Bound by Fate (Sesshomaru Lov...

By Silver-Tigress

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Do you believe that demons could fall in love?~~ Sakura Shinguji is a princess and Priestess. After her famil... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Inuyasha The Movie: Affections Touching Across Time (Special Chapter)
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31: The Woman Who Loved Sesshomaru (Special Chapter, Part 1)
Chapter 32: The Woman Who Loved Sesshomaru (Special Chapter, Part 2)
Inuyasha The Movie: Swords of an Honourable Ruler, Part 1
Inuyasha The Movie: Swords of an Honourable Ruler, Part 2
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Inuyasha The Movie: Fire on the Mystic Island
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49

Chapter 44

437 14 1
By Silver-Tigress

Third Person's P. O. V:

Naraku smiles to himself as he stands before a large cave with a glimmering barrier, a low growl coming from within.

"Who dares to disturb my slumber?" A soft voice growls, laced with threat.

"Akuma," Greets Naraku. "I have come with a proposition for you." Red eyes gleam in the darkness, the pupils narrow.

"Go on."

"Do you remember your old Mr modi's, the priestess Shion?"

A large silver paw lashes out to strike the hanyo, only for it to connect with the barrier and a boom to resonate through the forest clearing. Naraku remains unfazed.

"Do not mention that wretch's name in my presence!" Akuma snarls as he drags his paw back. "It's been nineteen long years since she sealed me in here, because she was too weak for my great power."

"And that is why I've come," Says Naraku calmly. "Shion has two children; a son and daughter. Her daughter, Sakura, has inherited her priestess powers. I want to get rid of her, and I thought you'd be interested in getting revenge. Do that, and you can be free."

"Then why don't I go after Shion herself?" Akuma growls.

"I'm afraid Shion is dead," Informs Naraku, causing Akuma's eyes to narrow. "Relax. I wasn't the one who killed her. A bandit did. So, what do you say?"

"Hmph. It sounds to me like you're scared of Shion's daughter, Hanyo," Huffs Akuma.

Naraku's smile doesn't waver. "Do you wish to take revenge, or not?"

A long moment of silence.

Finally, Akuma agrees, "You have a deal."


Sakura was trying but failing to sleep later that night, her friends spread out around her with Karina curled against her.

After waking from a dream about her mother again, Sakura gives up and gets to her feet. She spots Sesshomaru standing not far away and goes up to him.

Without turning, Sesshomaru asks softly, "Shouldn't you be sleeping?"

"I could ask you the same thing but I know you dog demons don't sleep," Sakura retorts almost playfully as she steps up beside her fiancée. A sigh escapes the priestess. "I keep having dreams about mum."

This causes Sesshomaru to snap his gaze to her, softening for just a second. "Those dreams again, huh?" Sakura nods her head. Sesshomaru wraps Mokomoko-sama around Sakura's shoulders to pull her against him comfortingly, as she's standing on his left. Sakura leans her head on his shoulder, enjoying his warmth.

"I think... I think we need to go home for awhile," She says at last. "I think Shinobu and I need to do a little training ourselves. Can we go tomorrow?" Sakura raises her eyes to Sesshomaru's.

He says, "Sure. We'll leave in the morning."

Smiling, Sakura tells him, "You're the best, Sesshy-kun." Sakura turns to him fully and leans forward to kiss Sesshomaru on his lips, which he is about to return. However, a small giggle reaches their ears and Sakura peers over Sesshomaru's shoulder just in time to see Rin, Shinobu, Kohaku and Jaken watching them through cracked open eyes, a smile on the girl's lips.

Upon seeing Sakura and now Sesshomaru staring towards them, the children and Jaken immediately squeeze their eyes shut as they pretend to go back to sleep.

Sakura smiles sheepishly at that. "Kids," She mutters. Sakura looks back to Sesshomaru and swiftly plants a kiss on his cheek instead, much to his inner disappointment. "I want to stay up with you for awhile longer."

Sesshomaru nods as he tightens Mokomoko-sama around her. Sakura leans into the silver haired demon as they remain that way for awhile longer.

Sakura's P. O. V:

As we head off the next day, Kohaku asks me, riding A-Un with Rin, "So, Sakura, how was last night?"

"What do you mean?" I ask innocently, glancing to him.

Smiling, Rin says, "You know what ye means, mummy. About you kissing Sesshomaru-sama!"

A deep blush immediately spreads across my cheeks. "Th-That's none of your business!! W-We just talked, that's all."

"You sure about that, sister?" Asks Shinobu dubiously with a raised eyebrow. "How come you're blushing?"

I scowl in exasperation before I kick Miyu into a canter towards my fiancé, who is walking several paces ahead. He falls into step beside my horse when I catch up.

"So, Shinobu? You and your sister used to live in a castle, right?" Asks Kohaku curiously.

"Huh? Oh, yeah! We left after bandits killed our parents and travelled with Sesshomaru-sama."

"Oh, I can't wait to see it! I bet your home is beautiful!" Gushes Rin excitedly, causing my brother to smile at her.

"Just you wait," He murmurs.

"How long will it take to get there?" Asks Kohaku.

I respond, "A few days. I can't wait to have a proper bath!" I sigh longingly at the possibility.

"It's been quite sometime since you two were home last. You must miss it, huh?" Says Kohaku.

"More than you know," I murmur as Karina meows in agreement.

A few days later, my group and I near the beautiful castle on the cliff overlooking the ocean, waves crashing against the cliff.

"Whoa!" Kohaku gasps as Rin does, her brown orbs shining.

"So pretty!" She gushes.

We walk towards the gate but were stopped by the guards. They hold out their spears threateningly as they command, "Halt! State your business!"

"Now, now, gentlemen. Is that really anyway to greet me, after my brother and I've been gone for so long?" I ask in feigned hurt. It takes a moment but then their eyes foare wide with recognition.

"Y-Your Highness!" The guards splutter before dropping to one knee, heads bowed.

"F-Forgive us for n-not recognising you..." Begins the guard on my right.

"Ne, it's alright. You needn't bow down," I insist, waving my hand and shaking my head dismissively. The men raise their heads as they get to their feet. "Shinobu and I have returned for training, so we won't be staying for very long. We still plan to defeat Naraku."

"Of course. You may pass through, Your Highness," Offers the guard on my left, nodding.

"Thank you," I smile kindly before I click my tongue for Miyu to walk forward. Everyone else follows. Rin and Kohaku gaze around at the large courtyard in awe, their eyes wide.

"This is your home, mummy? It's so big and pretty!" Compliments Rin.

I smile as I say, "It sure is. We just need to find our former Sensei for training after we put the horses away." We reach the stables where we're greeted by the guards. Shinobu and I put Miyu and Seiji away and give them hay while the servants bring A-Un some meat.

We exit the stables and go to the training grounds where I find my Sensei, Takeshi, chatting to some guards.

"Sensei," I greet, causing him and the guard to turn. Surprise and happiness lights up his eyes as he sees me and Shinobu.

"Sakura, Shinobu! It's been so long," Says Takeshi. I clasp my palms and bow before him.

"It certainly has, Sensei."

"Who are these two young ones?"
He asks, already recognising Sesshomaru and Jaken.

I reply as I gesture them, "Sensei, I'd like to introduce my adoptive daughter, Rin."

"Hi. It's so nice to meet you!" The brown haired girl chimes.

"And the newest addition to the family, though I didn't adopt him, is Kohaku, a Demon Slayer."

"It's an honour to meet you, Sir," The young Demon Slayer says.

"Likewise," Takeshi says, smiling.

"We came back for some training, Sensei," Shinobu tells him.

"Training?" Takeshi reiterates. "Yes, I do believe there's another technique for you both to learn. We'll begin immediately."


"The technique I'm going to teach you, Shinobu, is called the Crawling Form. It's your final technique. It's a technique where you utilise your speed to slice or stab the enemy at a low angle," Explains Takeshi.

Shinobu nods his head and unsheathes his deadly katana, getting into his stance to try the move. Sesshomaru, Rin, Jaken, Kohaku and Karina are watching from the porch.

Takeshi turns to me. "Your final technique is called Belserion, meaning the name of the Sage dragon. It will generate a pink lightning powerful enough to slay the strongest demons." I unsheath one sword and Takeshi steps back as I inhale and close my eyes to concentrate. "Concentrate, Sakura. Feel the energy flowing through. Connect to it."

I attempt to focus my energy as I hear Shinobu failing his own technique the first couple of times.

I try a few times to summon the pink lightning but I receive no results. Shinobu and I continue training for the next few hours, but neither of us have achieved the new abilities yet.

"Oh. Nothing," I sigh in defeat.

"It's hard to gain these new techniques," Mutters Shinobu.

"You'll both get it," Says Takeshi assuringly. "You have both your parent's strengths within you. Keep trying and focus."

Shinobu and I styem t it for another hour until we decide to call it a day. We sit with our teammates as a servant brings us food and ramune.

"Don't give up, Shinobu-kun! I know you'll get it," Says Rin.

"I hope so. I need to be strong enough to defeat Naraku," He says.

"Knowing you, Sakura-chan, you'll get the technique down in a day or two," Sesshomaru tells me.

"I don't think so," I sigh taking a bite of my sakura mochi. We chat contentedly while we eat and soon finish.

"Alright! Time to get back to training!" Shinobu declares as he jumps to his feet. I smile as I nod once in agreement.

I was about to join my brother when—


We gasp and whip our heads around to see a huge explosion coming from the front courtyard, smoke rising into the air. People are screaming in fear.

"What the heck was that?!" Shinobu cries.

"We're under attack," I gasp before I take off running for the explosion, Karina and Sesshomaru hot on my heels. Shinobu and the others quickly race after us.

"SHION!" A deep voice roars, fills with rage. I gasp again as I skid to a halt to see a male nine tailed silver kitsune demon, lashing his tails and claws at the castle. "SHION!"

I frown, why was he calling out to my mother?

Another tail hits a part of the castle and people try to get out of the way.

"Is that a fox demon?!" Rin cries.

"It's an evil one," I say wearily, shuddering. I gaze at it with wide, wavering eyes. "I-It's demonic aura... it's greater than that of even yours, Sesshy-kun." I peer at him to see an unreadable expression on his features. He must sense it too. I hear Jaken whimper behind us.

"M' Lady!" Takeshi calls as he and some guards run over. "You must evacuate the castle with your brother! My men and I will take care of this demon. Ready your weapons!" The men with Takeshi raise their spears. Takeshi throws down his arm. "Launch!"

The spears are fired at the demon but he simply deflects them with his tails. The fox then lashes his tails at the men even as they retreat while screaming. Sesshomaru drags me out of the way to avoid being hit by said tails

I look up with a gasp as Sesshomaru holds me protectively against him. "Where are you?" The fox demon growls. He switches his golden gaze until it lands on me. Hatred and recognition gleam in them. "There you are!" The fox demon lashes out with its tail but Sesshomaru was already leaping away from me.

"Why is it after you?" Sesshomaru questions, keeping me in his arms as we dodge the attacks.

"I-I don't know!" I gasp.

Just as the demon goes to attack again, Kohaku calls, "Hime Sakura!" With a grunt of exertion, he swings his bladed kusarigama at the demon. It strikes him but the fox remains unfazed.

The demon turns to Kohaku with a low growl. The boy is sent flying with a strike from the demon.

"Kohaku!" Rin exclaims as the fox returns to attacking me and Sesshomaru. I put up a protective barrier around us and the tails lash at it. "Mummy!"

"Sesshomaru-sama! Take this, you fiend!" Jaken exclaims as he shoots flames from his staff. The ox demon simply holds out his paw and the flames die out, much to Jaken's shock. His eyes jerk wide. "Wha...?!"

"You leave my big sister alone!" Shinobu exclaims as he holds up the tip of his sheathed sword. "Archenemy: Strong Form!"

Before his attack could hit, my brother is sent flying away. "You don't interest me at the moment, boy. I have business with your sister," The demon growls, pausing in attacking us.

"Kohaku, Jaken!" I call, causing them to look at me. "Protect Rin, no matter what!"

"Yes, Hime," The young Demon Slayer agrees.

"Hmph. Only Sesshomaru-sama gives me orders, you bossy—" The imp behind but I cut him off with a deadly glare that makes my eyes flash dangerously and Jaken and Kohaku to shrink down in fear and sweat drop.

"What did I just say?" I seethe out, voice laced with threat.

Jaken and Kohaku cry out as the imp flails his arms, sweating profusely with fear. "Yes, ma' am! Right away, ma' am! We don't wanna make you angry!" Rin blinks her brown orbs as he grabs her arm and starts taking off towards the castle with Kohaku. "Let's go, Rin!"


"You heard what your mother said! It's best to follow the Great Sakura's orders!"

"You're such a suck-up!"

With a growl, Karina transforms and moves in to attack the fox demon. While she keeps him busy, I take this chance to drop the barrier and grab Sesshomaru's hand before I dash behind a corner of the wall. Takeshi and a few of his men were there, with Shinobu.

"Who is that?" I demand to know. I whip my head to my Sensei. "And how does he know mum?"

"More importantly, why is targeting Sakura?" Shinobu asks wearily.

Takeshi gazes at us for a moment before sighing. "You ought to know now, I suppose. Your mother was a very powerful priestess back in the day. She was able to slay every demon she came across—all except one. Akuma, the nine tailed fox demon you see before you."

"Mum couldn't beat him?" I breathe in disbelief, blue eyes wide. Takeshi nods his head.

"Yes. The flea demon, Myoga was there to witness it. Akuma's power is so great that your mother was forced to seal him away inside a cave. She returned with great injuries. That was nineteen years ago."

Shinobu asks with a frown, "But if he was sealed away by mum, how did he escape?"

"I do not know," Replies Takeshi, shaking his head. "No one should be able to break your mother's barriers."

I try to think about who could've done such a thing. I let out a gasp once a certain name hits me:


"Naraku?" Sesshomaru reiterates as Shinobu gasps. "What makes you think he's behind all this?"

I try t block out the sounds of my nekomata battling against my mother's old enemy as I reply, "Think about it: when he'd kidnapped me back then, I knew Naraku was terrified of my spiritual power because they rivalled that of Kikyo's. I think Naraku freed Akuma because he believes his hatred will be enough to get him to destroy me. That's why Akuma won't go after Shinobu. Only me."

A hand cups my cheek and I flick my gaze to Sesshomaru. He says firmly, caressing my cheek, "I will not allow that vermin to touch you. I'll have his head rolling before he could blink."

"Sesshy-kun..." I murmur, feeling my heart swell at his words.

"You cannot hope to defeat him!" Takeshi insists as Sesshomaru drops his hand. "If Shion couldn't, then no one stands a chance. Your only hope is to flee!"

I gaze at my Sensei for a long, hard moment. I clench my fist as I glare with determination and tell him, "No." They look surprised apart from my fiancé. "I refuse to abandon my people. I refuse to turn my back on people who need me!"

With that, I whirl around and race back out to the kitsune, Shinobu right behind me, ignoring Takeshi calling for me to come back.

I reach the fox demon and summon purple energy to my hands. With a grunt of exertion, I thrust my hands forward to send out the energy. The demon dodges it. A twisted smile spreads across his lips at the sight of me.

"I'm your opponent!" I growl.

"Shion," He purrs.

"My mother is dead!" I snap before I send out another blast of energy. He dodges only to be met with Shinobu's Slashing Form. He deflects that attack.

"I know. Naraku told me," He says.

"So I was right after all," I say as Shinobu and I continue to attack him. "Who are you? Why are you working with Naraku? And why are you targeting me?"

"My name is Akuma, and I once fought your mother, Shion," Akuma responds, dodging a swipe of my sword. "Naraku offered me a deal: my freedom for your death."

"Why me?!" I snap.

"Because you're Shion's daughter. You have most of her abilities, so therefore, I must kill you. I will have my revenge, even if it's through you!"

I suddenly feel my body whirling around and aiming for my brother. His eyes widen as the same thing happens to him.

Oh, no! I know this feeling!

"Shinobu, get out of the way!" I order as we charge at each other with weapons raised.

"I-I can't! His Mind Control is too strong," Shinobu cries. We slash our weapons at one another, giving each other scrapes and cuts.

I do my best to avoid hurting Shinobu as much as possible, though I think he's giving me more wounds.

Just then, a light green energy whip wraps around my waist while the chain of Kohaku's kusarigama latches around my brother's and then we're pulled apart.

Sesshomaru holds me back asi struggle against him. "Pull yourself together, Sakura. You've fought through Mind Control before, you can do it again. I know you don't want to hurt your brother."

I pause before I wildly swing my sword for my fiancé's face, which he narrowly dodges with narrowed gold eyes.

I slash rapidly for Sesshomaru as I hear my brother do the same to Kohaku.

"I don't want to hurt you, Sakura-chan," Sesshomaru says.

We keep this up for a moment longer when...

"Shinobu-kun, mummy, don't!" Rin's voice reaches us.

"Fight it, Sakura-chan! I love you too much to hurt you," Sesshomaru says in a voice I've never heard him use before. That gets to me while Rin reaches through to my brother.

We gasp as we become free of the fox demon's Mind Control. I hear him scowling in fury.

"Sesshy-kun," I murmur guiltily as I drop my arm.

A relieved smile touches his lips. "I'm glad you're back, Sakura-chan."

"Rin-chan. You broke me out of his Mind Control," Murmurs Shinobu. A relieved smile appears on the girl's lips.

"I'm glad I did, and that mummy is alright." I smile over towards the brown haired girl.

"Fox Fire!" We all such as Akuma throws balls of blue fire at us. He throws more and a couple hit my home, nearly killing a few men as an explosion rocks out.

Shinobu shields Rin from the debris, the girl squealing with fright.

"Benizakura Flash!" I say as I flash over to Akuma and rapidly slash my katana at him. He dances back and I follow. "Trinity Sword!" I slash my katana in a delta form and manage to land a gash on the demon. He growls before aiming a swing at me but I manage to dodge, though barely. "Moon Flash!" Here, I slash my sword in a crescent moon fashion, effectively striking Akuma. "Dancing Dragon: Striking Talon!"

I seem to disappear as my speed is enhanced, making small craters in the ground.

"Whoa! She's so fast! I can't even see her," Exclaims Kohaku.

"Sakura is known as the fastest swordswoman," Inputs Shinobu. I look in front of Akuma and swing my sword with fury. I slash at his shoulder as he pulls away.

"You will regret that, Wench!" He hisses.

I ignore him and begin to charge at the silver haired demon once more.

I'll end it for sure this time!!

Akuma pauses and Shinobu and I gasp and I skid to a sharp stop as mum suddenly appears.

"Mum?" I ask. She smiles as she node her head. There's just no way. Mum is dead. There's no way she should be here!

"Mum! It's you!" Shinobu and I cry out with tears of joy in our eyes as we begin to dash towards her.

"It's me, my beautiful children. Oh, how we've missed you," Mum says. She holds out her arms to embrace us.

However, there's a pained cry from Akuma, followed by a couple more. Then the image of our mother disappears and we stop short, blinking our eyes in confusion.

"Huh? What just happened?" I ask.

"Where did mum go?" Asks Shinobu.

I look at Akuma to see him kneeling in pain after having been struck by Sesshomaru's poisoned claws, an impassive expression on my fiancé's features.

It was an illusion?!

I drop to my knees as I begin to sob, along with my brother.

It was just a freaking illusion!

"You will not touch her," Growls Sesshomaru.

Karina slams into Akuma and sends them both tumbling. Their battle resumes as Sesshomaru steps up to me. He kneels before me.

"Sakura," The dog demon says. I don't look up. "Fight back, Sakura. You must fight."

"I... I'm not nearly as strong as my mum," I respond in a soft voice.

Sesshomaru cups my cheek and makes me look at him. He says unwaveringly, "You're the strongest person I've ever met. You've faced far more terrifying demons than Akuma before. He's nothing compared to them—to Naraku. Find your strength. Use it to protect your family, your home. Don't you dare give in, Sakura."

I gaze at my fiancé with awe in my features, feeling my heart swell. I hear Kohaku and Karina battling Akuma.

Just then, I see Akuma about to swing is claws for my little brother, standing protectively in front of Rin.

"Shinobu-kun!" The girl cries out fearfully, causing Sesshomaru to whip his head around. He's about to stand up and go to stop the attack, but I've already formed a barrier around the children, stopping the fox's claws short.

"Eh?!!" Akuma grunts, gold eyes narrowing before he switches them to me.

With my features dark, I say lowly as I rise to my feet, "I won't let you hurt them!"

"Die!" Akuma roars, swinging his claws for me.

Sesshomaru and I dodge and he swings his poison claws for the fox demon, e while I use my Warrior Maiden Single Sword Attack: Falling Dragon Flash, striking Akuma in quick succession.

Sesshomaru and I flash around him, attacking too fast for Akuma to react.

"They're working in perfect sync," Rin says in amazement.

"They're both incredible," Mutters Kohaku.

"Archenemy: Crawler Style," Says Shinobu. He flashes away from Rin and appears beneath Akuma, before slashing with quick reflexes.

Akuma growls.

I take this opportunity to focus my new technique.

"Demon Blade Benizakura: Belserion!" I cry out with exertion before I wildly swing my katana at the fox demon, powerful pink lightning crackling along it, infused with my spiritual power.

Shinobu uses his Crawler Style once more and Akuma couldn't get out of the way in time to avoid our attacks. He cries out as both swords hit him head-on.


We stand before my Sensei at the gate to the castle with the dragon, horses and cat.

"Thank you for everything, Takeshi Sensei," I say as Shinobu and I bow.

"It was my pleasure, training you once again. It's been a long time since," Takeshi replies. We smile at one another. "Are you sure you don't wish to stay awhile longer?"

"Thank you, but we need to move on. Naraku is still out there," I tell him politely.

"Then, take these. You will need them for your journey." The older man holds out a few small bags of food and money supplies.

I take a peek and my eyes light up as I gush, "Is that sakura mochi?!"

Takeshi smiles as he nods, humming. "Hmhm. Enjoy."

I hug him as I say, "We will, Sensei."

My friends and I turn to leave, Rin and Kohaku on A-Un while my y brother and I ride our horses, Karina perched in front of my saddle.

As we ride/walk, Shinobu and I sing, with me strumming my shamisen.

(They sing the song just like in the video)

"I've always been the kind of girl
That hid my face
So afraid to tell the world
What I've got to say
But I have this dream right inside of me
I'm gonna let it show, it's time
To let you know, to let you know
This is real, this is me
I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be, now
Gonna let the light shine on me
Now I've found who I am
There's no way to hold it in
No more hiding who I want to be
This is me
Do you know what it's like to feel so in the dark?
To dream about a life where you're the shining star
Even though it seems like it's too far away
I have to believe in myself, it's the only way
This is real, This is me
I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be, now
Gonna let the light shine on me
Now I've found who I am
There's no way to hold it in
No more hiding who I want to be
This is me
You're the voice I hear inside my head
The reason that I'm singing
I need to find you, I gotta find you
You're the missing piece I need
The song inside of me
I need to find you, I gotta find you
This is real, this is me
I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be, now
Gonna let the light shine on me
Now I've found who I am
There's no way to hold it in
No more hiding who I want to be, yeah
This is me
You're the missing piece I need
The song inside of me
You're the voice I hear inside my head (this is me, yeah)
The reason that I'm singing
Now I've found, who I am
There's no way to hold it in
No more hiding who I want to be
This is me"

Kohaku says as we finish, "That was amazing. I didn't know you both couod sing."

"Well, nee-chan is better at it than I am," Says Shinobu with a blush as Seiji snorts and tosses his head.

"You're still really good, Shinobu-kun!" Rin praises, making him blush deeper. "Can you sing another?!"

I say, "Sure." Shinobu stops singing while I continue.

"Sometimes you think you'll be find by yourself
Cause a dream is a wish you make all alone
It's easy to feel like you don't need help
But it's harder to walk on your own
You'll change inside
When you, realize
The world comes to life
And everything's alright
From beginning to end
When you have a friend
By your side
That helps you to find
The beauty of all
When you'll open your heart and
Believe in
The gift of a friend
The gift of a friend
Someone who knows when your lost and your scared
There through the highs and the lows
Someone you can count on, someone who cares
Besides you where ever you go
You'll change inside
When you, realize
The world comes to life
And everything's alright
From beginning to end
When you have a friend
By your side
That helps you to find
The beauty of all
When you'll open your heart and
Believe in
The gift of a friend
And when the hope crashes down
Shattering to the ground
You, you'll feel all alone
When you don't know which way to go
And there's no such leading you on
You're not alone
The world comes to life
And everything's alright
From beginning to end
When you have a friend
By your side
That helps you to find
The beauty of all
When you'll open your heart and
Believe in
When you believe in
You can believe in, the gift from a friend

I sing another song as we trace.

"She was given the world
So much that she couldn't see
That she needed someone
To show her who she could be
And she tried to survive
Wearing her heart on her sleeve
But I needed you to believe
You had your dreams, I had mine
You had your fears, I was fine
It showed me what I couldn't find
When two different worlds collide
She was scared of it all
Watching from far away
She was given a role
Never knew just when to play
And she tried to survive
Living her life on her own
Always afraid of the throne
But you've given me strength to find home
You had your dreams, I had mine
You had your fears, I was fine
It showed me what I couldn't find
When two different worlds collide
She was scared, unprepared
Lost in the dark, falling apart
I can survive with you by my side
We're gonna be alright
This is what happens when two worlds collide
You had your dreams, I had mine
You had your fears, I was fine
It show me what I couldn't find
When two different worlds collide
You had your dreams, I had mine
You had your fears, I was fine
It showed me what I couldn't find
When two different worlds collide
When two different worlds

"A million thoughts in my head
Should I let my heart keep listening
'Cause up 'til now I've walked the line
Nothing lost but something missing
I can't decide
What's wrong, what's right
Which way should I go
If only I knew what my heart was telling me
Don't know what I'm feeling
Is this just a dream?
Ah oh, yeah
If only I could read the signs in front of me
I could find the way to who I'm meant to be
Ah oh, if only
If only
If only
Every step, every word
With every hour I am falling in
To something new, something brave
To someone I, I have never been
I can't decide
What's wrong, what's right
Which way should I go
If only I knew what my heart was telling me
Don't know what I'm feeling
Is this just a dream?
Ah oh, yeah
If only I could read the signs in front of me
I could find the way to who I'm meant to be
Ah oh, if only
Am I crazy? Maybe we could happen
Will you still be with me when the magic's all run out?
If only I knew what my heart was telling me
Don't know what I'm feeling
Is this just a dream?
Ah oh
If only I could read the signs in front of me
I could find the way to who I'm meant to be
Ah oh
If only, yeah
If only, yeah
If only, yeah
If only, yeah
If only
If only"


Later that night, we'd stopped in a forest clearing. While Rin, Kohaku, Shinobu and Jaken were fast asleep, the nekomata curled against my brother, I was in the tree line with Sesshomaru.

My back is pressed against a tree as my fiancé kisses the spot between my neck and shoulder, his hand resting on my side.

I moan with pleasure while being careful to not wake the others as Sesshomaru continues attacking my neck and shoulder with tender kisses, and I feel my eyes rolling back from the pleasure of it all.

We haven't had much time to ourselves due to all this training and the upcoming battle with Naraku.

Sesshomaru pulls back for a moment while we catch our breath, as he gazes at me with those deep golden eyes.

I could get lost in them...

"I love you, Sakura-chan," He breathes huskily.

"I love you, too, Sesshy-kun," I reply, caressing his cheek before I trace the two magenta lines with my fingertips.

Sesshomaru then leans in to attack my lips with his hungrily. I thread my fingers through Sesshomaru's long silver hair and give it a firm tug.

This elicites a low growl from the dog demon, and he pauses for a second. Hm. I get the feeling he likes that.

So I do it again, and this prompts my fiancé to resume kissing me with more fiery passion, pressing me a little harder against the tree.

I internally giggle as Sesshomaru and I kiss long into the night.

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