The Oni were hot on their tail, jumping from mushroom to mushroom along Karai sprinting after them and progressively passing her Oni soldiers.

Karai narrowed her eyes, digging through her pouch, and pulled out three kunai knives. She throws the small knives at the warriors and King. Tiger Claw manages to avoid two of the incoming blades, but one manages to stab him right in the back. Strangley, Tiger Claw did not groan or whimper in any kind of way from being stabbed and only stopped in his tracks in silence.

Karai stopped as well, standing a few feet away from them along with the Oni by her side, confused by their silence, but she still readies more kunai knives in her hands.

Tiger Claw turned around facing Karai and her Oni soldiers, him, AJ, and King all having smug looks on their faces before suddenly poofing in a green smoke. The rock AJ had used with the glyph combo burnt onto the surface, falls to the ground with the kunai knife stabbed into it.

Karai: What?! *Picks up the stabbed rock* An illussion?! *She growls with a hiss, clenching the split rock tightly in her hand*

Cut to the opposite direction from Karai and her Oni soldiers, the small grass seemed to be stepped on by an invisible being running. The invisible beings where the real Tiger Claw actually ran in the opposite direction with the real AJ and King still in his arms, all three releasing their breath and turning visible.

Tiger Claw: *Huffs* Clever get away young Hamato.

AJ: Thank you. Also, my name is AJ, *Gestures to King* and this is my little brother King.

King: *Gives a small wave to Tiger Claw* Heya.

Tiger Claw just nods with a grunt, hurdling over a boulder in his path.

King: *To AJ* So, your new glyph combo was an illusion glyph?

AJ: *Nods* Yeppers. It should only last for under a minute, at least before the effect wares off.

Tiger Claw: Then I shall move quicker.

He increases his pace, sprinting to the direction of the abandoned laboratory.

King: Hey, *Looks up to Tiger Claw* where are we going?

Tiger Claw: A hideout. Your friends should already be there with my comrad Draxum.

AJ: Wait, wait, wait, "Draxum?" Do you mean Baron Draxum? Alchemist/warrior Baron Draxum?

Tiger Claw: *Flabbergasted by him knowing about his friend* E-exactly.

King: Why would our friends be with him?

Tiger Claw: If Draxum has succeeded, your friends should have been rescued by Big Mama's ambush.

AJ and King looked to each other in even more shock of this news.

Tiger Claw: Hmm, once we get to my hideout, I would to discuss with you on how know so much about me and my comrad.

AJ: Sure, I have some questions I want to ask as well.

Tiger Claw: Of course.

Cut to Millie still unconscious and in the arms of the Oni that took her away. The Oni was walking through a linear dungeon hallway, the walls are aligned with lit torches, and chandeliers made out of metal with lit nearly finished candles hang from the roof.

The faint sounds of dry throated growling and roars echoed throughout the dungeons walls. The Oni reaches to a slightly rusted iron door, where all the dry growling and roars are heard from within the room. The Oni slides the probationary metal slab off the door, turns the knot and swings open the door to reveal the dungeon room with all the captive Splixsin Jaguars.

All the Splixsin Jaguars hiss and growl at the Oni soldier, but most of the Splixsin Jaguars grow silent once they saw Millie in the soldiers arms. They stared at the unconscious Millie as the few Splixsin Jaguars continued to give low growls at the Oni soldier.

The Oni makes their way to an empty cage, passing by all staring and threatening Splixsin Jaguars. The Oni beats down, laying Millie down in the center of the cage, and after they close Millie cage door, they took their leave of the room and locking iron door behind them.

Once the Oni was gone, the Splixsin Jaguars growling grew quite as they turn their attentions to Millie.

They all begin to communicate with each other through roars and growling. They called each other by the scars they've received, like one Splixsin Jaguar without a tail, a Splixsin Jaguar with a scar across their mouth, and a Splixsin Jaguar without magenta bumps.

It's a tradition they've all started many, many years ago, earning their titles by proving they have truly matured to fully grown Jaguars.

No tail: [Do you think.. it's her?]

Scar mouth: [If it is, then where are our saviors? She has been gone for months!]

A Female Cub that was in a cage with him grew close to Male Jaguar 1 as she stared at Millie.

The Splixsin Jaguar cubs speak in meows, just like Millie.

Cub 1: [Pap Pap, who is dat?] *Looks up to her father* [Is she okaw?]

Scar Mouth wrapped his tail around his daughter. He looks over to No Bumps, the one Splixsin Jaguar that was closest to Millie, nodding to her to check on Millie.

No Bumps nods back before she leans as close as she could, sniffing Millie's scent and gives a silent growl.

No Bumps: [She's fine. Just knocked herself out from trying to teleport.]

Millie was heard groaning, finally waking up from her concussion. She rapidly blinked her eyes open and closed, adjusting her sight to the dimly lit room. She slowly pushes herself up on her stomach.

Millie: [Ugh...] *Held the top of her head with her right paw* [What happened..?]

Eye Scar: [Welcome back, Breaker.]

Millie: ["Breaker?" Who-?]

She stopped speaking once she looked up to see more of her kind trapped in cages, just like herself. She begins to hyperventilate as shakily stood up on all fours.

Millie: [O-oh no... Not here!] *The ends of her fur stood on end* [Not again!]

Scar Mouth: *Narrows his eyes at her* [Good to see you too, Breaker. Or should I say, Coward?]

No Bumps: [Silence, Scar Mouth!] *Looks down to Millie, sees her starting to have a panic attack* [Breaker, take a deep breath.]

Millie: *Hisses at her* [Stop calling me that! My name is not Breaker,] *Glares at Scar Mouth* [or Coward! It's-]

Scar Mouth: [Cub! And it will stay as Cub for the rest of your days, especially after coming back with no rescue!]

No Tail: *Snarls at him* [Enough Scar Mouth! She just got brought back to this nightmare, show a little bit of empathy!]

Scar Mouth goes to talk back to her, but he fell silent as her could his daughter shivering, startled by all the yelling. Scar Mouth stared at his Cub for a moment, letting out a huff before laying down on his stomach, curling around and starts to groom his cub.

Eye Scar: *Huffs through his nose, looks over to Millie* [Breaker, please tell me you at least brought help. We need you not more then ever.]

Millie: [I never wanted to come back to this Titan forsaken place!]

Her legs began to go wobbly, falling back on her stomach after her legs gave out. She lightly panted as the other Splixsin Jaguars stared at her in chock.

Millie: [I didn't know I was coming back here. And if I did, I never would've-] *Held her head down* [Wouldve-...]

She couldn't bring herself to finish her sentence. True she never wanted to come back to the place she and her kind have tortured for who knows how long, but she also feels immense guilt and disappointment in herself for betraying the Splixsin Jaguars for not saying anything to her new family.

Many of the Splixsin Jaguars stared at her, most with resentment and anger in their eyes, while the rest, mainly the cubs, looked to her with tremendous amount of sadness.

They suddenly heard whimpering coming from Millie, they all look to see small trickles of tears falling from her whiskers.

Millie: [I'm sorry...] *Shakes her head* [I'm so sorry...]

No Bumps: [Don't feel ashamed Breaker. We all would've wanted to forget this place entirely too.]

Millie: *Looks up to her* [Thank you No Bumps. But please, stop calling me Breaker.]

The cub No Bumps that was in the cage with her wobbly walks up next to her mother.

Cub 2: [What yo name den?]

Millie: *Wipes away the tears off her face* [It's Millie.]

Scar Mouth: *Stops grooming his cub for a moment* [What kind of name is name is "Millie?" Sounds ridiculous.]

Millie: *Manages to stand on all fours, growling at Scar Mouth* [Don't you dare talk trash about my name! It's a name my new daddy gave me, and I love it!]

Eye Scar: *Eye widens hearing this* [Wait, "new daddy?" Millie, do you have a beast keeper?]

Millie: *Calms herself down* [AJ's not just my beast keeper, he's my family.] *Lay's back down in a bun, thinking about the family and friends she's made in her life* [So is King, Eda, Luz,] *Grows a small happy smile* [and everyone else.]

All the Splixsin Jaguars look to each other, their hope growing bigger and brighter of a chance for freedom.

Cut back to Draxum, leading the Mad Dogs back to his hideout, which they finally at the front steps of the stairs to the front door. They all take in withered building that were littered with police tape, vines, cracks, and holes all along the walls.

Gus: Is this where you live?

Draxum: It's more of a hideout and base of operation. But yes, this place is where I reside the most.

Luz: *Smiles* It looks so cozy.

Cassandra: It looks like the aftermath of a crime scene.

Everyone but Draxum looked at her with their eyes squinted.

Cassandra: *Not bothered by their stares* That happened many years ago. And they just dug up the evidence thinking, "Man, what kind of moron would do such a thing?" *Looks to Gus and Williw* You know?

Gus and Willow still give her squinted eyes, but a second after they look over to the laboratory, now picturing the image Cassandra had given them.

Gus: *Cups his chin* Oh yeah, I can see that.

Willow: *Nods* Definitely a trip down evil being taken down memory lane.

Eda only shook her head as Luz and Amity looked back in the direction of Fungus Valley, both hoping AJ, King, and Millie made it back.

None of them see it, but Draxum had his eyes shut and his head tilted down, a sense of shame being written all over his face.

Tiger Claw: *In the distance* Draxum!

Draxum and everyone heard Tiger Claw calling out his name, looking back to see Tiger Claw with AJ and King in his arms sprinting past the trees, making his way to the others. All the Mad Dogs expressions brighten upon seeing AJ and King.

Mad Dogs: AJ! King!

AJ/King: *Both smile upon seeing their family and friends* Guys!

Luz: *Gasps aloud, realizing who is bringing AJ and King to safety* Is that Tiger Claw?!

After she said that, Tiger Claw stops right in front of them, panting. Luz admired his presence, fascinated that she gets to stand in front one of the best characters from the Lou Jitsu movies in person.

Luz: *Cupping her lightly blushed cheeks, her eyes had a hint of stars* He looks so much cooler in person!

AJ: *Chuckling, smiling brightly* I know right? *Whispers excitedly* It's so awesome- Agh!

He grunted, leaning down and grabbing a hold of his sprained ankle that had suddenly ached, trying to numb the pain.

Gus: What's wrong?

King: It's his ankle. *Furrows his eyebrows and frowns remembering what happened; Jumps down from Tiger Claw's arms, climbs up to Luz's shoulder* We got ambushed and the woman thar attacked us stomped on his foot, nearly breaking it out of socket.

Mad Dogs: What?!

AJ: *Groans* Yeah. I'm lucky she didn't go for a different part of my body.

Gus, Willow, Luz, and Amity had perplexed looks on their faces after hearing him say this. Cassandra just nodded in agreement by his statement. And Eda, King, and Maxie frowned at the thoughts of anywhere else Karai could've broken.

Luz: *Realizes that Millie is not with them* Wait, where's Millie? Were you not able to find her?

AJ: We did. *Tilts his head down* But they took her.

Everyone gasped by this news, Willow even covering her mouth with her left hand. Draxum frowns for a moment, but his expression stiffens, urgent to get everyone inside and taken care of.

Draxum: Let us go. We will explain our situation, and all that has happened once we are inside. *Gestures to Tiger Claw* Tiger Claw with get AJ back to full strength.

Eda: *Frowning* Then what are we waiting for?

She grabs AJ by his arms, the boy yelps as she pulled him out of Tiger Claw's arm, and lugging him over her shoulder. This surprised everyone a little seeing Eda's mother instinct kicking in.

AJ: *Raises a brow* Uh, Eda-?

Eda: *Pats his back twice* Hush boy. *Points to the front door of the abandoned laboratory; To Draxum* That's the front entrance right?

Draxum: Y-yes.. Follow me.

He begins to walk to the front entrance, along with everyone following behind. Willow, Gus, and Cassandra huddled close with Luz and Amity.

Cassandra: *Whispers to Luz* Sister-in-law Luz, quick question. Was Eda ever like this?

Luz: *Whisper back* She has a few times. It's best to just stay quiet and agree to everything she says.

Cassandra nods in confirmation, keeping that as a mental note in her head.

Luz looked to King on her shoulder, seeing the depressed look on his face. She frowned at the sight of her best friend's sad look, but manages to bring back her smile to bring King's spirits up.

Luz: It's gonna be okay King. *Reaches her hand up, petting the top of his head* We'll find a way to get Millie back, learn about the Lou Jitsu movies being real, and save the people that were captured, almost like us. All before Millie's birthday.

King: I know we will. It's just, *Looks down, sighs disappointedly* I should've done more to help.

Luz: *Holds her arms up to King for a hug* Wanna comfort hug it out?

King: *Looks up to her, nodding his head* Just not too hard okay?

Luz: *Smiled brightly* You got it.

She lifts King up his underarms and bringing him into a gentle hug close to her chest, as they all are now walking up the steps to the front door.

Willow, Cassandra, Gus, and Amity looked on with concern written on their faces, but their mouths also grow small smiles as they watch Luz comfort King.

King: Do you think she'll be okay?

Luz: She's a tough demon kitty. With a little bit of hope, *Kisses the top of King's head* I know she'll be fine.

After a few more seconds, they all finally reached the top of the top of the stairs. Draxum grabbed a hold of the doorknob, and before he turned it, he turned to the Mad Dogs.

Draxum: Now please don't be alarmed. He have a friend inside, and a lot of people find him quite terrifying. But in reality he is a very nice and gentle Yokai.

Eda: *Furrows her eyebrows* Sounds like a real gentle giant.

Draxum: *Not catching her sarcasm* Yes, yes he is.

He swings the door open, holding open for everyone to enter before him. Everyone walks in through the doorway and enters the dimly lit building.

Tiger Claw: Draxum, *Walks to Draxum, carefully diving for the device in his pocket* I'm not sure how it's possible, *Takes out the device* but the small canine didn't get collared.

Draxum: *Gasp, takes the device out of his hands, pinching the needle in between fingers* Yes! Excellent work grabbing this Tiger Claw! This will save me months of lab work!

Tiger Claw: Do you believe you'll be able to create a key with this?

Draxum: With the contents now more exposed? Absolutely. *Tucks the device in his dress pocket* Let's follow everyone else inside.

Tiger Claw nods. They both walk in through the doorway and Draxum shuts the door behind them.

Draxum: *Draws a spell circle as he speaks* Welcome to our hideout.

His spell circle created a purple aura around a tarp that act a curtain for a giant round window from the ceiling. Draxum magiced the tarp away from the window and shed a golden orange light ontk the whole room from the setting sun. Everyone looked to the disheveled and very unclean room they stood in with their mouths agape.

They all suddenly heard thumping coming from the top floor above them. Tiger Claw and Draxum were the only ones to not get startled by the loud steps. But for the Mad Dogs, they huddle closer together as they all look up to see Leatherhead's dark silhouette standing from the platform above them.

Leatherhead: My friends. Welcome back home.

Everyone but Tiger Claw, Draxum, AJ, and Luz look up to Yokai's silhouette a little uneasy from his size and rugged voice. Tiger Claw and Draxum only smile to their friend. AJ and Luz both however squinted their eyes to try and get a better look of Leatherhead.

But they have to try harder to look, because Leatherhead jumped up from the platform and spins his whole body to face his friends and guests as he lands on his feet.

Eda, Maxie, Willow, Gus, and Cassandra all took a back, a little intimidated by Yokai's stone build, but both AJ and Luz's eyes widen in delight and gasping loudly at the sight of another one of their favorite characters from the Lou Jitsu movies standing in person.

Leatherhead: *Saddened a little seeing the look on their faces* I'm sorry if I make you all uncomfortable-

He gets interrupted by AJ screaming his heart out like a fangirl meeting a famous celebrity. Everyone looked to AJ surprised by his scream, seeing a wide grin on his face.

AJ: I can't believe it! *Reaches over to Luz shoulders, shaking her and King, who was still in Luz's arms a little too excited* Luz, can you believe this?!

Luz: *Getting a little dizzy, along with King, but is still very excited* I can't believe it either!

Eda hopped AJ up on her shoulder, making him grunt and stop his fangirling.

Eda: Will you cool it with the screaming?

AJ: How can I?! *Gestures to the confused Leatherhead* It's Leatherhead! One of, if not the coolest alligator in all of existence?!

Leatherhead: *Eyes widen hearing this* You think I'm *Pauses* the coolest?

Luz: *Sets King on his feet, starts hopping excitedly* He's not the only one! *Runs to Leatherhead* Oh man, you are so huge! In a good way obviously. *Gently holds his webbed claws* And look at these razor sharp claws! *Feels the rough and scaley skin on Leatherheads hand* It's like I'm petting a cute, buff, and scaley dog!

Tiger Claw, Draxum, and Maxie watched more in shock by Luz not being afraid to get close to Leatherhead. Though, Eda, Amity, Gus, Willow, and Cassandra are used to seeing Luz not afraid to be up close to a large Yokai Like Leatherhead, but AJ was getting jealous to see Luz get close to Leatherhead, as all he could do was stay in Eda's clutches.

AJ: *Groaning* Jealousy rising.

Leatherhead: *Sweat drops* Uh.. Thank you?

Eda: *Raises a brow* Luz, what have told you about getting in a demons, or should I say Yokai's personal space?

Luz: Oh right. *Let's go of him, take a few steps back; Looks up to Leatherhead with a smile* Sorry Leatherhead.

Leatherhead: *Grows a small smile* It's okay, young one.

Tiger Claw: *Walks over to Eda* Come with me, miss...

Eda: *Turns to him* Eda.

Tiger Claw: Yes, Eda. If you follow me, *Leads her to a spare room* we will begin the healing for AJ.

Eda: *Grins* Finally. *Follows Tiger Claw's lead*

AJ: Okay, yes, let's get my leg better. Than I get to meet Leatherhead?

Eda: *Furrows her eyebrows* Yes.

Everyone watched Tiger Claw lead Eda, with AJ on her shoulder through a hallway and to another room. After a few seconds go by, they heard the sound of a small window opening up. They all look over to the window to see two very small gargoyles with frog like body's, one more slender then the other and has a cat like head, while the other was a little chubby and had the head shape of a tapir.

They both fly in through the window with boxes of donuts and trays with cups of coffee in their hands.

Slender gargoyle: Hey, hey, hey! We're back with donuts and coffee for our guests!

Chunkier gargoyle: *Opens the box in his hands* Quick heads up, *Takes out a chocolate donut* the owner definitely told us the donuts are a little stale-

Slender gargoyle: *Half-lidded eyes, smiling* And by owner, he means he ate a few donuts on the way here.

Chunkier gargoyle: Huginn! *Puts the donut back in the box and shuts it, points at his brother* You said you wouldn't tell!

Huginn: *Chuckling* Sorry Muninn, I couldn't resist. As your brother, I feel like teasing grows us closer together more and more.

Muninn: I agree, *Holds up his pinky finger* but not after we do a pinky promise. *Shook his head, wiggling his pinky finger* You never back out on a pinky promise dude.

Huginn: You're right. *Bows his head to Muninn* Sorry bro.

Cassandra watched and listened to their conversation intently, believing that their "brotherly teasing" could also help her and AJ grow closer as siblings.

Draxum: Huginn and Muninn! *Gets their attention* Enough with your sibling banter.

Huginn: Sorry boss. *Him and Muninn fly down to Draxum, hands out a Frappuccino to him* Here's your mocha Frappuccino.

Draxum: *Takes his drink, squinting to Huginn* With extra whip and mocha?

Huginn: *Nodding* With extra whip and mocha, just how you like it.

Draxum: *Smiles* Good. *Takes a sip from his drink*

Muninn: *Flys over to the Mad Dogs, opening the boxes of donuts to the Mad Dogs and Leatherhead* Anybody up for some donuts?

Leatherhead, Gus, and Willow, Cassandra each took a donut or two out from the boxes and thank the small gargoyle for his offering. Luz was about to take a donut as well, but she stopped herself after feeling a small knot in her stomach.

She looked over to the hallway Tiger Claw, Eda, and AJ went through, having the urge to check how AJ is doing with his ankle. She suddenly felt a grip on her right hand, looks over to see Amity being the one to grasp her hand, seeing a small smile her girlfriend's face.

Amity: *Tilting her head to the hallway cutesy like* Wanna see if our cute wittle baby boy needs us to comfort him?

Luz lightly gasped hearing her girlfriend ask this, nodding with a soft grin on her face.

Luz: *Turns to the others* Hey tators! *Gets their attention* Me and Amity are gonna go see how AJ is doing.

Willow: *Smiles* Okay, make sure he's in good health.

Gus/Cassandra: *Waves them off, both their mouths full of their pastries* See ya, guys!

Luz: Enjoy the donuts!

She then runs off to go find AJ, dragging a yelping Amity along with her. King runs after them on all fours.

King: Wait for me!

Maxie was off to the side watching Willow, Gus, and Cassandra still enjoying their donuts as they converse with the scaley giant Leatherhead. Leatherhead looked very happy to be able to talk to kids that aren't really afraid with him. She looked over and sees Draxum walking off to somewhere as he took out the device from his pocket, closely observing the small mechanism in his hand.

She didn't know what to do now, especially after all that's happened so she walked off to the side looking for a place sit. She found a wooden stool and took a seat in it, keeping a sleeping Lotis close in her arms. She can feel her infant son snuggling closer into chest with the biggest smile on his face.

Maxie gives a small smile to her son. After a second, she sticks her hand into her pocket and takes out the picture of her, her deceased husband, and Lotis, all three close together and smiling happily in the photo.

Maxie: *Looks to the photo with a small smile, sighing* I wish you were here Li... You'd always know what to do..

She closes her eyes pulling the picture close to her lips, kissing the picture, directly on Li's face. After a long second, she moves the picture back and close to her chest along with Lotis.

Cut to a hotel owned and managed by Big Mama. It is one of the tallest buildings in all of Yokai Island. There were giant light up letters atop of the building that reads, "The Grand Nexus Hotel."

In one of the many top floors of the hotel was a very tall office room. The walls were accompanied by many different sized portraits of Yokai, two elegant chandeliers hang from the roof. The curved desk had a red desk chair with a large back rest and two smaller red chairs for quests, all sat in front of the large glass window that showcased an overhead view of Yokai Island.

The orange and magenta ringed portal popped open in the middle of the room. Big Mama came walking through holding an old fashioned ice bag to the top of her bruised head.

Her face scrunches in anger a second after the portal closed behind her as she tightly clutched onto the ice bag. She mumbles under her breath as she makes her way over to her desk.

Big Mama: Those stubborn little trouble making scoundrels. *Let's out a heavy sighs, taking a seat in her desk chair* Hopefully Karai had better luck than me. *Reaches her smaller claw into her pocket, pulling out a personal walkie-talkie to Karai* Sweetie, are you wrapped up with the Hamatotato and Splixy Jaguar?

She released a claw off the button allowing Karai to speak through the walkie-talkie, but she doesn't get a response for a couple of seconds.

Big Mama: *Sighs, presses the button* Sweet heart, I know you are shy to speak, but I'm having a bad headache right now darling. So please-

She stopped speaking after a orange and magenta ringed portal appears a few feet away from her desk. Karai stepped through the portal with her left hand pulling down her hood, trying to hide her face from Big Mama.

Big Mama: *Raises her brow* Uh, sweetie? Why are you hiding your face?

Karai only responded by tilting her down and pulling her further down as well.

Big Mama: *Sighs, getting up from her seat and walks around the desk over to Karai* Karai, we're you not able to capture them? *Places her smaller claw on her shoulder* Just tell me if you did or not.

Karai clutched onto her hood a little more before she reached into her pouch and pulls out the broken peices of her mask.

Big Mama: *Gasps* Oh no! *Rakes a peice of the mask in her free smaller claw* Your mask! No wonder you're upset, this was your favey wavey. *Pulls Karai in for a hug with her big and small right claws* I'm so sorry.

Karai: *Silently hisses* It'ss fine...

She backs away from the hug Big Mama was trying to give her, which like all the other attempts to comfort her assistant, Karai always somewhat distanced herself from any close contact with Big Mama.

Karai: *Sighs, pulling her hood back, and reveales her scaly face* I was only able to catch the Splixsin Jaguar. *Lifts up her hands flat* I was going to capture the Hamato and that skull dog, *Clenches her flat hands into fists* but Tiger Claw came in and ruined everything.

Big Mama: Tiger Claw? *Sets down her ice pack, cupping her chin* First Draxum, now Tigar Claw. This is very bad.

Karai: I wass able to get a collar around the Hamato'ss neck. Hiss mysstic powerss won't be a bother.

Big Mama: *Smiles* Splendidily. *Walks back over behind her desk* And great work capturing the Splixsy Jaguar.

She opens a drawer, digging through the small space for something. Eventually she finds what she was looking for and pulls it out to reveal a black face mask that only covers the mouth and nose.

Big Mama: *Holds out the mask to Karai* Here you are sweetie. This should be a good substitute for your old maskie waskie.

Karai stared at the mask for a few seconds as the only noise she made was the faint sound of a hiss. She eventually accepts Big Mama's offer, taking the mask out of her boss's claw, and puts it on her face, covering her mouth and nose.

Big Mama: *Holds her smaller claws together up to her left cheek, cooing* Ooh!~ You look so exquisite, my sweet little laminapa!

Karai: *Grunts a hiss, blushing embarrassed* Sstop it, mother.

Big Mama: Doh, alright. *Presses her red jewel, changing her form into her witch disguise* Now, *Takes a seat in her swivel chair* go and get yourself healed up, I see Tiger Claw gave you quite the scuffle.

Karai: It wassn't Tiger Claw I fought againsst, *Narrows her eyes* it wass the Hamato warrior. He iss well more experienced without his mysstic powerss than I anticipated.

Big Mama: *Eyes widen a little hearing this* The Hamatotato did this to you? *She hums in thought for a moment* Interesting. *Smiles, looking up to her daughter* Anywho, after you've healed up, please give our new Splixy Jaguar friend a nice bath. Can't have the little skull doggie finding her again.

Karai nods, taking note of her demands.

Big Mama: And after that, you may do as you please for the rest of the evening. *Turns around in her chair, looking out the large window to see the sun setting and the skull moon rising* It's getting pretty late.

Karai: Yess mother. *Turns around on her heel, taking out a portal token and tossing it in the air opening a orange and magenta ringed portal* Alsso, the Hamato and bone dog called the Ssplixssin Jaguar, Millie.

She steps through the portal, a second later the manufactured portal closed after entering through the gateway.

Big Mama: Millie? *Giggles giddily, grinning sinisterly* What a silly name.~

Cut to a spare room with AJ lying down on a couch, with a pillow holding his sprained foot above his chest. Eda was sitting in a sofa chair that was sat next to him, her right leg crossed atop her left leg, and tapping her left foot impatiently as they all waited for Tiger Claw to finish searching for something through a chest in the room.

AJ took this chance to think about all the hints and the obvious "Fictional characters" that had just saved him, his family and friends lives from Karai, and the "Fictional antagonistic" Big Mama.

All the clues that had been given to AJ gives him a revolution about something that excites him to the core, but also a horrific realization.

AJ: The Lou Jitsu movies are real..

Eda hears AJ talking to himself, making her a little confused hearing a hint of dread in his voice instead of a fanboyish tone like before.

Tiger Claw: Here it is.

AJ and Eda look over to Tiger Claw taking out a scroll from the chest. Tiger Claw stands up on feet, shutting the chest closed before walking over next to AJ, and a seat on his knees.

Eda: *Swings her right leg off her left leg* What's the scroll for?

Tiger Claw: In truth, we have not learned how to use healing magic, *He unfurls the scroll in his hands* but my old master left behind his ancient scrolls.

He lays the scroll down to reveal Japanese letters and 9 pictures of hand signals, all in a specific order, including letters along with the hand gesture that read, "Rin, Kyo, To, Sha, Kai, Retsu, Zai, Jin, Zen."

Tiger Claw: They contain all the knowledge and wisdom he had gained throughout his great journey of ninjitsu.

AJ: *Looking at the Japanese letters written on the scroll* Japanese?

Luz: *From outisde the room* Hey guys!

They look over to the doorway and see Luz, now with King on her shoulder, and Amity walking into the room, both still hand in hand.

Amity: Getting any better AJ?

AJ: I will be in just a sec, with *Gestures to the scroll Tiger Claw is reading through* whatever this is. What is it again?

Tiger Claw: It's Kuji-kiri, the nine symbolic cuts. My master told me it was founded by intelligent humans back in your realm, a power to calm oneself and boost their mental state. But the first Mystic Warriors discovered glyph they use technique along with the magic from the Demon Realm and invented, "The Healing Hands."

AJ/Luz/Amity/King: *Amazed* Whoa.

Eda: Does it work?

Tiger Claw: *Speaks as he reads through the scroll* I have experienced it's magic before, it replenished my once broken arm like nothing had ever happened to it. *Finishes reading the scroll, holds his hands up in front of his chest* Let me show you.

He closes his eyes, takes a deep breath as he concentrates all his magic into his hands. He begins to mimic his hands from the pictures from the scroll as he speaks the short letters next the hand pictures aloud.

Tiger Claw: Rin. Kyo. To.

His hands began to glow a silver aura around his hands. AJ and the others watched in amazement by the display of magic from Tiger Claw.

Tiger Claw: Sha. Kai. Retsu.

He presses his glowing hands on AJ's right calf, his large hands nearly covering the boys whole leg. The silver aura tansfer the onto AJ's leg, and all throughout his body.

Tiger Claw: Zai. Jin. Zen.

After he said the final incantation, AJ felt as his whole body fully heals at such a fast rate. The cuts and bruises on his chest, arms, and face dissappear, and his ankle has been restored to full it's strength.

Tiger Claw: *Removes his hands of his leg* It is done.

Eda: *Leans over to AJ* How do you feel AJ?

AJ sits up straight on the couch, takes a deep breath through his nose, and after hold his breath for a seconds before letting out a sigh of releif. He looks down to his ankle, lifting his leg up, and moves his foot around without any trouble.

AJ: *Smiling* I feel great.

Luz: That was amazing! *Digs through her pocket, taking out her phone* Is it alright if I take a picture? We've been needing a healer for a while now.

Tiger Claw: Hmm, very well. But promise me you will never let it fall into the wrong hands.

Luz: *Let's go of Amity's hand, holding it up* I won't show a soul.

Tiger Claw: Good.

He holds up to scroll for her to fully see. Luz takes a couple pictures of the scroll and tucks her phone back in her pocket afterwards.

Luz: Got it.

Tiger Claw: *Rolls up his scroll* Just be sure to keep your promise.

Luz: *Finger guns him* You got it Tiger man.

AJ got up on his feet, interlocking his fingers together, and stretches his hands up to the sky as he hangs his head back. As he stretched, Amity notices the magic prevention choker collar around his neck, making her eyes widen in shock.

Amity: AJ, *Points at the collar sround his neck* what is that around your neck?

Luz lightly gasped and Eda's eyes widen a little, both now noticing the collar around his neck.

AJ: Huh? *Lowers his hands down* Oh right, *Presses the tips of his right hand fingers on the collar* this thing.

Eda: *Stands up worried* AJ, please don't tell me what I think that thing is.

Tiger Claw: *Stands up with the scroll in his hand* Sadly, it is. *Walks over to the chest, stashing the scroll away* It's a magic prevention collar.

AJ: We got ambushed by that hooded lady and some of her cronies. *Tilts his head down, saddened* Millie got one too. *Eda suddenly grapsed thw side of his head and makes him tilt his head up* Hey!

Eda: *Looks to the collar closely* Don't start whining, I just want to see it.

AJ groans but he just let's Eda look at the collar. Luz and Amity both walk closer to them to take a look at the collar as well. The collar was fully black and covered 65 percent of his neck, the only noticeable difference from the rest of the collar was a small blue dot on the spot where AJ was stung.

King: *To Tiger Claw* Tiger Claw, is there any way we can get this off of him?

Tiger Claw: Before now, *Closes the chest* no there wasn't. *Stands up, walks over to them* Big Mama had upgraded her equipment in the past decade, it's difficult to even disassemble one collar. But thanks to you, *Points to King* we may have a solution.

King: Me?

Tiger Claw: You didn't get caught in a collar.

Eda: Hey, he's right. *Looks to King, letting go of AJ's head* AJ said Millie got collared too, how come you didn't?

As King begins to explain why get a collar as well and Tiger Claw explains how Draxum could find a way to create a key to remove the collars off of AJ, Millie, and everyone Big Mama had captured.

As they spoke, AJ was rubbing the parts of his neck that is exposed. He looks over to the side, noticing a small picture frame with the photo of a pink skinned, and grey furred rat Yokai.

The rat man had straight black hair styled in a pompadour, a pair of yellow shield glasses on his face, and he wore a light blue flared leg jumpsuit with rolled up sleeves.

AJ eyes widen at the photo and gasps aloud by the sight of the photo. This gets everyone's attention, all looking to see him make his way over to the picture frame and picking it up in his hands.

Eda: What's the matter kiddo?

AJ: *Turns to everyone* Tiger Claw. *Holds up the photo for everyone to see* Who's this?

Eda, Luz, King, and Amity looked to the photo, their eyes widen at the sight as well by the familiarity of this rat Yokai, and Lou Jitsu.

Althought for Tiger Claw, he let's out a sigh through his nose, and a hint of sadness his eyes.

Tiger Claw: That is Splinter. *Takes the photo out of AJ's bands, looks to the photo closely* My best friend.

The photo of the rat Yokai in his hands seemingly fades into a picture of the human ninja warrior, Lou Jitsu.

Tiger Claw: And my brother.

To be continued...

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