After Hours, ๐‹๐€๐๐ƒ๐Ž ๐๐Ž๏ฟฝ...

By qryana

428K 8.8K 6.3K

in which, they take on a fun game of fooling the media, including everyone and everything in between. but wha... More

- ๐€๐…๐“๐„๐‘ ๐‡๐Ž๐”๐‘๐’.
000. | MIX-TAPE
014. | OH, IT'S ON!
016 | I LOVE YOU?
017. | MISERY
018. | OH, YOU LOVE IT
024. | TETHER ME

011. | I PROMISE

17.8K 381 195
By qryana

011. | I PROMISE

The Saudi-Arabian and Australian Grand-Prix both held no lack of thrill. The top step on the podium of Jeddah's Grand-Prix was claimed by RedBull's Max Verstappen, beating his rival Charles Leclerc in his Ferrari. Followed by the other red Ferrari: Carlos Sainz being the one to fill the third step of the podium.

In Australia Charles Leclerc was the one to cross the finish-line first too, causing Ferrari to lead the WCC and Leclerc to lead the WDC.

In the Bahrain Grand Prix, both the McLaren drivers had an disappointing start to the season. Daniel Ricciardo and Lando Norris both had fallen out of the points, yet the Saudi-Arabian Grand Prix had been much more in favour for the young Brit.

Lando had ended up crossing the finish line as seventh, whereas his Australian teammate Daniel had unfortunately DNF'ed.

The papaya-coloured team's fans around the world were eagerly anticipating the next round of the season, eager to see their beloved drivers.

The Aussie and Brit had their fine share of problems, but in the Australian Grand Prix they had achieved placed fifth and sixth. A giant cause of celebration over at the McLaren garage, compared to the races at the beginning of the season.

Even though the fans were wild, no one was celebrating as hard as Emery and Heidi when their boyfriends—or well, boyfriend and 'boyfriend'—crossed the checkered flag bringing home a nice set of points.

The two weeks that were between the Australian and the Emilia Romagna Grand Prix were spend with Lando coming home to spend some time with his family. Emery spent a mid-week with Lando, at his family's property to reconnect. The other week and a half she spent back in her own apartment which she shared with her best-friend Quinn.

When Emery arrived back at Lando's home with him, his family was overjoyed to see his childhood best friend after so many years. Emery was a bundle of nerves and excitement, as she had always held a deep affection for the Norris family, considering them her second family.

They rang the doorbell, and before a single word was spoken, Emery found herself enveloped in one of Lando's mum, Cisca's, famous hugs. The embrace was tight, radiating comfort and a sense of familiarity that instantly washed away any nervousness Emery felt.

The pair hadn't even made it further into the house before Lando's sister, Flo, caught sight of Emery and dropped everything she was doing, rushing over to embrace her.

"Emery! It's so good to see you again!" Flo exclaimed, her voice filled with genuine excitement as she buried her head in the crook of Emery's neck.

Emery returned the hug, feeling a rush of affection and happiness flood over her. "It's amazing to see you too, Flo! I've missed you all so much!" Her words held a genuine warmth and longing.

Cisca, Lando's younger sister, joined in the reunion, her eyes shimmering with tears of joy. "Yes, we've missed you too, Emery! You used to be here all the time!" Her voice carried a nostalgic tone, evoking memories of the countless moments they had shared together.

A soft smile graced the faces of the Norris family, mirroring Emery's own expression. It was a peculiar feeling, as if they hadn't seen each other in years, yet there was no trace of awkwardness. Instead, there was an overwhelming sense of nostalgia, as if they were instantly transported back to the times when they were inseparable, reliving the joy and laughter that defined their friendship.

As they settled into the living room, surrounded by familiar photos and cherished mementos that adorned the walls, the air was filled with laughter and stories. It felt as though time had stood still, and they effortlessly slipped back into the roles they had once occupied, their bond as strong as ever.

As they settled at the table Emery found herself seated next to Lando's dad, who was at the head of the table. And Lando next to her on the right. Flo was sitting right across from her. Even though Emery was happy to be talking to her second family, she couldn't help but still feel anxious.

She was here as Lando's 'girlfriend' after all, no longer just his best friend. Emery felt bad having to lie to them, but a part of her also hoped something would actually come out of this 'thing' she had with Lando.

Cisca walked into the dining room with a big pot of pasta Bolognaise, before she sat down herself. A warm and comforting aroma immediately filled the room. It was the kind that could make Emery's mouth water within an instant. Italian dishes had always been her favourite, especially if they were made by Lando's mother.

"So, Lando, how's the car feeling? Didn't have the greatest start, but Australia was good, right?" Flo asked, her eyes filled with curiosity and a genuine interest in her brother's racing endeavors.

Lando's face lit up with a smile, reflecting the excitement he felt about his racing experiences. "It's been pretty good, actually!" he replied, his voice filled with enthusiasm. "During testing, the car was amazing. We were at the top of the charts every single time. But, like you said, we had a bit of bad luck in Bahrain."

As the conversation unfolded, Lando's hand instinctively found its way to Emery's thigh, a gesture of comfort and affection. Emery looked at him, a genuine smile spreading across her lips. In that moment, she felt an overwhelming sense of happiness, basking in the warmth of their connection and the joy of being surrounded by the Norris family.

However, as the conversations continued, Emery couldn't help but grow increasingly annoyed with her hair. For tonight's special occasion, she had decided to wear her hair loose, a departure from her usual preference for tying it up. But now, it seemed that her long wavy brown locks had a mind of their own, constantly falling in front of her face and obstructing her vision.

Letting out an exasperated sigh, Emery attempted to tuck her hair behind her ears once again, a gesture she had repeated countless times throughout the evening. Despite her efforts, the strands refused to cooperate, frustrating her to no end. She had always disliked wearing her hair loose for this very reason.

Lando noticed Emery's annoyance and looked at her sympathetically, his eyes filled with understanding. He leaned in closer to her, his voice a gentle whisper that only she could hear amidst the lively conversations around them. "What's wrong, love?" he murmured softly, concern evident in his voice.

Emery sighed, feeling a mixture of frustration and gratitude towards Lando's attentiveness. "It's nothing, Lando. My hair's just driving me crazy," she admitted, a hint of exasperation in her voice. Once again, she attempted to push the unruly strands behind her ears, hoping for a brief respite from their persistent interference.

Lando, ever thoughtful, reached into his pocket and pulled out a black hairband. He handed it to Emery with a small smile. "Here," he said, his voice filled with a mixture of understanding and tenderness. "You can tie it back now. I know how much you hate your hair in your face."

Grateful for his gesture, Emery accepted the hairband from him, her eyes widening slightly in surprise. She looked at him, curiosity and appreciation mingling in her gaze, wondering why Lando was carrying hair ties around for her.

Lando grinned at her, a sense of satisfaction evident on his face. In that small, thoughtful gesture, he had demonstrated his attention to detail and his desire to make her comfortable. It was a reminder of the depth of their connection and the way he remembered even the smallest preferences of the brunette girl by his side.

"Well in both Bahrain, and Jeddah you'd wear your hair loose towards the track. I assume because the other WAGs do. But you never stop touching it, because it blocks your vision." He continued, putting his hand back on her thigh.

As the conversation continued, Lando's family couldn't help but listen in on the interaction between the couple. Their eyes twinkled with amusement and affection, silently observing the playful dynamics that unfolded before them.

Emery leaned closer to Lando, a mischievous smile playing on her lips. She reached over and planted a quick kiss on his cheek, a spontaneous display of her affection and gratitude for his thoughtfulness.

Unbeknownst to the couple, Lando's family had caught every word of their exchange, their hearts warmed by the genuine connection they witnessed. Flo, always one to speak her mind, couldn't resist expressing her thoughts. "Gross, yet adorable," she declared, a playful twinkle in her eye. Deep down, she had always held a secret hope that her brother and her best friend would eventually find their way to each other, and it seemed as if destiny was finally aligning their paths.

Shifting the conversation, Flo took another bite of her pasta before turning her attention to Emery. A mischievous smile played on her lips as she recalled fond childhood memories. "Hey, Emery, do you remember when we used to go horse riding as kids?" she asked, her voice filled with nostalgia.

Emery nodded, her eyes lighting up with anticipation as she realized Flo was leading up to something.

"Well, I've got a proposition for you," Flo continued, a note of excitement in her voice. "Since you're in town for a few more days, how about we go riding together again? I've got this new horse, and I think you'd absolutely love her."

Emery's face instantly lit up with delight, her enthusiasm palpable. "That sounds amazing! I would absolutely love to!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with genuine excitement. The idea of rekindling the cherished childhood activity resonated deeply with her, and she couldn't wait to experience the joy of riding with Flo once again. The prospect of spending more time with Lando's family, engaging in an activity that held such fond memories, filled her heart with warmth and anticipation.

As they shared in the joy of their reunion and the promise of future adventures, the Norris family and Emery continued to savor the moments of togetherness, their laughter and love filling the room. The bonds of friendship and family grew stronger with each passing conversation, intertwining their lives in a tapestry of shared experiences and cherished connections.

Lando stood by the arena fence, a proud smile on his face as he watched Emery prepare to ride. He admired her confidence and grace as she borrowed Flo's riding attire, fitting perfectly into the breeches and boots. The helmet, too, was a perfect match, as if fate had conspired to ensure their sizes aligned.

Emery took a deep breath, feeling a mixture of anxiety and exhilaration bubbling within her. It had been quite some time since she last rode a horse, but the familiar sensation of anticipation coursed through her veins. She approached Royal, the beautiful dark bay Connemara mare, with a gentle touch, recognizing the trust and bond that could be established between horse and rider.

Royal, at the young age of eight, had become Flo's training horse with the intention of eventually selling her. However, Emery had quickly formed a connection with the spirited and vibrant mare, appreciating her energy and willingness to learn. Feeling a little anxious, yet thrilled Emery put her left foot in the stirrup and mounted Royal.

With Lando's supportive gaze fixed upon her, Emery felt a renewed sense of confidence. She gathered the reins in her hands, her fingers tracing the familiar contours with ease. It felt as if she had never stopped riding, the rhythm and motion coming naturally to her.

Flo, ever the playful sister, chimed in with a teasing remark before leaving the arena to grab a cup of tea. "Okay, just warm her up a little. I'm sure you still know how to," she jested, her voice filled with a mix of humor and confidence in Emery's riding abilities. She trusted her friend's skills and knew that it would all come back to Emery effortlessly.

Emery nodded with a determined smile, acknowledging Flo's words as a gentle challenge. She guided Royal forward, allowing the mare to stretch her legs and settle into a comfortable rhythm. The pair moved with synchronized grace, their connection growing stronger with each stride.

As Emery rode around the outside arena, a sense of tranquility washed over her. Surprisingly, the weather was pleasant, without a hint of rainfall. It was a rarity in England, especially in April. The warm sun cast a gentle glow on the surrounding countryside, enhancing the beauty of the moment. Emery savored each stride, feeling the wind brush against her cheeks and the rhythmic movement of the horse beneath her.

Flo returned with a warm cup of tea in her hand, her eyes shining with anticipation. She gestured towards the series of red-and-white striped poles set up on the ground. "Let's start with some basic poles," she suggested, her voice filled with enthusiasm.

Emery nodded, adjusting her grip on the reins as she guided Royal towards the poles. The mare responded to her gentle commands, trotting in a controlled and steady pace. Emery felt a surge of excitement and focus, ready to take on the challenge of working with the young and spirited horse.

Flo offered some guidance, her words laced with wisdom and experience. "Take her nice and easy, Emery. She's still a bit green, so she can get a little excited," she advised, her eyes attentive to every move. "Remember to keep your heels down too, that'll give you a strong and secure base."

As Flo had said, Royal couldn't help but give a little buck out of joy when they cleared the final pole. Even though Emery didn't expect the sudden movement, she padded the mare's neck in appreciation and a huge smile appeared on her face. The rush of adrenaline and excitement getting to her, she was enjoying herself.

"Good job Emery! How about you take her over that small oxer over there?" Flo exclaimed, taking a sip of her tea.

Emery steered Royal towards the jump, and as they cantered around the arena Emery felt a sense of freedom and exhilaration. An overpowering feeling of euphoria. She couldn't believe that she had given up on this sport when she was younger. She most certainly wouldn't let it go now.

Emery knew that Royal was a special horse already, she was full of energy and potential, and she felt privileged to be able to ride her. The mare was a sweet, yet incredibly energetic and green horse. A part of her hoped Flo would allow her to ride the dark-bay more often.

"That was really good Ems! Next time give a little more leg so she walks a bit more collected. But you two look amazing!" Flo said, agreeing with Emery on the potential of this mare.

Emery nodded, and led the horse beneath her back to the oxer. As they approached the jump she helped Royal with a gentle squeeze of her legs, urging her forward.

The mare responded smoothly, moving towards the jump with power. The muscles of Royal felt incredible underneath her. Emery had been swiped off her feet, and instantly fell in love with the dark mare.

"Absolutely perfect, Emery. You two did amazing" Flo said to Emery when she slowed the horse back down to a walking pace.

The Norris-girl walked over to the other brunette and they started talking. Emery released her reins, giving Royal space to stretch her neck. Which the mare immediately does. Emery leans down and pats Royal a few times in her neck.

Emery's eyes sparkled with enthusiasm as she responded, "If you're ever in the neighborhood again, feel free to call me up anytime. I've been looking for someone to train Royal. And, well, she seems to like you too!"

The prospect of being able to work with Royal on a regular basis thrilled Emery to no end. It felt like a natural fit, a partnership filled with potential and mutual understanding. The thought of continuing their journey together, with Flo's guidance and support, ignited a fire within Emery's heart.

"It felt so right to be able to ride again," Emery exclaimed, a radiant smile spreading across her face. "I'll gladly take up your offer on riding her!"

Flo's eyes lit up with excitement, her own enthusiasm matching Emery's. "That's wonderful! I'm thrilled to have you as part of Royal's training journey," she replied, her voice filled with genuine warmth and appreciation.

Emery nodded eagerly, her anticipation growing. "Me and Lando come back to England after almost every race, so when I'm not gone, I'd adore to train her!" she affirmed, her voice filled with determination and excitement. The thought of combining her passion for riding with her travels alongside Lando was a dream come true.

Emery and Lando, accompanied by Flo, had returned to the Norris residence after their riding session, sharing a delightful dinner with the family. Despite still wearing their horse riding clothes, the familiarity of the scent didn't bother anyone. They were all too accustomed to it.

As they settled into the car for the journey back to Emery's apartment, a single tear escaped from Emery's eye. It was a tear of joy and gratitude, a testament to the amazing day she had experienced. Reconnecting with Lando's family had brought her immense comfort and a sense of belonging. Rediscovering her passion for riding had filled her heart with exhilaration. And, perhaps most importantly, her feelings for Lando had deepened even further.

Lando glanced over at the now-silent Emery, his concern evident in his eyes. He knew that something was weighing on her heart, and he wanted to offer her the support she needed.

"It's okay, Emery," Lando whispered softly, his voice filled with reassurance. "What's wrong, love?" He gently probed, his genuine curiosity and care shining through.

Emery sniffled and shook her head, feeling a mix of embarrassment and confusion. She struggled to articulate her feelings, believing them to be unwarranted considering the amazing day they had shared.

"I-I don't know," she stammered, her voice barely above a whisper. "I just had such an amazing day."

Her voice quivered as she continued, her vulnerability on full display. "It's been one of the first days in a while where I truly felt good. I'm grateful for your family. They were always there for me, even when my own wasn't."

Emery paused for a moment, her breath catching in her throat. "And I guess it just felt good to feel worthy of something, as if I actually had a purpose. I don't want it to end."

Lando's heart swelled with tenderness as he listened to Emery's words. He understood the weight of her emotions and the significance of the day they had shared. He knew that her journey hadn't been easy, and the longing for belonging was something he could empathize with.

With a gentle smile, Lando made a decision. He scanned the surroundings, searching for a safe spot to pull over. The late hour and sparse traffic worked in his favor, allowing him to find a secluded area where they could pause.

He maneuvered the car to the side of the road and shifted his attention back to Emery. With a tenderness that spoke volumes, he removed his hand from her thigh and enveloped her in his arms, drawing her close.

"We'll have many more days like this in the future," Lando murmured against her hair, his voice filled with sincerity. "I'm glad you feel at home with my family. And I promise you, I promise, that I will take care of you. You don't know how good it felt to see you smiling so much today."

Emery rested her head on Lando's shoulder, finding comfort and reassurance in his embrace. She allowed his words to wash over her, soothing the tangle of emotions that had overwhelmed her moments ago. In that tender moment, she felt a sense of safety and belonging she had longed for.

A grateful smile graced her lips as she gazed up at Lando. "Thank you," she whispered, her voice filled with genuine appreciation. "You always know how to make things better."

Lando returned her smile, his eyes reflecting a deep affection and understanding. He placed a gentle kiss on her head, savoring the connection they shared. Once he was certain she felt grounded and reassured, he started the car again, resuming their journey towards Emery's apartment.

His hand found its way back to her thigh, providing a constant reminder of his presence and support. Emery's heart swelled with warmth as she observed Lando's steadfast presence, a spark of hope kindling within her.

She slowly realised she was falling head over heels for the sweet Brit next to her, it was only a matter of time until she fell out of denial. The question to her was, would he feel the same way? Or would she lose him now for forever if he doesn't?

i watched leonardo dicaprio's "catch me if you can" today, and i'm so ready to make my
entire personality out of this 🤩 (am kidding)

that being said, life has been absolute shit: great way to start the summer. yay. but i hope this longer chapter makes up for my kind of inactivity (i forgot literally one day) but i'll try to stay consistent this time :>

also, do we like this royal/emery storyline?

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