🌻 When The Darkness Comes |...

By skllington

37.1K 714 50

(edited for spelling and grammar.) Bellamy and Clarke had a relationship on the Ark, and are reunited on the... More

One Year
First and Last
Got Ya, Princess
Slay Your Demons
It Was A Silent Killer
A Right To Know
I Need You
Trouble Ahead Pt. 1
Trouble Ahead Pt. 2
Save Her
So Close, Yet So Far
Your People. My People
Holding On
Before The Storm
This Is War Pt. 1
This Is War Pt. 2

We Aren't Alone

2.6K 49 2
By skllington

Bellamy had walked out of the dropship just in time to hear Octavia say "Sounds like a party, make it five."

"Hey! What the hell do you think you're doing?" He asked walking up to Clarke, Octavia, Finn and those two kids Bellamy hadn't learned the names of, they seemed too innocent to be criminals.

"Going for a walk." Octavia smiled. "With my best friend." She said while hooking her arm with Clarke's. "Come on little lion."

Clarke smiled then looked over to Finn. "Were you trying to take this off?!" She asked grabbing his wrist.

"Yeah. So, what?" Finn said confused.

"So, this wristband transmits your vital signs to The Ark. Take it off and they'll think you're dead."

"Should I care?"

"Well, I don't know. Do you want the people who love you to think that you're dead? Do you want them to follow you down here in a few months? Because they won't if they think we're dying out."

"Okay. Fine. Sorry." Finn said.

"Let's go," Octavia said.


"Hey, little lion. What's going on between you and Bell? Also, because you and Bell are fighting I just want to you to that before you get any ideas, Spacewalker's mine." Octavia stated as they were walking, Finn and the two other boys, who Octavia and Clarke learned were Jasper and Monty, were walking ahead.

"Before you get any ideas, I don't care," Clarke replied.

"Okay. So then tell me, what's going on between you and Bellamy?"

"I think he's mad at me because he thought I had just been blowing him off, he didn't even know that I had been arrested."

"What?! That's ridiculous." Octavia stated. "He was so madly in love with you the last time I saw him."

"Well, we're over each other now." Clarke sighed.

"That is total bullshit! You were so in love with him! You drew pictures of him."

"I drew a few pictures of you on request."

'Well, yeah, because you love me. Obviously."

"Obviously," Clarke repeated.

"You two should just talk." Octavia sighed.

Finn had stopped the girls and put a flower in Octavia's hair, while Clarke moved on ahead.

"Now that, my friend, is game," Jasper said, pointing to Finn as he smirked, putting the flower in O's hair.

"That my friend is poison sumac." Monty pointed out.

"WHAT?!" Octavia said knocking the flower out of her hair.

"The flowers aren't poisonous, they're medicinal, calming actually," Monty added.

"His family grows all the pharmaceuticals on The Ark," Jasper informed.

"Hey, guys, keep up," Clarke called out over her shoulder.

"Come on, little lion, how can you block all this out?" Finn asked.

"First off, Octavia is the only one that gets to call me that..." Clarke began, stopping and getting in Finn's face.

"How about... Princess then? Princess." He interrupted.

"I'll be the one to kick your ass if you call her that." Octavia answers.

"Anyway, it's simple. I wonder, "why haven't we seen any animals?" Maybe it's because we've already been exposed to enough radiation to kill us. Sure is pretty." She stated, then turned and continued to walk.

"Okay," Finn said as they all started following Clarke again. "So, I gotta know, what did you two do to get busted?" He asked looking at Jasper and Monty.

"Sumac isn't the only herb in the garden if you know what I mean," Monty answered.

"Someone forgot to replace what we took," Jasper added.

"Someone has apologized, like, a thousand times."

"What about you?" Jasper asked. "Octavia?"

"Being born." She said then caught up with Clarke.

"That is so not game." Monty sighed.


Back at the dropship, Bellamy watched on as Wells was talking to two other boys. Bellamy knew that he was Clarke's best friend, other than Octavia, and he didn't understand how he could betray her like that. He listened as Wells told the two boys that they had spelled "die" wrong, which they did, then walked away. That's when Bellamy walked over to the two boys.

"If you're gonna kill someone, it's probably best not to announce it." He stated.

"You're not really a member of the guard, are you?" The one called Murphy asked.

"No. But the real guard will be here soon unless we stop it."

"What's your point?" The other kid, John, asked.

"They locked you up, dumped you down here like lab rats, and yet, you're still helping them."

"Like hell we are," Murphy stated.

"You're wearing those bracelets, aren't you? Those things are letting them know, whether or not it's safe to follow us down here." Bellamy explained.

"How can we help?" Murphy asked.

"Take them off. The Ark will think we're dying and that it's not safe to follow." Bellamy answered.

"Okay. But what's in it for us?" John asked.

"Someone has to help me run things," Bellamy smirked.


"So, what I'd like to know, is why send us down today? After ninety-seven years. What changed?" Finn asked as they continued to walk through the forest.

"Who cares? I'm just glad they did. I woke up rotting in a cell and now I'm spinning in a forest, and I've got my family down here." Octavia smiled, spinning around a tree.

"Maybe they found a satellite, like an old weather satellite," Monty suggested.

"The Ark is dying," Clarke stated.

"What?" Jasper exclaimed.

"At the current population level, there's roughly three months of life support, maybe four now that we're gone." She continued.

"Clarke, is that why you were arrested?" Octavia asked.

"My father was the engineer that discovered the flaw. He thought the people had a right to know. The council disagreed. My mother disagreed. They were afraid it would go public. Wells..." The blonde took a deep breath.

"Wells turned in your dad?" Finn asked.

"The guard came before we could go public. That's why today. That's why the risk. Even if we die, they still get more time to figure something out." Clarke finished.

"They're gonna just kill more people, aren't they?" Monty asked.

"We have to warn them," Finn said, stopping Clarke.

"That's what my father said," Clarke replied then started walking again.

They were silent for a while longer, just walking, thinking. Then they were stopped by a lake. Octavia quickly ran to and started taking off her clothes.

"Oh damn, I love Earth." Jasper laughed, watching her.

"Octavia, what the hell are you doing?" Clarke asked.

Octavia smiled back at Clarke then jumped into the water.

"Octavia!" Clarke exclaimed.

"We can't swim!" Jasper pointed out.

"No. But we can stand." Octavia said rising a little out of the water.

"Wait. There isn't supposed to be a river here." Clarke informed.

"Well, there is. So take your damn clothes off." Finn smirked.

As the four started removing their shoes and jackets, Jasper paused and noticed something in the water, moving quickly towards Octavia.

"Get out of the water." He said. "OCTAVIA GET OUT OF THE WATER NOW!" He yelled.

Suddenly Octavia was pulled under. She was struggling against whatever was holding on to her, throwing her around.

"What the hell is that?!" Monty exclaimed.

"We have to help her!" Jasper said, getting ready to jump in.

"Wait!" Clarke said. pulling him back.

"What?! Why?" He asked.

"Maybe if we distract it, it'll let her go." She replied. "Help me with this." She said, starting to push a big rock, into the water, Finn, and Monty quickly helping her.

Once it landed in the water, Jasper jumped in closer to Octavia and helped her to shore, but the thing was coming back for them.

"Come on!" Finn shouted.

"It's coming back!" Monty called out.

The three of them, Clarke, Monty, and Finn, quickly pulled Jasper and Octavia out of the water. Clarke quickly ripped Jaspers shirt and wrapped the piece around Octavia's leg while she thanked Jasper.

"You're gonna be okay," Clarke said tying the shirt.

"Note to self," Monty said. "next time, save the girl."


The next day, after they camped in a glowing forest overnight, Finn had found a vine for them to swing across the river with. The five of them were standing on a high point on the shore. Finn getting ready to swing across.

"You wanted to go first now quit stalling," Clarke said to Finn.

"Mount Weather awaits," Jasper stated.

"Just hang on till the apogee, and you'll be fine," Monty informed.

"The apogee? Like the Indians, right?" Finn asked.

"Apogee, not Apache," Jasper replied.

"He knows. Now, will you just go?" Clarke demanded, slightly irritated.

"Aye, aye, captain." Finn joked.

"Wait," Jasper said, looking to Octavia.

"What?" Finn asked.

"Let me," Jasper said. "I can do it."

"Knew there was a badass in there somewhere." Finn smiled. "Hey, it's okay to be afraid."

"See you on the other side." Jasper smiled, grabbing the vine then pushing off of the shore.

Everyone cheered when he made it across.




"Let's go little lion!" Octavia cheered, turning to Clarke.

"You're up," Finn said handing her the vine.

"Come on, Clarke! You can do this!" Jasper shouted.

Clarke was getting ready to swing across when Jasper had started looking around him. He found a sign and wiped off some of the grasses around it, then picked it up, reading it.

"We did it!" He cheered, holding up the sign. "Mount Weather!"

"Whoo!" Monty cheered back.

They were all cheering when it happened. A spear came flying from behind the four still on the shore and hit Jasper in the chest.

"JASPER!" Clarke yelled out.

"JASPER NO!" Monty screamed.

"Get down! Now!" Finn ordered, moving everyone behind a rock.

Clarke looked around, to where the spear came from, "We're not alone."

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