The Turbo Hero:- Midoribolt

By Kevhedgehog

8.9K 230 56

Izuku Midoriya has really had enough. First, he had his property destroyed by his childhood bully, then he wa... More



1.4K 36 3
By Kevhedgehog

Standing in front of the chair he was just in, Izuku continued to look at his suit through the lenses of his helmet. 

"This suit, kinda makes me look like a battle warrior from space," Izuku said using his hands to feel the suit's texture.

"Well, you are kind of a half-alien Izuku," a sudden electronic voice said playing in his head. He was able to tell who it was based on how it sounded.

"Wait, Torbolt?!" Izuku said looking down at his chest. "Are you speaking in my head?"

"Yeah, I think I am," Torbolt said. "This is kinda cool"

"It gets way better Torbolt," Steel said floating in front of Izuku. "With this suit, you can unlink yourself and fly around without breaking a sweat. Go ahead and try"

"Oh okay," Torbolt said a little nervous since like all Ultralinks, all he knew to do was link to something and never come off. But knowing that Steel was able to do it, he had confidence he could too. Making a deep breath sound, he suddenly flew off Izuku's chest, causing the helmet that was surrounding his head vanishing still keeping on the suit. Torbolt began floating between everyone looking different than how he used to look before.

"Woah Torbolt!" Steel said in surprise at his appearance. "Looking good"

"Huh? What do you..." Torbolt said before looking at a nearby reflection and finally realizing that the yellow coloring he had before was replaced with the same color as Izuku's Green Turbo Energy. "Whoa, I look awesome"

"You really do Torbolt," Izuku said before going back to observe his suit. "But uh, how do I take this off? Is there like a zipper or..."

"I'm sorry Izuku, but the suit has to stay on you at all times," Max said walking up to him and placing a hand on his shoulder. "This suit is made to contain your energy so you won't go into an overload, even if you and Torbolt are apart. At least for a while"

"A while?" both Izuku and Torbolt asked at the same time.

"You two are ultra-linked, so you can only be apart for 8 hours. Any longer than that, and you will overload with Turbo energy again," Steel said while looking at Izuku. He then turned to look at his Ultralink comrade. "And if you don't link up with Izuku during those 8 hours, you'll run out of power and shut down... permanently"

"P-P-Permanently?!" Torbolt said shaking with a little fear. He turned to Izuku who had a bit of a concerned face which changed into a smile.

"Well then, we'll just have to make sure we always stay together, okay?" Izuku said while holding up a fist for a fist bump. Torbolt looked at it and nodded his little head before using one of his four legs to fist-bump back.

"Well Izuku, I'll take you into one of the guest rooms so you can rest," Max said with a hand on his shoulder. "Tomorrow, I will show you how you can use this gift to become your very own hero"

"Hero?!" Deku said excitedly as Max lead both him and Mindy in out of the lab leaving the two Ultralinks floating.

"And what about me?" Torbolt asked confused.

"You, are gonna stay here and let me analyze you more," Steel said while bringing up a bunch of holographic screens around Torbolt. "I'm really intrigued how your body was able to handle Green Turbo energy without shooting off his limbs"

"Uhhh......" Torbolt said feeling uncomfortable. "Then what?"

"Welp, after I get everything I need, I gonna upload some basic Turbo modes into you," Steel said causing Torbolt's eyes to open wide in excitement.

"Seriously!? Turbo Modes!?" Torbolt screamed.

"Yeah. Max doesn't use these modes anymore so he wouldn't mind if you use them," Steel said to his companion.

"I'm so excited!" Torbolt said as Steel went behind him and installed a cable in him. "Okay Steel, I'm ready"

With a nod of his head, Steel went straight to work.

The Next Day...
Giving off a big yawn, Izuku twirled in the bed he was on after hearing an alarm go off. After giving off a slight yawn, he rose in the bed and looked around the room he was in. At first, he thought everything that has happened was a dream and his mom was the one cooking something that was giving off an amazing aroma. But when he got a better view of the room and looked at his body to see he was still in the green suit he knew he wasn't.

"It wasn't a dream," Izuku whispered lowering his head before looking out the ginormous window of the room he was in. As he threw off the blanket which was covering his suit, he hopped off the bed and walked over to get a better view of where he was. Once he was finally standing in front of it, he could not believe where he was sleeping.

"Holy Crap," Izuku said placing both hands on the window and trying to get a better view outside. Suddenly, the sound of knocking on the door caused him to turn away from the scenery. "Um, c-come in!!!"

The door then opened to reveal two figures, one that was floating and one that has a very small figure holding what looked like a tray of food. 

"Hi there Izuku, good morning," Mindy said holding a plate of breakfast with Torbolt floating beside her.

"Izuku!" Torbolt said flying around Izuku in excitement. "Hurry up and eat"

"Why?" Izuku asked while taking the tray from Mindy while bowing his head in appreciation. His plate contained some toasted bread with eggs and a cup of orange juice. He took a piece of toast and took a bite while sitting on the bed he was on with Mindy sitting beside him.

"Max and Steel are gonna start our training," Torbolt said with so much excitement.

"Training? For what?" Izuku said drinking his cup of juice.

"Duh, to be the new Max Steel!!!" Torbolt said in excitement causing Izuku to choke on the orange juice and spit it out. Wiping his mouth, he looked at Torbolt in so much shock.

"You mean... we're gonna be heroes?!" Izuku asked earning a nod from both the Ultralink and the little girl. Izuku wasted no time finishing up his food and juice and ran out of the room. Torbolt and Mindy looked at each for a brief second before laughing.

As a large door opened in front of them, Izuku and Torbolt walked inside a giant room that had a giant space.

"Whoa," both Izuku and Torbolt said walking in as the door they walked through closed shut.

"Welcome to the training room Izuku," a voice in the microphone said causing the both of the to look up to see Max and Steel staring at them through a window. "Today, we're gonna see how much of a link you and Torbolt have with each other"

"Okay, so what do we do?" Izuku asked.

"Last night, while you were sleeping, I uploaded some old Turbo Modes to Torbolt," Steel said through the microphone. "With them, you'll be stronger, faster, and more agile than before"

"Turbo Modes?" Izuku asked curiously. "Like what?"

"Here, I'll show you," Torbolt said as he flew in front of Izuku and linked into his suit causing the helmet to form back over his head.

Once his heads-up display came on, a bunch of different forms of his suit came into the display.

"Holy Moly!!!" Izuku said gasping at all the options available. "Cannon Mode, Spike Mode, Scuba Mode, Stealth Mode..."

"Why don't we start off with Strength Mode," Steel said interrupting Izuku's muttering. "It is my personal favorite"

Nodding his head in agreement, Izuku crossed his arms and began generating his Turbo Energy.

"Okay um, GO TURBO, STRENGTH!!!" Izuku shouted as his Turbo Energy formed around him changing the form of his suit into a bulky version of itself.

"This is so incredible," Izuku said flexing the muscles of his new armor. "I look almost like All Might"

"And it gets better," Steel said as he pushed a button on his keypad. Suddenly a bunch of robots began popping out of the ground and began surrounding him. Izuku looked around and watched as they began to walk toward him. "You're Turbo Energy gives you an incredible amount of strength whether in or out of strength mode. But in this case, use it to destroy all the targets"

Nodding in understanding, Izuku looked back at one of the robots as it began to charge toward him.

"Izuku, throw a right uppercut!" Izuku heard Torbolt's voice in his head.

"Wait what?!" Izuku said underneath his helmet.

"UPPERCUT!!! UPPERCUT!!!" he heard him shout as the robot came closer to him.

"WAHHHHHH!!!!!!" Izuku screamed as he instantly did what Torbolt said by clenching his fist, pulling it back, and performing an uppercut. When he opened his eyes under his helmet, he was surprised by what he was seeing. His whole hand was right through the center of the robot with sparks flying out of its back. Looking up at its head, a smile crawled up on Izuku's face as a chuckle escaped his mouth. "Awesome!"

He then pulled back his left hand and punched the head of the robot clean off. The robot then went lifeless to its knees and fell to the ground. Izuku, who was staring at the lifeless robot, suddenly felt something being shot at his back. He turned around to see about 5 more robots with blasters shooting green shots at him.

"Thank goodness Strength Mode can take on even the heaviest of shots," Torbolt said from Izuku's chest as he held both his hands up to cover his head from the blasts. "But it's not indestructible. We gotta think of something fast"

"Wait... FAST!!!" Izuku said in realization before crossing his arms together. "GO TURBO, SPEED!!!"

"Gotta go fast!" Izuku said crouching into a running position before running at superspeed around the room. Every time the robots fired shots at him, Izuku would easily sidestep and avoid them. He ran around the room so fast that he was able to run on the walls.

 The robots that were in the room spun themselves around trying to shoot him down, but Izuku was so fast they could hardly hit him once.

"You know, those robots gave me an idea," Izuku said.

"What do you mean?" Torbolt asked.

"Ever heard of two heads is better than one?" Izuku said looking at his chest while still running. Torbolt stayed silent before gasping in realization.

"But fives even better," Torbolt said receiving a nod from Izuku.

"GO TURBO, CLONE!!!" Izuku shouted as he made replications of himself while still running in Speed Mode.

"This just gets better and better!" all 5 Izukus said at the same time as they each ran off the wall and struck each robot with his fist at blinding speed. After a few more hit-ins, all Izukus ran up the wall and met in the centre of the ceiling.

"GO TURBO, CANNON!!!" all 5 Izukus shouted as they all changed in a large and sturdy mode.

All 5 Izukus curled up in balls while charging themselves with Turbo Energy. Max and Steel watched as they all came down on the robots like green meteorites destroying them upon impact. The two of them moved closer to the window trying to see through the smoke that was caused by their attack. Once it cleared up, they could see Izuku lying on the ground helmetless with Torbolt lying beside him.

"Uhhh...." Torbolt moaned. "I think using Turbo Clone Mode and Turbo Cannon Mode used up all of our energy"

"Yeah, I feel drained. I gotta look more into these modes," Izuku said having a hard time sitting up. Though when he heard the door open, he raised his head to see Max and Steel walking towards them.

"You guys did awesomely," Steel said floating above them.

"But we're gonna have to work out some battle strategies so you don't use up so much energy," Max said with a proud smile.

"Thanks but, let's do it tomorrow," Izuku said before passing out. Max and Steel looked at each other before chuckling. While Max took up Izuku, Steel helped Torbolt to their room so they can take a map.

Next day...
Once all of Izuku's Turbo Energy was replenished, Max took him out for a little flying practice over the canyons of Cooper Canyons with him using a mode called Turbo Jet Pack Mode and Izuku in Flight Mode.

"Okay, Izuku, we're gonna take this nice and slow," Max said to Izuku who was wobbling in the air. "Try your best to straighten your form and follow the aerial guidelines" 

"O-Okay, I'll try," Izuku said trying to straighten his body and look back at his Heads Up Display. His HUD was displaying a line like a GPS showing him how he should ascend, descend, and turn while in mid-flight. As Max followed him, Izuku adjusted his wings so he can maneuver in the air just like him. Going from left and right, up and down, Izuku felt like he was getting the hang of it. As he continued to follow the line, Izuku adjusted himself straight as he saw it was telling him to do a nose dive.

"Okay Izuku, it's go time!" Max said looking at him from beside him. Izuku nodded his head before nose-diving straight down alongside him over a ginormous lake that had lakes connected to it. 

"WAHOO!!!" Izuku shouted as they flew a few feet above the water enough for Izuku to run his hand along it. Izuku then adjusted his wings so he could fly straight as they were about to pass through an arch that hung over one of the rivers. As they flew through it, Izuku looked up to see birds fly above him. "This is amazing..."

"IZUKU, LOOK OUT!!!" Torbolt shouted from his chest bringing Izuku out of his distraction to look forward to seeing a rock pillar. He tried to avoid it but he was so close, he hit his side on it.

"Ow! Sorry!" he said trying to adjust himself only to hurtle into another rock pillar. "Sorry again"

"Izuku..." Torbolt groaned.

"Heh, heh, my bad," he said rubbing the back of his helmet in embarrassment.

"It's okay Izuku. It just takes a lot of practice that's all," Max said from behind him. "Just keep the focus on the guidelines"

Trying to keep himself focused, Izuku began to ascend upwards as the line pointed him to fly high. Boosting the power in his jets, Izuku pushed upwards like a shooting star.

"I feel so cool Torbolt! Let's go even higher!" Izuku said charging his Turbo Energy even more up to the sky. Max, who noticed this freaked and tried to contact him via earpiece.

"IZUKU DON'T! FLIGHT MODE'S NOT MEAN'T TO GO THAT HIGH!" he tried to warn him but the rockets on Izuku's back were so loud, he couldn't hear.

"Izuku, my systems telling me we're entering the Stratosphere," Torbolt said from his chest. "I think we're too high"

Izuku was about to say something, but his body began to feel tensed and stiff.

"You're... right. I'm... freezing," he said as he saw ice begin to cloud up his visor and the rest of the suit. Just as the ice touched the center of the suit, Torbolt got forced out reverting Izuku to his base form without wings.

"TORBOLT!!!!" Izuku screamed as he began falling to the ground.

"IZUKU!!!" Torbolt shouted as he tried to fly down to catch him.

As he fell, the ice that was on his suit began to thaw out due to the intense wind brushing up on it. When he was finally defrosted, Izuku tried to adjust himself so he could fall with his legs and arms spread out.

"Torbolt! We gotta link back!" he said as Torbolt flew from above him.

"I'm coming! I'm coming!" Torbolt said trying to fly past him so he can link but the wind from the fall kept pushing him back. Once he finally flew past him, he opened himself to link back to his suit, but his position was wrong and he knocked into Izuku's shoulder. "Dang it!"

Upon seeing the ground coming closer, Izuku began freaking out.

"Torbolt!" he screamed again. Deciding to get even more serious, Torbolt pushed himself to the limit and flew as fast as he can pass Izuku.

"GO TURBO..." Torbolt shouted as he finally positioned himself right and linked up to Izuku's suit.

"FLIGHT!!!" Izuku said as he finally reverted back to flight mode mid-air.

Finally getting his wings back, Izuku activated the rockets on them and tried to pull up. But the wind was too strong, he doesn't have enough power to pull up. And what makes it worse, they were falling straight towards a treacherous slalom course of jutting with high canyon rocks. Izuku tried to wait for his HUD to come back online, but upon seeing the pillars and rocks coming closer, he shook his head clearing away the HUD.

"Screw it," he said as he straightened himself, and boosted his jets with Turbo Energy. He then began making a series of tight, hair-rasing split-second turns, loop de loops, making it to the open area, unscathed. Izuku took a deep breath and glances back at the death-defying obstacle course, now safely behind him.

"AW YEAH!!!" Deku said still looking behind him not realizing he was about to slam into one last pillar. When Max finally caught up with him, his head was stuck in a pillar trying desperately to pull it out. Mac couldn't help but smile at him and chuckle.

"Izuku, I think you have mastered flight training," he said moving close to help him out.

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