Lion's Mouth: Part 2 (Yu-Gi-O...

By PedePaulie

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While trying to figure out her friendship with Bakura and her strange connection to Yami, the empath Samia de... More

Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 26

257 8 2
By PedePaulie

Chapter 26

My friends and I gathered around Odion as the doctor worked on him in his room. I still felt sick to my stomach. My friends ignored my presence for the moment, which gave me time to think about how I could explain my situation. Yami had retreated inside of Yugi. That was just as well. I did not know what so say to him.

"So, what's the diagnosis, doc?" Joey said.

"Well, so far Odion's heart rate is steady," said the doctor. "His tests were fine, but I'm afraid all the mental stress he's gone through has left him unconscious."

"Yeah, I could use a nap, too."

"The doctor means he's been knocked out, Joey," Tea said. She looked at him in concern. "You should be really thankful you're not in the same state."

Joey grimaced. "You got a good point there. I mean, he and I were both standing right there When his Egyptian god monster went all kablooie. But I'm perfectly fine..."

"I guess that means we're not gonna find out who this guy is until he's able to wake up," Duke said.

"That may not be true," Yugi said. He looked at me, and I froze. "Samia, do you know him?"

I swallowed hard. "Yes."

"Well, out with it," Joey said. "Who is he?"

"He's Marik's adopted brother. He wants to be a real part of Marik's family and thinks it's his duty to serve Marik."

"That makes sense," Yugi said. "He was determined to protect Marik for as long as he could."

"And for what?!" said Joey. "Just look at him! Odion's lying in a hospital bed, and Marik could care less if he ever wakes up again! That creep's as nasty as they get."

"That's because it's not really Marik who's in control!" I said.

"And how are we supposed to trust you?" Duke said, making me flinch. "How do we know you're not working with Marik?"

"It's not like that!"

"I'm sure Samia has a good explanation," Tea said.

"Tea's right," said Yugi. He gave me a gentle smile. "Why don't you tell us what happened, Samia?"

I took a deep breath and let it out slowly. I could do this. If I said nothing, they would never trust me again. "I met Marik on my trip to Egypt when I was little. We became friends. He was very different from how he is today. When we met again during Battle City, I could tell he still cared about me. And when we were alone, I saw the Marik I used to know still inside. I - I just wanted to help him. Not by helping him with his evil plans. If he succeeded, that would ultimately be bad for him. I wanted to help him be who he used to be.

"He welcomed me to stay with him so I could try. He tried to persuade me that he was right, but he never forced me to do anything or threatened me in any way. I promised my actions never did anything to hurt any of you. I tried to stop him through my words and empathic powers. I know I lied to you about who he was, but I don't think it would have mattered too much in the long run. And if I did not agree to go along with his story, he probably would have locked me up. I thought I could be of more use to everyone if I stayed with him. I'm really sorry about everything."

Silence fell across the room. My friends looked at each other uncertainly. It was Serenity who spoke first, "That's alright, Samia. There was no harm done."

"Yeah, you were just trying to help out a friend," said Tristan. "I can understand that... even if it is Marik."

"Right," said Tea.

"Well, you did tell us the truth in the end," said Joey, "so I suppose it's alright."

"You meant well," said Duke. "We can let it go this time."

"See?" said Yugi. "Don't worry about it. Just promise you'll be honest with us in the future. Whatever is wrong, we can work through it together."

I smiled slightly. "Okay." I could not decipher Yami's emotions, which was bad news in and off itself.

"Now, what did you mean about that not being the real Marik?"

"You didn't notice there was something different?"

"It was all pretty weird, if you ask me," said Joey. "I couldn't make sense of it."

I took another breath. "Marik never wanted to be Tomb Keeper," I said. "When he was forced to go through the ritual, his anger took physical form. There is now an entity separate from him that's pure evil." I paused. "Is this making sense?"

"Not really," said Tristan.

I looked at Yugi. "It's kind of like what happened with Kaiba. You said you banished a part of him to the Shadow Realm, right? Then Pegasus brought him back, and you dueled him on Duelist Kingdom. It's sort of like that."

Yugi nodded. "I remember that. I think I get what you're saying. This part of Marik has been controlling him?"

"More like influencing him. Odion was able to keep the evil in check, but when he was knocked out, it took control of Marik's body. Marik does care about Odion, deep down. He was worried for him when he fell unconscious. It's his evil side that views him as a threat."

"It sounds like you're still saying we need to take him down," said Joey.

I grimaced. "Yeah."

Mai gazed at Odion with sympathy. "Poor Odion. It's times when you're down that you need friends around the most."

Everyone was silent for a long minute. Then Joey exclaimed, "You guys, I figured it all out! I know how I was able to get to my feet and win the duel! 'Cause you helped me. See, you guys... I had this dream, and it reminded me that my friends were rooting for me all the way. And it was like you were all on the field with me, ya know? And having you there gave me the strength to get back up and win!"

"Wow, that dream's almost as touching as the one where you were making vanilla pudding with that monkey!" Tristan said.

Joey glared at him. "Hey, that was a secret!"

"Whoa, easy, big bro."

I gazed at Odion. Most people looked peaceful when they slept, but he appeared troubled. I wondered what he was dreaming about. He had asked me to save Marik, but I did not know if I was capable of that. What could I do now that his dark side had taken over? Maybe my friends were right and he just needed to be defeated.

"Hey, guys, isn't it time for Kaiba To pick the next two duelists in the finals now?" Tristan said.

"Oh, yeah!" said Yugi.

"What do you say we get a move on, eh, Yugi?"

"Let's go." He paused. "Are you coming, Samia?"

I tore my gaze from Odion to look at him. "Oh, uh, yeah." He smiled at me, and I followed him out of the room. There was nothing I could do for Odion now. I had to focus on the future. We entered the room where the duelists would be chosen. Ishizu and Dark Marik were not there.

"Hey, before we start, I was thinking," said Joey, "since Marik entered this thing with a fake name, shouldn't he be disqualified?"

"Wishful thinking," Kaiba said, "but this contest is about skill and not names."

"What's that mean?"

"It means, to get rid of the competition, you should be man enough to use your deck and not some trivial technicality."

With that, Roland started the weird bingo machine. The first person chosen to duel was Mai. "All right!" said Joey. "Way to go!"

Mai turned away from him. "Hmm."

Joey looked at her in confusion. "Huh?"

"Selector, begin again!" Roland said and started up the machine.

"Later guys," Mai said, turning to leave.

"Hey!" said Joey. "Don't you want to see who you're gonna duel against, Mai?"

"Oh, like it really makes a difference! I'll win no matter who it is. As for you fellows... I'll be seeing you at the finals."

"But, Mai... We'll be at rooting for you!"

"Don't bother."

Joey blinked. "What?"

Tea looked at her in concern. "But why not?"

"I don't need you guys to win," Mai said. "Believe it or not, I was a good duelist before I met you. And quite frankly, certain blond-haired knuckleheads in your group are beginning to get on my nerves!"

"Me?" said Joey.

"That's right, joey! It's perfectly clear that you don't consider me a friend, and I don't consider you one. So, let's just leave it at that, monkey boy!"

Joey balled his fists. "That is completely untrue! And I'm no monkey boy!"

I watched the scene in confusion. What had happened between them, and why did Mai seem like the only one who knew about it? She had been fine when I left her in Odion's room. Had Joey unintentionally said something stupid or offensive? Knowing him, it was possible. I only hoped he was smart enough to realize his mistake and fix it before it led to something irreparable.

Mai's opponent was chosen without her: Marik. I swallowed hard. This was not good. Who knew what Marik's dark side would do to her? He had killed my parents without a second thought. My friends appeared worried as well.

After a few stops, we made our way to the top of the blimp, where the wind was as cold as ever. Mai and Marik were already dueling. Mai had Dunames Dark Witch in attack mode and Dark Marik had Revival Jam in defense mode along with the magic card Jam Breeding Machine in play.

"Aw, man!" said Joey. "It started already!"

"Mai!" Yugi called.

"I knew we shouldn't of waited for Tristan to get out of the bathroom!"

"Hey there, Mai!" said Tea. "We're with you!"

"Show this creep who's force!"

"And just what are you guys doing here?" Mai said, appearing annoyed. "Didn't I make it clear that I don't need your help to win this duel?"

"We all know that, Mai," Joey said. "But friends are still allowed to come watch, right? Just to show we care! Like the time my grandma came to see me play a tree in the school pageant."

"Then suit yourselves."

"Yugi! Tea exclaimed, pointing at the Jam Breeding Machine. "What's that thing!?"

"It's not good," Yugi said. "Marik used these same plasma monsters against me. And it can only mean one thing. I must warn Mai or she'll be in a great deal of danger!"

"My move now!" Mai said.

"Wait! Before you go, you need to know, Revival-"

Mai looked down at him. "Yugi, were you listening to what I said?"

"But this is-"

"I said I don't need your help! So, I'd appreciate it if you could all just mind your own business! Are we clear?"

Tea frowned. "I guess so..."

I shook my head. "This will not go well."

Dark Marik laughed. "Do it yourself, eh? Those are brave words from someone with no idea what they're up against!"

"Oh, clamp it," said Mai. "I know exactly what I'm up against and exactly what I'm gonna do to beat you as well!"

"Then why do I see such fear in your eyes?" He laughed again. "Our battle has only just begun, and already you doubt yourself!"

"You are wrong again!" Mai attacked Revival Jam, but, of course, the monster revived itself. Then Dark Marik played a card face down while his Breeding Machine created a slime token. Then Mai played Harpie's Feather Duster to destroy all of Marik's magic and trap cards. She proceeded to destroy the slime token and lower Dark Marik's life points. This seemed like good news for her, so why was her opponent not worried?

Mai continued to play quite well even if Dark Marik made a few good news. Still, there was a nervousness that permeated the air. What would Mai do if she had to face an Egyptian god card? Perhaps she planned to end the duel before Marik pulled the card.

"Okay, Marik," Mai said after some time, "you may've gotten a few lucky shots, but that's over. Things are about to change!"

"Indeed," said Dark Marik. "Much more than you know."

"What does that mean?" Tristan said. "And what's up with that creepy smile Marik's wearing all of a sudden?"

A chill ran down my spine. "I don't think it's anything good," I said.

Joey grimaced. "Mai, something's not right!"

"I said I don't need your help!" Mai shouted back.

"Well, excuse me. Then I won't help."

I looked at him anxiously. "Joey..." But I did not know what more he could do. That girl was too stubborn.

"Now listen to me, foolish girl," said Dark Marik, pulling out the Millennium Rod, "I'm afraid that practice-time is over. So, I'd like to take this match to the true home of duel monsters: the Shadow Realm!"

My eyes widened in fear. "Oh, no!"

"Oh, yes! Let the shadow game begin!" Everyone gasped as a thick fog filled the blimp. I suddenly felt very woozy. I stumbled back, and Yugi steadied me. Dark Marik laughed. "Welcome to the heart of darkness!"

"It's just as I feared," Yugi said. "Marik has summoned the evil powers of the Shadow Realm!"

"Of the shadow what?" said Duke. "It just looks like we flew into a fog."

"This is no ordinary fog."

"It's evil," I said, shuddering.

"I remember this place!" Tea said.

"Marik, end this now!" Yugi shouted.

"Never!" said Dark Marik. "The shadows are hungry, and they will be fed. If little Mai wants to continue this match, she'll have to do so in my world- a world where there's much more to lose than just a simple duel!"

Yugi clenched his teeth in frustration. "Mai, this duel must end now! There's more at stake than you know! Forfeit the match!"

Mai looked down at him. "Yugi, have you completely lost it? I've worked hard for this. It'll take a lot more than some creepy fog to scare me off. So, if you'll excuse me, I've got a duel to win!"

"You've got to listen to him," I said. "You don't understand what's happening!"

"Listen, Yugi, Joey, Samia, everyone, I appreciate your concerns, but... My mind's made up, and I'm going to stay in this duel, and nothing can change that!"

"Very good, foolish girl," said Dark Marik. "I knew that I could count on you to use that stubborn mind of yours while you still remember how."

"Well then, that's that," said Joey. "If there's one thing about Mai: once the girl makes up her mind, there's no way to un-make it."

"That's true," said Yugi. "But this time it might cost her big."

I sighed. "This is not going to be good..."

"You ready, Marik?" said Mai.

Dark Marik laughed. "I'm always ready for a shadow game!" Mai placed a card face down and then summoned a monster - Unfriendly Amazon, who was glowing. "Confused, Mai? The energy that surrounds your amazon Is a symbol of you-- or your mind to be more precise."

Mai stared at him blankly. "Huh?"

"If it goes out, so will a portion of your mind! This is the nature of the Shadow Realm. Don't worry. You'll understand it much better once you've experienced my dark magic first hand. Oh, how I love watching someone feel these shadow powers for the first time!" He laughed.

"This isn't good," I muttered. I felt sick. I thought I understood evil before, but this was on a whole different level. There was no reason for any of this. Just a delight in chaos and misery. Mai still did not understand what was going on, and she attacked on of Dark Marik's monsters.

Marik laughed again. "Very good, you've wiped away some of my life points. However, Dark Witch was originally your monster. Therefore, you've wiped away part of your memory as well!"

"What are you talking about?" said Mai.

"You see, Mai, each monster we play on the field carries with it the memory of a person we hold within in our mind. So, when a monster is destroyed, the memory of a person from your life Is destroyed with it!"

Mai gasped. "There's no way!"

"Say what?" said Joey. "What on earth is Marik talking about? That psycho's gotta be out of his gourd. There's no way he's telling the truth!"

"Can you really say that after everything we've experienced?" I said.

"Now, let's see which one of your friends Will become your first lost memory," said Dark Marik.

A card spun around. I could not see the image on it when it stopped, but Mai said, "Not, Tea!"

"Yes, and now she'll be banished from your memory!"

"I don't believe you, Marik! You can't do that. It's impossible!"

"Impossible? Nothing's impossible in the Shadow Realm! Why do you think I brought you here, my dear? For, I'm controlling this kingdom of infinite blackness, and by the time I'm through, you'll be a mindless shell all alone In a world full of strangers! Can you feel them drifting slowly away from you? Disappearing into the light? Fading from the chasms of your mind? The wells of your heart?"

"Wait! Come back! Please! No, this can't be!"

I shuddered and backed up, bumping into Yugi. I could feel Mai's fear and distress. It was like Dark Marik had looked into her mind and figured out what would affect her the most. Maybe he had. "Are you alright?" Yugi said softly.

"I - I'll be fine," I said.

"Now, now, don't worry, my dear," said Dark Marik. "You're only losing one of them for now."

"I can't see her!" Mai cried.

"That's right! Now Tea's nothing more than a faceless phantom to you."

"My memory's growing faint..."

"Yo, Mai!" Joey called. "Are you okay?" She did not respond. "Mai?!"

"Oh, you're far from okay!" said Dark Marik. "I'm afraid this is just the beginning, for behind each dark corner, the Shadow Realm holds another frightening twist- like an eternal nightmare! Only this is quite real."

"No!" I shouted. Someone had to stop him, but I feared it was already too late for Mai. She had chosen her fate.

"Feeling lightheaded? Since I'm wiping out your memories, that's to be expected!"

"Hey, Mai looks like she's in a major daze, guys," Tristan said.

"Try and hang in there, Mai!" Tea said. "You can do it. We're all here for you!" Mai stared blankly into the distance, and Tea looked confused. "What's wrong? She's not answering me, and what's with that blank stare?"

"She can't hear you," I said. "Her perception has been messed with. It's like you're not even here."

"That's crazy!"

"You don't think Mai will forget me, do you?" Joey asked.

I gave him a sad look. "It's possible..."

Joey motioned to Dark Marik. "He's your friend, isn't he? Can't you do something about him?"

I shook my head. "The one dueling Mai is no friend of mine." Ishizu had said he was pure evil, meaning there was no way I could reach him. There was nothing I could o.

The duel continued. Mai destroyed one of Dark Marik's monsters, but he did not mind losing the memory of someone. He liked being alone. If he embodied the absence of all that was good, that made sense. Then Mai lost more people. I could feel her sadness grow as she became more alone. I tried to reach out to her, but I could not get through to her. Could she continue like this?

At one point, Mai was so overcome that she fell to her knees. Then Yami took over, and I felt a strong magic coming from the Millennium Puzzle. Whatever he did, it strengthened Mai, and she was able to stand. Feeling relieved myself, I glanced at him, but his focus was still on the duel.

"Is the danger perhaps a little too real for you?" Dark Marik taunted Mai.

"Not even close!" Mai said. "Your head games don't scare me, sweetheart."

"Suit yourself, but realize, when I'm through with you, your brain will be nothing but an empty shell."

"Well, bring it on, Marik! I've never backed out of a duel, and I won't start now."

"Hmm... Then prepare to lose your mind!"

"Guess we'll see. So, give the scare tactics a rest, and get ready, buddy, because now it's my turn."

With her confidence back, Mai played fairly well. And then she managed an awesome move: she obtained Marik's Egyptian god card. And yet, Dark Marik did not appear worried. A few turns later, she sacrificed her monsters to summon the Winged Dragon of Ra... except, the dragon appeared locked in a giant, golden sphere.

"You were a fool to think you'd be able to use it," Dark Marik said. "Only individuals with knowledge of the ancient scriptures can wield the power of Ra!"

"Give me a break!" Mai said. "You're just jealous because you lost your Egyptian god card to a better duelist, and I'm gonna use it to knock you out of the finals, bud! Your Winged Dragon answers to me now."

"Then why don't you try reading the ancient text written on the bottom of the card!"

"Uh... Huh?" Mai looked closely at the card. "What's that?"

"That is the ancient chant used to call upon the hidden powers of the winged dragon of Ra!" He laughed. "Well, why don't you try reading the chant? Or perhaps you're in need of a lesson In the ancient Egyptian scriptures, my dear."

Was such a thing possible in a card game? I remembered how the card reacted to the fake Ra. When magic was involved, anything was on the table. This was bad. Why was everyone except Yugi reluctant to accept supernatural explanations?

"Well, why don't I read the chant and regain control of it?" Dark Marik said. "Stare at that card all you want. You'll never decipher the ancient words printed upon it! It's written in a special form of hieroglyphic script used only by high-ranking individuals in Egypt, and I doubt you fit that category. However, my family does. They guard the pharaoh's tomb."

"Whatever," Mai said.

"I bet Kaiba could read it. In fact, several people on this vessel can trace their history back to ancient Egypt, to a time when sorcerers and kings waged great wars." He looked at me, and I shivered. "Back then, the power of the shadows was everywhere, and the world feared those who controlled it!"

"Blah, blah, blah! I don't need a history lesson to learn how to control the actions of my duel monster."

"Maximilian Pegasus certainly did, and not even he knew how to decipher the ancient text when he created the card. But he knew that in ancient times, the Winged Dragon would only obey those who chanted the words. So, Pegasus printed the words in an ink that can only be seen when the monster is summoned. I'll ask you again... Are you reading the chant, or shall I release the Winged Dragon of Ra? This is your last chance, foolish girl! Show me how you control an Egyptian god!" He started cackling.

Mai did not look impressed. "Laugh it up, psycho-boy."

"Time is running out, my dear. So, make your move! Unless you're willing to admit defeat. Remember, you have no monsters on the field to protect you. And that means I can use my Egyptian god card to attack your life points. So, prepare to lose and live an eternity of loneliness and despair! This is your final opportunity to awaken the winged dragon of Ra!"

Mai hesitated. Her emotions were swirling with confusion, but then I felt resolve. "I place one card face down and end my turn."

Dark Marik drew a card and grinned wickedly. "It's over! I summon Holding Legs! So sorry, my dear, but say goodbye to that face down card now. For when it's summoned, Holding Legs sends every magic and trap card back to the player's hands. And when played alongside Holding Arms, this card has another special ability- It calls forth the Sacred Stone of Ujat!"

A giant stone tablet rose behind Mai. She looked around in a panic. "What's going on?"

"Well, with no monsters, I'm able to attack your life points directly. So, be prepared to lose everything right now. Go, holding arms and holding legs, seize her!"

Holding Arms and Holding Legs flew at Mai, wrapped around her ankles and wrists, and bound her to the stone tablet. I clenched my teeth to keep myself from screaming along with her. This was very real, and it hurt. Then Dark Marik's monsters attacked her directly, and I doubled over in pain.

"Samia, are you alright?" Yami said.

"I'm fine," I said, holding in a groan. "Help Mai." She was the one in trouble. I felt power from the Millennium Puzzle again, but Dark Marik acted quickly, saying it was time to awaken Ra.

"Great beast of the sky, please hear my cry," Dark Marik began to chant. "Transform myself from orb of light And bring me victory in this fight. Envelop the deserts with your glow and cast your rage upon my foe! Unlock your powers from deep within so that together we may win. Appear in this shadow game as I call your name: Winged Dragon of Ra!" The dragon had slowly unwrapped itself as Marik chanted, and now it let out a mighty roar. I shivered from the impact.

"No good," I mumbled. Yami placed a hand on my shoulder while he stared at the dragon with narrowed eyes.

Dark Marik chuckled. "Such a pity it has to end like this, my dear. Your mind is a mere shadow of its former self, and it's growing even dimmer. And chained to that stone, you can't reach your deck. As soon as my monster attacks, your world will crumble!"

"Hey, Yug, we gotta stop this!" Joey said.

"That's enough!" Yami shouted. "Leave Mai alone! Your grudge is against me, not her!"

"That's true, pharaoh," said Dark Mairk, "but I'm just having a little fun up here. There's nothing I like more than toying with someone's mind."

Yami glared at him. "Marik!"

"Don't worry, we'll face each other soon. It's something I've been waiting for since the hatred in my host's mind created me. My birth was on the day when he was 10 at the ceremony where his family insisted he bare the ancient scriptures on his back- cursed to carry the secret of the pharaoh's power until his return!"

"The pharaoh's secret?"

"The pain and suffering his father gave him made him want to destroy himself. He had to create another him to live and guard himself. I wanted to dominate Marik, but something interfered with my plans. Only when he is extremely angry can I take over. And Odion carved the cure on his face and sealed Marik's anger. I was always sealed in the host's deep mind. Now Odion has fallen, and I rule the body."

"What do you want? Is it the god cards or something else?"

"I want to destroy everyone! Destruction is the source of my happiness. I want to make the Shadow Realm the real world." Dark Marik raised the Millennium Rod. "Tormenting your little friend's mind up here Is merely practice. For soon you shall suffer while the world finally cowers in fear before me! This shadow game is over." He laughed wickedly, his eyes on Mai. "The time has come to trap your mind in the shadows forever!"

I felt a wave of anger from Joey right before he leapt onto the platform and ran straight for Mai. "No!" I called. If he stayed there, they would both be struck! He ignored everyone as he desperately tried to remove the chains from Mai.

Yami jumped onto the field just in time to shield both Joey and Mai from Ra's attack. A surge of pain swept through me, and I fell to my knees. For an agonizing moment, I was not aware of anything, even my friends. Then it stopped, and I saw Yami had fallen on the field. I gathered the rest of my energy and ran to him.

Joey was already by his side, urging him to wake up. "I think I can help," I said. I knelt on the ground and placed my hands on Yami. Then I focused on transferring what little power I had to him just like Marik had taught me.

"It will do you little good in the end," Dark Marik said, looming over us. He leered at Yami. "I should send him to the Shadow Realm right now!" I gasped and covered Yami's body with mine, hiding my face from Marik.

"You wish!" Joey retorted.

"Relax, I still need him, but you're not so fortunate. And you need to be taught a lesson about meddling in matters that don't concern you." He lifted his Millennium Rod, and suddenly, Joey was frozen. I was too tried to cry out, and I did not want to attract his attention. "This should hold you! Perhaps next time you'll think before you enter a duel uninvited."

"Joey!" Mai exclaimed. "What did you do to him, Marik?"

"Not to worry, he'll be fine. But there's something we need to discuss. You still have my Egyptian
god card in your deck, and I want it back! Now it's time to fulfill my promise. I said if you lost
you'd be trapped In the Shadow Realm for eternity."

"The Shadow Realm?"

"Did you forget? I know your memory has failed you, but you and I had an agreement! So..."

I flinched as I felt power from the Millennium Rod. It was gone just as soon as it appeared. Joey became unfrozen just as Mai suddenly appeared lifeless. Joey was immediately by her said. "Mai!" He glared at Dark Marik. "Tell me what you did to her now, Marik!"

"Your friend made a costly mistake by dueling against me," said Dark Marik, 'and now I'm afraid she's paying the ultimate price. Notice her motionless appearance? That's because her mind is trapped!"

"Say what!"

"With each passing second, she forgets more. The shadows are taking everything, Wheeler: Her family, her friends. Everything she kept inside her mind and inside her heart." Dark Marik laughed.

I focused on Yami while our friends climbed onto the platform. After a minute, he stirred. I let out a breath of relief when he opened his eyes. "Are you alright?" I asked.

"Yug!" Joey exclaimed. "You feeling okay?"

Yami gently pushed away before standing up. "Don't worry, I'm fine. But are you and Mai okay?"

Joey grimaced. "I'm fine, but Mai's not doing so well. Marik pulled something freaky with that Millennium Rod. He said he trapped her brain in the shadows!

"Yeah," said Team "and then he said she's gonna lose all her memories."

Yami's eyes narrowed. "This is not good."

"Not at all," I mumbled. I knew I should be focused on Mai, but I could not help the feeling that Yami was acting distant toward me. Could what Marik said about our bond be correct? Was it not real at all?


A/N: I'm back! Sorry I was gone for a couple months, but it's better than a couple years, right? Some of Yami Marik's dialogue was from the Japanese because I thought it was more meaningful. I hope you enjoyed.

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