One Direction special little...

By Priceisrightrusher

38.3K 928 144

Carrie-Anne is a special toddler that has spinal muscular disorder, and she gets disowned by her birth parent... More

Coming soon
One direction finds Carrie-Ann
Performing with Carrie-Ann
Getting Carrie-Ann settled
First night
Louis birthday
The babies
Carrie-Ann's new stepbrother
Saying bye to the babies
The baby girl is staying
The baby girl name is going to be
Makayla Violet Rose
Bringing Makayla home
Shopping for the boys
Getting the babies settled
First outing with paps and fans
Photo shoot
Sequel is happening
Father's day
We have a name
The little girl
Luna's first night
Carrie-Ann starts preschool
First day of school
Preview: The Sextuplets come into the picture
Sextuplets come into the picture
Getting to know the sextuplets preview
Getting to know the sextuplets
The sextuplets see their new home
Happy Thanksgiving
Sextuplets see their new home preview part 2
Sextuplets see their new home part 2
The sextuplets see their new home part 3
Valentine's Day
Louis and Niall fight
Niall gets checked out
Niall asks Harry a question
Niall has the baby
Niall sees the babies
Thinking of names
Asking Harry to move in
Talking it over with Louis part 1
Talking it over with Louis part 2
Sequel titles
Sequel is
Rest of the chapters
Niall talks to Harry preview
Niall talks to Harry
Harry does a nursery for the new babies
Happy Thanksgiving
Harry does the nurseries preview
Harry does the nurseries
Niall comes home take 2
Carrie Ann sees Niall
Niall helps Carrie-Ann walk
Niall sees the girls 2.0
Niall comes home
Niall comes home from the hospital
Zayn drops in
More Zayn and asking a ?
Louis pops back in
Happy fourth
Happy 10 years
Niall decides
Happy Thanksgiving
Twins are released
Niall is ticked off
Seeing Carrie Ann
Part 2
More will come I swear
Part 3
More will come I hope again
Louis's night with Carrie-Ann
Part 2
Part 3
Niall's night part 1
Part 2
Happy Easter
Part 4
On hold
Part 5

Part 3

32 0 0
By Priceisrightrusher

Well, I ended up having a short day today cause my schedule was changed cause of overtime here is part 3

"Morning Niall, I got you a hearty breakfast" Louis tells him as he comes into the room with everything that he was going to need for his night with Carrie-Ann as well

"Thanks I am going to eat cause I have to go and pump again for the babies cause they will be eating the whole time I am here and I might try to nurse as well cause I want to have that bond as well and I see Carrie-Ann did not hear any of that she is watching her video and having her breakfast as well" Niall says as he was going to go and eat some of his breakfast cause he asked the nurse to set-up a private nursing room for him so he could still pump and Carrie-Ann did not have to see anything a all

Niall loved his breakfast that morning a good way to get things underway for his night with Carrie-Ann cause he wanted to get it started as soon as possible too cause he wanted to give Carrie-Ann a better treatment then what Louis did with her and he was going to give her a guitar lesson cause he had gotten her a actual guitar in what she can practice on and Louis was going to hang around long enough to meet the doctor cause they wanted to discuss her care and what else they need to do to get her home as well cause she has been in the hospital long enough


"The doctor will be coming around soon and he will give us an update on her care and what is going to be next for her too cause I think she is doing super good with the care that she is getting and she has been eating and drinking as well, so she should be coming home in due time" Louis says as they were in Carrie-Ann hospital room right now just waiting it out as well cause the doctor was making his rounds and he was going to be checking on her as well

Niall was going to enjoy his breakfast as he was going to wait for the doctor to come into the room of course to see how she was doing and Louis and Niall knew she was doing good she was slowly getting better with each passing day as well and in time she was going to be coming back home again to be with her siblings cause she had been missing her siblings a lot and they could not see or visit her at all and she could video talk with them and make it all better for everyone, but nope cause Uncle Harry and Uncle Liam had to be there when they do the video talk and when they have been video talking the camera get shut off by the little kids and that doesn't end good after that so she was going to wait it out for the time being as well and hopefully they could visit with her outside someplace somewhere

"Thanks that gives me time to eat and see about the littlest one that is still in the hospital" Niall says cause he was going to check on the twins as well cause Harry was going to stay at the house in case Louis hurts one of the kids and Harry was going to call the cops as well and Louis was going to be arrested for child endangerment and neglect as well and Harry was going to keep the key to the liquor cabinet as well cause Louis was really going to drink since Niall was not going to be at the house and was going to be at the hospital as well taking care of Carrie-Ann and helping her get better so she can finally come home cause it felt like forever she was in the hospital getting better right now and she was not going to come home either

Niall loved his breakfast, and he was glad he had coffee as well cause he had to be careful of his caffeine intake right now cause he was nursing the twins, so caffeine had to be limited right now to so much a day

"That's the stuff" he says as he was going to have his coffee that morning cause he needed it cause of the little ones at home cause some of them were up through the night having to go to the bathroom and of course the other ones needed to have water or have their nappy changed as well

Louis knew what he was in for when he went home that night to be with the kids with Harry there cause Niall does not trust Louis alone with the kids just yet he wants someone else there to protect them and watch out for them as well cause goodness knows what Louis is going to do to them once he was alone with them and Niall felt safer if Harry was there with the kids while he was having his night at the hospital with her cause he was fully ready by now to have her back home once again but that was not going to be for a while at least cause the doctors wanted to make sure she was fully better then what she was cause she was still a sick little girl and she is slowly getting better with medication that was being given to her through the I v that she has attached to her

"Harry has been helping me out greatly with the kids lately and they love having Uncle Harry at the house and staying there every single night cause it's like a sleepover with him cause he makes bedtime fun for the kids" Niall tells Louis between sips

More will come hopefully in time

Part 4 and part 5 is definitely up 

Part 6 coming

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