Knockout • OT4

By valentineclifford

11K 452 449

"I don't know if I want to fuck him or make him bleed the colour of that stupid red hair." "Why not both?" ... More

Knockout • OT4
1 - Fight Club
2 - Avoid
3 - Pathetic
4 - Sadistic
5 - Good Luck
6 - Spitfire
7 - Tread Lightly
8 - Blisters
9 - Silence
10 - Her
11 - Fear
12 - Private Meetings
14 - See me
15 - Dead Weight
16- Scared

13 - Annoying

1.1K 35 96
By valentineclifford

8K for the 2K celebration. Thank you guys for all your support, enjoy ;-) !!

The time on Michaels cracked phone read 8:37pm. The boy was wearing some ripped black skinny jeans, some random band shirt with a an old flannel hung loosely around his frame, and a black snapback to cover up his distressed hair.

No look would truly be complete without his scuffed up, classic converse.

He should really invest in new laces soon, seeing as the ends of these were splitting dramatically.

The boy was leaning against the brick wall in the familiar alleyway that held the large and intimidating metal door, a door that would lead him back to the place where his life ultimately got flipped upside down.

And by that, he meant meeting the three men that knew how to make him weak without always beating him to a pulp.

Their eyes were more than enough.

Michael toed at the cement with the tip of his shoe as he patiently waited for the other three, not exactly sure where he was supposed to meet them but seeming as it's a mutual location, he would wait right here.

Who knows, maybe this was some sort of test to prove that the youngest fighter wasn't a complete moron as much as he was a brat.

As he shuddered out a fogged breath into the cold New York night, he heard the shuffling of gravel coming from the other entrance of the alleyway. His head popped up almost instantly as he was suddenly more aware of his surroundings than he was prior moments ago.

There was a dumpster abstracting his vision to see any further down the alleyway, just his luck and it might be a raccoon or something.

He oh so desperately prayed to whatever divine being there was that it was only some garbage eater.

He didn't know if he was more scared of being jumped or more embarrassed that the other three would find him unconscious or something.

As he pushed himself off the cold wall, he slowly began walking towards that side of the alleyway, his curiosity getting the best of him. He, of course, tried to be quiet, but gravel was a very hard substance to not make noise against.

As he was about to turn the corner, he felt rough hands grip at his shoulders, pulling him back almost dramatically.

He panicked, eyes widened as he quickly pivoted before the grip got too tight, and socked a punch at the unknowns face.

Adrenaline was now rushing through his veins the same way fear usually did as he heard the laboured breathing of the person trying to keep the sudden pain under wraps.

"Fucking hell- kid, what the fuck was that?" Calum muttered out, pushing Michael away from him slightly. His hand came up to feel at the reopened cut on his cheek bone. His tongue swirled in the blood coating the inside of his mouth as he effectively cut himself against his teeth.

Ashton snorted slightly and took in the youngest fighters appearance, finding it very fitting for what they'd been calling him.

"At least that training seems to be paying off, he really nicked you, huh Hood?" the oldest of the four asked, humour dancing on the tip of his tongue.

As Michaels mouth was hung open, curses and apologies making their way from the back of his throat, his mind finally registered who he punched and who was watching.

Ashton and Luke both had subtle grins at the scene in front of them, clearly impressed by Michaels self defense and amused by Calums small outburst.

His eyes landed on the blood smeared on Calums lips and cheek as the man looked at him with the familiar fury.

It reminded him of yesterdays fight.

Michael will forever be hooked on that moment.

Calums going to fucking murder him in the ring tomorrow, that was for certain.

"Glad you were smart enough to meet us here, we weren't about to go chase your ass all over New York." The bleeding man muttered, looking Michael over before turning to make his exit out the alleyway.

"And if you three knew what was good for you, you'd quit the laughing and start walking," Calum spoke louder, trying to grab the attention of a stunned Michael and his two giggly companions.

"you know what happened last time we were late." he finished, voice dipping down as the two stopped giggling. They all seemed to recall a certain memory, one that allowed a tense silence to surround them in the cold alleyway.

Michael felt like such an outsider, locked out from that portion.. from majority of their lives.

Luke hummed as he nodded his head towards the busy streets, watching Ashton make his way to join Calum on the sidewalks. "Better get going, kid." he suggested, allowing for Michael to walk in front of him.

He wanted to keep a close eye on him tonight seeing as it's his first outing with them, first outing at all within the past few weeks.

As the four walked down the bustling streets of New York, watching people all dressed up heading to dinners or teenagers experiencing their first love and running through the streets, it only now seemed to click for Michael to ask about their destination.

"So.. where exactly are we going?" he spoke up, breaking the once comfortable silence. Calum grinned as he tucked his hands into his long black coat. "A bar." he responded simply.

He kept his answer vague, not wanting to startle the youngest fighter off so soon.

"A .. bar? Since when did you three consider me a drinking buddy?" he questioned curiously, hands pressing into the pockets of his own jeans, trying to keep them warm.

Where they all had warmer attire on, Michael was dressed for the summer.

He couldn't afford anything else.

Ashton chuckled and shook his head, slowing his pace down to match Michaels smaller but quicker steps. He glanced over at him, noticing the way the cold nipped at his nose and cheeks.

His face was going a rosy pink which contrasted beautifully against his pale skin and Ashton absolutely fucking loathed it.

"Last time we checked, princess, you're underage." he inquired. Calum and Luke stifled a laugh at Michaels baffled expression.

He was one year off from the legal drinking age, surely they wouldn't use that against him?

He wouldn't be surprised if they did.

The oldest man let out a chuckle at the boys expression before shaking his head, directing his gaze forwards again. "We're meeting someone there, angel. Consider this part of your training."

"Training? What about going to a bar and meeting some stranger is considered training?" Michael retorted, pulling his hands from his pockets to create air quotes with his stiff fingers.

"Someone who signs your pay-checks, and from the way you're shivering, God knows ya' need one" the blonde man cut in, watching every step Michael took from behind.

He noticed the way his shoulders would shutter when the cold settled deeper in his lungs, how flat his hands would lay in his shallow jean pockets to try and keep them warm.

He rolled his eyes to himself, mumbling a few curses because before he knew it, he was taking off his long coat.

He increased his strides a bit to almost press against the younger boy with each step he took. He draped his jacket over Michaels shoulders, watching the material swallow his small frame.

He didn't miss the brightened blush that replaced the frost of the night. The way his mouth slacked in surprise but also embarrassment at the blondes previous comment, and further action.

"I'm.. thank y-"

"Don't mention it." Luke replied quickly, voice laced with the tone that it wasn't up for discussion. It was either he was just being nice or that he really didn't want Michael to mention it.

Whatever the case was, the red haired man pulled the jacket tighter around his frame, breathing in the scent of cologne and cigarettes that lingered on the fabric.

It was so painfully Luke that it made his head spin.

He wishes to reach the bar sooner rather than later, so he could finally take this intoxicating jacket off.

It took another ten minutes of walking in silence to reach the crowded bar, though this wasn't any normal bar.

It was a higher end one. One where they served champagne on tap and had crystal chandlers covering the high ceilings. It was definitely dark like a bar, smelt like a bar, and had the rowdiness of the crowd as one but.. this one held a sort of sophistication that made Michael feel incredibly out of place.

A very common feeling for the younger fighter lately.

He followed the three men over to the bar table where people of all sorts sat and occupied their fancy alcoholic beverages. Some beautiful women wore tight fitted dresses and some men wore long button down coats.

Similar to those of Ashton, Luke, and Calum who clearly understood the dress code to fit in at a place like this.

Michael was embarrassed.

"Ah! The man of the match, Hood what can I get for ya'?" a tall italian man exclaimed, standing from his place at the bar to shake hands with the three boxers he knew so well.

The man had salt and peppered hair, slicked back with so much gel, Michael could probably cook something of the sorts on it. He wore an entirely black suit with red accents, a colour scheme that resembled the very gym he's been training in.

"Someone who signs your paychecks."

Michael visibly froze.

As he watched the intimidating man welcome the three warmly, he could only feel himself cowering in his place. With the way he was dressed? How stupid he looked being swallowed by a black jacket that didn't even match his outfit? In front of this someone who was supposedly his boss?

He'd rather Calum killed him right here, right now rather than tomorrow.

"Good to see you, Mr. Brooks!" Ashton beamed, always in a good mood when money was heading their way. Who was he to complain when the older man would pay for a couple of rounds of drinks before sending the men on their way.

They were his favourites after all.

Once the round of greetings were over, the boss settled his gaze upon Michael who was struggling to pull off the large coat. His sleeves kept hooking onto something in the much larger ones, making him stumble like an idiot trying to take the damned thing off.

"And this must be Michael, I've heard a lot about you." Mr. Brooks began, lips quirking in an expression that was surprisingly foreign to Michael.

Whenever the other three sported a grin or a smirk, it was usually in a mocking or demeaning way. This time however.. the man was unreadable.

'Brilliant' Michael thought.

The boys face flushed a bright red as he finally pulled away from the suffocating jacket, draping it on a bar stool before he reached his hand out, trying to remember to be polite.

He could only hope the man didn't notice the slight tremor of nerves in his hand or the sweat that collected in his palm.

Mr. Brooks happily shook the much smaller hand, booming out a laugh. He pulled the shorter man in and pat his back a bit too roughly for it to have looked normal.

That or the horrid sputtering sound of surprise Michael let out.

"No need to be nervous, boy! I've been meaning to get a look at you myself." the man spoke, finally pulling away to look over the boy from head to toe, just like Ashton, Luke, and Calum have prior into their night.

Speaking of them, they were were eyeing their interactions. Their faces were void of emotion, something not helping Michael in the slightest.

"It's erm- a pleasure to meet you sir." the youngest concluded, wiping his palms on his jeans nervously. The boss exchanged a few more words with the newbie before he beckoned Calum and Luke over, leaving Ashton to look over Michael.

Luke and Calum situated themselves at the bar as their boss pulled out a thick folder with scattered papers, head shots of his boxers, and a stack of cash with a small sticky note reading 'HOODS BIDS' on it.

"Before we get down to business, what can I order you two?" questioned the man as his skilled fingers moved effortlessly through the contents of the folder.

Luke shrugged and peeked over the bars ledge to look at the options of alcohol.

"I'll take a whiskey on ice." the blonde concluded, holding his arms neatly in front of him on the bars countertop.

Calum nodded at the choice before responding with 'beer', wanting to keep himself on high alert at a place like this, with a person like this.

Their boss may seem friendly and such, but they worked hard to have the relationship they have with him today.

Mr. Brooks was a man of scheming. He always got what he wanted with very little argument. He was manipulative, short tempered, and a mastermind.

It would be foolish to allow themselves to let loose in this environment.

Their boss ordered their drinks, ordering a martini for himself as he glanced over at their surprise guest. Michael was rolling his eyes at something Ashton told him, the man himself swirling his own whiskey and coke in an expensive glass.

"He's quite the pretty boy, isn't he?" Mr. Brooks stated quietly, his voice remaining calm and levelled.

Unease crept up the two boxers spines.

"Something we all said when he first came in that day, s'a shame he's a back talker." Luke replied, trying to keep the conversation on Michael as vague as possible.

The man hummed knowingly as he pulled out the stack of cash and slid it over to Calum.

"4 grand, cash. You really wracked it up last match, Hood." the boss recalled.

The tanned man took the stack and slid it into a pocket on the inside of his jacket, nodding appreciatively.

Mr. Brooks took a quick sip of his drink, tongue darting out to lick over his lips as he turned his attention to the match schedule presenting itself in his bulky folder. "He's improved a lot from what I've heard, you three seem to be quite the trainers."

"He's resilient." Calum replied simply, following the gaze of the older man.

"Indeed he is, I reckon it won't be long before he joins your little group of victors, hm?" the boss insisted, not pulling his gaze off the paper.

Calum and Luke shared a look, one that spoke a whole conversation with just the furrow of the eyebrows.

What the hell was this man on about, and why did it scare them to know that someone else was spectating on their relationship with Michael?

Why did they sort of want to see their play thing succeed in the end?

"Enough of that for now, I do have the schedule for some upcoming matches, but.. I have an ultimatum for you men." he mused, a smirk forming on his well preserved face.

The man himself was decently attractive for his age, if only they didn't know who he truly was underneath the stacks of cash and hand-crafted suits.

"And what exactly would that entail?" Luke questioned, leaning more of his weight against the bars counter.

"I've decided to put little Michael there on the roster. It's either you learn what day his match is on or when Hemmings' match is on. Your pick, choose wisely."

Calums face contorted into one of nerves. Michael was finally being put to the test. He was going to stand in that ring and fight whoever the hell Mr. Brooks decided to partner him up with.

Luke shared a similar face of uneasiness, unsure if Michael was really ready to take someone on in a real fight.

They had to prepare him, it was only fair after what they put him through.

"So gentleman, who's date will it be?" the oldest man asked once again, fingers beginning to drum against the polished wood impatiently.

They shared one more look of confirmation before responding in unison.


Meanwhile, Ashton had been teasing Michael about not being able to legally drink.

The man kept humming delightfully with each sip he took of his alcoholic beverage, appreciating the warmth it trailed down his throat.

The red haired fighter only pulled his snap back further down on his face, hiding his suffering as he wanted nothing more than to down a few shots of his own.

What? He had things to drink to too.

It wasn't until he heard something sliding against the wood of the counter. He peeked down to see two shot glasses filled with god knows what set in front of him.

"Drink." Ashton urged.

"But- I'm underaged, are you just so far up the laws ass-"

"Stop being a smart ass and drink, damn it. Fuck you're so annoying, princess." Ashton muttered, shaking his head as he looked into the various alcohols covering the bars walls.

He didn't need to tell Michael twice.

The boy downed both the shots one after the other, face scrunching at the harsh taste that coated his mouth only seconds after.

The burn he felt however? Oh the burn felt good, he felt alive.

"Want another?" Ashton questioned without taking his gaze off the wall of alcohol. He thought he'd test Michaels limits tonight, wanting to see who their little fighter was when he wasn't bleeding and bruised, scared and hot-headed.

Though he'll be honest, that'll always be one of his favourite looks on the younger man.

After another two hours of business and drinking, the three professional boxers were saying their goodbyes to their boss. Michael stood behind them, rubbing at his eyes as his vision blurred slightly.

Ashton sure treated him alright, getting him a total of 6 varying shots. It wasn't enough to make him drunk, but it was enough to quiet down his violent thoughts and to get him properly tipsy.

Their boss seemed to effortlessly push through the barricade of boxers to get to Michael, taking in his flushed appearance from the alcohol.

His sinister grin came back to his face, revealing nothing of what his intentions were. He pulled the boy into a side hug, allowing his large hand to rest on Michaels lower back for a little too long.

He was acting a little too friendly towards Michael, they all seemed to have noticed it, and they all seemed to grow distasteful towards it.

"I'll see you again soon, Michael. Good luck." the man whispered, taking his leave from the bar leaving a very confused Michael behind.

"Good luck?.. for what?" he called out, earning a pointed look from Calum to lower his voice. He winced slightly and nodded, looking down.

"Really, Irwin? Shots for the kid? We don't even know where he lives and for some strange reason, I'm doubtful he'll get home safely on his own." Calum grumbled, directing his fiery gaze onto his partner.

Sure he usually wouldn't care, but knowing Michael himself is his only means of going home, wherever that may be, he was a bit worried.

"Oh relax, Cal. Since when did you start to care?" Ashton taunted back, biting the inside of his cheek in distaste of his own comment.

They knew they treated Michael like shit, but that was what they took him under their wings for. A punching bag, a plaything, nothing more. Now however? They've all got some inner conflicts to work through surrounding the younger boxer.

A tense silence only followed as they stared at each other before looking away, watching Michael struggle to put Luke's large jacket back on.

"Blondie, your shoulders are massive. How the fuck am I supposed to wear this and not look like a child in a trench coat." Michael rambled, watching at Luke rolled his eyes in slight annoyance before walking over to correctly adjust the jacket to the man's frame.

"We should get going, and uh- I think Michael here will be better off sticking with us tonight." Ashton suggested, pulling on his own coat.

Luke and Calum gave him a crazed look, like this was the stupidest idea the man has ever had. Welcoming this little shit into their home? Thats a whole new level of intimate other than their occasion tensed eye contact for crying out loud.

"You can't be serious." Luke retorted.

"Relax, will you? We'll let him crash on the couch and kick him out the next morning. He won't even remember it happening." the oldest man tried reasoning.

Calum grumbled under his breath, eyebrows furrowed in clear dissatisfaction with how the night has gone so far.

One, their boss was getting a bit too touchy with their play thing. Two, their boss put Michael on the roster for a fight in two days. That wasn't nearly enough time to prepare him. Three, Michaels face was showing evident hurt as he listened to what they were saying about him, treating him like he was incompetent or simply not even there.

He was tipsy, still coherent, and even a bit pained.

Calums fists clenched as most of the problems caused tonight weren't even the poor boys fault.

"Fine, whatever, Michael how does that sound with you?" the blonde questioned, already weaving his way towards the grand doors of the establishment. Michael only nodded silently, pushing his hands into the deep pockets to protect them from the chill of the night breeze.

Luke knew they royally fucked up with their discussion right in front of Michael.

At least now, Michael will stay silent.

As the three walked back to their shared apartment, Michael trailing along as he tried listening in on their hushed conversations with eachother, he couldn't help but regret coming out tonight.

They'll only ever look at him in distaste as he's the sort of person to allow himself to get tipsy at a business meeting, courtesy of Ashton, and come underdressed as well, courtesy of Calum.

He couldn't name a moment within the night where he wasn't self conscious of embarrassed of himself.

Maybe he'll slip out of their apartment once they fall asleep to avoid the strange morning after.


"Michael! Are you listening?" Ashton called out, snapping his fingers a few times in front of the boys hazed face in order to get his attention.

He didn't even notice that they were standing in a decked out condo lobby, with the finest of furniture and even a fountain placed right in the middle of it.

What the fuck was Michael doing here? He didn't belong here.

"Sorry- uh, what was the question?" the red haired man sputtered out, digging his nails into the palms of his hands to remind himself to get it together.

Ashton clicked his tongue in distaste. "Wasn't a question, we were just letting you know that the guest bathroom is yours. Shower up and whatever you need, it's all in there for you."

Michael could only hum appreciatively, following them to the elevator.

He didn't know why he wasn't turning away and letting them know that 'actually, it's fine! I'll make it home okay, goodnight!' or that he could crash at a friends house that didn't even exist.

He didn't understand why he was so compelled to follow them right up into their shared penthouse.

The youngest man couldn't begin to fathom just how much money they actually made in their fights, how good they actually were.

His stomach flipped at the mere thought.

"Guest bathroom is to the left, take your time." Luke repeated, pulling the coat off of Michael so he could hang it back up neatly, along with Ashton's and Calums various coats.

His eyes were glued to the different articles of clothing before they began to drift to the other parts of their living space.

A living room that barely looked touched, a grand kitchen that held sad looking fruits, hidden drugs and pain killers, and a nice looking espresso machine.

Photographs, reminding Michael that these men weren't completely inhumane. They were people, lovers, workers just trying to get by just like him.

He didn't like how that perception sat in his buzzed brain.

Michael felt their judgemental stares burning into his back, so he decided to excuse himself before he melted away at the gaze. "Yea I'm gonna.. yea."

Just as he was about to close the door, Luke walked over to hand him what looked like sweatpants and an old T-shirt. The blonde knew it would be incredibly uncomfortable to sleep in tight skinny jeans, especially when his clothes reeked off alcohol, so he decided to at least give him that sort of comfort.

It was minimal, but Michael considered the quiet action an apology for the earlier discussion right in front of him.

He gave a slight smile, nodding his head as a thank you as he didn't trust his voice at the moment. He barely ever did.

And so he slipped away into the bathroom to shower away all the grime and terrifying thoughts that always seemed present in his subconscious.

And as he did so, the three all went to the untouched living room.

It's hard to settle into a house when you're barely even there to call it home.

Luke went ahead and lit some candles to create a more welcoming space. Plus, the man liked his candles. Calum and Ashton just sat on the couches, legs spread as they reached up to unbutton the first few buttons of their dress shirts.

Calum was dressed in all black while Ashton wore a white one.

The tanned man rested his head in his hand as he allowed his rough fingers to massage at his temples. "Why did we bother inviting him here?"

"Because he'd die trying to get home alone. How many times did we have to call his name to get his attention earlier?" The tanned man's partner pointed out. He too looked utterly defeated after the night.

This wasn't the plan, they didn't even have a plan but they were damn sure that this wasn't it.

"He's not drunk, he's just.."

"Lost in his head, we've all been there." Ashton muttered, directing his gaze to Luke who decided to sit at the corner of the coffee table.

They sat in silence for a few more minutes, minds running with ideas and decisions, conflicts and very few resolutions. It's like their brains had to be rewired the second Michael came into their lives because he simply isn't compatible with their present software.

They got lost in their minds, one thing that held all of them in common being the youngest boxer with fiery red hair.

They found comfort in knowing the person sitting next to them was thinking about him too.

The longer they sat, the faster time seemed to tick by, resulting in a freshly showered Michael to exit the guest bathroom.

Their eyes all landed on him.

They all had to physically stand to contain themselves.

The boys red hair was still damp from his shower, it stood in all different directions in the most Michael way possible. The shirt swallowed him whole, the collar of it dipping down to expose his prominent collarbones.

His face was a bit flushed, probably due to the heat of the water and the alcohol still running through his system.

That and the affect of the stares set on him.

The sweatpants were baggy of course, Michael having to roll down the waistband and cuff the ends of each leg.

There was something about seeing Michael so comfortable, so peaceful for the first time since they met him that struck something deep within all of them.

There was something about seeing Michael in Luke's clothes.

The silence that surrounded them was unknown. It was tense, but not in a bad way. They didn't know whether to welcome it or not.

Michael stepped forwards to stand in front of Calum, tilting his head up to get a good look of him up close. This had to have been the only time they've ever been so close to each other, making eye contact with each other without the fear present from Michaels pretty eyes.

The blonde moved his hands up to unbutton the first few buttons of his shirt as well, suddenly feeling overwhelmed and overheated at the sight of their play thing. Ashton seemed to have the same idea when he brushed his hair back with his hands, taking a deep breath.

"Thanks for letting me shower, I appreciate it. Water at my place eh.. runs cold after a while." he admitted, clearly losing a bit of a filter when alcohol got involved.

Calum kept his stoic expression, looking down at this angel of a being. How could someone look so innocent, so flawless as an underground boxer where sin and tragedy are only close to follow.

The green eyes slotted themselves on the cut on Calums cheek, the one he accidentally reopened at the beginning of their night. He saw the crusted blood which had dried over it, the slight smear that resulted from the man touching it all those hours ago.

Without much thought, the younger man brought a hand up to trace over the cut on the boxers face. His gentle fingers moved so carefully over the forming scab, face contorting into one of remorse.

"I'm.. I'm sorry.. about that, this." he whispered, eyeing the bruise blossoming under the cut.

Calums breath hitched as his large hands itched at his sides, having nothing to keep them occupied. His heartbeat quickened as his mind echoed the younger man's response.

"I'm sorry." "I'm sorry," "I'm sorry."

It struck his heart, causing it to ache unknowingly. In this field of work, apologies for injuries were unheard of. Being apologized to so sincerely, so delicately with gentle touches of affection definitely weren't things the man could say he was used to.

But he liked it.. he loved the gentle aspect to Michael.

He felt his face warm under the touch of the boy.

Michael wasn't a fighter, he shouldn't be here, this was all so fucking wrong.

So why did it feel so right?

Even if Ashton and Luke weren't the ones being touched like Calum was, he knew the two men were in just as deep of a trance as he was.

His eyes bored into Michaels.

"Why?" he asked quietly, in fear that he could potentially scare this angel of a boy away.

"Why?" Michael repeated back curiously, eyebrows furrowing slightly in confusion.

"Mhm.. why?"

Michael gave a slight shrug of his shoulders as he allowed himself to properly cup the man's face in one hand, thumb moving to graze over the cut occupying Calums bottom lip.

"Because I didn't mean to do it, I.. I hurt you. I feel bad."

The dark eyes stared down at Michael with an unknown expression, the hard gaze moving to watch the way his much smaller fingers traced over his lip.

He was so close, he was itching and it was burning him to be touched like this by someone like Michael as his two lovers were only entranced in it, just as much as he was.

They never felt guilt or remorse for hurting Michael the way they did in training, but he had a feeling that was going to change very soon.

His eyes darted to Luke and Ashton, almost seeking approval.

They nodded.

He couldn't hold out any longer.

"Fuck.. I can't do this." he mumbled, hands moving from their sides to grip Michaels waist, tugging him closer. The boy didn't seem as surprised as he thought he'd be, the solemn moment calming him as this apartment.. the candles, the lighting and the comfortable silence felt cozier and safer than his home ever was.

Michael never took his eyes off of Calum, his lips parting slightly at their proximity.

"Can't do what?" Michael asked in a hushed tone.

"Look at you like this and not do anything about it." Calum whispered back, as if it was a secret for only the four that stood in the apartment.

And then he did the thing that itched at his mind and heart, the thing they'd find themselves doing all the more frequently after tonight.

He kissed Michael.

The taller man connected his and Michaels lips, but not in the dominant and powerful way he normally would with Ashton and Luke. He did it gently, slowly to make sure he didn't overwhelm the boy that actually kissed him back.

Michael kissed him back.

The younger man's free hand was brought up to cup the other side of Calums face. He held onto him so gently, just as Calum kissed him back in return.

Michael deserved gentle for once in his damned life.

Their lips moved together so effortlessly, in a way that caused shivers to slither up Michaels spine and for heat to pool in Calums gut.

When the younger boy pulled away, lips red and puffy and green eyes clouded and hazy, he felt a presence from behind him.

Luke was standing behind him, hands moving to settle on his waist just above Calums.

The blonde leaned down, grazing his lips against the back of Michaels neck.

"Fuck, princess.. seeing you in my clothes, kissing Calum like that.. you don't know how sinful you truly are." he mumbled against the boys neck before attaching his lips to the soft skin.

The face he made at Calum caused the man the grin slightly. Michaels face was caught in a moan and a whine, lips parting slightly as his head lulled back onto Luke's shoulder.

'Very reactive' the blonde thought.

The tanned man then looked just a bit past Luke to see Ashton fumbling with unbuttoning his dress shirt, face as red and Michaels hair. He looked desperate to get the three into the large bed.

He needed the three in the bed, or else he was sure he'd positively lose it.

Calum decided to take that as a cue to get things moving. His brought a large hand up from the boys waist to take his chin into his grasp. Butterflies erupted in the youngest man's stomach.

He's been gripped and groped all of his life, such a gentle action from the same man who once gripped his chin like a madman was making his head spin.

The taller man just looked down at the dazed eyes and flushed face, admiring it for a second before whispering.

"Jump, princess."

"... Jump?" he questioned back.

Calum rolled his eyes halfheartedly as he nodded, moving his hands back down to rest on the boys lower thighs, giving him the signal to just trust him and jump.

Pale arms wrapped around the man's neck as he jumped slightly into his arms, Calums grip tightening on the boy as he lead them all into their bedroom.

The blonde felt his heart beating violently against his rib cage.

It's only ever been then three in this bed, and now? They were inviting one more person into the mix, into their safe space.

He knew things would never be the same again.

As he watched his tanned companion lay their youngest member down on the bed with such tenderness, he knew they wouldn't regret it.

He certainly won't, as the very scene made his heart leap for pure joy.

Something that even with the dark men in his life, he was barely able to achieve. They all felt the lack of joy, of something precious, the light in their dark world.

They hate that they were attempting to beat that light out of Michael.

Ashton pulled his shirt off completely, dropping it to the floor as he got on the bed beside Michael, looking down at his red cheeks.

He cupped his face to caress the flushed cheeks before grinning. "So pretty, angel. So fucking pretty for us." he murmured, watching the younger boy pull his bottom lip between his teeth, allowing himself to sink into the touch.

Michael could positively cry from the pure affection and kindness, from the feeling of finally being wanted.

Luke replaced Calums spot, kneeling in between the spread legs of the younger boy. He knelt down to kiss along his pale neck, allowing himself to nip and suck at his pulse spot.

The boy writhed and whined quietly, allowing his small fingers to tangle in the curly blonde hair. He began bucking his hips up involuntarily as the three could only watch hungrily.

Fuck, they were doing this. Tonight.

"Hey, Michael? I need to hear you say you want us, we need to make sure you're okay with us touching you like this." Ashton said in a quiet voice, continuing to caress his ever reddening cheeks.

Their angel whined quietly before nodding quickly.

"Fuck- yes, please." he rasped out.

Luke was curious as to how far they could make this go.

"Beg for it. Beg for us, angel eyes."

Angel eyes was the name that fit Michael the best, they've suddenly decided. The loud whine and the sudden thrust of his hips upwards were enough to confirm that he agreed too.

"Are- are you really.. gonna make me-"

"Beg for it." He confirmed.

And Michael lost all dignity he had left.

"Fuck- please! Please I-.. I just want you three.. want to feel you, wanna be.. wanna be touched by you. God, please!" He begged, voice exuding desperation as if this will be the last time Michael is ever to be touched in this way.

And for all he knows, it very much may be.

Luke smiled warmly down at their angel, leaning down to shut his pleading up with a harder kiss. One that would bruise the younger man's lips, one that would make him touch his lips at the faint memory of being kissed like that.

"Good boy."

And that was all it took for the three to undress from their dress attire and position Michael on top of Calum, who was laying on his back with his hands resting on the boys thighs.

They long discarded the large sweatpants that sunk around the boys hips, but they wanted to keep him in his shirt. They wanted to fuck him in something that they owned.

Essentially meaning, they owned him.

Luke was sat behind Michael, on his knees as he covered his fingers in lube. Ashton was giving Michael a small breakdown of what he'd feel in the coming moments, knowing this may be an overwhelming change for him.

"It's gonna hurt, Michael."

"I've been through worse, I can take it." he breathed out, bracing himself with his palms supporting him on Calums chest.

The man could only look up at Michael with astonishment, and with desire. No matter what they put him through, he never looked for apologies or excuses, he took it like it was and moved on with his life.

Guilt was the word that flashed in his mind.

Michael was resilient, he would leave it at that.

Luke positioned his fingers accordingly and pressed carefully into the boy, watching Calum for any sign to stop and slow down as they stretched him.

The whines and moans and the way the boy was pushing back on Luke's eventual three fingers? Were giving them the hint that he was ready.

And fuck, so were they.

They started with having Michael lower himself onto Calums cock, eyes squeezing shut as the hold on his thighs only tightened. He fought the wince climbing up his throat from the pain of his previous inflicted marks.

"Fuck, angel eyes- so tight, how are you still so tight?" he wheezed out, going light headed at just how fucking good he felt to be buried so deep into someone so pretty.

Michaels lips were parted, quiet pants escaping him as he wiggled his hips to properly adjust, eyes meeting the dark brown ones, swimming in lust and desire.

Michael gave a slight nod of his head, and that was all the confirmation Calum needed to start thrusting into him slowly, guiding the boy up and down on his cock.

Ashton couldn't help but moan at the sight, watching someone so violently dominant fuck someone so preciously innocent. Fucked him with such gentleness that it was absolutely uncalled for.

He was hoping that by the time it was his turn, Michael wouldn't mind a bit of a harder go.

Luke was still sat right behind him, peppering kisses to the boys back, whispering such sinful things against the porcelain skin.

"Such a pretty slut for us, angel eyes. So willing to take all of us in one night, hm? I'm sure you can do it, Michael. You're a good boy, remember?" he teased, his voice coming out deep as it vibrated against Michaels skin.

The words alone were enough to make the boy moan and whine, but as Calum gradually increased his deep thrusts, hitting a spot he's never felt hit before, he was utterly gone.

His gorgeous green eyes rolled to the back of his head as a louder whine echoed through the apartment. His hard cock stood against his t-shirt, Luke's t-shirt.

The sight was intoxicating to every single one of them.

And sooner than later, he was painting it white. A string of curses exited the plump lips as he basically fell limp against Calum, feeling the orgasm shake through his core.

"Fuck- oh fuck, Calum! Feels- oh god-" he breathed out, cock not exactly going limp after his first round with Calum.

But that was probably thanks to the fact that the man was now plowing deep into him, cock pushing deeper and harder as he chased his own high.

He was so close, he was going to leave such a mess inside of their pretty play toy.

He was so clos-

"Please, Calum! Please.. please please please.." he pleaded incoherently.

Calum pushed down on the boys hips, releasing deep inside of him with a low moan being released from the back of his throat.

He could've sworn he blacked out for a second at the intense feeling of it all.

Luke was slowly moving Michael off of Calum, laying him on his back as he looked to Ashton with a smirk.

"Don't go all daddy on him, Irwin. Think that may leave us with a bit of an issue after."

The oldest of the four smirked and looked down at the flushed boy, eyelids heavy with lust and post-orgasm bliss. His cock stood proudly against the shirt however.

He licked his lips and got into position.

"No promises."

And with that, Ashton pushed into him roughly, feeling the contents of Calum slicking over his cock. Even with a round of fucking with Calum, it felt like the boy had hardly been stretched.

He didn't know how much longer he was going to last after watching them go at it.

With Luke positioning his cock against the bright red lips, pushing past them slowly as he held onto the headboard? Oh yea, this would be very short lived.

Better make it count then.

His large hands dug into the pale skin, gripping tight enough to leave pretty bruises to remind the red haired boxer of the night before.

He thrusted in and out of the boy almost violently, hearing the headboard hit the wall with each thrust. The loud moans and cries of their youngest member only fuelled him to go further, watching as his cock gave a satisfied twitch.

What was convenient for Luke, was that each time Ashton thrusted into Michael, the further his dick would push into his warm mouth, tip bruising the back of the boys throat.

Tears were collecting in Michaels eyes as he moaned and choked around the cock, not being able to warn Ashton that he was close.

He was so fucking close.

He was feeling overstimulated by the second round of fucking and the constant hands on him, but it was all so addicting. He needed more, he wanted more, why hasn't he ever had this before now?

The way Ashton's cock was a bit wider than Calums, filling him up so full that he could barely breathe. Well, that and the cock obstructing his airway.

It wasn't until he felt warm hands lifting up his shirt to tightly grip his cock that he knew he was done for.

He arched his back as a scream ripped through his throat, his second orgasm hitting that night.

His body shuddered violently as his small hands bunched up the covers he laid on.

When Michael came, he clenched around the man's cock, causing such a mindfucking friction that allowed the oldest the empty himself into their angel.

Low curses and a tighter grip accompanied that.

Luke pulled out from Michaels mouth, moving his hand to cautiously rub over his slit before he too came at the mere sight of the blissed out boy underneath him.

He painted his red face white, and god he looked so fucking pretty.

Ashton very carefully pulled out of the boy, watching as a mix of him and Calum seeped out of his abused hole. As soon as he looked up at his face, it took everything in him to keep his dick down.

Calum quickly got up to go grab a wash cloth and a clean shirt for the boy as Ashton wordlessly got up to clean up the bed a bit. He knew the youngest boy was going to need a comfortable place to sleep tonight, and the couch was absolutely out of the question.

The blonde however, moved to lay beside Michael, taking his small hand in his as he rubbed the back of his hand gently. He whispered sweet nothings into his ear in an attempt to bring him back to reality.

"Come on, angel eyes, you did so fucking good for us, yea? Such a pretty boy. Gonna need you to come back to us though, gotta clean you up." he whispered, pressing kisses along the boys jaw and neck in an attempt to bring him down from his post-orgasm high.

Luke can't remember that last time he was this gentle with anyone, with himself.

The others would never let him live this one down.

As Calum came back with a warm wash cloth, he wiped the boys face first, watching the green eyes flutter open with exhaustion clouding them. Michael did however, offer the dangerous man a small smile, and the weird feeling evaded his chest once again.

They were so screwed, they were so fucked up.

As soon as they dressed Michael into a cleaner shirt belonging to Luke, they all settled into the large bed, Luke at one end and Ashton at the other. Calum was cuddled into Ashton chest as he faced a very sleepy Michael.

Luke's arm was draped over the boys hip, fingers connecting with Ashton's who mimicked the blonde with an arm over Calum.

They were content, the same silence that surrounded them at the start of this returning.

They didn't have anything to say, feeling like now they could finally rest.

"Gotta.. gotta head to the couch.." Michael muttered out into the dark. He sat up slowly, wincing at the slight ache that ran up his spine.

Calum only grumbled in annoyance, gently tugging Michael back down.

"Fuck, you're so annoying, Michael. You're sleeping right here with us tonight."

Low chuckles could be heard from the other two as Michael blushed profusely. He moved closer into Luke's chest, feeling safe and wanted and actually happy for the first time in a very long time.

What he didn't notice, was that it was a shared feeling between the rest of the men too.

that was one long ass chapter.

i hope you guys enjoyed it as much as i enjoyed writing it. THANK YOU so much for all the support on this story, it means the world to me.

leave your comments, thoughts, and predictions here ->
(i love reading and replying to u guys)


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