¿?Treten Sie darauf?¿

By Aschefall

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This Is A König x reader ¿?Warnings?¿ death/Blood Fluff/smut swearing past trauma/Abuse ¿?Other Languages?¿... More

¿?neunzehn?¿ ❕


539 8 22
By Aschefall


"What the fuck?" My voice rang through the air guns..drugs anything you could think off that wasn't what we where here for was here "Ghost, Soap Room 3 Now..Please?" I said looking down at it Y/n was next to me staring "What?" They asked when they got into the room "Look.." I said moving out of the way "This isn't supposed to be here.." I said as they stared at it just like Y/n Had done "Your right I'll report it in" he said walking out of the room changing channels on the comms "Soap Stay There Me Mad Y/n will go find what we are looking for" I knew I didn't have this authority but I was more useful out there then stuck in a room "Alright Be careful you two" "we will Sarg" I said before ducking out of the room going up the stairs ghost was telling price about our find.

I dug my knife into the guards that were up here that where oblivious to what was below them before going into the room maps, USB's and files what we where here for Intel or information same thing, In my mind anyway it was all confusing I shifted through the maps putting the ones we needed in a bag I repeated this for the USB's and the files Y/n sunk her knife into a guards neck as we where headed back down "Price is sending Alejandro and Gaz to come shift through this and send it where it's supposed to go rather than be sent off to fuck knows where" "Copy that" I mumbled I wasn't looking forward to a two hour walk with soap he always complained once we where an hour into walks untill ghost told him to shut up knowing I wanted to say it but I was to focused on watching for low hanging branches as I've already been hit in the head three times just on the way back I had to duck ever few steps "My Fucking back is going to kill me if I have to keep ducking.." I whined my neck a upper back hurt like hell this is why I hate doors I couldn't walk through average doors I hated it I wished I was soaps height..hell even ghosts would be better but Noo.. I just had to be 6'10.

I've had people walk up to me saying they wished they were my height my response was always "No you don't, it's hell I can't walk through door..I can't do some things in general because I'm to tall...I wish I was you height" or that's what I said when I had the courage to when I didn't I shook my head and said "your height is better" the less I said the more uncomfortable I was I liked talking but social anxiety got in the away very often I wished I didn't have a lot of things did have I hated it sometimes I wished my adopted sister got it not me..she was a brat they had brought her home when I was eighteen when I was home for the first time in months she was ten at the time she was nothing but a demanding brat my parents gave her the life I both deserved and wanted they didn't abuse her she had everything she could ever want I had a room and two meals a day..I didn't know anything was wrong with that the second meal I had was the cooks feeling sorry for me and sneaking me what they could without getting caught I was grateful for them had they not done that..only god knows what would've happened.

"KÖNIG!" ghost yelling brought me from my thoughts of home "Ja?" I asked him "we are here I've been trying to ask you a question but you weren't answering me" he huffed "oh sorry what was your question?" "Why did you care so much for that kid?" He said opening the door sending a signal that we are ready to go "because he reminds me of me, starved and tortured" we had let out several people they were all thankful there where kids both half alive and dead same with adults it was a sad sight "oh that makes more sense now"


The second we landed König was no where to be found for having a build like that he was not only silent he was fast he used a perfect mix of speed and Brute Force that made him twice as dangerous on the field then most of 1-4-1


Dinner rolled around König was late by a bit james tailing him it was a funny sight König being followed around by someone close to half his towering form he sat in between you and ghost and James Sat on your other side immediately digging into his food no one blamed him nor did anyone bring it up small talk threw itself around the table "Ghost I Have A Question" I said after James had gone to bed we were all in the rec room relaxing "and I might have an Answer" he said I laughed "Did you know men have sweet spots?" If you hadn't figured it out I was drunk..well mostly, soap sit out his drink onto alejandro which he apologized for and got him a towel in the amount of time it took for ghost to answer through everyone's surprise and laughter, "No I did not.." he mumbled his face red "well now you do..also ones in there ass and the other is on a part of the dick I can't remember what part" I said "why do you know this?" König asked "I know the male anatomy" I shrugged "but that's why gay sex works" I said I smiled as if everyone on the planet knew this "Uhh..I-I'll keep that in mind" he said and soap smacked him which made him yelp "Imma go ta b..ed" I said fumbling over my words "Need help with that?" He said standing offering a hand "Ooo yes please...See guys..th..is is a true gentleman" I blurted "alright yeah you are dip shit drunk now.." he mumbled moving his arms picking me up bridle style my arm automatically moved to be around his neck as I made a sound of surprise, I couldn't get my giggles under control even after he put me into my room though he stayed forcing me to drink a shit ton of water till I was on the verge of vomiting because I was full of fucking water making me sober up before he let me go to sleep leaving to go to his room.


"Yyy/nn" a voice said in a sing song tone I turned seeing my mother's torn apart face "ma?" I said softly "for the most part..I think.." "is this a dream or are you visiting me?" "Y/n dear you know our family can visit one another after death as long our soul hasn't rested easily like it should have" she said walking towards me placing her hand on my face I could feel the chill that came from her tears fell out of my eyes "I'm sorry I let you die mother.." I cried "You did what you could what happened isn't your fault you tried as hard as you could hell you even avenged me and your helping with making sure that the world is as safe as possible, and your falling in love..unfortunately slowly but none the less" she said wiping my tears "what?" "That guy..what's his name he seems lovely" "König? Me and him are just friends" "hm..his name is very pretty and you and me both know deep down your slowly falling for him..he's almost identical to the guy you always said you wanted when you where little he just doesn't have the tattoo part" she said smiling "I mean..maybe but I doubt I'm his type let alone someone he would give a chance" she laughed "you should hear what he thinks of you, he questions your relationship as much as you" "Mom! Stop saying you know people's thoughts!" I said looking at her "Just ask him out he is far from brave enough, and if he says yes stop doubting me if he says no I'll never say I know what people think of you" "...Fine..but if I get hurt I'm gonna die and punch you" "please don't die" she said fading as I woke up


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