I am you

By Debdon59

10.3K 767 61

Two popular guys about town live opposite each other. Both like to play the field a little bit,both think the... More

His annoying neighbour
The grand opening
It didnt happen i wasnt there
Enemy or lover?
Finding the truth
Temptation at arms length
Back to normal
Devious friends
The course of true love

Its a friendship

605 47 4
By Debdon59

It was three days later, both were on very ' friendly' terms, Jimin had his new car, spent another day at Jungkooks before deciding he should go home , but Jungkook still checked in on him.
Today he decided he was going back to work. He was up and dressed after having a light breakfast he walked out , only for Jungkook to be leaving at the same time.
"Where are you going?"
"Back to work,"
"But are you ready...?"
"I'm not an invalid Kookie, I need to work"
"Kookie! I'm fine..."
"Well don't get snotty on me I'm just concerned,"
"I know you are, sorry I yelled, I'm a bit ....,well nervous ,"
"It's ok I shouldn't keep bugging you...., well ....have a good day,"
"You too,"
They both got in their cars, Jimin pulled away first Jungkook following .
Parking up at their relevant work places they waved at each other before going inside.
Jimin was greeted by everyone. Hobi had already heard from Jimin about coming back so had a schedule ready.
"It's easing you in not too strenuous"
"Hobi I'm fine honestl...!"
"Jungkook said you tire easily and that you have to stop for meals."
"Jungkook is a worry wart."
"But you kinda like it eh?"
Jimins face went rosy," he's just been very nice to me, "I'll bet," Tae laughed
"It's not like that....., we are friends ok ?" With a few benefits now and then, he thought .
"Funny, Jungkook said that too, at the coffee shop when Jin asked him."
"He did?" Jimin felt a bit sad, so he was just a friend... then he shook himself, hadn't he just said the same, yer friends that's all they were.
Jimins day went well, it wasn't too busy but it was busy enough. He had a new student who wanted to brush up his dance skills, his name was Jackson and he was very keen to learn and friendly.
Jimin walked him out as it was time he left too.
"Thank you Jimin your a good teacher,"
"My pleasure, see you in two days.."
Jackson walked to his car not noticing he'd dropped his towel. Jimin ran and picked it up grabbing Jackson's arm to turn him and this was what Jungkook saw as he looked out his Window , Jimin smiling at a man and holding his arm.
Both were laughing then Jimin waved and turned getting in his car.
Jungkook loked down at the documents getting screwed up in his clenched hand, Damn what was up with him?
Namjoon walked in at that moment," hey Kook, Suga has arranged a get together at his place, you , me , Jin and a big grill of pork belly, your coming aren't you we haven't chilled out like this for a while."
"Sure, I could do with a friendly night out."
"Ok, meet at Sugas seven thirty, see you there."
Namjoon left leaving Jungkook to tidy up his desk then leave also.
He got home, glancing at Jimins door, usually he would check he was ok but he felt silly doing that now Jimin was back at work so he went into his apartment to shower and get ready for his night out.
Jimin looked at the clock , was Jungkook still working? He usually popped around but so far he hadn't come.
He decided to do some laundry, he looked for his dance bag then realised he'd left it in the car, so he went down to collect it. As soon as he got there he saw Jungkooks car parked next to him. So he was home.....
About to go back in he nearly crashed into Jungkook coming out.
"No my fault, Kookie I wasn't watching where I was going."
They stared wordlessly at each other, then clearing his throat Jungkook said,
"Well I best be going, due to meet up with my friends,"
"Oh....,er.., have a good night,"
"I'm sure I will, see you."
With that he got in his car and drive off .
Jimin walked slowly inside, what was the matter with him, so what if Jungkook was going out, why was he concerned? He had looked sexy though, black suited him, were there girls as well among these friends, he'd seen girls leaving his apartment before.....
Jungkook and his friends sat laughing around the barbecue as they chatted about the old days and things that had happened to them.
"Do you remember when Namjoon wanted to ask you out but was scared?"
"I was not scared!"
"You were, you used to babble rubbish anytime Jin came near you."
"I was in high school!"
"When you finally got the courage up you decided to go for the cool look, sunglasses, slicked hair, sitting casually on the school picnic table,"
"Yer, then Jin came up, you went to slip the sunglasses off, broke the arm on them, scrabbled trying to look cool while holding your milkshake in the other hand and ended up dumping it down the front of your shirt!!"
"And Jin said, he needed to take you in hand before some poor soul got hurt by your clumsiness,"
They all burst out laughing.
"Well at least I got my man," Namjoon laughed putting his arm around Jin.
"God I didn't know what I was letting myself in for...., only kidding babe," Jin said pecking the others lips.
"Ah the good old days..." Jungkook sighed.
"Yer you liked them because you were the school hottie," Suga smirked.
"Oh you had your fair share, for some reason they used to go for the silent type aura you gave off." Jungkook smirked.
"Yer, little did they know I was just bored and wanting to sleep!"
"You two should settle down,"
"Eugh, no..., someone disturbing my piece, no thanks," Suga said.
"What about you Kook? Anyone on the horizon?"
"What, no, nobody,"
"What about Jimin, he's cute," Suga said.
"What..., no we aren't like that..."
"Really, I thought you two might have done it by now," Suga laughed then seeing Jungkook turn red," you have! You slut, so what's going on?"
"Nothing it's just a beneficial friendship,"
"Hmmm" Jin raised an eyebrow , he and Namjoon sharing a look.
"What? I'm telling you it's just friends, hell we only stopped hating each other recently!!"
The group laughed and carried on their evening.
Jimin had done his laundry, eaten a small meal and tried to watch a tv programme. He wondered what Jungkook was doing, was he chatting up someone..., would he bring them home? I need to get a life he groaned to himself, taking himself off to bed, only to toss and turn til eventually falling asleep.
He got up the next day seeing shadows under his eyes, he sighed, all this because he realised he was becoming too attached to his neighbour, something he realised last night while wondering at the hurt he was feeling at the thought of Jungkook with someone else.
About to unlock his car he dropped his keys.
"Shit.." he muttered bending down to get them, giving Jungkook who was just coming out a great view of his ass.
"Morning Jimin!"
"Eh? Oh hi, did you have a good night last night?"
"The best, it's put me in a great mood."
"T-that's good, we'll I better get on..." he said sadly.
"Jimin you ok?"
"Sure,just Erm, didn't sleep well."
"Well don't get run down..., see ya"
Jungkook had driven off before Jimin had got in his car. He sat there a look of incredulity on his face as the realisation came to him. He'd fallen in love. He loved Jungkook..., the one who saw him just as a friend. Just because they had sex didn't mean the other felt the same, he knew that from his history. Stupid Jimin, you've fallen for someone who is content the way they are, who goes out with 'friends' and has 'a great night'
How foolish are you.....
He drove of slowly, he needed a distraction , he needed to keep busy, not act like a love struck reject. With this mindset he drove to work to spend an almost fanatical day, taking on more jobs and keeping occupied much to Tae and Hobi's dismay.

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