Strawberries [Steven DeMeyo U...

By DarkazenSen

1K 18 5

A Steven DeMayo Universe × Reader Story. Strawberries, There were never strawberries like the ones we had tha... More

A Sultry Afternoon
On the Steps
Facing Each other
The Hot Sunlight
The Tatse of Strawberries In My Memory
Let me...
...Love You

Sweet in That Air

107 2 0
By DarkazenSen


Its been 3 weeks since (y/n) poofed into her gem, and Steven was getting worried... The only thing he could look at was her phone, that sat charging on the side... And her gem

A lot happened on that day, so He doesn't plan on rushing the female or anything, he's still confused on how she can even poof in the first place .

But he doesn't want to question too much more, Since a lot of things don't make sense in his brain already.

Sighing, as he gets up from his bed, he heard (y/n)'s Gem forming behind himself.. glitching slightly with her form

Steven's face lits up, his eyes with stars.
(Y/n) was now back.

Steven said her name a bit loudly... As he got up to his feet.

(Y/n) looked at Steven, as a small smile went on her lips. Seeing Steven's arms extend towards the female, she gladly accepted the hug..

Steven spins her around in a circle as she gently laughed...

".. I'm sorry I took so long..."
She said quietly, her feet now touching the ground...

As her stomach then growled.
".. I'm hungry..."

Steven laughs
"it's alright... Let me cook you something to eat"

The two went downstairs (y/n) sitting on one of the stools on the kitchen island, one hand going through her phone, as her feet slightly sway back and forth.

Steven breaks the small silence.
"... How... was us fusing?"

He questions, as he wanted to know how she felt... He himself, felt secured and safe, but more anxious, and...less stressed out than what he's usually used to.

"It... Was unexpected... I... Felt ... Warmth..."
She responded, watching Steven place food onto her plate, and pouring some orange juice.

".....I... I'm not so sure..."
She stuttered, as she picked up her knife and fork, and begin to cut the pancake that was given to her.

"Hey.. it's okay"
Steven said with a smile.
"... I'm glad it felt, good in a sense. It was, nice on my side as well. I wish we explored a bit more with Star Quartz"

(Y/n) took a bite as she, glanced up at Steven..
"... Is, that what you want?"

Steven now looked a bit embarrassed... Knowing how Gems are a bit sensitive when it comes to fusion from ... Maturing a bit more.
"Only- if you want too... It can't work if only one of us wants to try again..."

(Y/n) gently set her fork and knife down, and stood up... Taking a few steps away from the kitchen island, she reached her hand out gently in his direction.

"... Then you may..."

Steven watched a bit of red tinted on her face... Which made the boys heart race. Looking at her extended hand, glancing at the radio on the kitchen top, he turned it on to a song, as he gently takes her hand right after...

Steven, looks straight into her eyes, the two shuffling, along side each other, one of Steven's hands gently resting on her lower back, and the other intertwining with her hand. only then gently dip (y/n) down, her hand on his chest, a small nervous smile comes from her face, as his face steams red ..

The two's gems light up gently.

As that was when Amethyst came through the door, slamming it open...
Causing, Steven to lose his footing, and drop down to the floor with (y/n)

Steven groans in pain, as (y/n) does a very small quiet hiss like noise.

Amethyst had several bags of donuts, as she already ate too bags fully when walking to the two."Uh dudes, ... Y'all alright?"

Steven nodded his head...
"Yeah... Yeah, we are fine amethyst"

"... Could be worse"
(Y/n) responded right afterwards

Amethyst had a blush come across her face- as she realized what the two were trying to do- but she pretended and gave a big awkward smile
"Good! I'ma leave this grub here for later then!"
She shoved 7 bags of donuts into the fridge and keeping 3 more to herself, before going into her room.

(Y/n) let out a sigh as she stayed on the floor...
Her hair spiraled onto the ground, eyes stared into the high ceiling.

Steven, stays where he's at and looks at the ceiling with her....
"... Was it too much...?"
He questions in a soft tone... Hands on his stomach

(Y/n) shook her head no softly..
"... No... Its just me... I don't understand... Having so many... Emotions I'm not...used to... That I used to have...a lot of it doesn't seem familiar... It makes me wonder what other things... Were taken away from I spent a while in my gem, to find.. something...that I'm missing"

A sigh escape her lips... As she turns her body to face Steven, despite his facing being upside down from her position, she didn't mind...

"Being fused... It... Makes me confused... But curious... having to feel things, I already know the meaning too... it's hard trying to feel on my own, but it's not hard to experience from Star Quartz"

Steven holds his gaze, letting out a small smile
"... it's alright (y/n), I understand..."

She nods her head and sits up.
''Another time"


Steven notices after that day, (y/n) has gotten more quiet. His head keep thinking back at the day they tried to fuse which was a few days ago. He hasn't pressed on the subject of fusing any further either, and the nights were they lay in bed has been even more quiet then the usual chatter and stories that Steven would talk about. 

Steven plans out their day usually, as they are always within each others reach for the past three months of knowing each other, Steven will admit that he liked (y/n)'s clingy behavior at the beginning of their friendship, but he does know she acted that way because she was scared, and confused, and ultimately lost in the world. But when he saw her have her real personality come out and shine out, he was the one starting to feel clingy and attached.

And he didn't mind to feel those feelings at all. But he never thought if (y/n) was okay with them.

Which made the male ponder more, fixing his posture in his sleep, he kept moving around, but that's when he felt a cold finger poke his cheek, slowly opening his eyes, he see's (y/n)— well mostly her dark colored figure in the dead of night, strays of her hair going in some directions, as she was wearing some random pajamas that he had bought for her that one time they went shopping. 


Steven speaks of her name quietly, squinting his eyes to try to get a better view of her face, but they were both masked in the darkness, Steven slowly sits up, rubbing his eyes.

"...Im sorry..."

She speaks in a small hushed tone, her voice barely perking up to reach Steven's ears, but he did in fact heard her voice. Steven shook his head slightly.

"Wha- no, no there's nothing to be sorry for..." 

"..there is.. I ... I didn't fuse right with you... I'm sorry"
She said, Steven softly shook his head, easing his hands and placing them on the sides of her face, holding her a secure yet gentle grip. 

"No, don't say that, if anything I should the one who shouldn't had brought it up again... I just asked to fuse with you again because I was...confused. I... felt you, it...  felt different. I... it was so much at once and at one point"

Steven takes a second to think, and breathe.

"What I'm trying to say, is... you don't have to apologize for doing something you didn't want to do... it doesn't ruin our friendship and you shouldn't have to feel obligated to do it when you're uncomfortable, or just because you simply don't want to"

His thumbs felt a wetness, as he didn't realize till that moment she was crying. 

"... but I am comfortable..."

Steven takes a small breath.. he felt himself leaning in the darkness, placing his forehead against hers. Steven watches the her gem glow  across her body illuminating the space between them with a soft light, as his pink gem glowed as well... 

"You... want to do this...?"

Steven asked, reassuring her, his eyes now being able to land onto hers, feeling her lean more into his touch. 

"... Yes Steven..." 

Hearing her voice, sent a small like shiver down his spine, his heart rate increases, as the two fused into

Star Quarts. 

Two of their hands gently dangle off of the bed, as her legs were too long for the bed so it rested on the carpet that was on the floor... their Pajamas mixed together, as the shirt Star wore was tight. sitting up, the giant women looked down at their fused Star looking gem with the rose quarts gem in the middle of it.

"does it hurt?" 


"Does it hurt having pieces all over your body?" 

"Sometimes, rarely it hurts" 

Their first pair of arms hugged themself. seeing the soft white freckles littered across their lavender it was slightly glowing in the darkness of the room.

"we are glowing ... " 

"that's so cool" 

The giant stayed looking at the ceiling... their hair spiraled on the a small laugh escape their lips... a hand going up to their head pinching the nose bridged between their eyes, as then the hand went to push back the curly bangs, in a stress like motion. 

"Are... we okay? we fused... and now Im here... and, what's wrong?"

"... Im okay..." 

A hand went to her chest, as her eyebrows furrowed upwards.

"You lied"


"This is the feeling I was talking about- you're hurting, how I didn't realize that sooner"
She sat up straight, looking at all four of her hands, their fused gem below blurred in their background. 

"You're lying on how you feel... what's wrong?"

" I don't know..? if you feel how I feel, then you tell me." 

There was a silence. With a heart racing fast. 

"... I can't feel you anymore... you're hiding yourself."

" Steven that's just how I feel, almost all the time" 

Another silence, as Star stood up, and changed their clothes to Steven's thinking, a sigh escape her lips, as she went through the small door frame, and into small garden that Steven is growing. The moon light shinned through the glass walls and ceiling, as they stepped onto the warp pad. 

Teleporting somewhere. 

a open field, of just pure forest, there was a few old gem technology around the area, as Star looked around, she begins to walk.

"Where are we going?" 

"Im trying to find home. You want to know more about... ill try to" 

Star kept walking in a straight line, getting deeper into the woods. The Trees thicken the more they walked, along with the leaves in the sky, the moon was still out, with the sun not rising anytime soon, that's then Star's stomach growled.

"... Im hungry"

Star raised their first right hand out as a pink shield appeared, as their second left hand raised out as well, attempting to summon a sword, the light fused off her hand, as the black sword made its appearance. 

"What... do you do?"
Star softly questions herself. 

They brought the two weapons together, instead of the two fusing, they both changed their shape and color. 

The shield, became a bit bigger, as instead of a rose in the middle it was a white star, with the thrones being replaced with very small white dots like their skin, the shield, as the color pink stayed the same.  

The black sword, gotten lighter, its handles spread out, and created a small rose flower that was black as well, while black thrones wrapped Around star's arm. 

"Our aesthetics flipped" 

a small chuckle escaped Star's lips, with a very small wheeze at the end, as she continued walking down the forest... that's when the two eventually arrived at a Clift. The sun rising in the distance, as Star was sun kissed by it. 

She looked at the tree besides, them, as then glanced at her sword. A small smirk appeared, raising their hand as Star took a swing at the tree. What came with it shocked the Fusion. About a Dozen trees were sliced after the tree that was first cut into. 

"Woah.. it's strong" 

Star walked to the tree she attacked, licking her hand, she tried to heal it, and she sure did, suddenly a tree burned out of the stump and went high into the air, thrones escaping up from under the ground, as it made the edge of the Clift they were on unstable, causing it to fall. 

Star's eyes widen, but realize they weren't falling fast at all, instead, really really slowly... 

"Oh...  Im worrying over nothing.."

When the two reach the ground, above the rubble, there was a deer that sadly got caught up in the accident... a small hum escaped Star's lips as she gets to work, slicing the meet properly, and   to have it cook over a campfire. 

Soon she begin to eat the meat, with small sips of water from the stream that was nearby, the sounds of soft birds chirping around her, as a small hum escaped her lips.  

And the walk continued.


It was their Third Day Being fused as Star Quartz. 

Traveling the deepest parks of the thick tree forest, as small flashes of memories go through the fused gem's head..  as then fog begin to appear in the distance.

A shiver went through the giant women's body...

"Well, I know how to use Steven's powers... and the sword is easier to summon... yet. I feel as there is more... power to be discovered... "

Taking further steps, feet touching the soil below, as no twig hurt to step on... the strong fresh air of spruce wood and wild plant life gave a small bit of ease.

Ducking Her head ever so often, Star looked around to see if she saw anything further.... sighing seeing nothing but fog... an idea appeared in her head.

Standing still. 

Taking another deep breath, the female outstretched all four of her arms, she puff out her chest, and slam all her hands together, causing a burst of wind to emit from her hands and clear out the fog around. Thousands of leaves flew up to the they all slowly float back down...That's when Star looked around ... but the fog was slowly settling in once again...

"... this doesn't make sense... it... it feels close. I know it is"

"We will find your home... there's nothing stopping us then ourselves. "

Star did a small nod as she kept walking forward, but then started to jog... and now— full-on sprinting. When Star used the tree to keep her balance up right, a flash of memories came through her mind from (y/n).

Star begin to glow, and the two were starting to unfuse.


"My head is splitting!"

Star begin to shake in her spot, as the two become undone... Falling from a high place since Star was a tall gem.

Steven softly groaned... mumbling a few words to himself. 

"Ugh... .. why.. does it take... so much energy to fuse with her..."

The boy then heard footsteps besides himself... as they were now sprinting away.

"(Y-Y/n)! Wait!"

Steven groaned once again as he went after the female, following after her shadowed figure just barely, as there was a clear thud ahead of him His shield immediately appeared from his arm, as he saw a small tint of white in it.. which made Steven utterly confused..

But his focused was on (y/n).

She stood before him... her hand touching a Large wooden log that was supposed to be the entrance of a Village. But it was in utter ruins, with vines and plantation growing all over.

"... my home..."


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