What the heart wants

By Feychild1225

74.5K 2.5K 128

AU where Phayu and Prapai are at the same university as Sky and Rain. Sky has no history of trauma and Rain... More

Your Sights
The Date
The Gifts
Never Say
The Dream
Rain has a bad day
The P'Phayu fan club
Rainy Skies
Double the fluff
Family affair part one
Family affair part two
Hey, Jealousy
Hey, Jealousy part two
P'Som's Broken Heart
The Dinner
Valentine's Day, bleh so cheesy
The school bullies
Mission Love Atmosphere

End of Term

3.4K 110 14
By Feychild1225


Rain looked over his model, presentation board and notes. All ready for his final presentation of his first school year tomorrow. He felt strange ending his first year, he can't imagine what P'Phayu must feel like. He has just finished his fifth year and is getting ready to graduate. Well him and P'Pai both. School next year will be so weird without his boyfriend there. That and the fact that they will be entering their dreaded second year has Rain a little anxious. P'Phayu will be working full time, working part time as a mechanic, and Rain will be busy with school. Rain only hopes they will still manage to spend plenty of time together.

P'Phayu has already had several job offers, of course he has he's an honor student who has won several awards. Rain smiles in pride ar the thought of his brilliant boyfriend.

"You should be sleeping sweet boy, big day tomorrow." P'Phayu says coming up behind him and wrapping his arms around Rain's waist. "Need you to sing you to sleep?"

Rain nods. He is almost too anxious and excited to sleep but P'Phayu singing to him works every time. He lays down while P'Phayu sits beside him stroking his hair. He sings him a song in English by an American band that Rain had fallen in love with after finding them for a project for his English Language class. "When the days are cold, and the cards all fold, and the saints we see are all made of gold....."


Phayu smiles when Rain give a little snore. He kisses him on the forehead and says, "sweet dreams, good boy."

Phayu has turned in his thesis and is for all intents and purposes done with school but he still has a lot on his plate at the moment so once Rain is sleeping he returns to his office where he was looking over the list of job offers. He immediately discards all the ones made by his seniors and the companies they work for. He doesn't want to rely on those sorts of connections. He also discards the ones from the huge firms. He doesn't feel like he could be creative is a large firm, what he wants is a small exclusive firm. One where his designs and hard work will be appreciated. What he is left with now is six likely prospects. After researching the companies he discards three more. He makes files on the other three and stacks them on the center of his desk.

Now to his next task, he wants to take Rain on vacation before he starts his new job and while Rain is on school break. This will be a surprise reward because Rain has done so well this year but he still needs to decide their destination. He wants something really special and not some place that will be packed with tourists. He's already talked to Ple, and sworn her to secrecy, so that she can come house sit and take care of Stormy and Cloud.

He looks through several brochures but none seem quite right so he decided to call Pai for advice.


Sky is looking forward to the end of the year because once school is done he and P'Pai are going on an extended trip to Lopburi to visit Sky's dad before P'Pai starts his job in his father's company. Sky's not really worried about the presentation tomorrow, he feels like he has done a good job and he is confident in his work. He does wish P'Pai was staying in his dorm tonight but he is with his father clearing up some last minute details before their trip.

Sky picks up a manga, prepared to read until he gets sleepy but his phone dings a message. It a cute teddy bear sticker crying and holding a sign that says "I miss you" from P'Pai.

"Bleh so cheesy", Sky says with a smile.


Pai promises to talk to his uncle for Phayu to find the perfect vacation spot. His uncle Frost has many connections with hotel and resort owners. He can find Phayu something secluded and breathtakingly beautiful which is exactly what Phayu is looking for. Uncle Frost practically considers Phayu an honorary nephew anyway so he will be glad to do it.

He looks to see if Sky has replied to his sticker and laughs when he sees a puking emoji. Yup he knew Sky would like it.

With a sigh he returns to work with his dad. Day after tomorrow he and Sky will be leaving for Lopburi and tomorrow night he and Phayu are taking their boys out to celebrate the end of term so tonight he needs to wrap things up here then finish packing.


Sky has his presentation first, followed by Rain. Sig and Ple have already given theirs and Por will be almost the last of their classmates to go.

It goes smoothly and the marks he is given are good. After he is done he waits for Rain since they were going back to Sky's dorm to change before P'Phayu and P'Pai picked them up later.

He isn't too surprised when Rain comes out of the presentation room practically bouncing and jumps to hug him. He'd seen Rain's presentation and knew it was good.

"It went well I take it?" Sky asked. Rain beamed at him and nodded. The professor's had praised his work and especially his creativity with the project.

Rain calls P'Phayu to give him the good news right away, then they go back to Sky's dorm to get ready for the night.


As far as Phayu was concerned this was Rain's and Sky's day. Even though he has something to celebrate as well, being accepted at his number one pick of all three firms he had kept, but that news could wait for another day. His new boss, P'Mok, had even agreed to his start date of three weeks from now so he could still take Rain on a trip.

He met Pai at Sky's dorm because Pai was staying here tonight so he and Sky could leave in the morning for Lopburi. They are going to a local club that some of Pai's friends have recommended. Rain didn't drink at all and Sky not much but the band was reported to be good there and he was pretty sure Rain and Sky would enjoy it.

The club was fairly packed with students celebrating the end of term but Pai had pulled his usual strings to get them seated in the VIP area upstairs. Sig, Ple, Por and Som also joined them there along with Ple's boyfriend and a couple of Pai friends from the business faculty. The music was good and soon Rain pulled Sky onto the dance floor followed by Ple, Kiat, Sig, and Por. Phayu couldn't help but to smile watching them have fun trying out some of the new dances from popular Korean and Thai groups. Turns out Rain is actually really good at them and even had the others following his lead soon enough. Phayu and Pai stood at the edge of the dance floor and took videos with their phones.

When the group returned to the tables, exhausted but laughing Rain plopped down in Phayu's lap and leaned his head back against his chest.

"Having fun?" Phayu asked him. Rain nodded and sipped at his soda. "I never knew you liked dancing so much."

"Love it," Rain said, "I love music and sometimes it's impossible to sit still while listening to it."

Phayu laughed, Rain had trouble sitting still in just quiet.

They couldn't stay out too late because Pai and Sky were leaving early in the morning, plus the younger students had been working hard for weeks and were pretty wiped out.

Rain was asleep in the car before they even reached home and Phayu barely got him awake enough to get him in the house and changed for bed. He is out again as soon as his head hits the pillow. Phayu shook his head and smiled affectionately.

He gets ready for bed, then pulls Rain close to him letting the boy use his shoulder for a pillow.

He knows that Rain is slighty anxious about the future, he's a little anxious himself. Things will naturally change now, but Phayu is determined that this love he shares with Rain will only change for the better.



Seriously he only sings the first verse but Boss's rendition of Imagine Dragons Demons is amazing. If I hadn't already completely been obsessed with his music listening to him sing one of my all time favorite songs would have done me in.

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