Darling in the Franx: Alterna...

By HectorAndrsGaytanSal

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In a world where most of humanity is no longer what it was, how valuable are the values of the Old? Unknown t... More

Chapter 1: Not as alone as they believe...
Chapter 2: Trying to re/connect.
Chapter 3: Fighting puppeters.
Chapter 4: Some flaps and flops.
Chapter 5: Thorns, badges, codes and a beacon.
Chapter 6: Darlings in the NEXTs.
Chapter 7: Meeting between two worlds.
Chapter 8: Routines and trades.
Chapter 9: Rescue and goodwill: Delphinium's trial.
Chapter 10: Relaxing, re-tinkering, and renegotiating...
Chapter 12: The Defense of the Ark.
Chapter 13: Meeting with an old (and new) world...
Chapter 14: A parade and a beach: a moratorium under the stars.
Chapter 15: Boys X Girls X affection: Argentea's trial
Chapter 16: Triangle bomb(s).
Chapter 17: The City of Eternity and Disappointment: eye-opening factors.
Chapter 18: Partner Shuffle; trials of Alstroemeria, Genista, and Chlorophytum.
Chapter 18.5 poll: Quick Ravens! Choose! BRIEFING CLOSED!!!
Chapter 19: The Garden Where It All Began... and Ends.
Chapter 20: The price of a reunion with a Kämpfer.
Chapter 21: Punishment and confessions in the aftermaths.

Chapter 11: About oaths, burdens and speeches...

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By HectorAndrsGaytanSal

Chapter 11, man how far we have gone! Anyways, not much to show in this one, just the expanded Squad 13 witnessing another event that makes them question the truth about the klaxosaurs and the final preparation before the big operation for the defense of the ark.

On with the show!


At the library room, next day...

Sally: - And just like that, we had to basically RETURN through the same path we came from because we got the updates on the pack 1 hour after the fact they had already left their nest... so did you learn the lesson out of this tale? -

Ichigo: - Yes... make sure to always double check the mission status before sortie, otherwise you will have to go through an unwanted od... ody... odyssey it was called? -

Sally: - Yep... man, what a mess that was. -

The whole squad, including their new members Titus and Pari, were listening to Sally's experience as part of their lessons and this time they heard about one sortie which ended as a waste of time and resources because the nest they were suppose to clear out was already empty when they arrived... and the HARDEST part of it was reaching the entrance because it was located in one of the Himalaya's mountains which were popular of being a safehaven for klaxosaur nests. So not only they had to deal with very cold weather, strong currents of wind and the treacherous paths mountains possess, but also had to sneak carefully around the residents of other nests. Needless to say, when Atlas squad returned from that sortie, admiral Cronwell was pissed at whoever assigned them the mission and got her team a nice vacation to the beach.

Zero Two: - Man... talk about incompetence in the chain of command. -

Sally: - Tends to happen sometimes. Anyways, it will be soon lunch time so grab all your notes and pencils and make sure to store them in your quarters. Any questions before leaving? -

Titus raised his hand...

Sally: - Yes? -

Titus: - Why weren't you given any modules that could be used specifically for cold weather? -

Sally: - To be fair, it was our first operation at high terrain and we didn't had any available modules for it. We did learn our lesson though... -

Titus: - Ok... oh and also what about...? -

Sally: - Relax, your mech is being produced on schedule... geez Titus, you sound like an impatient kid waiting for his birthday or christmas present... -

Everyone: - Birthday? Christmas? -

Sally: - The first one is simple, is the day you were... well created. As for the second one, that one is for a later time... now scramble or otherwise Orion will cut off your lunch time again. -

Everyone soon left, looking forward for today's lunch while at the forest the two mentors were discussing their next plan of action...

Sally: - So what's the next part of the plan now? -

Orion: - You mean after the ark operation? -

Sally: - You know what I mean Orion... the kids are already starting to ask questions about the Old World, things that are forbidden by APE. We are going to be risking many things in this mentorship and one of them is that. -

Orion: - Yeah... fortunately though, last time Dassia visited, she left us a package filled with our solution to this problem. -

Both went towards their tent and he pulled out a box that was filled with oval white capsules...

Orion: - Simulator bots... we install this little things in room of interest and they will make it look like a normal session while in reality we will be talking them about those forbidden subjects. -

Sally: - And you think they will remain silent about them? I bet my month's salary that Zorome will be the first to spill the beans. -

Orion: - I have an idea for that, but it will require an oath and something to emphasize the importance of it... -

Sally: - And how can we get this sort of situation in which the kids have to doubt what has been basically ingrained on them since childhood? Not to say that they live in a golden version of that text called '1984'. -

Orion: - Hmmmm... well, one of the things that opened their minds, albeit relunctantly, was encountering Wolfblade. Maybe that's what they need: encounters with the way of the world outside of APE. -

Sally: - Easier said than done... most of the blue dinos out there are of the hostile kind and good luck trying to get them to interact with basically everyone else. The moment Papa realizes that even a slight 'hello' was said, is the moment they will wash their memories... -

Orion: - Which is why... and I hate saying this... we have to play like them with the long game... *sigh* you know, I miss the time when it was only you and me, playing around at the villa, not giving a care of the world outside... -

Sally: - I do remember that period too... but then Raven arrived and helped open our eyes to it. And I like to think that it is thanks to him that you and I are forever united as one... -

Orion: - It WAS thanks to him... after all I asked him to be my best man, remember? -

Sally: - Oh... I think I may have forgotten... maybe if we do some of the same 'activities' we did will help me remember? -

She said the last part in that lusty tone that Orion both loved and hated to hear...

Orion: "Well, there goes our lunch of food for another one is prepared in front of my eyes"

Before he could respond however, both heard their holodevice beep. Checking the message it read: "Eat FOOD for lunch, sortie at 15:00 hours. Only SMC units. Raven."

Orion: "Damn you Raven" - Well that will have to wait... we're being sortied again, this time only SMC. -

Sally: - Huh... weird... why only us this time? -

Orion: - Beats me, but now Raven basically texted me to hold back from having fun and to eat actual lunch... fortunately... *picks up Sally and both go inside their tent where she sets her on a 'special' bed while he opens a kit of 'exotic' food* I know how to multi-task... -

3 hours later...

At the hangar, the 4 LYNX were discussing about the briefing earlier at the command room... Squad 13, surprisingly, was told to attend even though they wouldn't be participating...

Raven: - So let me get this straight... only Atlas squad will participate in what essentially is a recon mission? Why not have Squad 13 participate along too? -

Douglas: - This is something SMC units are more experienced with and we also think it is unnecessary for them to do so considering their Franxx require Magma energy that doesn't last that long on the field. This is no mere recon mission LYNX Raven, this is a pathfinder mission. -

Orion, Sally and Raven: - Ooooooh... that explains it... -

Naomi: - What's the difference between the two? -

Raven: - Recon is what you expect to do: go around, see the area around and report back once you find something interesting or different to what you expected. Pathfinder is a recon operation but cranked to a harder difficulty. We are basically tasked to find a shortcut through the nearby mountains to see if we can cut our travel time towards the arc for both Plantations... -

Ichigo: - Wait... so your job is to basically find a path... wide and tall enough for our plantation to fit in...while also making sure it is safe to travel? -

Raven: - Yep, as you can see, that means we will have to basically travel through the WHOLE path both from and towards the Plantations. And if there's even a sign of danger of it, it is discarded and back to searching... to be fair, it gets boring after a while... -

Douglas: - There is also another thing you must know... radar has detected an anomaly of energy on the mountains and for some reason, it seems to be linked with the klaxosaurs... but it isn't at the same time... -

Everyone was confused at that... a signal characteristic of klaxosaurs... but not at the same time?

Douglas: - So your secondary mission will be to investigate the source of this signal if possible. Be careful out there, we would usually take the long route around the mountains to link up with the defense force, but the 'Calixto branch' pack has recovered most of its delayed time and will make landfall in 36 hours... the normal route is 48 hours, we HAVE to find a shortcut. -

Orion: - Understood officer Baldi. Alright Raven, Naomi and Sally, prepare a lunchbox alongside some sleeping gear, cause I'm pretty sure its going to be a long journey on this one... -

Orion: - So, what have you brought for lunch? -

Naomi: - Pari cooked some sandwiches and for once Futoshi observed her while she did so... I call that a win for everyone involved. -

Raven: - And they smell delicious... what did YOU brought for... wait, let me guess, Cup noddles again? -

Orion: - Man, do you know us... and also a caesar's salad, Sally had time to make one for us. -

Raven: - How many times do I have to tell you to not always eat those? -

Orion: - Hey, those are limited edition ones and we're gonna eat them okay? -

Raven: *sighs* - Fine... -

Announcer: - SMC pilots, proceed towards your units. We repeat, SMC pilots, proceed towards your units. -

Orion: - Well, let's get to it... the time window to reach the ark is running out and we need to show the kids what real humanity is... -

Everyone soon set up and went towards their NEXTs, initializing their systems as the hangar doors started to open...

Naomi: - Hey, Raven... -

Raven: - Yes? -

Naomi: - What did he meant with 'what real humanity is'? -

Raven: "Crap..." - Ummmm... *Sighs* it's a very complex topic to explain Naomi... but I promise that when we get the time to do so without fear I will tell you everything... but I will need a promise from you when it happens. -

Naomi: - What promise? -

Raven: - Later, for now lets focus on finding a way towards the ark. We can't let all the people living in it down, can we? -

Naomi smiled: - Alright Raven. But I will want those answers, okay? -

Raven smiled even though on the inside he was really worried: "How will she react once she realizes the 'humanity' they are fighting for is nothing more of a lie?"

Soon enough, both Arthur and White Glint rolled out and joined up with Atlas squadron as they soon went towards a wide ravine that opened a path towards the mountains.

Douglas: /Scanners indicate that the ravine in front have multiple paths that are wide enough for both plantations. As per protocol, we sent drones to inspect the routes. 80% of the drones were recovered after discovering dead ends with 5% being lost to klaxosaurs that did not enjoy their privacy being disrupted. However, the remaining 15% disappeared after investigating a certain area nearby the mysterious signal. We believe that whatever is causing it has to do with their disappearance. Your main mission is to investigate the paths leading to the area, then search for the disappeared drones. Once that is done, investigate the areas left uncovered to discover a way through the mountains and then return to base. Any questions?/

Naomi: - I have one... are my friends watching us? -

Ichigo: /We are! Good luck out there White Glint!/

Even if they were going to seat out this sortie, Orion gave the kids some homework and that was to observe and take notes of how Atlas squad operated on their own without their students. "Encouraging their abilities to observe and adapt imitations of other's techniques is a vital skill to survive and thrive in this career." As such, all of squad 13 was at the command room of the Cerasus...

Ikuno: - We will be looking forward to how you operate. -

Naomi: /Thanks guys!/

Orion: /Alright Atlas squad, let's move! And pray for answer!/

Atlas squad: /Pray for answer!/

Squad 13: - Pray for answer! -

Titus: - Man, it feels good to say that! -

Zorome: - I know, right? I don't know what it means, but it sounds cool to say! -

Miku: - Idiot... -

They all looked as the squad of SMC aces glided into the ravine with ease, moving in a fast and coordinated formation. Eventually, the deeper they went, the slower they moved until they reached the area in which the missing drones had disappeared...

Arthur: /Oletros, we have reached the designated area... there seems to be no trace of the drones, not even some scrap nor klaxosaur footprints.../

Feed from his HUD showed that the area in which they were was an open flat surrounded by multiple caves on all sides except the sector from which they came from...

White Glint: /Could it be that they took them into the caves before destroying them?/

Douglas: /Negative, the drones would have still transmitted a signal before disappearing inside... all signals ended up in that sector in which you currently are.../

Suddenly, static started to interfere as the kids on the Cerasus saw the HUD connecting them starting to faulter...

Titus: - What's going on?! -

Douglas: /Origin 1? Origin 1! Connection is faulting, respond!/

On the few moments of clarity in the screen, everyone saw a big number of klaxosaurs appear out of the tunnels... however, the one that truly put alarms on them was the last one...

Arthur: - Shepherdess... confirmed...! We...fou...shepherdess! -

Alongside his dialogue, the HUD managed to capture a unit they had never seen before! It looked like a Franxx but it seemed to had a tail and it was blue and black... the colors of the klaxosaurs...

Douglas: /Origin 1! Arthur! Firefox! White Glint! Anyone! Dammit, we lost contact with Atlas squad!/

Ichigo: - What was that at the end?! It looked like a Franxx! -

Douglas: /If what he reported is correct... then it was a shepherdess.../

Goro: - And what exactly is a shepherdess? -

Douglas: /A mythical legend between our forces. Back in the 'Old World', the word shepherdess means "a female person who's job is to tend and organize sheep or animal stock". The first time she appeared it was during the 'Alamo Incident', a few years back. I cannot say many details about the event but ever since then, multiple units similar to her have continued to appear in many of our operations and there is a reason we coined them the name 'shepherdess' and that is because they seem to command klaxosaurs at their will.../

Hachi: - What do you mean that they can command klaxosaurs at their will? -

Douglas: /We are not kidding when we say that they seem to have some sort of power and authority over the klaxosaurs. Their motives are a mystery to us but we found out that if you kept your distance and showed respect to the shepherdess, they would command whatever klaxosaur pack we were fighting against to leave us and sometimes would be kind enough to give us safepassageway through dangerous areas filled with them. As long as you don't draw your weapons against them and show proper respect, then you will be safe from harm./

Mitsuru: - And what happens to those who decide to fight a shepherdess? -

Douglas: /That's something we don't want to know and fortunately hasn't ocurred to us... but there was one time when the SMC had to send a fleet of 15 plantations to calm down a pack commanded by one of them that got into a frenzy after an APE squadron tried to shoot them. Once the pack was neutralized and calmed down, they proceeded towards it to search for survivors: there were none./

That didn't make for a beautiful picture for the children...

Ichigo: - And what does that mean to our mentors? What will happen to Raven and Naomi then? -

Douglas: /As long as they show respect and no intention to fight, they will be fine... but even so, we unfortunately will have to wait for now./

It was going to be a long day...

Meanwhile, back with Atlas squadron...

Arthur: - Oletros? Oletros, come in! -

Firefox: - Cap, we got company! -

Just as their communications with the Oletros got cut, klaxosaurs started to appear from the entrances of the surrounding caves and there seemed to be a lot of them.

White Glint: - Dammit! Shall we go back the way we came from? -

Andromeda: - They're surrounding us from behind! -

She was right and soon many more blue dinos appeared, blocking their way out. Orion soon realized that thing wouldn't be easy...

Orion: "This is why I hate mountain missions..."

Sally: "Agreed."

Arthur: - Okey everyone, prepare yourselves to force our way out... we're getting out of here even if it... -

Skylark: - Captain! Shut it and look up! -

Surprised by the interruption, everyone soon followed the crane NEXTs vision line... and that's when they saw it: it looked like a franxx and it had the femenine frame they're characteristic for but at the same time it had also the klaxosaur colors and characteristics like their tails and the horns at the top. 

("Franxx - Prinzen Commission" from BritandBran on DeviantArt.)

Orion: "A shepherdess!? Right here?!" - Oletros! Shepherdess confirmed! I repeat, shepherdess confirmed! *Static* No response... okay everyone... stay calm and fold your weapons away... disengage combat mode and switch to cruise mode... we may need to bail if it doesn't go well. -

Naomi: - Why? What is that unit Raven? -

Raven: - A shepherdess... this is the first time I see one up close... Naomi, whatever we do, we MUST avoid fighting... shepherdess can command klaxosaurs to do so and if we prove to be peaceful here, they will allow us to retreat safely... -

Naomi had many questions about it but soon settled on trusting Raven as all of Atlas squadron deactivated their weapons. After that, Arthur stepped forward and kneeled, and to Naomi's surprise, the shepherdess responded to the salute!

Naomi: "So not only are some klaxosaurs sentient but they also have Franxx?!"

Raven: "Yep... there's a lot of things in this world that are still quite surprising..."

?: - Indeed, even our kin, whom has been here for aeons, still is surprised by what our world has to offer... -

Everyone tensed up, as they tried to identify the source of the message they had just received...

Arthur: - Who's there?! -

After looking for a few moments, they soon saw that the shepherdess was chuckling a little...

?: - There's no one except you and us here right now, linxes.

That was when they realized it...

Naomi: "Did she just... spoke to us through our thoughts?"

Raven: "A telepath... now that's something we don't see everyday..."

Orion: "Well... I feel violated for some reason..."

Sally: "Focus Orion..."

Orion: "Right... I'm the leader here of the squad, shepherdess... what is it that you want from us?"

Shepherdess: "Answers... I'm aware of the 'relationship' my kin have with your faction... but I still have to ask: why is a band of linxes vinculating themselves with Parasites, specially the 'Red Devil' that is responsible for the death of so many of my kin?"

Raven: "They know about them..."

Naomi: "Raven?"

Raven: "Relax Naomi... Orion can handle this..."

She was worried now because apparently this klaxosaur shepherdess knew about her friends, and it didn't take a genius to know who the 'Red Devil' was...

Orion: "Part from our plan to end this war soon when operation 'Cinder' starts... they are kids that we will help them see the truth if the world once their eyes are unclouded of blind devotion..."

Shepherdess: "And if it doesn't work?"

Orion: "Then we will do as fate needs... but let's have hope that it won't come to worse..."

Shepherdess: "I see... and what is it that you're doing here?"

Orion: "Trying to find a shortcut through the mountains to reach the area of operation for the defense of the ark 'Spirit of the Shire' carrying an estimated of 50 million souls. They're to engage a big branch of the pack 'Calixto' and will landfall in 48 hours. We are to answer is call."

Shepherdess: "And the Parasites are also on board with this?"

Orion: "Correct... they're here to witness real humanity and we hope this impression will set them on the path we want them to follow..."

Shepherdess: "I see... *Stays there reflecting about it before 'speaking' again* follow the central cave that has two Moho's guarding it. It is the most convenient of all and the safest. I will grant you safe passage under one condition..."

Orion: "What is it?"

Shepherdess: "I want the child of the Last Raven and his partner to stay with me. I see he is the closest of the two worlds and he will help me judge the Parasites you're rooting for..."

Everyone was silent at that... the Shepherdess wanting to test the Parasites? The few times this happened with some of their units, they were told that their trials always ended up tense and were hard... the whole squad wasn't looking forward to Squad 13 meeting with her for one... but there was little choice they had here as they needed to complete their duty... so the decision was soon made...

White Glint: - Me and Naomi will stay captain. We will try to make sure that she doesn't go overboard with our friends. Just make sure to find that route we need okay? -

Arthur: - Are you sure Raven? -

Raven: - I'm sure of it... -

Naomi: - But Raven... -

Raven: - Later Naomi... we don't have much choice right now... -

Naomi stayed silent as Athur soon announced: - We accept your conditions... just don't be too harsh on them... -

Shepherdess: "It will depend on what they have to offer..."

The squad nodded before leaving through the cave as White Glint stayed behind...

Raven: - So what now? -

Shepherdess: "Follow me... for we shall wait for your friends... and while that happens, I need to ask you both: how much is it that you know of our kin?"

Naomi: - Apart from the fact that they had been hunting down humanity ever since we discovered magma energy? Not so much... -

Shepherdess: "Then be prepared for today I shall open your mind to something you were never told before..."

Meanwhile, at the Cerasus command center...

An hour had passed and no contact has been made with Atlas squadron, and at this point their students were worried...

Hiro: - Is it normal for them to go without contact for this long? -

Douglas: /Pathfinder missions are sometimes long and comms aren't always available. Their vitals read that they're very much alive and the logs indicate they aren't in danger for now. Even so, their comms are being blocked by the shepherdess and... wait... we're receiving a message right now!/

Everyone stared at the screen attentively as the message soon revealed itself: "Bring Squad 13 towards White Glint... someone important wants to speak with them."

The radar on the screen started to bleep soundly as White Glint appeared on it nearby the source of the mysterious signal, south of the mountains right at the slope...

Douglas: /Weird... the rest of the message says that Atlas squadron is already working on a pathfinder but White Glint was left behind because at the shepherdess request.../

Ichigo: - Is it bad? -

Douglas: /No... just weird... and is even weirder that it is requesting your squad to come.../

Ikuno: - You think it is a trap? -

Douglas: /Negative, is just unusual. Shepherdesses usually don't interact with our forces except for the occasional greeting for a passage. Whatever is it that she wants you for, it is important./

Ichigo: "There's also the fact that White Glint is alongside them... so whatever or whoever is with him may have genuine intentions..." - Hachi, requesting permission to go towards the meeting point. -

Hachi: - Granted, go there and investigate the situation. -

Many minutes later...

Hachi: /You're approaching the meeting area, any sign of White Glint?/

Delphinium: - Not yet... -

Squad 13 had just arrived to the mountain's slope and soon enough, they spotted a white figure waving at them...

Argentea: - There they are! -

Delphinium: - Commander, we have made contact with White Glint. He seems to be alright... -

Hachi: /Understood, and any sign of his squadmates?/

Delphinium: - Negative, its only him. -

Chlorophytum: - Are you guys alright? Raven? Naomi? -

White Glint: - Yeah, we're good. Even so, I think we should warn you that our host is going to be... unnerving at best... -

Strelizia: - What do you mean with that? -

That was when they all felt it: an overwhelming presence on everyone that it soon made them worried...

Delphinium: - What is this...? -

Hachi: /Delphi...nium! The... sign... near... losing...! *Static*/

Chlorophytum: - We lost contact with the plantation, what's going on?! -

Shepherdess: "Greetings..."

Everyone was surprised when they suddenly heard that voice on their minds! They started looking everywhere for the source...

Shepherdess: "Alongside your friend..."

To Squad 13's surprise, the blue and black klaxo/franxx suddenly appeared to White Glint's left!

Everyone: - What the...?! -

White Glint: - Warned ya... -

They all pointed their weapons at her...

White Glint: - WAIT, WAIT, WAIT! DON'T! -

He moved in front of her to cover her as his friends looked at him confused...

Argentea: - What are you doing Raven?! -

Raven: - I already told you that they are pacific! There's no need to fight! -

Shepherdess: "I see now why your mentors choose you, you have something different from the rest of your kin..."

Genista: - And how is she talking to us?! -

Naomi: - She can read minds apparently... -

Everyone: - WHAT?! -

Naomi: - Yeah, so not only we got talking and sentient klaxosaurs, we also got TELEPATH klaxosaurs and a whole bunch of stuff I still find hard to accept... -

Raven: - I told you it would be too much to handle... -

Zero Two: - What are you guys talking about? -

Raven: - We basically got a crash course on what klaxosaurs are... or were. -

Everyone: - FOR REAL?! -

Raven: - And before you ask... no, we cannot tell you... -

Zorome: - Oh come on! Why?! -

Shepherdess: "Because I swore them under an oath that they would not reveal the information until the time is right... otherwise, I WILL HUNT THEM DOWN."

Everyone was in shock at this: their friends were just threatened with death for breaking a promise!

Hiro: - You can't do this! That's not fair for them! -

Shepherdess: "Our world in its current state isn't fair. The weak perish fast for the lack of resources to make them thrive. The strong fight for these resources out of a desperation to survive. Everything goes into the struggle and the keeping of an oath is the easiest of them all... if they can't prove they can handle this one, they don't deserve to live..."

Everybody was silent at this, for they couldn't muster their courage to object her...

Hiro: - Why are you doing this? What do you gain from this? -

Shepherdess: "What I gain? Nothing. The real question is, what will YOU gain once the time is right and they release this information on you... for you are right now carrying burdens just like they are now..."

Everyone suddenly felt a HEAVY pressure on their minds! It disabled their connection to their franxxs and made everyone breath heavily as they felt their minds being opened against their will! As this happened, the Shepherdess walked towards Delphinium...

Shepherdess: "You two are carrying the burden of leadership alongside that of resurging and confusing feeling towards certain individuals that would be best if they were sorted out soon..."

She then walked towards Argentea: "Your burden is that of a childish desire to jump higher than you can: aiming for the stars without knowing how to ground yourself to hide your insecurities tied with your want to prove your worth..."

Genista was next: "The pistil lets herself be guided by her shyness and kindness in excess, without knowing how to put the limits. The stamen is lost in a sea of idolization and out of touch with the reality..."

She then went towards Chlorophytum: "The pistil carries secrets that she believes only she can understand on her own even though she lacks the necessary knowledge to know why; the stamen hides his insecurities and desire to connect through an old grudge that he foolishly believes is justification enough."

And lastly, she went towards Strelizia: "And now the Red Devil... I will be honest, when my kin informed us that you had finally achieved flight, we didn't believe them at first... but now it is all but confirmed and I can sense why. Your burden is to find that one anchor... that one 'darling' that opened your heart to a world that you both want to see and create, and yet... you have went through many fake ones that is weight starts to crush your hopes of finding him again. And you, the one that gave her wings, you try to move forward while also trying to ignore the past that was sealed inside you and started to unleash on your mind."

She walked back towards White Glint as she released the pressure on Squad 13. Everyone gasped as they felt relieved from it...

Shepherdess: "Until you clear and face your burdens, your two friends will have to carry theirs alone... and to the other 2 that didn't come with you today... they will face theirs soon... until the next time we see each other..."

The shepherdess then vanished, nowhere to be seen nor tracked. As Squad 13 restored their connection, White Glint soon said: - Are you guys alright? -

Strelizia was the one to respond first: - WHAT WAS THAT?! -

White Glint: - I know, I know, it feels intrusive... we went through it too... -

Strelizia: - Next time I see her I swear I will... -

Hiro: - Zero Two! Let's just relax now, okay? *thinks* Raven, how often something like this happens to LYNX on the SMC? -

Raven: - To be honest... not that much that I know off... last one to go through a similar experience was my mentor... but that was a long time ago and I never knew what they told him at the moment... he did say that it heralded a big change in his life though... -

Genista: - So... that means we are about to go through a unique change too? -

Argentea: - Are we just going to ignore the fact that we're encounteting something that shouldn't be possible with the klaxosaurs?! -

Raven: - Argentea, as she said the world carries a lot of surprises that not even us can foresee... and Genista; very probably... doesn't matter if it is for the better or for the worse... but you know something? I'm sure that if we can stick together... we may be able to carry our burdens together... -

Ichigo: - But what about you? How can we carry yours if you two will have to be silent about it? -

Raven: - No offense but... I think she is right on something: we have to solve all of yours first before going for ours... because the way she said it makes ours look like a walk in the park. We literally just can't talk about what klaxosaurs are... -

Goro: - I guess when you put it like that, yeah... -

Hachi: /*static* Squ...13! Squad 13, respond!/

Ichigo: "Oh right!" - Delphinium here, comms are back and everyone's accounted for... -

Hachi: /Glad to hear, the mysterious signal has disappeared, any sign of the shepherdess unit?/

Delphinium: - Negative... it just vanished without trace... -

Hachi: /I see... anyways, we just got an update on Atlas squadron, they found a route towards the rendezvous through the mountains and are on their way back towards us. All of you, RTB now./

Everyone: - Roger! -

The road back towards the hangars was silent, as all of what they could think was of the encounter they just had: the shepherdess had read them all like a book... and what could they do to save their two friends from their oath?

A few hours later...

Nighttime had arrived and with convenient timing too, as both plantations were now travelling through the darkness of the tunnels under the mountains, guided by only their lights and a map provided by Atlas squadron after their mission. Both squads were now having a very needed sleep... except some of them weren't in the mood of it, specially a certain LYNX.

Raven: - Dammit... -

Raven was up, walking around the lobby of the boardhouse as he recalled what happened earlier and hadn't talked about with his friends...

Shepherdess: "I see that you're still going strong on your promise... White Raven..."

Raven: - Which one? I make sure to keep them up as best as I can... -

Shepherdess: "The one given to yourself when the Alamo incident happened..."

Raven tensed up at the mention of that event... the one in which he lost his mentor.

Raven: - I... I do my best to follow my mentor's teachings... -

Shepherdess: "But at one point, you will have to follow your own path, with or without his teachings... and it is wide known how much of a grudge you hold against those fake masters of humanity... the fact you managed to hold your ire and wrath against them for this long is admirable..."

Naomi: - Raven... what is she talking about? -

Raven: - Naomi... please don't... -

Naomi: - Why does she say you have this much ire and wrath for APE? What happened that caused you to...? -

Raven: - NOT NOW NAOMI! -

Naomi was shocked as this was the first time Raven ever raised his voice against her...

Shepherdess: "I see... it seems it will be a topic to be discussed for another time, specially with your soulmate..."

Raven took a deep breath before saying: - Sorry Naomi... it's just... *sighs* it's a sensitive subject for me... and I'm not ready to share it with everyone else yet... -

Naomi looked worried at him: "What is weighing you down that you don't want to share with me?"

Raven: "I will have to find a way to make it up for it tomorrow... maybe inviting her to one restaurant in our city... wait but wouldn't that make it a date?! I don't know if I'm ready yet for it! And what if she ends up declining because she doesn't know how it plays or because of my reaction today!? I'm so STUPID!"

Naomi: - Raven? -

Raven: - Ah! Naomi! Jesus, you scared me! -

Naomi: - Sorry... couldn't sleep too? -

Raven: - No... not in the mood for sleeping right now... -

Naomi: - I see... -

Both stayed silent as Naomi went to take a seat on one of the sofas while Raven still walked around...

Raven: "Come on dumbass... apologize!"

Raven and Naomi: - I would like to apologize... wait, what? -

Raven: - Why are you apologizing Naomi? It was me the one who acted out of line today... -

Naomi: - Well... you'll see Raven, I have a confesion to make... -

Naomi: "What is weighing you down that you don't want to share with me?"

Shepherdess: "Are you that willing to share his burden, even if it endangers you and shatters the normal life you have?"

Naomi: "I... I... maybe?"

Shepherdess: "You can relax sparkling one... I can control which ones I want to hear me and which ones I do not. Speak freely your mind, he will not notice..."

Naomi: "But wouldn't this be like betraying him? If this is something personal for him, then I am in the wrong for trying to learn it!"

Shepherdess: "Yet your inner desire to share everything you have with him does not set an example about it?"

Naomi was silent for a little while before answering: "Fine... what did you mean with 'hold his ire and wrath against us'?"

Shepherdess: "Your fake masters at APE caused an incident with his faction, in what today they call it as the 'Alamo incident'. In that incident, Raven lost his mentor and father figure Zorran, the famous 'Last Raven'. Because of it, he has blamed APE for this and even though he is in the right to claim vengeance, he does not let it control his judgement."

Naomi: "The 'Alamo incident'... what happened in there that caused him... no, I see now it isn't only him, if I remember well, captain Orion and captain Samuel also showed disdain at APE because of it... what exactly happened that the SMC blames everything on us?"

Shepherdess: "That is something you will have to ask him and pray for answer, for he also holds many secrets that he tries to overcome alone..."

Naomi: "But I don't want him to do this alone... is there any way to help him open them to me?"

Shepherdess: "Your heart is noble, young sparkling one... there is a way but for now, pray for answer..."

Naomi: - And that's all I ever asked... I swear! Raven, be mad at me for trying to pry into something that is personal to you, but please... I ask you to please... never close off to us anymore... -

Raven stood silent as he heard Naomi's confession before answering: - I will never hold it against you for trying to help me with this Naomi... trust me. I promised you that we will be flying together from now on, didn't I? *Naomi nods* That doesn't mean I'm ready to share this with you yet... I promise that I will speak about it with you and only you. But for now, you will have to wait...

Naomi was disappointed with his answer... but at the same time felt that she had made some progress... better to address it now rather than never...

Naomi: - I see... *yawns* well it seems sleep is catching up to me now. -

Raven also yawned: - Me too... and I'm feeling too lazy to return to my bed... -

Naomi: - Mmmmh... *le idea* you know... what if we both... sleep down here? -

Raven: - Hey, good idea! Let me just bring us some blankets and pillows first... -

He went upstairs and soon came back down with only 1 set...

Raven: - I only managed to find 1, the rest are in the laundry... -

Naomi: - It's okay, is more than enough... -

Raven: - You sure? Because one of us will have to... -

Naomi: - Trust me on this one Raven. -

She was blushing when she said that and Raven was confused. But he soon found out quickly why as she took the blanket and two pillows and set them on the sofa, then pushed him into it before she laid alongside him...

Raven: - Na-Na-Naomi?! -

Naomi: - I read from some books back at the bunker that people sometimes 'cuddle' like this to bring warm and comfort in the night... am I doing this wrong? -

Raven: - No, no, you're doing good! It's just... have you read what exactly this implies?! -

Naomi: - I did... and to be honest, after witnessing many things that weren't supposed to be possible to exist... I don't care. Let me have this please Raven... -

Raven then made the worst mistake of his career: look directly into Naomi's puppy face for the first time. And boy, was his will crushed INSTANTLY.

Raven: - *Sighs* Fine... but if our friends start teasing us about this, I'm blaming the whole thing on you, got it? -

Naomi: - Got it... good night Raven... -

Raven: - Night Naomi... -

Both laid there silent and a little tense because of the closeness between each other, but soon comfort, warmth, and tiredness made their magic on the couple and both soon surrendered to the realm of dreams...

Next morning...

As to be expected, the first thing everyone noticed when going down for breakfast was both Naomi and Raven sleeping together in one of the sofas of the lobby. Needless to say, this made everyone stare at them for a little while...

Goro: - So that explains why Raven wasn't in our dorms this morning... -

Zorome: - Why would both of them sleep together? It doesn't seem to make sense... -

Kokoro: - I think its kind of cute... look how they seem calm with each other... -

Ikuno: "Naomi... it seems you and Raven... is there something more going between you two that I don't know off?"

Titus: *looking at Ikuno* "Hmmmm... could it be that you're similar to me?"

Zero Two: - Hmmm... the girl has guts, I gotta say. -

Hiro: - Again... is this normal in the SMC? Just how many things are different in there? -

Zero Two: - Let's say that this happens when the bond between two is special... like you and me darling. -

And to Hiro's surprise, she grabbed him and threw him towards the sofa in front of the sleeping couple. She then sat down at his side before laying on his lap...

Hiro: - Zero Two?! -

Zero Two: - See? Like this darling! -

Ichigo just sighed at their behaviour while also looking at the two sleeping LYNXs.

Ichigo: - Well, it seems they had a peaceful night with themselves... - "Maybe one day I will be lucky to experience this with someone..."

Unknown to her, Goro was having similar thoughts about it and picturing himself in a similar situation with her before they were all interrupted by Orion...

Orion: - Alright everyone, today is an important day so I hope you all had... why are you all standing around in the lobby? -

They all simply gestured him to stay silent as he walked towards the spot and saw Raven and Naomi still sleeping soundly...

Orion: - Oh... I see. - "Perfect! Revenge time!"

He went towards the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water before returning. Ichigo wasn't going to allow their moment to be ruined though...

Ichigo: - Sensei... I respect you and all but no. Don't even dare to try. -

She moved to block his way...

Orion: - You got guts girl... but unfortunately... *with a motion of his hand, he threw the water out of the glass...* its no use. -

Everyone watch as the water went through a perfect arc above Ichigo's head, then the sofa and landed correctly on Raven's and Naomi's heads. Both of them woke up instantly...

Naomi: - AH! -

Raven: - Hey! What the...!? -

Once he looked at the wetness on his and Naomi's face alongside Orion's smug face, he got mad: - Oh, F*CK YOU ORION! -

Orion: - I warned you that I would have my payback... sorry about involving you Naomi. -

Naomi: - F*ck you... -

Everyone gasped at that...

Orion: - Oh crap... Sally is gonna kill me for this... -

Naomi: - I hope she does, I was having a nice dream you... you dumbass... -

Raven: - Ok! Ok! Naomi, I am mad just like you but it isn't that bad! Orion and I usually do this out of good fun! -

Naomi: - Well you both have a twisted sense of humor, now excuse me... -

She went huffing towards the bathroom as everyone stared at her in silence as she left... until Zero Two started to laugh...

Zero Two: - Hahaha! Oh that girl really is something here! Let me guess that this isn't usual from her? -

Hiro: - Not even in the slightest... she is always that patient with everyone... well except for that one time Zorome soaked one of her dolls in... -

He suddenly stopped as he gained a sudden migraine as a another vision went through him, this one showing him a younger Zorome running for dear life as a younger Naomi was trying to hit him with a toy pan in anger while the rest of the children and him laughed...

Hiro: "What? How come I'm seeing this just now? Is this another vis... wait, I remember it, I remember it!"

Zero Two: - Darling? -

Hiro went back to reality as everyone looked at him worried at his sudden reaction...

Ichigo: - Hiro, are you feeling alright? -

Hiro: - Yeah... although I don't know what came over me... but I'm fine... -

Raven was not convinced and had a strong suspicion about it. He soon took a look at everyone else and his keen eyes soon observed that out of everyone, only three of them seemed to be less tense and worried for him: Ichigo, Zero Two and Orion. One look at the last one and a nod of his head confirmed his suspicions.

Raven: "OF COURSE! No wonder he couldn't remember... those bastards of APE washed his memories! DAMN THEM! FIRST THEY TAKE AWAY MY MENTOR AND NOW THEY TAKE AWAY MY FRIEND'S CHILDHOOD!"

He was in such a bad mood he didn't saw Orion walk up to him and put a hand on him to calm him down. Appreciating the gesture, Raven did so as Orion soon talked: - Anyways, I came here to give you all an important announcement: in 2 hours we will arrive towards the zone of operations of the arc and we have already established contact with the SMC forces stationed there. As such, Pari, Titus, we will be doing a paracapacity test to see if you can still pilot before we arrive, so better eat your breakfast kids! The big battle is coming closer now. After that, we will go to the hangar to see the delivery of your new franxx unit! -

Everyone's worries flashed away as it was replaced with enthusiasm and excitement from everyone. The time was coming near!

2 hours later...

Everyone's mood was high. Titus and Pari had just passed their tests after some effort to calm their nerves and were now waiting excited for their new franxx.

Raven smiled as everyone talked with Titus, the latter trying his best to simplify what his model is supposed to do. As for Pari, she was writting some new recipes that Sally had suggested to her into her notebook. Sometimes she would peer over it to see if the hangars would open before going back at writing.

Raven: "Man, it is clear that both of them are excited to see their new unit... and they deserve it, after what they went through."

He still remembers when they asked him for advice to overcome their fears again just before their test...

Raven: - So, excited to be back on the road with us? -

Titus: - Like never before! -

Pari: - Kind of... -

She didn't seemed to be that excited about it...

Raven: - Pari, what's wrong? -

Pari: - It's just... Raven, what if we fail at the last moment because of our trauma? -

Titus: - What do you mean Pari? -

Pari: - You know exactly what I mean Titus... the nightmares haven't stopped for me since then... sure they had become lesser but they still haunt me many times... -

Raven: - You're afraid that your fear will force you to choke on the test? -

Pari: - Yes... and I really don't want this to happen to us after we had made it this far to be with you... -

Raven: - Well Pari, if you want a tip to overcome your fears, the best I could give you is something my mentor once told me: "Real courage does not mean to not have fear... but to look it at the eye, face to face and charge at it for the sake of others." I hope this is enough for you... -

Pari: - It may as well be... thanks Raven. -

Hachi: - Code 345 and code 467, please report towards the simulation chamber... -

Raven: - Well, that's your call, good luck guys! -

Raven: "Good thing they heed my advice... now it's just about waiting until their unit shows up..."

Just then, the hangar doors started opening as the intercom started speaking: "Important cargo being unloaded on platform 9, important cargo being unloaded on platform 9, all personnel clear the corresponding area for docking procedures."

The sound of turbines and giant rotors were heard as a Stork entered the hangar carrying with it what everyone had been waiting for: the new franxx.

Orion: - Squad 13, let me introduce you to Titus and Pari's new unit: Alstroemeria. -

The franxx was coloured in white and yellow and it had some characteristics of the flower of the same name...

('FranXX Design: Alstroemeria' by Xelku9. Thanks again old friend!)

Zorome: - Woaaaah... you really went all out Titus... -

Titus: - It's beautiful man! Even better than I hoped for! -

Orion: - Hey, I said it before and I will say it again: in the SMC we don't spare expenses when making the best units. Now, how about we take a closer look to the unit? -

Everyone nodded excited and went towards the new franxx as soon as it got docked in. Looking at it closer, everyone could see that the arms were designed differently, it looked as if it was made of two extra arms all cojoined into one, considering they saw 4 Zandatsu rings modules on them. That's when they realized another thing...

Ichigo: - Hey Titus... where or what is Alstroemeria's weapon? -

Titus: - There... at the shoulders... -

Everyone looked to see that the shoulders had oversized magma blades on them... and looking at the back, they all seemed to be connected to 4 alloy tubes.

Titus: - Pari and I had discussed a lot about it and we decided that we would have 2 main weapons. First we have a double bladed staff, 'Blade of Heaven', perfect for close quarters, and then we have 2 weapons that are called 'rope darts' which we baptized with the name 'Thorn Stingers'. They are designed to attack klaxosaurs from a distance and force them towards Alstroemeria so the staff can finish it off or to also push them back from her frame if they get too close. -

Ikuno: - And how are you planning to use them all? You would need at least a... wait, did you also include that in the design? -

Titus: - Your mind is very sharp Ikuno, I admire that. -

Ikuno, for some reason, blushed a little at his compliment: - Uhhh... thanks. -

Titus: - So yeah, as you said that's Alstroemeria special feature. It has 4 arms instead of 2, and can be co-joined so that it makes them look like 2. -

An hologram was being displayed from his holobook showcasing an example of it, as Alstroemeria pulled out from her back all of her weapons, fusioning the two halves of the staff with one pair of arms while the other pair pulled out her rope-darts.

Zero Two: - That's neat... -

Orion: - *Whistles* You two really learned from that experience with Wolfblade, didn't ya? Anyways, Alstroemeria role is that of a hybrid between offensive and defensive capabilities similar to Andromeda's, without the flying of course. I will say that this girl will do the job just fine, so ready for a test run you two? -

Titus: - I thought you would never ask! -

Orion: - Good! So let me... *wrist device starts beeping* Excuse me... *Answers it and a hologram appears* Admiral? -

Dassia: /Captain Orion. You and Squad 13 must report NOW to the command room. We're entering the boundaries of the zone of operations and need to follow proper IFF protocols./

Orion: - Understood. *Turns off hologram* Sorry you two, but the test run will have to wait, we need to go to the command room to make sure the rest of our forces identify you as friendlies in our IFF system... -

Titus: - Awwww man... -

Pari: - We will have a chance Titus, let's just roll with it. -

Titus: - Fine... -

Everyone left the hangar and soon marched towards the command room, where Hachi, Nana, Sally and the doctor were waiting. Sally was carrying a white briefcase.

Hachi: - We are starting to receive identification notices from the SMC command. What are we supposed to do now? -

Orion: - Let me and Sally handle this. Just follow our instructions and if you have questions, Raven will help you answer them. First things first, I need to take individual photos of each important member in here, including you three. Or if you have files about the crew and the Parasites in your database, it will make the job way easier... -

Hachi: - We have... but I can't share them unless given explicit permission. So, doctor, your orders? -

Dr. Franxx: - Cooperate with captain Orion. Every information on the Plantation crew and the Parasites is allowed to be passed to them. -

Hachi: - Understood. Any channels I can use to send it? -

Sally: - I fear that it is impossible for our channels have strict security policies to share it with APE units. However, it can be bypassed by using a proxy, like my laptop in here... -

She opened her briefcase to reveal it was a camouflaged quantum laptop of high capacity. As soon as she opened it, she started typing at incredible speeds that it made some wonder is she had bones in her fingers also... soon enough a notification appeared on Hachi's screen the read "User 'FLOWERGREEN' is requesting a network link. Give access to APE network? Y/N".

Sally: - It's ready... -

Hachi: - Do you swear that you will only use the information we're going to give for the sake of identification? -

Sally: - I swear. -

Hachi: - Alright, sending the files now... -

Everyone heard as Sally's laptop beeped and bleeped for quite a long time until a notification appeared on Orion's wrist device.

Orion: "Database updated. The SMC welcomes you into the future district of Avalon, auxiliaries."

Dr. Franxx: - Avalon? You name your districts based on fictional places? -

Orion: - The ones that sound cooler at least. The other 4 are named Belka, Sovngarde, Yggdrasil and Agrabah. -

Dr. Franxx: - Interesting... what now? -

Orion: - Well, we should have a visual on the rest of the SMC forces in between 15 to 20 minutes... kids if you wanna have a good look at the forces I would recommend everyone of you go towards the forest. Me and Sally will stay here just in case. -

Squad 13: - Okay sensei! -

Their curiousity and enthusiasm was enormous they left behind a silhouette of dust as they went towards the elevator. Once they left, Orion turned towards the doctor: - Okay, out with it. What is it that you want to negotiate this time? -

Dr. Franxx: - To be fair, this time I'm thinking of doing it for free as long as you do so too. Great part of my career has been studying our common enemy for even if deadly and brutal, are magnificent in their own ways. It's a shame the sages above aren't interested on them. -

Orion: - Well that's a first. You a dinosaur enjoyer or something? -

Dr. Franxx: - Would you believe me if I said that one of my dreams was to be a paleontologist? -

Orion: - No... although I would say i has turned true now, considering you're part one... -

Sally, and surprisingly Nana, giggled a little at the joke with the doctor sighing...

Dr. Franxx: - Aaaah... I should be mad but it has been a long time since I heard crude humor like this so I'll let it pass... -

Orion: - All good then... so, is this about the Shepherdess? -

Dr. Franxx: - At this point, I might as well ask you if you're a telepath... she did use that right? The audio logs don't match up for some reason... -

Orion: "Oh boy, this is going to be a long one..."

At the dome forest border, 16 minutes later...

The whole squad now saw that their training was starting to pay off. They had run the whole way once the elevator had arrived and they were panting less than before, some of them even still feeling energetic.

Goro: - Phew... well, I will no longer complain about the training program if this is the result of it... -

Futoshi: - You tell me! Even I feel less tired than before! *Breathes* -

Zero Two: - Well, sensei does seem to work miracles after all... -

Ichigo: - *Whistles* So... Raven, what should we expect of your forces? -

Raven: - Well... *notices something* you won't have to wait long... -

He then pointed towards the horizon and everyone soon looked at it through the glass dome, and man, were they impressed!

Zorome: - Are... are we light-headed because of the running? -

Titus: - Nope... otherwise you would be fainting right now... -

Zorome: - HOLY PAPA, IT'S HUGE! -

Right in front of them they could see a huge line of plantations similar to the 'Oletros' that extended throughout all the horizon, surrounding the one thing Zorome pointed out: the arc itself. From their distance it looked like a normal plantation which made all the children wonder how it would look from upclose and, if lucky, from the inside. Unlike the other Man'O'Wars, the arc was covered with mostly a crystal dome with the only armored parts being the level where the machinery and fuel reserves would be placed. Needless to say, everyone was impressed beyond their expectations, even Zero Two.

Zero Two: - I have been through many of APE plantations and saw many cities... "even though they are mostly the same design..." but this... this is a first. You're not lying when you said that there were 50 million lives on board... - "And considering your SMC is very different... does it means that your people will also be different to the ones of APE?"

Raven: - Of course I wasn't! I wouldn't lie when it involves amount the number of lives we would be in charge of protecting! -

Remembering their purpose for being here, the memory of the destroyed Plantation 17 came crashing down on everyone... and the promise they had made to avoid such fate to the people living in the arc...

Zero Two: "For once... I will give it my all to protect something more than my darling... I just hope it ends up being rewarding for once..."

Pari: "This place... its people... I swear that I will dominate my fears in the battle to come... I SWEAR!"

Titus: "Raven cares for this place a lot... even if he doesn't know everyone in there... I will do my best to see why and for that, we need to win."

Naomi: - No wonder you brought all available units for its defense... are there more units out there? -

Raven: - Yep... this ones are from the same sector as we are, meaning that they only cover certain areas before control of such areas is passed to another command unit. As Orion said before, this is the 5th arc. There has been 4 previously that had become new cities and their areas designated as district. This system allows us to organize our forces alongside all of our income, resources and other stuff that allows us to survive and restore this barren planet... -

Naomi nodded as she went into her thoughts as she realized something: "If you did this 4 times already and succeeded each time... then why is APE not doing the same? What is the difference between the two?"

Their thoughts were interrupted when they received a new notifcation on their communicators and checking them it said: "Operation 'Spirit Keeper' starts in 22 hours. Get some rest to calm your nerves and prepare yourselves to meet a familiar face at the 'Peleliu' in 6 hours. - Orion."

Raven: "A familiar face? Who could it... oh no..."

The plantations got closer towards the line were everyone saw two particular ones apart from the ark: one of them looked bigger than the rest and was decorated in gold and platinum belt lines with its name being 'Peleliu' while the second one, which was smaller, had the name 'Wolfsrudel' on it and it was disembarking its NEXTs into one of Peleliu's hangars and ONE of them was VERY familiar with everyone there: a crimson red samurai/dancer.

Everyone could heard Zero Two's mood literally crack at the sight of it...

Zero Two: - Please tell me this is a joke... -

Raven: - *sighs* It's going to be a looooooong operation... -

A few hours later...

The kids had been ordered to dress up in their uniforms as they would be accompanying Atlas squad into the 'Peleliu' where they would reunite with many other LYNXs and Parasite auxiliaries for a general briefing where it was confirmed that the leader of the whole operation, senator Armstrong, would be present. Surprisingly, an invitation from himself was extended to the doctor whom decided to entertain the idea and accepted, meaning that both Nana and Hachi were now on board.

Orion: - Remember kids. Most of us here are friendly and will gladly help you whenever we can but please do not separate from the group. There are some places that you lack the authorization to explore and are strictly off-limits. Let's all avoid trouble on your first day with the SMC. -

Everyone was at the hangar, having just recently disembarked from the Stork that transported them. The children were looking around the hangar, seeing a lot more personel than they usually do on theirs.

Zorome: - Woah! There's a lot of adults in here! -

Miku: - Zorome focus! -

Dassia: - Everyone, on me please. -

Everyone walked behind admiral Dassia as she guided them towards one of the control points where he was soon stopped by one of the agents...

Agent: - Designation? -

Dassia: - Admiral Dassia Cronwell, assigned to the Man'O'War 'Oletros' and in command of 'Atlas' squadron led by Captain Orion, callsign 'Origin 1'. -

Agent: - Hmppph... and the auxiliary squad? -

Hachi: - Here, commander Hachi, code 008, in charge of Squad 13 stationed at the Plantation 'Cerasus'. -

Agent: - Hmmm... and is the doctor with you? -

Dr. Franxx: - What's with all the paperwork? -

Agent: - Yep... cranky as the senator said. Alright all seems in order. LYNXs and Parasites, please report towards the 'Malala' convention room. Admirals and Commanders, you're to be sent towards the 'Cabinet' convention room... -

Orion: - Understood. Follow me everyone! Good luck with the rest of the officers admiral! -

Dassia: - Just don't make any mess in there... SPECIALLY with 'Bravo' squad! -

Johnny: - Hey! For the record, Marcus started it! Although to be fair, I don't think it will be us if something happens this time... -

He was looking at Zero Two and everyone was aware why...

Titus: - I mean, apart from cutting Strelizia's arm off that time... what exactly did Captain Samuel did to you, Zero Two? -

Zero Two: - He gets in my nerves... -

Pari: - But why? -

Chuck: - Well, it could be for many reasons, mainly because of his carefree nature, alongside his snarky attitude, alongside being unruly, self-confident, smug and other things... -

Mitsuru: - Hmmm... it reminds me of SOMEONE with a similar personality... -

It didn't take a genius to see whom he was referring to...

Zero Two: - I swear if you compare me to that damn samurai again... -

Lance: - Because it is like looking at a mirror? -

Zero Two was silent towards that response and everyone simply thought he had nailed it...

Hiro: "What does that even... wait, does that mean that if she dislikes Sam, then she... dislikes herself? Ngh!"

His hands went towards his head again as another memory striked at him, this time he could see the face of a red skinned girl that was crying at him.

Hiro: "What's this even supposed to mean? I don't... wait... could it be...?"

He was pulled out if his thoughts as he bumped into someone...

?: - Careful child... -

Hiro: - I'm sorry... I was distracted... -

He turned around and saw that the man in front of him was wearing white robes that looked similar to that of the APE adults except his were looser and more casual. 

He was accompanied by a brown-haired brunette woman with yellow eyes that had a motherly look and wearing modest but elegant robes. 

(Brachiousaurus by Lolita Tenshin on DeviantArt, obviously a humanized version).

?: - You seemed distracted little one, are you alright? -

As she got closer towards him, Hiro saw that she was as tall as Nana and more... gifted on her body. She patted his head trying to check his temperature and Hiro had a good look of her... bosom even if her clothes covered it well...

Hiro: - I'm... fine... -

He was blushing a lot and nobody could blame him. Zero Two, for the first time in her life, got to feel what jealously meant, as even her body frame was dwarfed a little...

Robed man: - Jura, you're tempting him... again. -

Jura: - Oh! Sorry. Thanks for telling me, Tony... -

She pulled away and as Hiro recovered from his blush, everyone soon saw the star of their previous talk arriving alongside his squad...

Samuel: - Eyyy! Look who it is! You kids actually made it here! Glad to see you all again! -

Orion: - Sam! -

Samuel: - Orion! -

Both went towards each other before saying both: - You son of a b**ch. - As they both clapped their hands together. (Like the meme...)

Honestly, how is it that Zero Two disliked him? Everyone had seen Raven interact with him and yes, words got across each other sometimes but it was clear that him, Orion and Samuel were good friends. Even Naomi could vouch that, even if he appeared rude, he cared for those who are his friends.

Samuel: - So, excited for your first big scale operation kids? -

Raven: - More or less, what we are really looking forward is for a toured visit to the city once it is over. -

Samuel: - Ah I see... -

Zoe: - Ahem... Samuel, don't you think there's something you need to say to Naomi? -

Samuel: - Uh? Oh! Right... *goes towards her* hey... about that time I pulled out my sword... I'm sorry for that. -

Naomi: - Oh! Thank you, it's all good now... I have been... discovering a lot of new things ever since we last saw each other. There's no need to apologize... -

Ikuno: - Naomi, what did he meant by 'pulled out his sword'? -

Naomi: - Nothing! It was after they rescued me and I was a little ignorant of them at first! It's all good now! -

Ikuno looked unconvinced at that alongside everyone else but soon dismissed it as Samuel soon said: - Glad to hear... also, I heard that you've gained a new pair of pilots after rescuing them from Wolfblade's claws. Any pilots capable of doing that is worth my respect... -

Pari: - Ummm... that would be us... name is Pari, code 467. -

Titus: - Titus,  code 345, we were rescued by our captain Ichigo and Goro. -

Samuel: - Nice to meet you... now that I think of it, I never presented you to my guys, right? -

Ichigo: - To be fair, you left as soon as the kissing operation ended back when we fought the Reaper. -

Samuel: - Well, I had been away from my squad for long enough. So anyways, how about I present you to them? -

Before she could respond, Orion said: - It will have to be on the way Sam, we have to go towards the 'Malala' room right now. -

Samuel: - No problem! We can talk on the way! -

And so, the group of 3 squads went together towards the room as they met with the members of Bravo squad...

Zorome: - I'm telling you to stop calling me a shorty! Midget! -

?: - And I'm telling you I will stop once YOU stop first, shorty! -

Zorome was arguing with a boy close to his age that had white hair, red eyes and his uniform was similar to that of a mercenary.

Miku and the kid's pistil partner, a brown-haired girl with green eyes and dressed in a... vintage uniform of green and white simply sighed and shaked their heads as they gave each other an understanding look: we are paired with idiots...

Miku: - So, what's your partner's name? -

Pistil: - His name is Marcus McPowder. I'm Selina Salazar by the way... -

Miku: - I'm Miku, code 360, nice to meet you! -

Both shaked their hands as Selina answered: - Me too! So, what is it that you see on your guy? -

Miku: - Uh? -

Selina: - I mean, both our guys are idiots, that's no lie. But what do you see on yours? Even a doofus like Marcus has some perks that other boys out there don't have... -

Miku: - Ah... ummmm... weeeeeell... -

?: - If you don't know, don't bother girl. You still need to learn first about bonds... -

The one who interrupted was a blond man with ruffled hair and a goatee, wearing a standard blue and yellow airman pilot uniform.

?: - Oh don't be that rude Conrad... there's a reason why she is paired with moron number 3... -

The one who talked in response was a blonde lady wearing a blue cadet cap alongside a special blue and yellow uniform... 

?: - Name is Himmela Cloudwaltz, and my partner is Conrad Sandford. Where the ones in charge of keeping the skies clear in Bravo squad. -

Miku: - Uh... well, pleasure to meet you ma'am. -

Ikuno: - Mmmhh... *stares at Himmela* isn't that uniform a little too revealing? - "Not that I mind a little..."

Himmela: - Says the one that seems to be staring at it a little too much, I would say. -

Ikuno blushed suddenly at the implication to which Conrad laughed: - Ha! See? I told you it would even caught the eyes of the other side! -

Himmela: - Fine, I'll ask for a modification, happy Conrad? -

Ikuno: - Did I... made something worse? -

Himmela: - Nah, not your fault... -

?: - It's obviously 'ur fault girrl because u sometimes get too damn stubborn for 'ur own good! -

(Note: I apologize if anyone feels offended with my attempt at replicating an african-american accent.)

The one who talked was a girl that made everyone realize that Pari's tone wasn't the darkest one at all... she had grey hair, emerald eyes and was wearing a sotisphicated uniform of orange and red. 

She was accompanied by a man of the same dark tone as hers but wearing a sort of uniform that looked more of an ancient militia rather than that of a modern one in the same colors as hers. 

Mitsuru: - What's with the accent? -

Man: - A cultural trait from her race. You'll have to get used to it. I'm Derren Devon and she is Imani Franklin. A pleasure to meet you children. -

Imani: - Frag off, Derren... -

Zero Two: - I don't know, personally I like her accent. It's refreshing to hear it. -

Imani: - Eii! Thanks gurl! -

She did finger guns at her and Zero Two, deciding to humor her, responded in kind...

Orion: - Oh good, we're finally here. -

The whole group was in front of a set of doors that had the plaque "Ad Victoriam, In Posterum" engraved on them. As they pushed them open and entered the convention room, the children of squad 13 were amazed again at seeing the number of pilots inside already seated. And not only that, they saw many of them wearing different uniforms, heard them talking in different accents, sometimes in different dialogues and being of different skin tones and characteristics that you wouldn't see usually at APE.

Titus: - Just how many people do you have?! It's like looking at the plants of the greenhouse! -

Ying: - Because of how the variety makes the whole place look good? Thank you! -

Titus: - Kind of... -

Samuel: - Look, the meeting is about to start! -

Orion: - Then get some seats genius! Hurry! -

Fortunately, they managed to find 3 rows free with Atlas members sitting at the bottom one, squad 13 in the middle and Bravo at the top ones.

The lights around the place dimmed down leaving only the podium the only area being illuminated which allow everyone to see clearly as a man wearing a dark suit and looking REALLY buffed arrived. He had black short hair with some white strands, was wearing a pair of glasses over his gray eyes and man, he had a charismatic face! (I'm gonna give you 1 guess to whom I will use as reference...everyone's favorite patriot senator Armstrong.)

Naomi and Zero Two noted something familiar on him though: "Wait... the hair... the eyes... and the face... could it be...?"

Their thoughts were interrupted as the man started talking on a stand in the podium, a flag with RF and SMC logo behind him...

(Start playing 'Briefing 2' from 'The Sky Crawlers: Innocent Aces' in a loop.)

Senator Armstrong: - Pilots! LYNXs! Parasites! Auxiliaries! Regulars! Elites! Aces! It doesn't matter what rank you are, from where you originated from or what your role is! Today we are all gathered here because of ONE shared dream! The dream of restoration to our home! I am senator Steve Armstrong Razgriz, hear me today as an important role is put upon your shoulders! We are here for the dream of continuing the restoration of our planet, a dream that has been performed 4 times before, every single one of them coming at a heavy cost but bringing dividends that are still in effect to this day! This one will prove no difference for as you all know, a price has to be paid! At this moment... *a screen in the wall behind him activates showing the map of the area and the approaching klaxosaur armada* a pack of our greatest burden, the klaxosaurs, is making its way towards us, in an attempt to breach the Ark 'Spirit of the Shire', the carrier and cradle of our dreams in our restoration and recolonization efforts. They will make contact with us in less than 18 hours and will without doubt bring their best at this battle. The Ark carries civilians, everyone, civilians that are too weak, too young, too old or too sick to defend themselves from the blue menace! Civilians that even in their weakest still do their best to perform the strongest carrier of our plans for it's their hands that produce our supplies, it's their hands that produce our weapons and AC's, it's their hands that wave at us everytime we do our duties for they know that their is OUR strength too! Many of you know what sort of strength I'm referring to! I know that many of you have relatives, families, friends and even lovers inside that Ark, all of them praying and hoping for all of you to perform your duties in the sake for protecting their future alongside yours, for there is no better strength in a soldier than the one love gives us. Love to protect everything of what I mentioned before for the sake of keeping their future and dreams ALIVE! Alive in this times in which death dominates! So I ask you everyone! Will you fight for our right to LIVE?! -

Everyone in the room, except squad 13: - YES SIR! -

The kids were impressed at this man... Papa is a glorious leader (for most of them) and when he talked, his words were of authority but senator Armstrong seemed to crank that up into an eleven, literally making everyone feel more than motivated to do their best for the upcoming operation...

Ichigo: "If this man is an example of the leaders that the SMC and the RF has... then no wonder they are having a better time than us in APE... maybe one day we will be united all together and reclaim Earth!"

Senator Armstrong: - I wanna hear your voices! What is it that we pray for?! -

Everyone: - For an answer! -

Senator Armstrong: - An answer to what?! -


Senator Armstrong: - And are we going to stay here waiting for it?! -

Everyone: - NO! WE'LL SEEK IT! -

Senator Armstrong: - Good answer! Now onto real business! -

The screen behind him started to show images of the incoming pack while also showing the possible deployment options of the defensive line...

Senator Armstrong: - There will be thousands of klaxosaurs of all categories: Conrads, Shadows, Moho's, Gutenbergs, Reapers! Heck, there's even rumours that there's a Super Lehmann too. -

Squad 13: "A SUPER LEHMANN!?"

Male LYNX: - Are... are your sure about the last one sir? -

Senator Armstrong: - Nah... sincerely I am not. Last time I checked with the guys at the radar station, the energy readings didn't match up with a Lehmann's. But make no mistake, something BIGGER than a Reaper is coming and as such we have to stay on guard for it. -

It calmed them down that it wasn't a Super Lehmann but it still made them worried. Something bigger than a Reaper? Just how many foes were they that they had the luck of NOT encountering yet?

Female LYNX: - What assets do we have for the defense sir? -

Senator Armstrong: - Glad you asked. You'll see, we have some new toys from the hard working engineers and mechanics back at the metropoli which are looking forward to test in this battle... -

He went to show an image of the new asset: it was a tank but not just any ordinary tank, it was FRANXX sized, meaning that it was a tank for MECHS.

Senator Armstrong: - The Super Vehicle 001 (Metal Slug!) also known as the 'Metal Slug'. It is AI driven for now and we only have 5 squads worth of them, but depending of the results, the military expects to use it as the main powerhouse for new motorized corps. We are planning to asign them on the front and at the center alongside the Shield Divisions. There will be two main lines of defense, the first one being occupied by the previously mentioned shield divisions alongside a few ace units while the second one will be composed mainly of elites, normals, auxiliaries and MT's. Your job will be to cover breaches on the first line and to also give fire support to it when needed. General Jon Snow will have command of the first line while coronel Marcelle Dubois will have command of the second one. -

The mentioned ones stood up as their names were called and saluted.

Jon Snow: - We will do our best sir. -

Marcelle Dubois: - We won't disappoint. -

Senator Armstrong: - We also got the 3rd and the 5th Cavalry Company... their job will be to guard the flanks and help out stressed regions of the line while also keeping away the more mobile dinos from the Ark. The 3rd Company is under the leadership of Akosua Thando while the 5th is that of Chima Scovia. -

Both mentioned stood up and bowed as images of their force were shown on the screen... needless to say, Squad 13 was again, surprised when they saw that...

Squad 13: "They have KLAXOSAURS on their side too?!"

Both companies, effectively, used klaxosaurs as their main rides. These ones were painted white to distinguish them from their blue cousins.

Ichigo: "At this point, I may as well make a list full with our questions and have a meeting with sensei to answer them..."

Ex-Parasite: - Sir, the readings also stated that there will be air units in the operation, do we have any units to mantain air superiority? -

Senator Armstrong: - We do! The 16th Air Division Unit has volunteered and trained for this specific day. They are under the command of Colonel Maya Winchester. -

The mentioned stood up and bowed to everyone as she then said: - Call me and my airmen if shove comes to be too much too handle. We will be there to strike! -

Senator Armstrong: - There's also another matter of importance: orbital scanners have detected Cloakers within the pack. -

Everyone at the room groaned which made the children of squad 13 wonder: "What's a Cloaker?"

Senator Armstrong: - Because of this, High Command will be choosing 3 squads to stay in the rearguard, acting as the Ark's wardens during the whole battle. Yes, I know that some of you want to have some action but we're doing this to protect the lives of millions living inside of the Ark. -

Female LYNX: - And who will be the ones assigned sir? -

Senator Armstrong: - Those who volunteer will be welcomed but in case there isn't any, we will select the ones who were last to arrive to the rendezvous. -

Ichigo: "Wait... we were the last ones to arrive..."

That was when both Sam and Orion stood up and loudly proclaimed: - Senator Armstrong! Atlas/Bravo Squad offers to volunteer for the position! -

Everyone looked at both captains while Armstrong chuckled: - If it isn't always you two, captain Orion and captain Samuel, the ones to always volunteer first for the most unwanted positions. -

Orion: - We simply do our duty sir. -

Senator Armstrong: - Another reason both you're squadrons are considered two of the best the SMC has to offer. Speaking of the best, I heard that Lieutenant Raven has an official pistil partner now? -

Voices started to be heard around the room...

- Raven has a what now?! -

- I knew it! -

- Finally! After so long! -

- Hey, who was the one in charge of the bet pool again? -

Senator Armstrong: - Silence everyone! Lieutenant Raven! -

The mentioned one stood up: - Yes sir? -

Senator Armstrong: - First, glad to see you again in good health. Second, would you mind if we can finally meet your new official partner? -

Naomi simply stood up and did her best impression of profesionalism... even though it was clear she was nervous as everyone stared at her: - Here! I-I am Naomi! Code 703! Raven rescued me during an attack in which my transport was knocked down by a klaxosaur. Ever since then, I followed him and his stories alongside Atlas squadron and decided to repay the favour by becoming her pistil partner for White Glint! I extend my thanks to captain Orion and the SMC for making this possible! -

She bowed and seated back down looking at Raven whom smiled at her and gave her a thumbs up to whcih she smiled as she blushed. Needless to say, everyone had one simple thought...

Everyone: "No wonder he choose her! She's so DAMN CUTE!"

Samuel: - Hey Maya! You owe me now some money, you aztec! -

Maya: - ¡Chinga tu madre tú! -

Raven: - Wait, hold on... the rumours of a bet on my future partner were TRUE THIS WHOLE TIME?! -

Senator Armstrong: - You thought they were fake? - He had his hand open just as a man dressed as a butler came from behind him and gave him a card...

Butler: - Sir, your winnings had been transferred to your account. -

Raven was RED with anger while his friends watched with amusement...

Raven: - Even you Senator?! Why you all are such a bunch of assholes! -

Senator Armstrong: - Relax! It's all in good fun! And considering you just made me win thousands of credits, just ask for something and I will give it to you! -

Raven was about to rant at him when he remembered his plan to make up to Naomi... an idea soon formed on his head.

Raven: - Fine! I'll take your deal senator. -

Everyone: "Wait, what?! He usually goes nuts at this! Waaaait..."

Looking at Naomi, whom was still blushing as she looked at Raven, everyone, except his Parasite friends, soon got it...

Everyone: "Ooooooh, following your mentor's steps little Raven."

Female Ex-Parasite: - Hang on... I remember her, she was supposed to be with code 016, but if you're piloting alongside code 045... then who is with him? -

Zero Two: - That would be me... -

When she presented herself to everyone, it seemed as if some Parasites saw a ghost out of the sudden, while the SMC pilots simply stared neutraly at her...

Male LYNX: - Ummm... is she someone important or... wait, those horns... HOLY SH** you weren't lying when you said you had the 'Stamen killer' as your student captain Orion! -

Some Parasites: - WHAT?! -

Zero Two: - Tch... - "It seems no matter where I go, my reputation will always..."

Female LYNX: - Really? She doesn't look that bad... considering the monkeys of APE basically forced her to ride with everyone until they found one that didn't die to her... -

Female Parasite: - And you aren't worried about that?! -

Male LYNX: - Hey, have you forgotten about the oath you swore when you entered with us?! -

Female Parasite: - But... but... -

Male LYNX: - I asked you a question, auxiliary! And I want the answer now! -

The Ex-Parasite looked like she swallowed a lemon but with determination soon said: - "We don't forget but we do forgive. For the answer isn't seen until the question is changed." Sorry sir... -

Her mentor looked like she was about to discipline her more when Ichigo stood up and spoke: - With all my respect sir, you should forgive her for this... *as everyone looked at her, she took a deep breath and continued...* I understand why she would feel frustrated, or even scared of working with Zero Two again. Hell, even us, her now squadmates still hold some sort of grudge against her. But after some operations and experiences out there together alongside our mentors, I can assure that she is trying her best to change. As her leader it is my job to make sure she does her best not only individually but alongside the rest of my squadmates and for that, I have to trust her... and I'm willing to risk for the sake of a greater good. And so far... it has been working. Slowly but surely. I will do my best to help her find a way to compensate all the grudges you hold against her... but I only ask you to please put some trust on her again. At least for the upcoming battle. She is a friend of ours now... -

Everyone was silent at her speech, specially the 'Stamen killer'. For how long had it been since she was defended for her actions, even if everyone was aware that she was entirely at fault for them? She then experienced a feeling she hadn't had felt for a long time: acceptance.

The silence was interrupted as senator Armstrong clapped: - Bravo! Now that's a nice speech if I ever heard one! However, as noble as your intentions are captain... what is your code girl? -

Ichigo: - Code 015 but I have a name too! It's Ichigo! -

Armstrong: - I see, as I was saying, as noble as your intentions are captain Ichigo, they don't have meaning unless the defendant here swears to uphold them on her actions and own words. So, Zero Two, I ask you this: are you willing to clean your reputation to the Parasites that are either in the SMC or APE? -

Zero Two was, for once, given the option of choice about speaking for herself, to finally clean her name, and after the trust token that Ichigo threw at her, she was damn sure she wasn't going to waste this opportunity...

Zero Two: - I will try, at least. Excuse me if I don't sound that enthusiastic... it's a first for me. -

Armstrong: - No problem! As long as you're willing to try and try again, is all we could ask for now! *He then talks to Ichigo* And I think I have an idea to prove yourselves. Are you willing to fill in the last remaining spot to defend the ark alongside Atlas and Bravo squad? It may look like the least fun post but when the enemy rolls at the gates of the city and I have a feeling they will, you will be their LAST line of defense, you will be the difference between life and death for millions inside the city, are you willing to carry that burden? -

After hearing that, squad 13's memories went back to what the shepherdess had told them before...

"Until you clear and face your burdens, your two friends will have to carry theirs alone..."

They all looked at each other and unanimously nodded.

Ichigo: - We accept the burden... -

A few men and women applauded at their bravery and soon Armstrong said: - Excellent! Obviously we won't let you carry the burden all by yourselves! I will later send your commander the details for the support you will receive to help with your task! The same goes for the rest of our forces. You will be given detailed instructions later by the admirals and officers of the Plantations! That is all that was needed to be talked about! Dismissed everyone! And pray for answer! -

Everyone: - Pray for answer! -

As the room was being evacuated, senator Armstrong looked at Atlas, Bravo and squad 13 leave in high spirits as it seemed the two captains were congratulating Ichigo. (Stop the loop.)

Armstrong: "You really have a weird habit of getting involved into things that become relevant later... son." *Looks at Raven whom seemed to be talking happily with Naomi...* "Zorran, old friend, I really wish you were here to witness your fledgling share his wings with a dove just like you did before... but enough about regrets, there's still a battle to win and a war to finish and for that, I need to do my part..." *Proceeds towards an access door followed closely by his butler and 2 guards...* "So... let's what your part will be now, my old friend Werner..."

The lights went out as the room was emptied and everyone returned to their posts...


Aaaaaaaand that's a wrap for this chapter! Now I have some bad news: college starts next Monday so that means that next chapter, which will be heavily action centered, will take much longer than this one. But do not give up hope! I will do my best to have it ready! Until now, see you later on the next chapter where the battle for the ark will begin! Till next chapter!





... pray... for answer...

... One trial has been answered...

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