His Secretive Demeanor

By roseewithnothorns

688 33 0

"Love is honest, love does not hide. He wasn't honest, he chose to hide the truth, but I still loved him." A... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 13

4 2 0
By roseewithnothorns


The beating of my heart quickened with every step, our front gate was up close but it felt so far away as I continued to shiver towards it. It all came rushing back, the fear of losing my parents because of their job, the fear of having to live my life as if I was a ticking time bomb, and the thought of having to live my life afraid of taking risks.

This was it. It could be answers, we could be served justice, we could be given clues or we would sit there and continue to wonder who would have the courage to try and take someone's for their own.

There were initial findings on the case, many investigations happened, there were abundance of people brought in for questioning. Who could have hired a hitman to shoot Attorney Vison? Who could have plotted this? To me, all the arrows point to the last case my dad handled. Now my hands shake as I try to enter the door, waiting for the justice we deserve.

"You can hold my hand if you're afraid to go inside alone." Gaeb whispered near my ear, I was calmed for a few seconds. "I don't want you to feel as if no one is with you, I'll be here love. We'll face this together. This isn't your fear now, it's ours."

I couldn't say a word, I don't how to tell him that I am so thankful that he's here. It was as if he was sent to me by fate, that he was made so that I would never have to feel alone in my battles. Gaeb took my hand in his, he intertwined them, he stared right into my eyes, and I felt brave. I was ready to embrace whatever it was that awaits.

When I entered the living room, I could see my parents there, seated with satisfied faces, there was also someone else in the room, it was Prosecutor Arevalo, one of my parents' colleague. When I caught a glimpse of the round coffee table, I saw a lot files placed on top of it.

"Ameelya, you're finally here!" My mom stood up and ran to give me a hug. I hugged her back, agitated to sit and hear all the details I was bound to hear. "Sorry if I called you in such a worrying way, I just couldn't wait for you to come home."

"What happened mom?" I asked, worried and thrilled at the same time. A part of me knows that this would eventually come out as good news, but still, the uncertainty of it all scares me to death.

"You might want to sit down." She gave me a warm smile and I immediately sat down beside dad, he seemed happy and satisfied, but unlike my mom, he kept composure and made sure his emotions weren't all over the place. "You too, Gaeb. Thank you for taking Amee home, I know you both had other plans."

"It's okay, this is much more important. Amee and I can always go there some other time." He smiled and sat beside me. I couldn't stop my curiosity, I had to know about the details as soon as possible.

"Someone dropped a bomb Amee, a witness appeared and confessed everything she knew before the day of the shooting. It was indeed plotted by the other party in the financial case your dad handled. When they lost the case, they lost millions of investment funds and even had millions of debt." She said calmly. "It was your dad who handled the case, he won against them. Your dad was the target."

"How was that dad's fault?!" I couldn't explain how I felt, but I am sure I felt anger somewhere deep down. "It was his job, of course he had to win the case, he had to help the victims get the justice they deserve so how is it dad's fault?!"

"I know, that's exactly what I said. Because of the strong and credible evidence, it's now certain that the case won't take long, months or maybe a year or so we'd have the verdict already. I can't wait to see them behind bars, they deserve to rot in jail after trying to take your father's life. They showed no mercy at all."

"But this is great, soon after this big revelation we'll surely get what we deserve. We have nothing to worry about dad, the truth will prevail." I said, and the conversation went on. Gaeb sat there in utter silence, I couldn't tell if he was bored or shy. Probably both.

We talked for a while, Gaeb excused himself so he could use the bathroom and my parents and the guest were all in the kitchen drinking coffee, it was getting late though. I was sitting on the sofa, scrolling through my phone. He then walked downstairs, he sat beside me before looking down at his phone, looking at the time.

"Love, I think I should go home. It's getting dark and I still need to drive." He said as he stood up, went to the kitchen to wave goodbye to my parents and we both went out, standing behind the gate as he looked at me. When I thought he was going to leave, he. pulled me in for a hug and kissed my left cheek. "Let's reschedule our plans to tomorrow, sounds good? Let's have dinner at Edith's house."

"Sure, I would love to see her again." I said with a smile, and he smiled back. "Are you going to pick me up? After class?" I asked him and he nodded. "Okay, see you tomorrow. I love you, careful on the road."

"I love you, I'll see you tomorrow." Before I knew it, his black Volkswagen was already out of sight. He drove back home and had me wishing for him to arrive safely. I smiled to myself, contented of the thought that I got to see him again. A little underwhelmed that we had to postpone our date, the news wasn't all startling, my mom was just frantic. I will stop dwelling on things.

The next morning, I woke up very early and I was panting. Maybe even almost out of breath. It was because of that dream I just had, it was creepy and it gave me chills just visualizing it all over again. The dream felt so real, like it was right in front of me. It was unsettling, my breathing started to become heavy again. I recalled the dream... Relived it.

It was a woman, she was perhaps in a dark room because the background was pitch black and she's the only one I could see clearly. She was wearing a blue dress, a royal blue dress, it was simple and had no print on it. She had the same haircut as me, and she looked exactly like me. Her appearance was enough to make you think that it was indeed me. But... I know it wasn't me. It was someone else and that's why I'm scared.

She was mumbling things in gibberish, at first. Then, I could hear some of her words more clearly now. And then it got to the point where I could hear everything as clear as daylight. She was saying things directly at me, like it was pointed at me, that the purpose of her appearing in my dream was that so she could tell me something. She is trying to connect with me.

"Love is not always pure. Sometimes it only acts that way to mend parts that are dismantled. Believe me Ameelya, that person is not what you think they are." It was enough to make me shiver, but then she started to scream and that's when I woke up. Scared and a little delusional.

I went downstairs to drink water, it was still 4 AM but the dream won't leave my mind. I couldn't erase the image of her in my head, the words that she spoke never left my mind too. They lingered a little too well. There was no way I could ever go back to sleep, so I'll just watch TV until the clock reaches 6 AM and I'll start getting ready for school. Anything to take my mind off things.

The hands of the clock was moving slow for no apparent reason, as if it wants me to keep thinking of that dream. That woman, who looks exactly like me. She was obviously giving me a sign, I can't stop thinking of her words. I wonder who she meant when she said that person is not who I think that person is.

When it reached 6 AM, I automatically shot up from the bed. I went off to take a shower but I still can't forget about the woman in my dream and the things she told me. My arms would shake as I rinsed my hair, I couldn't look at myself in the mirror knowing that I see her in my eyes. She looked like me. I can't figure out why she looks like me.

"Why the long face?" My mom asked while we were having breakfast, the things were still hanging on my head and an eerie thought won't stop appearing. I couldn't even enjoy my thin slices of bacon because of that dream. "Do you want to talk about it Ameelya? You don't look alright."

"I'm okay mom." I lied. I wasn't okay, I don't feel okay. I couldn't tell my mom about it, I don't want to add up to her problems. She already has enough on her plate and I know I need to figure things out on my own. Or maybe, it would be best to just evade that dream. "Maybe it's just something about the requirements I still need to finish but it'll be fine."

"Are you sure?" She asked. "Oh you know what? I won't force you to tell me. Just know that I'll be here if you can't handle things on your own anymore."

"Thanks, I'll be fine."

After preparing myself I went to the university library, we didn't have lecture for our first subject since our prof wasn't around. I had to take notes for the test we were going to have next week and there's no better time to do it but now. I can't squeeze it in my schedule on the following days anymore.

My college friends are all busy roaming around the campus while I'm here, trying to ace a test on a subject I don't like much. My notes were all over the place, my highlighters were scattered on the table in all sorts of colors, and the pages of my binder were cluttered as if they were pieces of trash.

Gaeb hasn't texted me yet, I think he was still on his way to school. He's always late and he does that on purpose. We were going to Edith's house to have dinner later. Edith, Gaeb's grandmother, is a kind woman but she was surely odd. Our first meeting was not all bad, but I wouldn't say it was good too.

She gave off an unreadable expression, I couldn't tell whether she liked me or she thought I wasn't good enough for Gaeb and to be included in their family. Not that I needed to force myself onto them but I don't want them to think I was unworthy. But, she made it clear that I was all right. Gaeb's parents were nice too. As well as Nycho and Gav.

I was still nervous about seeing Edith again tonight, but I had Gaeb and he would make me feel secured. Whatever happens, it'll be fine.

The day went by fast, I was able to finish some of my requirements and I got to make time to read my notes. I spent the remainder of my time walking along the football field, the athletes didn't have their training today. I waited patiently for Gaeb to arrive since he was going to pick me up. My smile widened when I saw his black Volkswagen pull up.

"Hey love, get in!" I did exactly what he told me to.

The drive took a little long, but when I started making sense off the road I was seeing, I could tell we were up close now. My chest started panting but I couldn't tell why. This wasn't the first time I was going to meet Edith, so why was I so nervous?

"Good evening!" She greeted us with pure joy in her eyes. She seemed excited to have guests. "I'm so glad you two decided to visit, I was starting to get lonely here. Your mom didn't get to visit me Gaeb. Tell her to stop by. And Gav too."

"Okay, I'll tell her." Gaeb replied shortly.

"You are looking lovely today Mia. Just as beautiful as the first time Gaeb brought you here."


"Her name is Amee." Gaeb said with fear and shock in his eyes. I was startled but I wanted to shrug it off too. Maybe she just had all the letters in her head all messed up and cramped. "Ameelya Triz Vison."

"Oh sorry. Amee, you're beautiful and your name suits you."

We went straight to the living room after the small talk and Gaeb looked as if he hadn't recovered with Edith calling me Mia. It seemed to have bothered him and I can't help but grow suspicious of it. I suddenly felt the need to use the restroom. I excused myself.

"Okay, it's upstairs but please don't open the door next to it." She said with a serious look on her face.

When I went up to look for the restroom, I realized that she didn't really point out where the restroom was and there was about 4 rooms upstairs on each side. When I pushed the first door open, I was shocked to see that it wasn't a restroom. It was a storage room filled with many junk, I was about to close the door when I noticed a portrait in the middle of he room. My curiosity couldn't cling on to the last piece of sanity. I had to see it. I feel bad for snooping, but it felt like it was calling me.

When I saw the painting up close I dropped the last piece of sanity. I shined a flashlight on it. It was a woman wearing a dress, a royal blue dress. I started to shake and quiver. I almost screamed when I saw her face.

She looked exactly like me. Then, a name was written on the side of painting. The font was italic.



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