'Why Wouldn't I' [Luwei Cheng]

By Rozielovely

23.4K 661 97

"-your like a book. People read you wrong and misunderstood a few things. " a soft voice filled the silent ai... More

Note ; please read this first


1.5K 47 4
By Rozielovely

A/N : YASSSSSSS, WOOOOO. THE FINALS ARE OVER! HAHAHA. Now it's time for college 🥲.  During the quite time I've been in before I sent an a/n about my exam , I started to slowly feel like I wasn't into this fandom anymore yet more strong to my old one. To which I made a story about will be out soon. But don't worry even though I don't have anything for this fandom anymore I'm still going to finish it for you guys, that's a promise ☺️❤️. Bye take care and enjoy. (I usually publish this on Friday/Saturday but today is a acception.)

It's only been two weeks since the dragon trio got hit by karma. Words about Dre entertaining the tournament spread around like wildlife.

Nothing's much change except the fact that their social butterfly has been taken care of them.

Simple things like bringing extra food , helping with homework and patch or gives a quick check up after every karate lesson.

The boys felt bliss by the treatment, especially Cheng. He love being pampered by his girl best friend. Even though he had to share yet he didn't mind as long as he still gets his turn.

Today was like any other day , or was it?

Any fool could see the slight change when Cheng was walking with his group. The biggest hint was when Dre and Mei ying talking together in the corridor yet Cheng didn't even glance, he just kept walking.

That's when all his friends had enough. So, there right now is Cheng sitting on his couch while his friends surrounded him. Some sat while others don't.

"Do you boys need anything?" His mother asked, wondering if any snacks or beverages were needed.

"It's alright , auntie. We already ate but thank you " Liang said to the woman with a smile while keeping Zhang's hand down knowing his friend peanut brain like the back of his hand.

"Alright, if you need anything you're father is in his office" She said to Cheng , making her way out.

"Ok, " Cheng watches his mother walking out of his view before moving it to the hooligans that were slowly making a circle by now.

Cheng felt a deadpan crawl on his face. who could blame him , it felt like they were making a prison.

"What do you idiots want?" Cheng sighed.

"This has something to do with the qixi festival later tonight right?" Liang and the rest jaw drop. Never thought Zhuang would asked yet had a clue about it. Nevertheless they were glad it wasn't them who did.

"I don't know what your talking about" They all deadpan at the reply. They weren't that stupid to see. Knowing him for a few years growing up , they could easily tell who caused it.

"So, did you asked little flutter out ?"

"Is she you're date?"

"Did she say 'yes'?"

"Yes , yes and yes" Cheng said nodding his head at his reply. " I asked her five days ago" He exclaimed.

"Then what's got your gut all twisted?" Cheng drop his head , hiding his burning face. Him , the top student in karate, the most fierce and strong among them all.

Yeah, he was all that , still is, so why is thinking about what happen might during the festival made him weak in the knees.

" What if I mess up..."  His crown fell. His fierce, high and mighty mask was falling of.

"What if you don't?" Zhuang shrugged, flopping down beside him.

"Yeah, but what if I do?"

"What if you don't?"

"But-" Liang cut him of , copy paste Zhuang's words. "You're her dragon warrior , right?" Cheng nodded.

" Then what are you so afraid of. Whether you mess up or not, you and me- We all know she would still love it no matter what. It's not the gift itself that matters it's the effort." Liang exclaimed.

Cheng had a long look on its face yet he slowly move his head up and down before giving his friends a genuine smile.

"Thanks , I needed that"

"No problem, now how about we help you get ready within the few hours we have left" before the raven head could answer he was already being dragged to his room.

His father could hear his scream of protest yet he continue his work when he heard Cheng's words chanting encouraging words. This made his father chuckle in amuse.


All day they were helping the boy get ready for the festival. When the night came they all went home to get ready , while he walk alone to where the event is being held.

Everything was mesmerizing. Lost of food, games , even a puppet show that told a true story from centuries ago.

Red lantern's were hang around. Alot of the colour red could be seen. Kind of match his clothing.

Cheng wore white sneakers , a red shirt with blue light jean. The long sleeves were rolled up to his elbows.

He walked around the place. Looking from one stall to another. Looking for something interesting while searching for a certain someone.

Passing by another food stand. He heard little giggling and clapping from his right. Stopping in his track's he saw a  beard old man chuckle at the little children that was surrounding him.

It was Mr. Chao , an elderly men adore by children and young teenagers for his unique and fascinating story he always share to them.

"Grandpa Chao- grandpa please tell us a story" A little girl pouted at the elder man. All her other friends started chanting about a story also.

It was a good thing they were not in the middle of the festival yet just near, or Mr. Chao might get a noise complain.

Cheng was about to continue walking until what the elderly men said next caught his attention.

"Have you ever heard of 'The dragon warrior and his lady butterfly" All of them shook their head , as they looked at the man with excited yet impatient eyes.
No body seem to notice Cheng as his body was block by a tree , hence he stayed, a little stop for a story couldn't hurt.

"Long ago, a warrior, who was fierce as a blazing sun walk on a journey that lead him to victory."

"He thought he had everything, friends, money and wealth yet one thing was missing from him." A little boy raise his hand , cutting through the story so answer about the missing piece.

"Is it love...?" Mr. Chao smile warmly at him.

"Yes, they call her lady butterfly. She was his everything, his lady. Some say they were like Ying and Yang, craving to have a connection like theirs while others envy them..." Cheng listen was closely to every word he didn't even notice someone standing close to him.

"What happened to them grandpa Chao" a little girl question him , big doe eyes held curiousity and wonder about the sudden tale.

"His lady maybe a maiden but in reality she was as skill as him yet she fought with silent and peace while he was on point and rough."

"Did they kiss , Mr. Chao" another girl asked giddily. She giggled with the rest while the boys gagged at about it. Cheng chuckle finding they reaction amusing.

" Oh, of course." He told them keeping his laughter sealed. " They smooch all the time. Mwah! Mwah!" The children repeated their action but louder, as the elder man and Cheng join the girls side.

Suddenly, Mr. Chao sighed, it sounded sad. Like he didn't want to continue.

" At last, all good things had to come to an end." The children and Cheng turn blue at that statement. "Things couldn't be a fairy tale forever."

" The warrior fought under the shining sun while his Lady brawl through the silence of the shimmering night sky."

"Woah, was she a ninja?" A child beside him asked, his eyes lit up hearing about the once fair maiden. Mr. Chao chuckle at him but still nodded.

" She fought for the people, for him in the shadows as he showed no mercy to those who dare lay a finger on others wrongly, especially to his lovely lady."
Both young teenagers behind the tree felt a sense of deja Vu while listening to the story.

" They fight for what was right, together by each other's side. They battle the dark side for years."

"One night, the warrior got on one knee and purpose to her" the little girls gaps at the sudden romance, while boys show no interest.

"She was esthetic , both sealed their love that night with two rings. Lady butterfly wore a golden ring , as a sign for the red blazing sun while he wore a silver one showing the similar trade but to the moon." They all wore an awe expression hearing about the sweet seald that had been made. "Then ended the night with a kiss, true love's kiss, I presume before going into slumber."

" They're love for each other was strong and admirable." Mr. Chao sighed just like earlier. "But I suppose... Not strong enough..."

" One of the battle that was happening, they thought it was just going to be their regular one's, yet they didn't know it would be their very last."

"As the dragon warrior fought with his fire spirit, he didn't see one of the bad mans hooligans coming up behind him." Everyone gasped excluding Mr. Chao and the silent figure , at what came out of his mouth next. "But his soon to be wife did."

"As all her weapon's were crushed , broken and thrown into the pit of flames. Roughly exhaling her last breath, she rushed behind him , using her body as a sheild. Protecting him. Her lover"

Silence fell on everyone, Mr. Chao could see tears threatening to escape the young ones eyes. Waiting for the next words to escape his from his lips.

" He cried over his Lady lover's grave with agony. Although it pained him , yet he didn't struck revenge, not right away that is."

" B-but why didn't he?"

"Being around his lover, Lady butterfly taught him only fight for what's right, not through emotion's. The man would feel guilty to disobey her teaching. The dispair was painful yet he continue his journey, everywhere he go people would see two rings on his finger, though no body dare to asked. "

"As days turned to week then month and years, be kept his promise to not fight with emotion , while his heartache call's out to her. He swore to always protect those around until his last breath escape him , as he waited patiently for the day he and his lady to reunited one again."

The children all started clapping. Cheng was so intrigued with the story he didn't even notice that he was almost hugging the tree , yet a familiar giggle broke him out of his trace.

Swiftly turning around, his jaw left opened once his eyes landed on her.

[Name] wore a red dress reaching her knees, the sleeves were white and see through with glitter sprinkle on them, it didn't reach the elbow yet not that short either. She wore red  one inc heels. Her (H/C) hair was down in wavy style only reaching her waist. The hair was had a one side braid on her left side of her head , being tucked behind her ear while
On her right was decorated with flowers.

Both didn't know their cheeks heat level passed over the neck. They didn't even hear the little giggle's from behind the tree.

Silently communicating, a smile broke through their faces.

" I didn't know you were interested in the old tales" Cheng chuckle, rubbing the back of his neck , easing himself from anxious and nervous feeling.

"Heh, I was intrigued. Though you have to admit it was quite a story for a legend."

"It was , but I didn't think you be into one much less hug a tree for it" [Name] snicker behind her hand.

"I was? " His eyes turned bulge, he didn't even notice he was that intrigued.

"I guess that story was quite a catch"He said , cleaning the fake dust off of him as well as letting out a fake cough.

"Well ,where do you want to go? This year is the same as the rest that went by" thinking quickly, an idea came in mind. Gently taking the girls hand , he locked eyes with her.

" Do you trust me?" Her breath hitched, almost in daze as they look into each other's eyes. Feeling she could get lost his chocolate brown eyes.

"Of course " a quite reply was given but that was all he need.

One hand , fingers locked with each other, they ran through the crow making their exit, laughing along the way. People around them look at the young love , giving them smiles as they ran by.

They even passed Mei ying and Dre as well as Cheng's friends who just arrived at the festival only to see the two leaving giddily with each other.

Mei ying squeal when she saw them while Dre had a confused look on his face but still give a small smile.

Cheng's friend's were all freaking out, excited to see what happens next.

Even Mr. Han smile at the sight, feeling glad that the two met and is in good hands.


A small gasped came from beside him.

There they stood , at the regular park that was known for many memories they held.

It was a regular one by day, but at night and right now, it was beautiful. Fairy lights decorat the trees around, a few even made a bridge across from one's in front.

The light brighten up the cement floor. It was simple yet breath taking.


Not many were around, the middle was empty. A few people passing by but that was it. The flowers shine under the orange and yellow light.

There was even a few people with musical instruments in a corner of the park.

"I saw this when I was making my way to the festival" Cheng said , looking at the sight. " I figured  if you were bored and want to try something new, we might as well come here instead, if you don't want to call it a night yet."

" It's beautiful..." Doe eyes mesmerize by the lovely sight.

"Not as beautiful as you" a flushed of color plashed on [Name]'s cheek. A small all to familiar smile made it way to her face.

"You're not to bad , yourself " [Name] said making her way to the middle , leaving the red boy behind before he followed her footsteps.

The two admire and breath out the air around them. It was a simple moment yet they felt at peace with each other.


Playfully, [Name] turn to the boy smiling. As she put her hand out to him , on ceu a guitar play a melody letting them sink into their moment.

"Take my hand" slowly doing so , he place his in her small on. It felt like a solve puzzle.

"take a breath" Cheng did so, letting out a shaky breath, calming his nerves a little.

"Pull me close and take one step" He did as he told so, gently pulling her in as to moving forward for him. He looked down when they moved, not wanting to accidentally hurt her or embarrasse himself.

"Keep your eyes locked on mine," the (H/C) girl lift his head up by the chin , locking their eyes once again before moving her hand to the of his head, playing with his hair slightly. This made him chuckle a little.

Seeing his calm state , [Name] move his to her upper back as she lay hers on his shoulder while keeping their other hands lock. "And let the music be your guide."

[Name] felt her breath hitched when he heard him join her. His melody rang in her ear making her fell into a small daze.

"Won't you promise me (now won't you promise me, that you'll never forget)"

Seeing her doe eyes , Cheng felt flustered by the attention, he wanted it but now he felt shy when the girl look at him like that. "We'll keep dancing (to keep dancing) wherever we go next"

As they waltz around, a tree cut the camera view shifting into the memory lane.

"It's like catching lightning the chances of finding someone like you"

Alot of memories were shared with the two, such as the time when they first met. Both of them were still young and innocent yet saw a future by each other's side.

"It's one in a million, the chances of feeling the way we do"

The times were nobody dare to lay a finger on or even tease [Name] , not if Cheng is around. No bully want to feel his dragon fire wrath.

"And with every step together, we just keep on getting better "

The time when they first did a little waltzing in front of their parents. Both families were close. The mothers cooing at the children while the father's acts like wingmen, well one the other was keeping his cool.

"So can I have this dance (can I have this dance)"

Even when dark clouds came , they have each other to help bounce back on their feet. "Can I have this dance"

Zooming out from the past , now it is Cheng's turn to take the lead. Copying [Name] action, he lean her his hand, which she did. "Take my hand, I'll take the lead"

"And every turn will be safe with me"
Cheng made her do a small twirl, to he earn a giggle in return. He place his hands on her waist, as [Name] lay hers on his chest.

"Don't be afraid, afraid to fall"putting his right hand on her upper back, while the rest on her waist. Cheng dip her slightly, before gently pulling her back in."You know I'll catch you threw it all"

"And you can't keep us apart (even a thousand miles, can't keep us apart)
'Cause my heart is (cause my heart is) wherever you are"

The two waltz around around the cement floor, caring nothing about what's around them.

They didn't even notice, the rest of the dragon gang came. Seeing the two , Liang quickly covered Zhuang's mouth as well as shushing the rest. before they could make a sound ruining the moment they've been waiting for. They all hide behind a thick tree, blending in with the shadows. "It's like catching lightning the chances of finding someone like you"

"It's one in a million, the chances of feeling the way we do"

It's true, they were just young kids who have a special bond.

"And with every step together, we just keep on getting better"

Even yet, they can see the future, as they face the challenges in the present while the past leaves scar's on them. It only made them grow closer.

"So can I have this dance (can I have this dance)"

"Can I have this dance"

Some envy their the friendship, even try pulling them apart but they were stronger then that, still is. More strong with support from family and friends. No matter what, they were never alone even if the other half was miles away.

"Oh no mountains too high enough, oceans too wide 'Cause together or not, our dance won't stop"

" Let it rain, let it pour what we have is worth fighting for"

No matter how much the teasing or jealously would get, they would fight for it, for each other.

"You know I believe, that we were meant to be"

When tragedy first struck, Cheng vow to protect her. When [Name] first saw him in despair she vow to protect him. Both did to keep each other from the cruel world.

"It's like catching lightning the chances of finding someone like you (like you)
It's one in a million, the chances of feeling the way we do (way we do)"

In sync, they moved around in a fast pace. Not breaking eyes contact as well as not loosing the smile on their faces.

"And with every step together, we just keep on getting better
So can I have this dance (can I have this dance)"

Slowly still holding each other, they sway around gently. Mesmerized by the adrenaline they've been. "Can I have this dance"

"Can I have this dance"  Before ending Cheng lay his forehead on to her, eyes still look.

"Can I have this dance" as they mutter out the last line, both eyes were half lid , feeling daze by the moment they just had.

Still looking in her eyes , Cheng lean in more slightly, but still has a small gap in between them. Just in case, it wasn't to time yet. Looking for any sign of discomfort . His eyes widen when he felt a pair of soft lips on to his.

He dreamed of this moment, it felt better then the once in his slumber. Getting out of his daze , the girl pulled back. Catching her breath.

"Woah..." Cheng sighed dreamily.

"Sorry, should have asked first"[Name] said look to the side, she could have sworn she saw a couple of familiar faces hiding behind a tree.

" It's alright" She shrugged it off, thinking it was just her imagination.

"Can we...uh.. try it again?" Cheng asked giving the girl a shy smile.

"Again? I don't understand what you mean , kind sir"  Cheng chuckle at the playful gesture. " You might have to show me"  confidence rose in him.

Stepping closer , Cheng held her by the chin with one arm , while the other rest on the waist as [Name] had both her arms wrapped around his neck.

"Well, if you may , my lady butterfly" He could see the stars dancing in her eyes as they reflect the from the night sky.

" Why wouldn't I, go a head my dragon warrior?" He smirked at the girl , using his signature line.  Finally as they shut their eyes, the two closed the gap between them. With her hands playing with the ends of his dark hair, Cheng rub her chin slightly as he held it gently in his fingers. Moving slightly to get a better angle.

The two were so in the moment, they didn't even see or hear their friends fangirling over them, Liang had to dragged them away before they cover could get blown. But they didn't care. Noting would ruin it for them , but how strong is it actually? How far could it stretch?

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