The fell of remnant( Tarnishe...

By DarkHunter66

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Throwing a tarnished into the world of remnant How will this change things let's find out (Disclaimer RWBY i... More

Initiation and team? 
Headmaster meet's Tarnished and first day
The bully Meets tarnished and a talk
More learning and forever fall 

A stray and meeting

288 6 0
By DarkHunter66

Vale Hospital
Word had got out that there was a murder at the hospital but a certain source was looking into it all trying to get to the bottom of it

???:what do we know?

Detective: nothing at the moment all we can tell is that what or whoever did this was not normal.

???: what do you mean?

Detective: see for yourself

They walked into where the murder took place and the person looking into it size widen in horror and shock

???:what could have done this?

Detective:we don't know but there was no security footage on who did it.

???:I might have to inform Ozpin about this Vale may be in terrible danger

Detective: yes about that What's a Atlas soldier doing here?

Atlas soldier : Just here for the tournament, and because Ironwood wanted to make sure that Vale was safe.

Detective: look, not that I'm complaining about the extra help, but what's one soldier gonna do?

Atlas soldier: let's just say I'm special But enough about me we got bigger issues like finding out who could've done this we need to find them and cover this issue.

It shows the mangled corpse of Cardin before cutting away.


(Y/n) is seen walking in thought
(Y/n): "this world is a weird place to peaceful. Normally it's kill or be killed yet as of late, the only thing this world has to kill are Grimm and assholes same shit different world" he stopped in front of the door to his dorm about to enter with something runs pass him

Ruby:Blake wait!


curious about the situation (Y/n) decides to walk in the direction Blake ran off eventually reaching a statue in a courtyard to see Blake removed her bow to reveal a pair of cat ears

(Y/n): Nice ears. He said shocking Blake who turns around to see (Y/n) standing there

Blake: (Y/n) this isn't-

(Y/n): You running off to stand in front of a statue to reveal you are a Faunus?


(Y/n): relax I'm cool with it besides you see how I am with velvet.

Blake: Oh right but what are you doing here?

(Y/n) "been asking myself the same question" saw you ran off was curious.

Blake: Weiss and I got into a argument and I think I need to get some space from my team.

(Y/n):alright let's go. he said walking off.

Blake: what do you mean?

(Y/n): look you're clearly going through something and something tells me you're going to need help after all you're still a huntress in training and two heads are better than one.


(Y/n):It's either this or I take You back to your dorm.

Blake:fine she said, starting to follow

???: can I join.

The two look to see a monkey Faunus

(Y/n): who in the three fingers are you?

Timeskip past Blake explaining her back story

Blake: so that's how I ended up at beacon

(Y/n): so let me get this straight you were part of a terrorist group you left this group because you didn't like how they were ending up going from peaceful protesters to terrorist and in order to start over you ran away. Is that what I'm getting?

Blake: yes

(Y/n): and you and Weiss got into an argument because you were protecting this group?


(Y/n):.. well I've heard people do dumber shit so this shouldn't surprise me.

Blake: excuse me?

(Y/n): Blake did you have anyone you worked with while working for this terrorist organization like any partners or something?

Blake: I had a partner and a friend

(Y/n):... so you betrayed your allies because you didn't like how they were ending up is that what I'm hearing?

Blake: I didn't betray them I left to live a better life.

(Y/n): "she's a coward"  ok so what are you going to do now tell your teammate's?

Blake:no i don't think I should go back at least not yet.

Sun: then what are you going to do?

The stranger who was revealed himself to be sun asked

Blake: I still don't think the white fang were behind the dust robberies

(Y/n): somehow I don't think others would agree.

Sun:well they would if we could prove it wasn't them.

Blake:what do you mean?

Sun: what better way to find out who's behind the robberies then to catch them in the act.

(Y/n):You have something in mind?

Sun: I heard there's supposed be a big shipment of dust coming in from atlas.

Blake: how big?

Sun: huge multiple shipment containers

(Y/n): well I see no reason not to check this out let's go.


(Y/n): so this whole thing you're doing what's your motive?

Blake: what?

(Y/n): I understand you were a part of this group, but why are you so curious if they were the one's behind this?

Blake: I-

Sun: hey guys I stole you guys some food?

(Y/n): not hungry.

Blake: do you always break the law without a second thought?

Sun:hey weren't you in a cult or something?

Blake glares at Sun for this

Sun: to soon?

A couple of bullheads are seen flying in


Sun:is that them

Blake: yes it's them

(Y/n):well looks like you were wrong about them not being behind this.

Blake:I wish I wasn't wrong.

Roman:hey what's the hold up we're not exactly the most inconspicuous bunch of thieves at the moment so why don't you animals try to pick up the pace!

???: be easy with them lad

(Y/n): "that voice it couldn't be"

The second figure walks down making him visible


Sun:You know this guy?

(Y/n): he was an ally till he betrayed me what is he doing with these guys? "And how the fuck did he get here?!"

(Y/n): I'll deal with patches Blake you-

He was going to finish but see she's gone

(Y/n):she didn't just-

Blake:brothers of the white fang why are you aiding this scum! she said with Roman held at blade point

(Y/n):fuck it. It says jumping down.

Patches is about to interfere when he is put in a chokehold and here's a voice that he wished he didn't

(Y/n): hello patches.

Patches: crap

A few more bullheads start flying in Roman uses this distraction to blast the ground which knocks Blake back
(Y/n) Throws patches into the side of a shipping container out of ear range of Blake and Sun

Patches: well this is unexpected.

(Y/n): you thought I forgot about our last encounter.

Patches: at least I didn't curse the world.

(Y/n): was bound to happen eventually.

Patches: and to see you helping someone I'm more surprise they'd be friends with such a monster.


Patches: so they don't know? Ha nice piece of leverage to use.

(Y/n): that's if you leave this place alive to use it.

(Y/n) Pulls out the sword of Milo's and patches pulls out his spear the two run at each other and begin to battle
Which unsurprisingly patches is losing normally patches would have an easier time fighting his opponent's if they were from remnant but he's not from remnant nor human. He is a Elden Lord

Patches:I would love to stay and chat but I got business to attend to elsewhere he said taking out a pot and throwing it at (Y/n) who's forced to dodge as the pot exploded looks back to see patches gone

(Y/n): coward.

More bullheads start flying in shooting (Y/n) blocks the rounds with his sheild with red lightning charging in his other hand


(Y/n) raises his hand up causing draconic red lightning to strike the bullheads from above bringing a majority of them down

Roman:what the he-

Patches: we might want take our leave now.

Roman:REALLY what gave you that idea?!

They both enter a bullhead and try to escape (Y/n) see's this and summons lightning in his hand and is about to throw it but has to dodge a bullhead going down

(Y/n):what the-

Looks to see a girl with swords coming from her back fight the grunts and bringing down the bullheads (Y/n)
Looks back to see that his target escaped

(Y/n): "this word increasingly gets more frustrating as the days goes on!"he thought and puts away sword of Milos and walks away


We see Sun Blake and Ruby with the sword girl sitting on some crates with (Y/n) standing next to them

Ruby: why are you not sitting?

(Y/n): couldn't support my armor.

We see Weiss and Yang walk towards the group

Ruby: lookWeissit'snotwhatyouthinksheexplained thewholething she's got cat ears and there actually kind of cute.she said but Weiss just walks past her

Blake: Weiss I want you to know i am no longer associated with the white fang I-

Weiss: stop do you have any idea how long we've be searching for you?


Weiss:Twelve hours that means I've had twelve hours to think about this and in those twelve hours I've decided

Long pause

Weiss:I don't care.

Blake:You don't care?

Weiss you said you aren't one of them anymore right?

Blake:no I haven't been since I was-weiss cuts her off

Weiss: i don't want to hear it all I want to know is the next time something this big pops'll come to your teammates and not she pauses for a second someone else.

Blake tears up a bit

Blake: Of course.

Ruby:Yeah team rwby is back together! she cheers with a smile

They gather together

Weiss:I'm still not quite sure how I feel about you she said pointing at Sun

Ruby:hey wait a minute where's penny?


Beacon rooftop

We see (Y/n) standing with his arms crossed staring into the distance

(Y/n): how long are you going to stay hidden?

A figure comes out of hiding revealing it to be blake

Blake:how long were you aware I was hiding?

(Y/n): when you arrived.


Blake: look I wanted to thank you for standing with me after finding out I was a Faunus.

(Y/n): I don't side with anyone Blake I do what I think is best.

Blake: what about your teammates?

(Y/n):My team is capable of a fight against the enemy But I don't want them to have to depend on me all the time.

Blake:I see. She said looking down

(Y/n): but you're welcome he said with a smile which Blake returned

Blake: well I got to return to my team don't want them thinking I ran off again.she said nervously

(Y/n):ah right um you do that.

Blake leaves/runs off

(Y/n): "the more time I spend here the more questions I gain"hmm

(Y/n) looks of into the distance before a thought came to mind

(Y/n): "how did patches get here? I need to look into this but one thing is certain"he smirks things are going to get interesting.

Darkhunter66: I want to apologize for delaying this part i've had a lot going on I've just been trying to write this and fit my daily schedule together but I want this to be enjoyable so I'm taking my time writing this. I hope you like this part please leave a comment if you have suggestions for the future.

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