Star Wars oneshots

By Monako-Jinn-Stories

96.2K 1.3K 651

A collection of oneshots mainly for clones, sometimes for others More

Cody ~ Lingerie
Wolffe ~ Sexy Scars
Fives ~ Naughty Home Videos
Dogma ~ A Prisoner to Your Heart
Unnamed Clone ~ Love at First Dance
Plo Koon and the Wolffepack ~ A Visit from the Wolves
Jesse ~ Needy Girl
Cody ~ Kenoa Gon Jinn
Echo ~ Pilot's Seat
Howzer ~ Desperation
Tup ~ I Like Your Buns
Crosshair ~ Long Days
Cody and the 212th ~ Movie Night with the 212th
Kix ~ Say You'll Remember Me
Crosshair ~ My Favorite Meal
Gregor ~ Patience
Cody ~ Paperwork
Commander Sans (OC) ~ Soulmate, True Love
Wolffe ~ Be Quiet
Hardcase ~ Mother of the Maker
Sans ~ A Love Letter
Wolffe ~ Private Room
Fox ~ Fox Day
Aayla and Shaak Ti ~ Girls Night
Sans ~ You Belong With Me
Boba Fett ~ The Deal
Howzer ~ Lucky Guy
Captain Rex ~ Underneath the Poncho
Sans ~ Distractions
Sans ~ Moments
Jesse ~ Galaxy of Only Us
Sans ~ Falling Stars
Hunter ~ New Trails
Mace Windu ~ Indulge Me for Tonight
Tech ~ Tech VS Plans
Mace Windu ~ Indulge Me for Life
Sans ~ Precious Time

Fox x Riyo ~ Those Three Little Words

908 13 21
By Monako-Jinn-Stories

Three patterned knocks, then the door opens, and Fox immediately jumps up from his seat. It's late, later than normal, and she hadn't sent him any sort of message. The last he had heard from her was when she left this morning, telling him to have a good day and she couldn't wait to see him again.

"Fox," Riyo says, smiling as she sees him come into the room, "you didn't have to-" Fox interrupts her sentence with a passionate kiss, and he grasps her face gently but firmly. Riyo's own hands go up to lightly grasp his arms, and when he rests his forehead against hers, her hands slide down to clasp his.

"You didn't comm or ping me."

"I'm sorry, Fox."

"I was worried."

"I...I'm sorry."

"It's okay. I just want to always know you're safe. I'm glad you are, and I'm glad you're back here with me." Riyo smiles before wrapping her arms around Fox and burying her face against his chest. Fox's arms slide around her and hold her close, and he closes his eyes as he inhales her sweet perfume.

"So, what kept you out so late? See a handsome man that reminded you of your silver fox waiting at home?"

"Actually," she says, pulling away to glance in his eyes before looking down, "it did involve a clone trooper. Well, multiple, actually."

"What do you mean?" Fox asks wearily, gently cupping her cheek and lifting her face to look up at him.

"Well, I stopped by 79s because of this Senate bill that Rampart is trying to pass," she begins, "I wanted to try and get some support and information from the local troopers."

"I see," Fox says, sighing before stepping back and leading her to the couch. As he sits, he pulls Riyo with him, making sure she's sitting comfortably in his arms. "And what did you learn?"

"That they're stubborn like you," she teases, and Fox playfully rolls his eyes, earning a sweet giggle from Riyo. Maker, how he loves that sound. How he loves her. He should tell her... "And...I learned something about the...'storm' on Kamino."

"Kamino?" Fox asks, sitting up a bit. "The storm? What do you mean?"

"Well, this trooper named Slip told me that it wasn't actually a storm, it was an attack that Rampart himself had ordered to destroy the city."

"What? That's ridiculous!" Fox says, slipping from the couch to stand up and start pacing. "That...that can't be true! No clone would ever fire on Kamino, not even if it was a direct order!"

Riyo stays silent, not quite sure how to respond. Fox continues to pace, trying to wrap his mind around this information.

"I can't say I fully believe it either, but he did tell me where to get proof. He also claimed to be on board Rampart's venator when the order was given."

"That's...a bold lie to make," Fox says, pausing and sighing as he pinches the bridge of his nose. Riyo stands then, slowly going up behind him and resting her hands on his shoulders.

"You're tense."

"I'm always tense."

"I know. I don't want to add to it, but I need you to know that I'm going to look into it, and if you want-"

"I can't," he says, cutting her off, "at least not right now. I just...I need a break."

"I understand," Riyo says, beginning to massage his shoulders. She grunts slightly, trying to work out a particularly tough knot.

"You're too good to me," Fox mumbles, relaxing into her touch, "I don't deserve you."

"Shush, you deserve more than little ol' me," she counters, earning a huff from him.

"I don't want anything other than you," Fox says, turning around and engulfing Riyo in another hug. She giggles as he lifts her up, carrying her to the refresher. He uses his foot to close the door and sets her on the counter before he bends down to start up a bath.

"Fox, you don't need to spoil me," she says, giving him a look.

"I know I don't need to," he says, checking the water temperature as it continues to pour in, "but I want to."

"And I want you to take a night off for once, and let me spoil you," she says, slipping from the edge of the counter and standing in front of him, folding her arms as she looks at him. Fox just chuckles and shakes his head, mimicking Riyo by folding his own arms. Riyo rolls her eyes and huffs before pointing at the tub.

"You get in, and I'll take care of you."

"Hmm, no, I don't think so," Fox says.



"You're so mean to me," she says, turning around to hide her smirk.

"Oh, really?" she hears from behind her, "I'm so mean to you?"

"Yes, you are."

"Hmm, well, why don't you get in the bath so I can be nice to you?"

"Because that's not what I want, I want you to get in so I can take care of you."

"Why don't we compromise?" he mumbles, his arms slipping around her waist as he bends down, placing a gentle kiss on her neck.

"And what is this compromise that you are suggesting?" she asks, her voice catching as she feels Fox nip slightly.

"Why don't we both get in the bath? The tub is big enough for us both, and we can take care of each other. It's a win-win."

"Hmm," Riyo hums, letting Fox turn her face to give her a soft kiss, "I like that idea," she says, smiling as Fox pulls away to look in her eyes.

"You're so beautiful," he says then, and a feeling of pride and love swells in his chest as he sees her cheeks heat from the compliment.

"And you're very handsome," she replies.

"I'm only a reflection of the one I truly desire," he whispers, "and that person is you."

"You are much more than me," Riyo counters, reaching up to cup his cheek in her hand, "you are a strong, kind, caring, determined, smart, inspiring, handsome, funny, loving man. And you were all that before you met me."

"But ever since, those things have grown so much. You bring out the best in me."

"And you do the same for me," Riyo responds. Fox leans over to turn the water off, keeping an arm around Riyo. Then he turns back to her and smiles softly. He gently spins her around and starts to undo her hair for her, and she sighs as he combs his fingers through the strands.

"What if you just let your hair down for once instead of putting it up every day?"

"Because I have to look formal," Riyo says.

"You look cute either way."

"I need to look formal, not cute," she laughs.

"But this must hurt, especially day after day. Wouldn't it end up damaging your hair, too?"

"Since when are you an expert on hair?" she playfully taunts, "but you're right, I should find a more simple style."

"Hmm, well, I think anything would look amazing on you."

"Even a buzz cut?"

"Okay, now you're being mean."

"How am I being mean?" she asks, giggles slipping through. Fox just rolls his eyes with a small smile before kissing her forehead and stepping back.

"Better get into the bath before it gets cold," he says, motioning towards it with his arm.

"You first, just so I know you are actually going to get in."

"Fine," Fox huffs, turning around and beginning to remove his clothes. Riyo cringes at the scars on his back, and she wishes he could be rid of the painful memories of how they got there, but his escape from the Empire was hard, and perhaps they serve as a reminder of just how strong he really is. "You're staring again."

"Am not," she says, quickly diverting her gaze, only to hear a soft chuckle come from Fox before the sound of water splashing around catches her attention. She too underdresses and gets in the tub, sinking into Fox's warm arms.

"Now, isn't this much nicer than just me in here while you take care of me?" he asks, and Riyo huffs before readjusting slightly, getting more comfortable.

"I guess if you insist on me admitting it, then yes, it is."

"I bet it's also good for the little one," he says, his hand sliding down to rest on Riyo's stomach. She smiles, relaxing back into his chest.

"I'm sure it feels good for them, just as it does for us."

"I can't wait to meet our little pup."

"Neither can I, but we have a long while to wait."

"I know, don't remind me," Fox says, almost as if he were whining.

"You act like you've already waited so long," Riyo giggles.

"I have."

"You just found out this morning, as did I."

"Yeah, that was fifteen hours ago."

"A whole fifteen hours."

"That's a long time for a clone, you know."

"Wouldn't it be a quick time since your aging is accelerated?"

"Don't bring technicalities into this argument," Fox says, cupping a bit of water in his hand and dumping it on her head.

"Fox!" Riyo says, surprised by the action. He just chuckles, holding her closer to him as he does. "Talk about being mean."

"But you love it," he chuckles, and she sighs in his arms.

"I love you, Fox."

Kark. There's those words again. Those three simple words. He loves her, truly, utterly, and deeply. And yet, Fox can't bring himself to speak them back to her.

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