When the Wolfbane Blooms

roseharpies tarafından

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After the death of his father, Adam Villeneuve returns to his village for the first time in a decade to sort... Daha Fazla

Chapter 1 - Mort-par-Bête
Chapter 2 - Wilderness of Horrors
Chapter 3 - Beware The Moon
Chapter 4 - Man Is No Man
Chapter 5 - A Proposal
Chapter 7 - The Woods
Chapter 9 - Folklore
Chapter 9 - A Newcomer To The Village

Chapter 6 - Equinox

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roseharpies tarafından

Lumiere and Plumette were married on what would turn out to be the last warm day of the year. The day after the ceremony would see a very early snowfall, and the sun wouldn't appear again until the spring of 1892.

It was the perfect autumn day for a wedding. The trees still held on to the last bit of their leaves before the freeze, wrapping the village in golden yellows and warm browns. The fallen leaves were softly dancing with the wind.

Plumette looked so beautiful in her dress and with flowers in her hair that Lumiere looked as if he would faint.

After the ceremony, all of the guests left the church to go to a nearby park for an outdoor lunch. The food was prepared lovingly by Madame Potts and Cogsworth.

"Belle!" Plumette called, coming up from behind Belle and joyfully wrapping her arms around her in a hug.

"Congratulations, Madame Joubert!" Belle responded, spinning around to greet her.

Plumette was glowing with happiness. "I have to thank you for all your support these past several weeks. I know I would've been such a mess without you!"

"I'm happy to have been helpful," Belle grinned. She couldn't be happier for her friend. Plumette and Lumiere had been casting longing glances and exchanging flirtatious comments for years. She hoped that now that they could actually be together that they would stop being so embarrassingly smitten in public.

"I was thinking of borrowing this English tradition. The bride will throw the bouquet behind her and whichever woman catches it is supposed to be the next to marry." Plumette winked. "Maybe you will catch it."

"I think our own French traditions will be enough," Belle said, scrunching her nose. She was annoyed that she could feel her face warming at the suggestion.

Plumette laughed and nudged her arm. "I know you, Belle. There's not a single other man in this village you would look at twice. Why not go for it?"

"I think I can handle my own love life, Plumette," she sighed, but couldn't suppress a smile.

On the other side of the park stood Adam, alone. He watched everyone mill around and chatter with one another. Most of the people there were relatives of the couple or close friends, and they all knew each other well. Adam couldn't help but feel out of place.

"Adam!" a voice called.

Adam turned to see Chapeau, Lumiere's friend. Chapeau was a lot like Lumiere; extremely friendly and perhaps overly familiar. As jarring as it could be to have a man he hardly knew call him by his first name as if they were old friends, he couldn't say that he hated it.

"Hello, Monsieur..." Adam trailed off, realising that he somehow had no idea what the man's surname even was. He had only ever introduced himself as Chapeau.

"Oh, please," Chapeau laughed. "None of that. It's just Chapeau to everyone."

Adam nodded. He felt strange about it, but he wouldn't want to disrespect the man's wishes. Besides, Chapeau would likely avoid giving Adam his last name just to force him to refer to him by his preferred one anyway. "Very well."

Chapeau gave him a crooked grin. "I saw you staring at Belle the whole ceremony," he said in a teasing voice.

"What?" His voice came out at a strange and high pitch. Adam cleared his throat. "I don't think so. I may have glanced in her direction a few times, but-."

Chapeau cut him off with another laugh. "Come on, Monsieur, it was so obvious."

"Well, what were you doing watching me when there was a wedding ceremony happening?" Adam said half indignantly, half laughter.

"Weddings can be dull," Chapeau shrugged. "I'm thrilled for them, do not get me wrong, but I don't need to watch the chaplain go on and on about eternal commitment for an hour to be happy for them. Besides, I did not tell you the most interesting part."

"And that is?" Adam asked, raising an eyebrow.

"That Belle glanced your direction a few times, as well," Chapeau grinned.

Before Adam could say anything in response, Lumiere had appeared out of nowhere and slung an arm around Chapeau.

"What are you getting into over here, mon ami?" Lumiere asked.

"Chapeau was just telling me that he thought the ceremony was a bit too long," Adam said with a wide smile.

Lumiere gasped in faux offence. "Chapeau!"

"And I think he found the chaplain dull."

"That's sacrilegious, Chapeau!"

"Oh, come on," Chapeau laughed, trying to escape Lumiere's grasp. That only caused Lumiere to wrap his arm further around his friend, holding him in a headlock and mussing up his hair with his other hand.

"Boys! Behave!" a woman that Adam thought might have been Lumiere's older sister called from a few yards away.

The two men ceased their roughhousing immediately, laughing and out of breath.

"Well, I think that Monsieur Villenueve fancies Belle," Chapeau said, smoothing his suit back out.

"Oh, you're just now catching on?" Lumiere teased. "We all figured that out ages ago."

"I could sack you," Adam said flatly. Both men burst out laughing in response.

"I think we both know you need me more than I need you," Lumiere joked.

Adam grinned. Lumiere wasn't wrong. If it weren't for him and Madame Potts the manor would've fallen into disrepair years ago.

He spotted Belle from across the park. She was smoothing the skirt of her pale yellow dress and smiling with Plumette. He could admit to himself that he probably had stared at her a bit during the wedding. He had been finding himself very preoccupied with the thought of Belle as of late. And at the wedding... Well, how could he help it when she looked so beautiful?

She briefly made eye contact with him and Adam looked away immediately, hoping his embarrassment didn't show on his face. He could feel his traitorous heartbeat picking up in his chest.

Adam had a few of his father's loose ends to tie up. The transfer of his assets, sorting through his personal belongings at the manner, etcetera. He could've been done with all of that by now, but he was stalling. He wanted an excuse to stay in Peu-de-Forêt. Belle wasn't the only reason. He actually found that he quite enjoyed being back in his hometown. He could not deny to himself that she was the majority of the reason he was stalling, however. He wanted to spend more time with her, as friends. And if Adam was secretly beginning to pine for his friend he figured that it couldn't possibly hurt anyone but himself. It was a harmless enough reason to stall.

And now... Well, winter is a terrible time for travel. He might as well stay until the spring. It was a sensible enough decision to make.

Some of the local musicians had arrived and began playing together as a band. Mostly friends of Lumiere, of course, as he seemed to be friends with almost everyone in town.

Plumette was nudging Belle forward, trying to get her to go speak with Adam. Not that Belle didn't want to speak with him, but Plumette was clearly just trying to play matchmaker again.

Not that Belle entirely minded that, either.

She kept an eye on Adam as she and Plumette approached. He was with Lumiere and one of Lumiere's many friends, talking and laughing. She thought it was nice to see him laugh. She remembered how quiet and moody he used to be before he had left in the first place.

"Lumiere!" Belle called out to the man. Lumiere's head shot up like a puppy's. "Your wife would like to dance with you!"

"Of course!" Lumiere said, separating himself from the other two men and approaching the women. "I would be delighted."

Plumette held up a hand for Lumiere. He gently brought it up to his lips to kiss before letting her lead him off to where the dancing was beginning.

Lumiere's friend clapped Adam on the back and shot him a grin before walking away.

"Hello," Belle said with a smile.

"Hello," Adam smiled back.

He said, "Would you like to-." at the same time Belle started saying, "Maybe we should-."

They both laughed. "Sorry, you go first," Belle said.

"Would you like to dance?" he asked.

"Yes, I would like that."

Halfway to the makeshift dance area Belle felt a small moment of panic. She didn't actually know how to dance. There had been plenty of opportunities, but she had never been interested in dancing before.

She eyed the pairs that were already dancing. She didn't suppose it looked too complicated.

"I don't mean to cause offence by asking this," Adam was saying. "But do you know how to dance?"

Belle let out a breathy laugh. "No. Is it that difficult?"

"No," he said. "Just take my arm and follow my lead."

The song the band was playing was a slow one, which meant it would be easier for Belle to follow. That also meant it was a more romantic song, which both made her excited and nervous.

They reached the other dancers and Belle did her best to copy what they were doing. Adam's hand on her waist, her hand on his arm, their other hands joined. Adam guided her along with ease.

"Do you have a lot of dancing experience, then?" she asked.

Adam chuckled. "A bit. It's so different here from how it is in London. I like it, it doesn't feel as high pressure.."

"What's it like in London?"

"It's just all so formal. Everyone carries around dance cards and you have to schedule each dance ahead of time. There's so much etiquette involved."

Belle laughed. "I thought dance cards were only a thing in books, or something that no one did anymore."

"No," he shook his head, smiling. "It's real. And of course in London, in high society, women aren't allowed to be on their own at all. Anytime you want to speak to a woman she must be accompanied by a chaperone. That's why dances are so important. It's the only time you can actually have a conversation with anyone."

"Oh, high society, of course," she teased.

"I mean it, genuinely. Socialising in the countryside feels so much more natural. You can actually get to know someone here."

The music shifted to a slightly more lively song, and now the people dancing around them were being spun around.

"Maybe I shouldn't have said no to all the boys who asked me to dance over the years," Belle remarked.

Adam grinned at her. "You're doing fine." He guided her along, gripping her hand tighter in his as they danced. "Am I really the first person you've ever danced with?"

"I've danced with my father, and with Plumette. Though I suppose that's not really the same."

"I suppose not."

"So what do you ordinarily talk to women about when you dance? I'm guessing not how experienced or inexperienced you are at dancing."

"Oh, you know. The usual," he scoffed in humour. "Where she went to finishing school, how much money her parents have, and the like. Nothing personal, because personal conversations weren't how any of us were raised."

Adam released Belle's waist and spun her around. She let out a laugh as she went. She was surprised at how easily she had taken to dancing.

"Still," she said as he pulled her back in. "Even with how stuffy you make it all sound, I would love to see London or Paris someday. It seems like another world compared to our village."

"I would love to take you someday. You would love all of the museums. And there's libraries in those cities that make the one in my father's house look like scraps."


"I would show you the whole world if you wanted. If you're serious." His easy smile melted into a fonder expression.

"Of course I'm serious."

Adam's hand on her waist and his dark blue eyes and the topic of conversation seemed to make everything else around them slow down. It was dizzying and exhilarating all at once.

When the previous song ended and turned into something much faster and more energized, Adam saw the alarm in Belle's eyes and led her away from the dancing.

"Would you like a drink?" he asked. "We can just go sit and talk together if you'd prefer that to dancing."

She nodded enthusiastically. Adam chuckled.

"You're a wonderful teacher, but I don't think I'm ready for that sort of dancing just yet."

"Perhaps next time."

Adam grabbed them both a glass of wine and they wandered off to sit on a bench on the outskirts of the party.

Belle's eyes fell upon Plumette and Lumiere in the center of all the celebrations and dancing. The pair were holding tightly to one another and looking at each other like there was no one else in the world.

"I'm so happy for them," Belle said fondly.

"Yes, they're quite the pair," Adam said, raising his glass towards them.

"Do you have any rationale behind why your father didn't want his employees to be married?" Belle asked out of curiosity. She winced internally at having changed the tone so drastically.

Adam shook his head. Luckily he seemed unphased by the mention of his father. "I've no idea. I don't think that was a rule of his when I lived here before. And Madame Potts is married, although since her husband doesn't even live in the village maybe it didn't matter to him."

Belle raised an eyebrow at that. Of course she hadn't failed to notice that Madame Potts was Madame and not Mademousielle, but she had always assumed she was a widower. Belle would have felt impolite asking.

Adam caught on to her expression and continued without her having to ask. "I'm not sure of the full story. Obviously she never would have told me all of it. I know she was married and she and her husband fell out of love. They didn't want a divorce, so he simply moved away."

"I never knew," Belle said softly.

"I didn't find this out until I was nearly an adult. I think she's rather guarded about it, understandably so."

"I feel like-." Belle bit her lip.

Adam gave her an encouraging nod. "Go on."

She sighed. "I feel like this world doesn't give women too many options. I know you wouldn't understand that."

"I would like to, if you're willing to explain."

She met his eyes. He was an unusual man. It was probably why her father liked him so much.

"If I want to do anything, I need my father's permission. I can't get married without his blessing. And even though my father is very supportive of me making my own choices in life, I am still obligated to seek his approval. And if I don't marry, people will start to think there must be something wrong with me with every passing year. A man can go his whole life without ever marrying and no one will ever question him. He is simply a free spirit, a world traveller, a bachelor. But, if I never marry I become some sort of old crone. A spinster. I don't have the luxury of being happy with just myself without people thinking I'm in the wrong."

She felt like she was rambling, but Adam was listening attentively. It was probably why she liked him so much.

"And if I do marry, nothing really changes. Instead of needing my father's permission for everything, I'll need my husband's. I know that that will change someday," she said, and took a drink. "What frustrates me so much is that I know that change won't happen in my lifetime."

"You're very intelligent, Belle," Adam said. "I wish people could see that. I wish you were allowed to show it."

"Thank you," she nodded. "I'm so grateful I have people like you and Plumette and my father in my life. You all seem so sane compared to the rest of the world."

"Even if everyone else disagrees, I know you. I know there isn't anything stopping you from making your own decisions about your life. There's not a person on this earth that could stop you from doing whatever you set your mind to."

"I appreciate it." Belle laughed. "Of course, I already knew that. It's nice to have someone else say it, though," she joked.

"I'm being completely serious. I don't think the world is ready for Belle Beaumont."

His smile was warm and supportive, his eyes gazing into hers. Belle felt an odd urge to reach out to him, to perhaps hold his hands or even to kiss him.

"Belle, I-. You deserve to live a life of your own choosing. You should be out there," he gestured a hand around. "Exploring the world, reading as many books as you can find, going on adventures. And I would- I could help you with that, if you'd have me."

Adam seemed uncharacteristically nervous. He was struggling with his sentences, straightening his already straight hat.

"Are you... proposing?" Belle asked, eyes widening.

"In a very stilted and awkward way, yes. Ordinarily, I find that you're the easiest person in the world to talk to. But lately, whenever it matters most, the words... escape me."

"It's very improper of you to ask me directly," she said, meaning to sound teasing but instead sounding breathless.

Adam laughed. "Yes, I am aware. It seems that this is what you and your father both wish for, so who am I to go against that? Your father said he would approve of any choice you made for yourself."

Belle couldn't help but break out into a wide smile. "He did. And I do approve."

Adam cleared his throat. "Is that- That's a yes?"

Belle nodded, "Yes. I will marry you."

Adam grinned in return. He opened his mouth to speak, and then closed it, and nodded enthusiastically.

"I am glad," he said, finally.

There was cheering coming from the partygoers, and Belle glanced over to see Lumiere and Plumette had the dance floor to themselves now. Lumiere was spinning Plumette around, and both were laughing out of pure joy. The small audience around them was clapping along to the band.

"This is a really good day," Belle said, watching her friends. She looked back to Adam and leaned forward to clasp one of his hands with her own.

"It is," Adam said, his eyes crinkling.

Eventually the music grew slower and Belle and Adam were able to rejoin the dancing. Plumette and Lumiere danced without pause for the entire celebration, not seeming to grow tired throughout it all. The party continued far beyond lunch until Lumiere's sister started complaining that they'd all miss dinner if they kept going. The newlywed couple departed, with a few of their friends cheering and chasing after as they headed to their new home. Belle was sure they'd be getting some complaints from some of the older villagers about rowdiness the next day.

After Lumiere and Plumette had gone, the party disbanded. Adam stayed behind to help clean up, and Belle walked home with a skip in her step and a smile on her face.

She was so happy that she had all but forgotten about the beast that roamed the forests surrounding her village.

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