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By selenophilekid

16.1K 601 615

๐™š | ๐—›๐—ถ๐—ด๐—ต ๐˜€๐—ฐ๐—ต๐—ผ๐—ผ๐—น ๐—ฟ๐—ผ๐—บ๐—ฎ๐—ป๐—ฐ๐—ฒ โ she reminds me of lace ribbons, teddy bears, and a fucking lan... More



733 27 25
By selenophilekid

THIS TIME IT wasn't my mother picking me up, but our family driver Mr. Sebastian, or Seb for short. I think I've known Mr. Sebastian since the day I was born.

He is a middle-aged man in his late fifties to sixties but looks younger than his age, late forties to fifties. Him and I have gotten incredibly close that I kind of see him as my second father. I find it really easy to talk to him about topics that I don't usually feel comfortable about talking to my dad about; doesn't help the fact that he's always busy.

"Afternoon Mr. Sebastian," I greeted him while I got into the car.

"Good afternoon to you too Dean. How was school today?" he said while switching on the engine.

"It was fine. Nothing to serious happened today so there really isn't anything much to tell you about. Just the usual basically."

"Just the usual?" he looked at me with a side eye," what's the usual then?"

"Well . . . you know school stuff. Preparation for our SATs and ACTs are underway and it's kind of getting stressful going to school and the only thing you'll be doing all day are tests so it's kind of mentally draining not gonna lie."

"Ah . . . I see so what you're implying is that you're in desperate need of a break?" he questioned while shifting in his chair to look at me when we stopped at a red light.

"Yes, but I know I can't have that break because recently I just found out that I screwed up on one of my continuous assessment tests so now I have to study even harder so I can pass my even harder make-up." I whined. 

"If you're feeling a little bit overwhelmed by the thought of doing the make-up, why don't you just set your goal straight and focus on the task at hand no other minor distractions because I know if your parents got to hear that you failed one of your tests that could potentially set you back in the main event which is the exams, they won't take it too likely with you."

"Or, or why don't you just higher a tutor he or she can help you study I mean you could set up times when they could come over and help you study, or you could even go over to their house, and they'll help you study there. It'll be great," he emphasized.

"I have already gotten a tutor her name is Juliette see," I removed the note from my pocket and handed it to him to look through.

He got a good look at it, and I don't mean a quick glance he full on investigated it like it was some sort of ID I had, and he just wanted to make sure that it was real and not fake.

At that same moment I got a text from my dad.


When you get home shower and get dressed.

I'll send one of my drivers from the office to come and pick you up.

We're having a dinner meeting at Nova, and I want you to be there

so, you can learn a few things about the business. 


Great there goes my evening.


Do I have a choice? I have a lot of things

planned for this evening and going to a dinner 

which is potentially going to take hours is really

going to be a pain.


He's going to say no, I bet.


Dean, may I remind you, that you're going to be

the owner of a multi-billion-dollar company. This isn't

some game, you have to take this very seriously.



You're almost 18, in the coming years you'll be busier than ever. 

So, you have to toughen up.

I don't know about you, but I want to retire early.


Why does everything always have to be about you?


Fine. I'll be there, but if I fail. I'll

blame it all on you.



As long as you're there.


I switched off my phone and looked outside the window, resting my right hand on the window ledge, listening to the soft jazz music playing on the radio. Soon after, I found my eyes closing slowly. Before I knew it, I was asleep. 


Combing my hair back and adjusting my tie, I was almost ready to go out for dinner, when I received another text message.


Are you ready? The driver is almost there to pick you.



Almost. I just need to wear my shoes.



Well hurry up, I just got notified that the

 driver is at the gate.


I went over to the window in my room and used my thumb and index finger to separate the curtains to have a peek outside. Looking out, I notice a car outside waiting on me.  


I'll be there soon.


I hastily wore my socks and shoes before heading into my closet and opening my jewelry box. I brought out a couple of gold rings and placed them on my fingers before bolting out the door, not giving a single glance to anyone. Knowing my father, even if you're a minute late, it'll become a full-blown issue. And I was in no mood for a lecture of the importance of time management.

The car ride felt shorter than what I anticipated it to be. I've only been to Nova a few times in my life, and from what I've seen, this place is 'Elite's Only '. Not anyone can just stroll in here and demand to be seated. You would either have to be invited by the owner, book a seat for months in advance, or be well-known enough that you could just walk through the heavily guarded doors, and nobody would bat an eye.

But the place was beautiful. Every square inch of the building was decorated with lights and greenery. Immediately when you drive in, you're met with a red carpet that leads to the entrance where two strongly built bodyguards stood in front of a tall glass door with gold rims. Two tall exotic plants standing by their sides. A red circular canopy was above us; there to shield the guests from unwanted rain or harsh rays from the sun.

I proceeded to walk to the door when I got stopped by one of the bodyguards.

"Name?" He queried.

"Dean Jonathon Hawthorne, son of Damian Christopher Hawthorne," I inquired.

He looked through his list, "Master Hawthorne, please come, your father has been waiting," He gestured for me to walk through the doors, which was now held open by the other bodyguard.

I gave him a half-smile and moseyed myself in.

If I thought the outside was beautiful, then the inside was simply gorgeous. I was in awe; of course, I didn't let it show on how shook I was by this place, that would be simply, unprofessional.

"Excuse me, sir, but are you Mr. Hawthorne's son?" one of the many waiters came to ask me.

"Yes, I am," I can already feel myself getting tired. How late is it?

"Wonderful your father has been waiting please follow me."

I followed him up the elevator and into a different section of the restaurant. This place was quieter and secluded than the downstairs area, with soft jazz being played in the background by the live band, dimmed lighting and an overall sense of being.

The man whom I was following, led me to a table which was filled with men and a few women talking over wine. At the far end corner of the table, I could see my father talking to one of his business partners, and beside him was an empty seat, which I assume was for me.

I thanked the waiter and walked all the way to my father's side, sitting in the empty spot beside him.

"Ah, look who decided to show up," my father exclaimed, as he patted my back. "Richard, you know my son Dean, right?" He queried.

"How could I forget our future CEO, hmm? Impossible!" Richard laughed, while taking a sip of his wine.

"Dean you remember Richard, right? He used to come over and play chess with me when you were younger. You loved him; you were always around him. Don't you remember Richard?"

"Of course, I remember, Damian. Don't be silly. We had the best times back then. Do you remember Dean, when you were . . .I think ages six or seven. You were playing in the courtyard next to a beehive when all of a sudden, a bee decided to land on you, and you screamed like a little girl?"

"You frightened the poor thing so bad that it stung you. And when it did, you started crying. You even made a proclamation that when you're older, you are going to kill all the bees in the world," he chuckled.

"Yes, I do remember. I was very terrified of bees, I tried avoiding them at all costs," I said highly mortified by my past behaviour.

"Good times, good times," my father says reminiscing.

"Anyways, before we digress any further Dean," my father said now speaking to me. His tone more serious than before, "I brought you here to listen attentively to the meeting that is about to ensue, right after dinner. You must pay close attention to the words all of us will be saying, because some may come in handy when you're older, and in charge. Take notes on your phone if you must."

"This meeting will only be for a short period of time, and it may seem boring but trust me, your future self will thank you for it."

With that, I found my father engrossed in another conversation with another partner of his, that was sitting in front of him, and I was left with my thoughts. 

This has to be child abuse or something. I am positively sure this is against some kind of law or the other. I just have to find it, and right now, I don't have that type of energy nor will power.

Knowing my father, 'short period of time' will at least be around two to three hours. Only God knows how long this would actually take, so I just have to mentally prepare myself.

By the time we got back home, it was around twelve-thirty to one. I was exhausted. I felt so drained out that immediately when I saw my bed, I was tempted to just go lay in it with all my clothes on, including my shoes. But personally, I hate the smell of my own body when I wake up in the morning, and I didn't shower the night before. So, I pulled myself together, brushed my teeth, took a shower, pulled on some grey sweatpants and a black tank and hoped into bed.

But throughout everything, I just had this feeling that I was forgetting something, and I couldn't shake it off. But no matter how hard I thought about it, it just never crossed my mind, so I didn't bother myself with it any longer. And eventually, I drifted off to sleep. 


hey guys!


sorry i haven't posted in a while, i fell ill for a few days but now i'm better.

it also took me a really long time to think of what i wanted to do with this

chapter, but now i have, and i hope you like it.

bye :))

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