Crazy For You {Joker Romance{...

By FanficDemon1701

350 33 8

Girls came from Venus, and boys came from Mars, is what you're taught as kids, as well as if a boy likes you... More

Encounter Of The Baddest Of Them All
Hi Ho Batman!
Possessive Much

Moving In

102 6 1
By FanficDemon1701

Here's the first chapter enjoy.

The reason why I have been updating slower than usual is I'm having severe cluster migraines lately and sleeping them off most the day.
I am not well from them.
My sleep schedule is also messed up to where I'm sleeping during the day cause of it and up at night.
I'm also adjusting to new medication for anxiety as well since I have high anxiety which can make me relapse with my CPTSD,  I almost relapsed yesterday.
Most my stories have CSA awareness in them and PTSD awareness in them, but this one has autism awareness though.


I shut the trunk of my Chevy Equinox, a year 2019 one, that's black, and it has anime stickers upon it, stickers of Sesshomaru, Hiei from Yu Yu Hakusho, Vegeta, as well as some Pokemon, including stickers with Legalos as well as Thranduil in anime chibi art with his giant elk laying by him as he stood.
I had just finished unpacking my boxes into my apartment that I got for cheap, and as well it's a big one, and the reason why it's cheap is because murders have happened in it, which knocked it's price down.

I moved to a neighborhood that ain't too bad, and I was starting off fresh from home in Kansas in Smallville, Smallville was a nice quaint town, and I moved from there, and moved to Gotham to start a new, to start a new life.
My Mom was still in Smallville, she was happily living her senior years there, she's now sixty since she had me late in her life when she just turned thirty.
I'm thirty now, and my Mom when she was pregnant the man left her, when she refused to get an abortion that he told her to get, since he didn't want her keeping me, so he left, never paid an ounce of child support, so my Mom had to work four to five jobs to raise me, but in the end we kept a roof over our heads, and she always put my needs first over hers, which is what a good mother would do.

I grew up poor, and made fun of for it entirely, but now that I'm on my own, me being on my own for the first time, I can continue my career as an author, a spicy book author, but I never experienced anything like sex, so I just imagine the scenes I do in my books, even looking them up.
I never dated or anything.
A virgin at thirty, go figure.

I went inside and started unpacking my boxes, placing things where they needed to go, and I finished in three hours, but I looked at the time upon my cellphone, and it was five in the evening, and I was feeling hungry after doing all that work, so I grabbed my purse and my keys, as well as  my extra charger for my phone, and I left my apartment, locking it, then go to the elevator, pushing the button, and the elevator dinged, and I go inside it, and the doors closed.

I look to my phone, unlocking it, and I decided to call my Mom, though I'm an hour forward than where she lives, I promised her I would call her once I got to my apartment, but I decided to unpack first.

I put my phone to my ear, hearing it buzzing to get through to my Mom, but it went to voicemail.
"Leave your message at the beep."
My Mom's voice says, then the voice box told me to leave a message.

I walk out of my apartment complex and walk down the sidewalk, and say.
"Hey Mom.
I just moved into my apartment, and I'm doing fine so don't worry.
I mean so far Gotham ain't bad.
Call me back when you get this message, love you, bye."
I pressed the red button, and I sigh, and as I walk, I was looking for any good restaurants nearby.

Sirens soon blared behind me, and I stop walking, turning to the noise, since the sirens were hurting my ears, making them pop, since I have above average normal hearing.
I flinch as my ears popped again, and I blink in shock as I watched a van with a spray painted clown face on the side and front hood, zoom by me, and people were sticking themselves halfway out the window, shooting with assault weapons at cop cars that chased it, and one cop car's tire popped, and it flipped over, heading towards me.

Before I could run away,  I felt warm arms grab hold of me, and I was flying in the air, and I look up, seeing a man in all black, wearing a black mask with pointy ears, and he had a bat symbol upon his armored suit, and then he sets me down far away from the cop car that slammed into a brick building.

"Thank you sir."
I tell him.

He merely nods, and used a gadget, firing it up in the air, and he pulled himself into the air.
"Who is that guy?"
I ask myself as I continued to walk down the sidewalk.

I found a good restaurant to eat at, some kind of diner, and it was a nice quaint place, but I sat alone in a booth, and the waitress was nice, she immediately could tell I wasn't from here at all, and she was very polite.
I had chicken strips and fries, as well as fried mushrooms with ranch.

I didn't eat all the fried mushrooms so I took them to go, and paid my sum, as well as leaving a generous twenty as a tip for her.

Walking upon the sidewalk, I had my wireless earbuds in, and the song Crazy 4 You by MUCC was playing in my ears, and it's a catchy Japanese rock song.
I hum lightly as I walk, me heading home, and as I was walking, my phone rang with my Mom's number, and I answered it with my earbuds in my ears.
"Hey Mom."
I say to my Mom, me stopping walking.

"Hey sweetie, so how's Gotham?"
She asked me.

"It's fine.
I saw something weird today.
A guy in a bat costume saved me earlier."
I tell her.

Mom exclaimed, and I flinched at her doing that cause it hurt my ears.

I say to her.
"My ears Mom!"

"Oh sorry honey."
Mom says to me.

"It's fine Mom, but I'm not joking!
A guy in all black suit with a cape saved me!
It was weird as it gets.
But overall I'm thankful he did."
I tell her and kept walking now.

I eventually arrived home to my complex, and went into the elevator, me talking to my Mom on my phone.
"Nah I'll be okay so don't worry."
I say to my Mom as the elevator doors opened to my floor, and I walked to my apartment.

I take my key out, and unlock it, stepping inside, and lock it with the deadbolt, and the regular lock.
"I'm just worried, because I heard stories about Gotham being a haven for crooks."
Mom says to me.

I sigh and say.
"Mom I'll be fine, alright.
Please don't worry."

"If you say so."
She says to me.

"Anyways that guy was kinda hot in that weird outfit."
I say as I sit on my couch.
"Though I couldn't see his face cause he had a mask on."

Was he buff?"
Mom asked.

I crossed my thick thighs over each other.
"Actually he was.
He had a bat symbol on his chest."

"That's totally weird."
Mom says to me.

"I know right?
I mean he did save me though, which I'm thankful for as I said."
I tell my Mom.

"I'm happy you were saved.
But what happened that you were in danger?"
Mom asked me.

"A car almost splattered me."
I tell her.

She gasped.
"Holy shit!

"Yeah, but I'm fine."
I tell her.
"I even ate dinner at a really nice diner.
It was a warm place."

"Was the food good?"
She asked me.

"Actually it was."
I tell her.

My Mom was always a worry wart, and very protective, especially since my so called Dad knocked her up, and refused to raise me, asking her to get an abortion, but my Mom refused, and swore she'd file for child support, and she did, but he never paid an ounce of it, which my Mom who was poor at the time could've needed such money to feed and clothe me, she filed and filed for it, but alas that deadbeat father of mine wouldn't pay it, to where Kansas went after him in another state, and he ended up in prison, until he was forced to pay child support in prison, that is until I turned eighteen, the man is now in his seventies, and my Mom she's sixty since she had me at age thirty.

I never met my deadbeat Dad, since he saw me as a mistake, also he claimed I wasn't his, and my Mom whored around, when in fact she didn't.
The fact also my mother was so sick with her pregnancy with me, she lost a hundred pounds due to she constantly threw up, to where she was hospitalized for it, and she had to tape her eyes shut to sleep, since I sat in a nerve in her body, and her body never wanted to do anything to keep her nutrition up, so my so called Dad didn't care.
She even said several times I tried to abort myself, go figure, but eventually I was born, but I was over two months early, and the doctors thought I would have health issues, but sadly the only thing that was wrong is I got precocious puberty at age five, me growing my breasts in at that age, and got my period afterwards.
My Mom was very protective after that day, both happening, she never left me alone around other men or boys for that matter, and I had to grow up fast, learning I can have babies at that age, but getting pregnant at that age could kill me.
Getting puberty that fast made me gain weight fast, though I didn't overeat, or ate much sugary things, to be honest sugary things give me a bad aftertaste in my mouth, like my body is telling me to not eat it.
So instead I like salty things.
My grandfather died from his heart imploding from chain smoking, and the fact that he loved to eat greasy foods didn't help.
I never met him, he died before I was born in the eighties.

"Honey, you okay?
You went dead silent."
Mom asked me.

"I'm fine, it's just I was curious about grandpa."
I say to her.

"Your grandpa huh?
Well what about him?"
Mom asked me.

"I know you told me he died just like Elvis did on the shitter, his heart exploding, but you didn't tell me much."
I tell her.

"The man was a a piece of work, he often abused your grandmother who was mentally ill, with bipolar, and he didn't know how to handle it.
He held a gun to her once.
But when he knew he was dying he wanted forgiveness, told her he still loved her in the end."
Mom says to me.

"I'm sorry I asked Mom."
I sigh at what she said.
"To be honest, not to disrespect Grandma, but I'm glad I don't have bipolar, seriously."

"I know, just keep what we talked about to ourselves."
Mom says to me.
"My childhood wasn't glamorous since I had to raise myself and help take care of Grandma."

"I'm sorry Mom that I brought up such painful memories."
I tell her, feeling bad now.

"It's wanted to know."
Mom says to me.

"Mom, why did you keep me?"
I ask her.
"I mean you said Dad wanted you to be rid of me?"

"Well.....I wanted a child and I got you.
Who cares about your father, since he didn't help raise you."
Mom says to me honestly, her giving off vibes she don't give two shits about my Dad.

"Why did you do it with Dad though?"
I ask her.

"Technically I was desperate for a baby girl, and I wanted to have casual encounters, so that's what I did, but when I told him I was pregnant, I knew he would ditch me, but I filed for child support after I had you, because most the money I saved up was drained by having you, your and my hospital bill."
Mom says to me.
"Especially because how premature you were darling.
You're my expensive baby."

"I didn't know that's why you did it.
I'm glad you wanted me Mom unlike Dad didn't want a daughter."
I tell her.

"Let's talk about something nice hmmm?"
Mom says to me.
"So is the place you moved into comfy?"

"It's cozy.
But I gotta install internet here tomorrow."
I tell her.

"Right, so you can continue writing."
Mom says to me.

"Yep, and I gotta please my fans."
I tell her.

"Yes you do.
So any new ideas on your next book?"
Mom asked me.

I tell her.
"But I can't reveal it."

"Right I forgot."
Mom says to me.
I heard chattering on her end.
"Gotta go, have a good day sweetie."
Then she hung up before I could tell her I loved her.

I plug my phone in by a plug in inside my couch, and continue to play a Rom of Heart Gold, since I wanted a break from writing for once, since I was overworked back in Kansas.
I then remember that I sent my rent to the landlord, which is a good thing.
The landlord had a weird name, The Joker.
Was it a nickname?
Or was it a name of a criminal?
I don't know, but at least the rent is cheap unlike some places I looked at.
Some places wanted over $1,500 and I couldn't afford that with my salary of writing, since I get paid by my popularity of my books, and I'm not a famous author yet.
When I become famous then more cash will come in.

I sigh as a TV show I loved played on TV, Once Upon A Time, and I glance up at it, seeing Rumpelstiltskin bringing magic back to Storybrooke.

I already paid this months rent to this weird Joker guy, but I probably won't meet the man, so I'll just do my work later, and enjoy some Me Time as usual.


To be continued....

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