You Pretend You're Gay... Why...

By thelionftw

70.6K 1.2K 755

Airlia Ambrosia has had a crush on Lawson Wilde for years. But everyone thinks the reason why Lawson doesn't... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Author's Note
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Nine

3.2K 57 23
By thelionftw

If you don't like profanity and sexual references, then skip over this chapter. But this is a really funny chapter, so it's your choice(:


To my annoyance, Oliver did not show up at school early like he said he would. I waited by my locker when I first got to school, waiting for him to escort me to class, but he failed to come. Addy waited by locker with me.

"Why won't he come?" I sighed in frustration. After my incident with Lawson, everything has been pissing me off easily.

Addy giggled. "Hehe. Come."

"Shut it." I wasn't in the mood to joke around.

"Honey," Addy went on. "The reason for that may be that you don't excite him."

I sighed, slammed my locker shut, and turned on my heel, away from Addy. He followed behind me, a grin plastered on his face.

"Hey, I was just joking." When he saw that my hard expression didn't change, he asked, "What's wrong?"

I muttered nothing, and made an excuse that I needed to go to the library. Addy, taking my hint, nodded and said he needed to go talk to Mr. Wood. I said goodbye, and made my way across campus to our school library.

The library was empty; the librarian, Kasey, was probably in the back room. I sat at the middle of the library, resting my head on the cold blue desk. I closed my eyes, trying to hold back my tears. Ever since Saturday, I've been crying. Why won't Lawson just say why he loves me? Or is he joking around?

But Addy was right. Being with Oliver made jealously grow in him. Yet Lawson earns a point for pointing out that I was just leading Oliver on. Seriously, I was contemplating about breaking up with Oliver. I didn't want to hurt Oliver! I don't want to be one of those girls that go out with guys in order to make other guys jealous.

The door opened, and I turned around to see who disrupted my train of thought. It was Keira. I stiffened up and laid my head back onto the table. I hoped she got the hint that I did not want to talk to her, but she didn't get it. She sat across from me and smiled. I didn't return the smile. Instead, I studied a piece of cracker crumb that was leftover from yesterday.

"Hey," she said tentatively, with a small wave. I mumbled a 'hey' back. An uncomfortable silence fell between us. "So," she ventured on. "How was your weekend?"

I shrugged. "Pretty good. What about you?" I honestly didn't care; I just wanted to be polite.

"It was okay, I just did homework, really."

Wow, Keira doing homework? She must have been super bored.

I stood up from the table. "Umm, I need to go find Addy, so I'll talk to you later." As I was about to leave, Keira clutched my arm. I turned around, a annoyed expression forming on my face, to see why she wanted my attention. Her blue eyes peered through mine. I must have imagined it, but there seemed to be unshed tears floating around in her eyes.

"I'm very sorry about what I did with Lawson," she said earnestly. I just nodded, not really caring anymore about gay Lawson. But Keira went on. "It was totally bitchy of me, to fool around with him when it was so obvious that you're in love with him. But please understand this, you're like my best friend ever, and I don't want to lose our friendship."

She sounded so sincere, that I had no choice but to believe her. Besides, I was done with avoiding people. It's honestly tiring to be constantly fuming angry radiation. It wouldn't do any good to be angry, especially when I'm already stressed as hell. The nuclear power plant needs to shut down soon, before the earthquake comes.

So I smiled and nodded. Keira looked like she finally had rested her soul.

"Airlia! I freaking love you, no homo." She grinned broadly. Probably the first real grin in a long time. "So Addy's here already? I missed the fella. Err, girl, I should say."

We walked out of the library together, joking about Addy and his feminine-ness. Once outside, I shivered from the cold, yet I was wearing a pretty comfty sweatshirt. Keira noticed and grinned.

"I hope you haven't contracted a disease from Oliver," she said jokingly.

I rolled my eyes. "The chances of that are pretty slim, since we barely hang out." I blushed a little bit. I didn't mean to say that.

When we safely crossed the crosswalk, and were under the shelter of the main campus, Keira asked, "What do you mean? Is there something going on between you guys?"

"No... I don't think so." I was contemplating if I should tell her about Lawson. But I was afriad with the mention of Lawson, we would go back to avoiding each other. All those Facebook likes are right. Guys do cause drama between girls.

Keira raised up her eyebrow. "You don't think? I don't know about you, but if something is going on between my boyfriend and I, I'd know."

"Stop being such a smart ass!" Man, it felt good to joke around with Keira again.

We turned a corner in the hallway, and ran into Addy. From the time we were in the library, more students had arrived. When they saw I was with Keira, and laughing with her, they stared in shock.

"Oh my gosh are they, like, friends again?" some girl with blonde hair and a black shadowbox stage whispered to her friend who had white blonde hair.

"Like, maybe! But after what Keira did? I would never talk to her again."

I ignored the two girls shamelessly gossip about Keira and I when we were right there. Keira looked like she was about to say something to the girls, but decided against it.

Oliver finally bursts through the door, with Lawson behind him. Oliver waved gayly at me. Lawson had his eyes down to the floor. When the two cousins got to our group in the middle of the hallway, Oliver said, "I can't believe we actually made it to school on time. I think it deserves a celebration." He swung his arm on my, pulling me closer. I snuck a peek at Lawson from the corner of my eye, to see his reaction. His face was impassive, like he wasn't there, or at least not paying attention to his surroundings.

I gave a small smile to him. When Keira saw Lawson, she quickly adverted her gaze to some far away object.

"Well, um, I'm gonna leave you two love birds alone. See ya." She waved and walked away from us.

"Yeah," Addy started, grinning. "I got to go do... Stuff. Don't make a baby!" He laughed, walking down the hall behind Keira and the sea of people going to their respected classes. My mind had gone blank when Lawson came that I didn't notice how the hall filled up fast of students. The two shameless girls were gone, probably spreading the gossip around.

Now it was only Lawson left. Oliver and I waited patiently for his excuse to leave, but it didn't come. Lawson, realizing our eyes were on him, looked up from his iPhone and said, "Oh, am I suppose to leave too?" Oliver and I nodded. "I thought they really had stuff to do. My bad." He grinned. Before he left, he said to me, "See you around, Airlia." His eyes turned to a soft green when he said that. I meekly waved, watching his retreat from me.

It hurt so bad to see him go.

"I suppose I should be going to class," I said quietly. Just as I was about to walk to the office, where I aide, Oliver clutched my arm gently.

He had a sad expression on his face, like he just lost a puppy. "Did I do something wrong? I feel like you don't want me around.

"No, nothing's wrong." I gave him a reassuring smile. "I'm just tired." Oliver didn't look like he bought it, but didn't want to fight about it.

He nodded and released my arm. Then he tipped my chin up and lightly kissed me on the lips. I smiled slightly and walked away from him to the office. For the second time in less than thirty minutes, I held back tears.


The whole week seem to follow a pattern. Wake up, go to school, do work, talk, ice-skate. In between, avoid Lawson, and seem happy around Oliver. Kiss up to teachers so they can give me a break for not turning in assignments, and kiss Oliver so he's satisfied. And to top it all off, rumors about stuff that are so out of the ordinary, that it's puzzling to think about. I'm not going to linger on those, because it's totally pointless.

But on the fifteenth of November, something glorious, something to take my mind off my hectic life, and to have a reason to be angry at the person I want a reason to be angry to, happened. Probably one of the funniest things that have happened in the school year so far. Even though it's hilarious, it's mean.

I was walking down the empty hallway during fifth period. My IB history teacher, Mr. Montgomery, sent me to the office to make copies for a quiz we were doing tomorrow. Mr. Montgomery trusts me with his life, and he knows I won't cheat. Plus, I always make copies for him, so it wasn't something out of the ordinary.

As I was walking down the hall, Tristan came in view. Tristan just moved here today from somewhere. I didn't know him that well; just that he was a swoopy haired blonde kids with blue eyes, kind of chubby, and shy. I smiled at him, and he tentatively smiled back.

"Hey," I said conversationally. "How are you doing?"

He blushed. "G-g-good." Tsk tsk. He wasn't going to last a minute here. Tristan smiled again at me and went into the boys' restroom that was across from where I was standing. I proceeded to the office, made the copies, and was back in the hall again. But this time, it was much louder than before.

"We fucking hate new kids!" Lawson's unmistakable voice resonated from the restroom. Thunderous pounding on metal followed his remark. Laughter followed suit. But the weirdest thing was, it was all coming from the girls' restroom.

"Get the fuck out of our town!" Oliver shouted menacingly. I could clearly picture his wide grin as he was tormenting poor Tristan. "And while you're at it, stop fucking masturbating!"

Wiley's unmistakable laugh filled up the restroom and the hall. "Yeah you fucking perv! We don't like masturbators at our school!" More banging on the stalls. "You're a fucking disgrace!"

A sound like a whimper reached my ears. I was guessing that it was Tristan. Why the hell were Lawson and his friends doing this? Can't they see they were scaring the shit out of him, literally? As more metal pounding, shouts, and verbal abuse went on, my curiosity made me go into the disastrous scene. I bravely opened the door and faced the scene. Oliver stopped pounding on the stall door and gaped at me, open mouthed.

"FUCK YOU!" Lawson shouted at the top of his lungs as he violently shook the stall door. When he saw me, he stopped, but kept on pounding on the door, with a grin wide on his face. His eyes sparkled with amusements.

"Airlia?" Oliver said, a hint of embarrassment in his voice. But it was instantly replaced by a broad grin. "Sorry you had to walk in on us teaching a lesson to Newbie." Lawson and Wiley stopped banging on the door. Wiley saluted to me, while Lawson kept on grinning, near hysteria.

I was so mad at Oliver that I was at lost for words. Then I said, " 'Teaching him a lesson'? By scaring him on his first day of school?"

It was Wiley that answered. "Yeah pretty much. We were walking in the hall when we heard some sketchy sounds, and we freaking walked on him holding his dick! It was so disgusting!"

"And it's unnaturally small," Lawson added.

"Of course you would notice that first," Oliver scuffed.

Lawson gave him a perverted look. "Oh you know it." He then turned his attention to the stall door. "Hey Tristan. Come out! I have a nice surprised for you," Lawson said in a pedophile-type voice. "Maybe your dick is big after all. I just wasn't looking at it in the right way." The two guys laughed. I let out a giggle, but quickly closed my mouth.

"What I don't get is how did you guys end up in the girls' bathroom?" I asked. "Seems kind of strange..."

"We chased him out of the boys'," Wiley explained. He laughed. "Oh my God! This is the fucking funniest thing I've done so far!" He kicked Tristan's stall. "Hey come out! We want to make you feel better!"

Tristan whimpered again in response. I felt so bad for him! And even worse that I couldn't do anything about it.

"Oliver, stop it!" I demanded. To my surprised, the three boys stopped. Oliver's look of embarrassment crossed over on his face again. Lawson and Wiley grinned, looking from Oliver and I to see what might happen.

"It's just fun and games," Oliver said as an excuse. I shook my head.

"What's so fun about causing hell for a new kid?"

"That we fucking made him shit his pants," Wiley replied like it was so obvious. The guys erupted in laughter. Tristan erupted in tears.

"Shit, he's crying," Oliver said brilliantly. "Hey, we were just messing around with you."

"Yeah, so come out now." Lawson banged on the door. "Let me comfort you..."

"Dude, you're not helping the problem," Oliver said, a little pissed.

Lawson and Wiley laughed. Lawson said, "What? I do want to comfort him. You can sit on my lap too, Tristan!"

Just then, Mrs. Johnson, the freshmen English teacher, came in. Her grey beady eyes widened as she surveyed the scene. "Oh my God! What in the world is going on in here! All of you, in the principal's office!"

I was about to protest that I had nothing to do with it when she left, waiting for us outside. The four of us-well five, including Tristan-did not utter a word. Then Oliver insisted, "Well, let's go!" Oliver and I were the first ones out in the hall, Mrs. Johnson giving us the stink eye. Then Lawson, then Wiley, then finally Tristan came out.

"Follow me," Mrs. Johnson said unnecessarily. Who else were we going to follow? A fucking dinosaur?

The walk to Mr. Bellamy's office was long and boring. Wiley did not dare utter a word. Oliver wouldn't look me in the eye. Lawson didn't seem like going to the principal's office and facing possible suspension bothered him the least. It was like he was simply going to his Mr. Bellamy's office for a nice chat.

When we got to the main office, Mrs. Johnson rudely gestured to Bellamy's office, glaring down at us. Then changing her mind she said, "All of you, wait here. I need to talk with the principal first." I watch her wobbly around in her heels as she entered Bellamy's office. She gestured to Tristan to sit from the opposite side of her.

Oliver turned to me and said, "I'm so sorry we dragged you into this, Airlia."

"We?" Wiley said, his grey eyes bugging out. "Since when did we invite her to the bathroom?"

I glared down at him. "Since when did we terrorize new students?"

"I dunno." He shrugged. I smiled, victorious.

Lawson was browsing around on his iPhone, still oblivious to what we were facing. Finally, Mr. Bellamy emerged with Mrs. Johnson from his office. His hard, slightly wrinkled face frowned down upon us. Blue eyes pierced into our souls, expression anger, yet trying to understand why we would do something like this. Erm, why would Lawson, Oliver, and Wiley do something like this. Shelli, the secretary that was seated at her desk in, shook her head in dissappointment at us.

"I'm very disappointed in you," Mr. Bellamy started in his deep voice. I hid against the curtain of my hair. I could feel my cheeks heating up. "Especially you, Ms. Ambrosia." I knew that was coming up. Mr. Bellamy cleared his throat and continued. "Each of you, one by one, will come into my office and explain yourselves. Starting with Tristan." He turned his eyes, showing kindness to him. He beckoned for him to follow him.

After seven minutes, Tristan came out, tears still lining his eyes. He nodded his head at Wiley's direction, indicating that it was his turn to tell his story. Wiley went, muttering something for only Tristan to hear. It was a threat, for Tristan's eyes widened in horror. He quickly sat back in the seat he occupied earlier, staring down at his hands. I felt like comforting him, but Mrs. Johnson was staring menacingly at me.

Longer than Tristan, Wiley came out after what seemed like fifteen minutes. We heard snippets of their not-so-pleasant conversation. There were lots of shouting, and I think I heard Wiley cuss, then it ended. Wiley came out, his eyebrows knitted together, and declared, "I'm fucking suspended for a week!"

"Shut your mouth!" Mrs. Johnson and Shelli shouted back at him. Wiley mouthed "Fuck you!" to them, and left the office.

Mr. Bellamy came out, slightly flushed, then said, "Mr. Oliveri, your turn." Oliver nodded and resignedly went into Bellamy's office.

His interview went by smoothly. He came out immediately; about five minutes. He had a smile on his face. I sent him a questioning look and he explained, "I'm suspended, but since I told the truth, it's only three days."

I replied, "That's good," but I was still mad at him.

"You're up," Oliver said, beaming. Lawson shot him an annoyed look. Sensing that Lawson was really pissed, Oliver averted his gaze to the floor. "Just tell the truth," he said quietly. Lawson made no indication that he heard him. Rolling his eyes, Oliver left to go get his stuff.

Lawson's interview was short too. He seemed pretty content with his sentence; three day's suspension like Oliver. I was glad that he took consideration into Oliver's advice.

"Mr. Bellamy says you can leave," Lawson said in a manor like he was dismissing me. He refused to look me in the eye. My heart began to feel too heavy for my body. I nodded. Without saying another word, Lawson walked out of the office.

"Lawson," I called, following him out. He turned around, his face impassive. I opened my mouth, but no noise came out. I didn't expect him to actually pay attention to me. I closed my mouth, unsure of what to say.

Lawson sighed. "If you have something to say to me, say it."

Once again I opened my mouth to speak, but no sound came out. Getting annoyed, he said, "I got to go. Mr. Bellamy told me to leave immediately. Talk to me later." Turning on his heel, he left me and my fractured heart.


Crappy ending, but every will be better explained in the next chapters(:

This actually happened at my school lol. I sadly wasn't at school that day, but Lawson told me about it haha.

This is dedicated to Wattpader 'lovelifelost'. Check out her stuff! She's wonderful at poetry(: She's also really good friends with the real Tristan.

Comment, vote, FAN!

You won't regret it lol.

Song of the day is, "Oh Glory" by Panic! At the Disco. I'm so freaking glad that they're back!

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