Persuaded 2 Syn

By paranormalRHlover

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So this is something that came to me, and I started writing. I can't really tell you much except its paranorm... More

Chapter 1: New House
Chapter 2: Hot Arsehole
Chapter 3: Move!
Chapter 4: Not Much Sleep
Chapter 5: What's That Smell
Chapter 6: Mine
Chapter 7: Virgin
Chapter 8: Jealousy
Chapter 9: SYN!
Chapter 10: She Won't Know
Chapter 11: SHOVE IT
Chapter 13: How?
Chapter 14: Whomever I Want
Chapter 15: Hiiiiigh!
Chapter 16: Painkillers
Chapter 17: My Car!
Chapter 18: Nice Bike
Chapter 19: Spaghetti
Chapter 20: Reek Of Him!
Chapter 21: Permanent
Chapter 22: Stronger
Chapter 23: Chase Us
Chapter 24: Interesting
Chapter 25: Make It Up To Her
Chapter 26: Familiar
Chapter 27: Hurry, Jace!
Chapter 28: Where's Amy?
Chapter 29: Bravest Girls I Know
Chapter 30: How Did He Know

Chapter 12: My Bike

49 10 2
By paranormalRHlover


Who does he think he is banging on my door like that!?

And, Thank fuck, James isn't here. I wouldn't be awake much longer if he was.

I manage to pry my eyes open so I can see, and see Amy sniffle and wipe her face before she then gets up and heads for the door.

"What are you doing?" I grumble.

"Letting them In, so -" She starts.

"No! Jace can come in if the fucking arsehole pisses off. Otherwise, under no circumstances are you to let anyone in this house. Do you understand me, Amy? Just tell them to fuck off. I'm gonna have a quick shower, and get ready for school, then we will leave, OK?" As I move to sit up, I notice my arm and leg feel heavy, "You put the boot and wrist things on. How did you -"

"Sasha said that's where she believed the breaks were, everything else is just fractured so you need to be super careful." I give her a look like it's not me that isn't. "Yeah. Yeah. I know... You might have a couple of fractures on your jaw too, we're surprised it didn't break, or that he didn't kill you." How did she- "We saw the blood on the bat before you ask how I knew."

"Fine. Just don't let -"

"Yes, Syn. I won't let them in. Only Jace if the butthead goes away." I roll my eyes. She is so cute sometimes. I know I swear like a trooper, but I don't want her swearing and I let her know it's bad, so her word changes can be adorable. She goes to the window and opens it, while I pull myself up off the floor.

"Syn told me to tell you to..." She hesitates and looks at me so I say.
"Fuck off. Tell him to fuck off!"
"No. I don't want to say that..." See!? Bless her sweet little heart. But I'm frustrated, pissed off and in serious fucking pain.

"Then tell him whatever, just get rid of him!"

"She said go away. She's just getting ready for school. We will be there soon." She tells him, and I hear the dick growl as I start up the stairs. Or hobble is more like it.

"SYN!" He roars. I wish he would stop shouting my fucking name. He's giving me a fucking headache.

I ignore him and keep making my way up the stairs, only half paying attention to their conversation. When I hear him ask her about being upset, I'm not worried. She knows not to tell anyone shit about us. And I think she might have a little crush on Jace, so I'll have to watch her with him. Plus, I kind of have one on him myself.

I laugh when Jace picks up on the word change and am happy that he's sweet to Amy. It just makes me like him more. Then she's about to agree and let Jace in!

"Amy!" I shout, reminding her that the arsehole has to leave first. I have to groan when she tells them that and calls him an annoying man. More like a pathetic boy that only thinks with his dick.

I then have to put my hand over my face to stop the snorting laugh that wants to burst free, when she calls Fate a meanie.

They both try to persuade her to let them in but the good girl she is, tells them no. Then I hear him threaten Amy and I want to go out there and kick his arse, which is what Amy tells him I'll do, which I fucking will!

As soon as I'm up to it, that is. In a few hours, I'll be fine, I'm sure.

She slams the window shut as I climb the stairs quicker, in order to threaten Fate myself, but I hear the bang on the door and the squeak of surprise Amy lets loose.

Now, I'm really pissed. I'm almost to the window when I hear Jace trying to get him away from the house, but Fate roars my name. Again. I push open the window, knowing they can't see me from up here at least.


"I'LL TELL YOU WHERE I'LL SHOVE IT, SYN!" My body shudders in involuntary pleasure, knowing what he's referring to, but he's an arsehole, "NOW, OPEN. THE FUCKING. DOOR!" The fucking nerve on this guy!

"YOU CAN SHOVE IT DOWN YOUR THROAT, AND GO FUCK YOURSELF!" I shout then slam the window shut.

He growls and starts banging into the door again, so I hurry into the bathroom and ask Amy to grab my phone, which she hurries off to get from my school bag.

Handing it to me, and she also hands me the stupid little pills we forgot to take yesterday. With a roll of my eyes, I snatch mine, pop it in my mouth and swallow, then look to make sure she takes her one as well. She opens her mouth for me to check, making me smirk. Then she tells me that Sasha is starting to get quiet, which makes me feel like shit. I don't want her wolf quiet. At least mine is always in my head. Nodding, I dial the school office to let them know what's happening.

"Are you calling the school?" She asks.

"Yeah, I'll let them know we will be along -"

"This is the worst you've been, Syn." Amy starts, "I don't think you should go to school today."

"Amy, I don't -"

"Maybe go to the hospital instead. There isn't a part of your face that is skin colour anymore! Goddess knows what's happened to your head! You could go dumb! Or worse you might die from tinernal-"

"Internal." I correct her.

"That's what I said! Tinernal bleeding!" She finishes loudly.
"I can't go to the hospital for obvious reasons. I'll be -" I'm about to say I'll be fine when Mrs Taylor picks up.

"Hello. You're through to -"
"Oh, hi. It's Syn-"
"Oh my gosh. Alpha has been going crazy trying to get a hold of you. Are you OK dear?" She interrupts, sounding relieved.

"I'm... I'm fine. Can you possibly give me Jace's number?"
"I shouldn't really give it out. But If you hold on one moment." She asks.
"Sure," I say, looking at Amy who is cleaning a cut on my head intently, sticking her tongue out the side of her mouth. I wonder if she gets that from me. That's something I do when I'm concentrating.

"Beta Jace. Miss Wolfcrown has called asking for your cell-.... OK. Goodbye..." I hear before she's addressing me again, "Miss Wolfcrown?"

"I'm here." She proceeds to give me Jace's number which I write down, and then I tell her I will be there as soon as possible.

Now it's time to call Jace. I dial his number and wait...


"You know it's me, you dick. Don't act like you weren't expecting my call!" I laugh, "Can you take Amy to school for me, please?" I ask.

"I don't know.... What do I get for doing it?" He asks, and I can hear the grin in his voice.

"If I could, I'd reach through this phone and..."

"Yeah, you'd what?"

"I'd fucking punch you! Just take her, please!" I retort.

"Only if you sit with me for lunch at school. And you actually have to talk to me!"


"Yep. That's the deal. So what's it gonna be?" She needs to get to school, otherwise, she's going to be later than she already is, and I still need to shower and get dressed.

"Urgh! Fine. But keep that arsehole away from me." I snap, knowing he will be sitting there too.

"No promises. Send her out then, buttercup." He says, amused.

"You're such a fucking idiot. Do you know that?" Before he can come back with a snarky or witty comeback, I hang up.

"Ok, Jellybean. Go get your bag. Jace is going to take you to school ok. "

"Ok!" She exclaims excitedly, smiling like the Cheshire cat.

She runs and grabs her bag, while I look out the window to see Fate storming towards the car. It's about damn time!

I get down the stairs as quickly as I can, wincing now and then, and when I reach the front door, Amy comes down the stairs. I look out the window and watch them both. How can I be so insanely attracted to both of them?

"What are you looking at?..." Amy asks as she peeks out the window underneath me, "Oh. Him... You were kissing him yesterday. Was he a bad kisser? Is that why you're mad and don't like him?" My god, this kid is Intellectual. She shouldn't know about kissing and things! Though I suppose she's seen James kiss many slut bags, so it's not a surprise.

This would be the first time she's seen me kiss anyone, though. Because, well... It is the first time I'd kissed anyone. When Fate starts back toward the house with an angry scowl on his face, I know it's because I called Jace.

"Run right past him, Squirt. Go straight to Jace. He's gonna take you to school Ok? Love you." I say, readying to open and close the door quickly.

"Love you, too." She says, giving me a tight squeeze. I grit my teeth as It hurts, but I won't let her know that. Then I open the door and she rushes out.

I slam it shut and look out the window to see her give Fate a wide berth, and run to Jace, who gives her a big smile, making my heart beat that little bit faster, and think of all the ways I'd like to- Then Fates back at the door interrupting my little slice of happy daydreaming.

"OPEN UP, SYN. NOW!" With a sigh, I go up the stairs and open the window again.

"NO. IF YOU WANT SOMETHING TO OPEN UP SO BADLY. I'M SURE TALLY'S LEGS ARE ALREADY WIDE OPEN FOR BUSINESS! SO FUCK OFF, FATE." I shout down at him. If he was that bothered about me, he wouldn't have been all over that bitch yesterday. He wouldn't have kissed her right in front of me!

He growls but before he can snarl anything back at me, Jace winds him up for me.

"Come on, Fate. I need to get Amy to school and I have a lunch date with your mate, so she will be there soon."


"JUST GET IN THE DAMN CAR!" Jace shouts at him.

Fate roars but gets in the car and they drive off. Thank fuck! I quickly get into the shower and wash, as best I can, getting all the glass out of my hair.

But the whole time, my mobile starts going off every other fucking second! I'm going to regret calling Jace now. I should have just asked Mrs Taylor to ask him for me.

I get out and stick plasters on any cuts that are deep, or won't stop bleeding, then I dry my boot and wrist brace things, then grabbing my mobile I head into my room to get dressed.

I put on Fate's top, I know it's covered in blood and stuff after last night, but weirdly it's making me feel a little less anxious. It's... Comforting.


I quickly put on loose leggings and chuck a black baggy hoodie on, then I brush my hair and leave it down, making sure to style it over my face as much as possible to hide the giant bruise that is my face.

I brush my teeth softly, due to the swelling in my jaw, nose and eyes. Thank fuck, my eyes seem to have gone down a little since I woke up, and I can see properly now.

"I won't be with you for a while... Using all my strength to heal... All your major wounds... And now with that... Pill, I -"

"You don't need to explain. Thank you, Kayce. Just rest and save your strength. I'm sure I can manage for one day." I tell her. My poor wolf. The pills make it so hard for her, and when I'm in as bad a state as I am that I can't help... she needs to rest while I get us through the day.

I pick up my phone to see I have twenty text messages, and thirty-three missed calls! But they're from a number I don't recognise, so I open the first message.

Unknown: Syn. Answer the damn call. How long are you going to be?

What the!? Who?

Of course, it's him! For fuck sake! Now I need a new number. Fate must have gotten my number out of Jace's phone. Damn it! I start flicking through the first few texts, all from him.

Unknown: How are you getting to school? Do we need to come back and get you?

Unknown: Answer your fucking cell!

Unknown: You are in so much trouble, Syn! Just you wait until I get a hold of you!

Unknown: I'm gonna make your pussy so wet, you BEG me to play with it! To suck that little bundle of nerves into my mouth and make you moan.

What the fuck!? How is it that I'm wet and needy just by that message!?

Unknown: It's wet now isn't it, baby? Pulsing in need for me. Do you want me to-

No. No. No. No. No. I am not going to finish reading that. Delete. Delete. Delete. Delete them all.

How the fuck did he know!? I am so fucking horny now, the bastard. Grabbing my bag, I chuck my phone into it before slinging it over my shoulder in annoyed frustration!

I head down the stairs and make sure everything is tidied up and just as I finish, by hiding the bat somewhere I hope he won't think to look, coz let's face it, he doesn't do any cooking or cleaning so won't find it hidden in the corner of the pantry, there's a knock at the door.

I look through the window and see a man in overalls, a hi-vis jacket, a name tag on a lanyard around his neck, and a clipboard in hand. I open the door and say.

"Hey. Can I help you?" I ask, opening the door.

"Yeah. I'm looking for a Syn wolfcrown. I have a delivery for her." He says looking down at his clipboard.

"Yeah, that's me. It's my bike, right?" I ask, getting excited. He scribbles on the board and then hands it to me.

"If you could sign here please.." He points where to sign and I scribble my name. "Thank you... here are the keys. The bike is just there. Have a good day." Then he walks off to his transporter and drives away.

Sweet. I run back into the house and grab my gear, and I manage to tuck my leggings and Fate's top underneath. I'll have to put the hoodie on when I get to school. I put my helmet on and grab Amy's one, then I take the boot thing off, and it feels OK enough to ride.

So, I stuff it in my bag, climb on and start her up. Fuck the rumble has me clenching my thighs together as it sends pleasure through me. That fucking.... If his words didn't wind me up, I wouldn't be vibrating with need right now. And I don't have time to take care of it.

I speed to school, loving the feel of the bike under me and the road beneath my tires. I want to keep riding and see where the road takes me. But I'd never leave Amy. I arrive at school and see there's a big enough gap between Jace's, and some other car. So I park there. I take the helmet off, and then my leathers, chuck my hoodie and boot back on. Then with my bag on my back, I head for the office.

"Hey, Mrs Taylor. Is there something I need to sign for being so late?" I ask when I see her sitting there.

"Oh good, you're here. And no dear. You just run along. Lunch will start in a few minutes so just head down there for now. Oh, dear! What happened to your leg?" She says in concern when she sees the boot.

"I fell down my stairs, broke my ankle I think. Nothing to worry about, it will heal soon enough. Ok, Thanks Mrs T. Have a good day." I leave, feeling her eyes on me.

I go straight to the cafeteria, grab my food and sit right in that dicks spot. I shouldn't provoke him as Kayce is resting, and I feel like shit, but I can't help myself. Then my phone goes off, so I check it and see I have a few new messages. I quickly save Fate's number and then take a look.

Jace: Hey. Are you here yet? Amy went in fine, so there's nothing to worry about concerning her. I'm about to finish my class, so I'm gonna head to the cafeteria. I'll meet you there.

Fate: Where are you? I'm going crazy thinking about you and how much I want to get my hands on your tight, soaking-wet, pussy. Is it still pulsing in need of me, Syn? Come and find me and I'll help you with that.

Fuck me! There's a way to block calls and messages from a certain number right!? I won't be able to function if I keep reading his messages.

After a few minutes, the bell goes and people start trickling in. I take a bite of my food, but my head starts throbbing, so I put my head on my arms and lean on the table and close my eyes. My head really does hurt. I need to find some paracetamol or something to help with the pain.

I must pass out, because the next thing I know, I feel a hand running up my thighs. Those sparks I got when Fate first touched me are lighting a path to my throbbing core. It isn't until I feel his hand touch my sensitive bundle, that I shoot up, ready to punch the motherfucker.

"What the fuck, Fa- mmm." He kisses me and damn it! I'm too weak right now to resist. The sparks are pulling me to him, getting stronger by the second, so when I feel his hands on my hips, I don't care. And when he pulls me over to his lap, I go willingly, pressing myself against his growing hardness.

He then pushes the hood of my hoodie off my head and brushes my hair back off my face. So lost in him, I forgot why it was covered in the first place. But when I hear the gasps around us, I remember the state of my face and pull back.

"Holy fuck, Syn. What the hell happened?" Jace exclaims. Fate looks at me and his eyes widen, a scowl appears on his face. Oh shit! Just as I was starting to enjoy myself too.

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