Lego Movie: Emmet/Lucy one sh...

By odawg0207

3.2K 45 159

Heavily inspired by two or three of the writers I follow, and decided to make altered versions of a couple of... More

Chapter 1: Part II
Chapter 2: Loss
Chapter 3: Intimacy
Chapter 4: All-Powerful
Chapter 5: Love
Chapter 6: Spicy Surprise
Chapter 7: Starry Scars
Chapter 7.5: True love
Sneekpeak: (Bonus Trailer)

Chapter 1: Situational Intoxication

701 7 39
By odawg0207

"Uh, Lucy?" Emmet nudged his girlfriend gently, worried for her in this current... unfavorable state. Lucy just looked back to her Lover in a drunken manner, a wide smile nearly splitting her face.

"Uh-huh? He-he-hey Emmemn... Bo-boy, that w-was the best pa-party I've g-gone at in y-y-years." Lucy could barely say, struggling to even keep herself up. Not to mention saying Emmet's name in a confusing blur.

The two had just left a Galaxy wide party, celebrating the Union between the Systar System and Apocalypsburg after the end of Armomageddon, and stopping Rex Dangervest from destroying everything. Emmet was beyond excited to go to such a festive event, but Lucy was skeptical.

See, as a Rebel, Lucy was one to get her partying on a little too harshly. After the first 20 minutes, she'd start to have a sip of some club soda, which isn't a big deal, but eventually would start to escalate to drinking more, heavy doses of adult substances.

Another few sips of soda, leading to a martini, then a couple scotch's, and unfortunately to drinking a large tub of red wine, which messed Lucy up, leading to her now current drunken manner.

All the heavy drinks were strictly prohibited to the guests to keep them from becoming intoxicated, but Lucy had simply stumbled upon the room they were all in, and decided a few drinks couldn't hurt.

One thing led to another, and Emmet found Lucy running and stumbling around everywhere, in a laughing fit with an adorable giggle he never had guessed she of all people had.

20 minutes earlier
"Hey, has anyone seen Lucy?" Emmet called to his friends and family group. "It's been almost an hour, I'm starting to get kinda scared."

Although everyone had helped him in looking around, no one had the slightest clue of where the Rebel hero was. Until finally, they heard a loud thud that completely got everyone's attention, even causing all the other guests to stop to hear what just happened.

After another few seconds, they heard an even louder thud from a few rooms away. Emmet prayed it wasn't something bad. Well that is, until he got to where the noise was coming from.

He opened the door to a large closet like supplies room, filled to the brim with Liquor and other types of fancy wine and cheese's.

"Wow." Emmet quietly exclaimed. "This is actually really cool. Why didn't Watevra say all these drinks were here?"


"What the-" Emmet suddenly turned around to where the thudding and banging noises were coming from, and there he finally saw. Lucy, his girlfriend, the love of his life, wabbling and falling on the floor, while looking as drunk as a skunk.

"Lucy?!" He rushed instantly without hesitation towards his Lover, not worrying for a moment about his own safety, falling next to Lucy's side and hugging her tightly. Her petite, thin self was so beautiful, along with being comforting to hold onto. "Are you okay?"

"Hehe..." Lucy giggled slightly. "Hey Emmy, heheha."

Emmet was left confused by this. 'Emmy'? They've been dating for 7 years, why is she now calling him something different? "Uhm, Lucy? Are you ok?"

"Ems, Emmy Emmy Emmet, hehehe... I-I feel s-so good I don't th-think I can ev-even stand up."

Okay?... That sentence stopped making sense about halfway through.

Emmet could only stare at this Goddess of a woman in fear she wasn't alright, holding her with love and protection. "Lucy? P-please don't tell me you're... Drunk?"

"O-oh yeah, Babe. I-I'm alrighty tighty, hehehe. I-I'm so drunky, I'm a-a gazillion pe-percent s-sober."

Emmet couldn't handle it. His beautiful Lucy got intoxicated by such foul drinks, and he couldn't stand it. He had to take her home. Yes, that would fix everything. They'd go home, he'd get her some coffee, she'd feel better in no time, and in no time they'd be snuggled up against each other again.

"Lucy? Do you wanna go home?" Emmet asked her kindly.

"Yay, homie! Haha... Hey, guess what Emmet-emmy?"

"Yeah?" Emmet was putting on a brave face, but he was terrified Lucy was somehow hurting, and that's something he couldn't bare to happen either.

"I-... You're cute, Emmet." Lucy said even more drunkenly. "You're t-the cu-cutest boyfriend I-I've h-had."

Instantly, Lucy fell on top of Emmet and, without thinking because of her current state, started to passionately kiss Emmet as a means to feel better. In the back of Lucy's head, she did still feel sober back there, but just wanted to kiss Emmet senseless because of how much she truly did love him.

Moments later, Emmet pulled back, however Lucy still started at him, kissing his jawline and cheeks. Her sweet, innocent Emmet. All to herself.

"Uhm, I-I think you're cute too Lucy." He said slightly embarrassed. "And a little tired, but don't worry. I'm gonna take you home, so-"

"Shhhhhh..." Lucy shushed, pressing her hand to silence Emmet, landing gently across his whole face. "J-just ki-kiss me. I-I wan... you... ki-kiss me, Em-Emmet. Kiss m-me so-so I ca-can feel be-better."

Emmet was getting slightly more worried and embarrassed at the same time at what Lucy had just been uttering. Sure, they had kissed countless times before, and Lucy always seemed to initiate it, while both Emmet and Lucy loved to kiss each other, but now she seemed so tired she didn't even seem herself anymore.

And as much as it sounded weird, Emmet did kind of miss Lucy's brooding self at the moment. He didn't really fall for her being a cupcake. He loved her for being so independent, rebellious, and tough. Emmet always did have a thing for tough girls, especially since he knew he loved Lucy. But anyways, he had to get Lucy home if she could feel better.
As Emmet gently swept Lucy off her feet into a bridal carry, (which Lucy always looks forward to when her sweet Emmet tries to act brave) the two couldn't help but smile at each other. Emmet to how beautiful his girlfriend was, and Lucy to both how drunk she was, but how attractive and so kind Emmet was to everyone. He was just so... Perfect.

"Hehehe..." Lucy giggled again, Emmet carefully helping her into the passenger seat of the car, buckling her seatbelt, and he getting ready to drive them home. "You're so-so c-cute, it's no-not even we-weird. Ca-can I k-kiss y-you Emmet?"

While trying to focus on the road, Emmet just couldn't help but smile sweetly at his beloved. Darn it, why was she just so gorgeous? Why had fate handed him the most perfect woman it ever could bless a man with? Meanwhile, Emmet was just... regular old Emmet.

He may have saved the Universe before, but only before he screwed things up and Lucy had to fix it.

Yet... Everyone doesn't seem to hate Emmet for it. It seems they all learned from their past mistakes. Emmet had only tried to make their lives easier and more happy during the Apocalypse, but everyone just seemed to spit in his face for it.

Thankfully, they had come to terms and accepted that Emmet was right for wanting to rebuild the future. To make things better.

As more thoughts of the last few years and many adventures swarmed his head, Emmet realized he and Lucy had finally driven to their Yellow and Blue home, illuminated by the stunning night sky and moonlight.

Looking gracefully at his surroundings, Emmet them moved his gaze to his Lover, hoping she was feeling better.


... ... ... Oh boy. Why did she have to find that cash of drinks?

Not only was Lucy looking even more disorganized and tired, her face looked like an ad for death, but Emmet still thought her beauty could know no bounds.

"Come on Lucy, let's go inside." Emmet kindly offered. "We need to get you in so you can feel better, okay?"

"Hehe, no. I wanna stay in the car. And I wanna kiss you more. Please?" She pleaded to her boyfriend. Thankfully her words were no longer jumbled up, but Lucy was still in a wreck from all the hard drinks.

"Lucy, please. You can't sleep in the car, okay? You'd get hurt if you grab onto the wheel or something, and I want to keep you safe."

"No no." Lucy retorted. "I wanna stay here, and I wanna kiss you. I wanna kiss you to feel better." Although Lucy's words made much more sense now, she was still speaking in such an exhausted and intoxicated tone.

"Lucy," Emmet pleaded. "Please? I just wanna help you. Can you please come with me?"

The female rebel considered his offer in her drunken mind, not knowing what to exactly do. But then, in her flooded brain, a thought ok.

"Okay-kay, Babe, but on a one of condition? Pretty pretty please Emmy?"

Emmet relaxed that his Lover was looking and speaking better, just not fully yet, but was concerned at this condition of hers. "Uh, ok. What's up?"

Lucy gave a mischievous smile, and, with her remaining strength, jumped out of the car and onto Emmet so he could catch her. He thankfully caught Lucy as she wrapped her legs around his back for him to carry her, and her arms around his neck.


Immediately, Emmet found his ability to speak taken away, his lips covered by Lucy's mouth, her giggling as his voice was muffled, only prompting her to kiss her boyfriend deeper.

Honestly, ever since Lucy had realized how perfect Emmet was as a kind, gentle guy, she couldn't help but somehow grow even more attracted to him every time she even just looked at or thought of him. No one could figure it out, how a Goth like her could fall for a sweet dork like him, but Emmet and Lucy make it work.

After a few minutes, Emmet pulled back, his face flushed red, with Lucy on top of him, poking at his soft cheek and giggling, looking to start kissing him once more, before Emmet helped her up, walking her inside their home.

"No-no, Emmet. I wa-wanna k-kiss y-you mor-more." Her drunken words slightly starting to return, however Emmet could easily make out what Lucy said. He could read her like a children's book.

"Lucy," Emmet mentioned softly. "I know, and I do too, but you need to lay down, okay? You're not yourself, and I need you to get some sleep so you can feel better."

The tone was in no way harsh. It was as loving as Emmet always spoke to his Special Lucy, but it was stern and strong to sound commanding, as to plead for her to understand so she could feel better.

Picking her back up into a bridal carry, Emmet held his girlfriend in his arms as the two finally made it to the door of their home, getting the keys to the lock, and the two eventually walking in and Emmet turning on the lights.

Eventually, and Man Upstairs, this was a challenge, mixed with Lucy's still intoxicated state, Emmet and Lucy made their way through the Living room, TV room, Planty's room, Dining room, Unikitty's room, the kitchen, then the waterslide, monkey bars, and waffle/toast room, which finally had the two land into their shared bedroom.

The whole way Lucy kept almost falling and tripping around, and would have been even worse off if Emmet wasn't there to support her the whole way. He just loved her too much.

Opening the bedroom door, and walking in together, Emmet and Lucy came to their shared bed, Emmet walking into the bathroom next to it to get a fresh glass of water, and preparing to run the water in the bathtub for Lucy to relax in and get her thoughts straight again.

After turning on the water to the perfect temperature Lucy could use, Emmet suddenly heard yet another thud from the bedroom just a few feet away from him.

Praying nothing bad happened to the love of his life, Emmet rushed back through the door, only to find his perfect Lucy on the ground, rolling on both sides, while giggling and laughing like she had just taken even more of the wine and other drinks from the party.

In a loving way, Emmet rolled his eyes and smiled at his girlfriend, before helping her back up and speaking again.

"Ok Lucy, let's get you into the tub. I'm sure a warm bath will-"

Immediately, Lucy pressed her lips to Emmet's once again, even in her drunken state, able to keep her balance while pushing him against the wall to deepen the kiss. She let her hands snake inside his shirt to feel his chest. For a construction worker that worked almost all day, everyday for years, Emmet sure had a soft, vulnerable body. That, of course may have had to do with how sweet and innocent he was.

Lucy tried taking off Emmet's vest and continue kissing him harder, only for Emmet to gently pull her back and give her an over worried look.

"Lucy, please, I need you to-"

"You know I love you~sooooo much, Emmet~?"

... I'm sorry, what'd she just say?

Well, that came out of nowhere. But, it wasn't really that big of a surprise. Emmet and Lucy have told each other too many times to count how much they love each other, but saying it here? Now?

It felt kind of different.

But... It didn't seem to be so bad. So Emmet just gave her a gentle kiss, and replied kindly.

"I-... I love you too Lucy." He said sheepishly and sweetly.

"Yay. I love you too more~hehe..." Lucy whispered drunkenly.

With that settled, and Emmet's heart afloat after hearing those three little words 'I love you', he decided she needed some time to herself.

"Well Luce, let's get you into the bath. I have the water just the right temperature. I also made sure it wasn't too deep. I'm a little scared you might fall asleep and go under water, and I would hate myself a lot if you got hurt."

As Emmet opened the door, Lucy's head and vision started to become less blurry, thanks to her boyfriend's loving words. He was so good to her, and she couldn't be more thankful, or more lucky.

However, a thought crept into Lucy's mind, her brain racking up a new strange idea as Emmet continued talking.

"I'll also stay in the bathroom with you in case you need me, but I promise I won't try to do anything. Oh, and I've actually got you a new bathing suit you could wear in the tub in case I accidentally look-"

"Do you wa-wanna get in?" Lucy asked, leaving Emmet in a curious but questioning face.

"Huh?" He wondered. "Lucy? Get in where-"

"You wa-wanna ge-get in t-the ba-bathtub with-with me, Ems?"



Ok... That was unexpected.

Emmet was left in a State of pure shock and bliss. Did Lucy just ask him, to join her in a bath?

Emmet was far too kind and innocent to do, even think of doing something like that.

"L-Lucy, I-I don't want you-... I mean, I don't have to if you don't want to. You can-"

In a flashing second, Lucy pushed Emmet slightly backwards into the tub, his vest and pants soaked instantly. Lucy meanwhile removed her hoodie, revealing a pretty black-grey top.

"Emmet, I-I love you so-so m-much. I wan-wanna ki-kiss you a lo-lot. Plea-please?" She pleaded to her Lover. He was just so cute, she could gobble him up.

Emmet had but a minute or two to contemplate his options. On the one hand, he and Lucy agreed they would try to do something a little more romantic and private. Something that would both have Lucy have the most perfect guy in her arms, loving him with all the passion and care she had for him, and Emmet finally learning what Lucy would teach him on doing something more romantic with her.

On the other hand, however, Emmet under absolutely no circumstances wanted to do this for himself. The last thing he'd ever do, let alone want to do was to hurt or take advantage of Lucy. He understood Lucy wanted to do this very much, but he didn't want to make her feel like she would be forced to do this.

But, it was obvious Emmet would never do anything like that to her, and vise versa. Their love for each other was too pure and perfect. Besides, Emmet never had done something like this before, so Lucy would take the lead and teach him a thing or two, heh.

Well, Emmet's decision was made up, and spoke to his girlfriend.

"I-I guess we can do that Lucy. But, I don't exactly-" Emmet wanted to explain the situation, but somehow, even while drunk, Lucy understood. He was so innocent to do something like that, especially before they met.

"Don't wor-worry Ems." Lucy said mischievously. "I'll ta-take it e-easy on yo-you."

Lucy moved her hoodie to the side, and got into the tub with Emmet, who quickly had to get out to change out of his soaked clothes and change into his bathing suit, and bring Lucy the one he bought here, who in turn put it on.

Emmet, for a second, considered backing out. He didn't know if he could handle something like this. But, Lucy was the most perfect and special thing in his life. If this was what she wanted, then he'd follow through to make her happy.

Lucy looked absolutely stunning in her one-piece suit, and especially to Emmet, she, as always, looked like an angel and a Goddess, while to Lucy, Emmet looked so cute and sweet with that adorable face and smile, also adding more adorability while in his swim trunks and swimming shirt.

While in the perfect temp. water of the bathtub, which was surprisingly big enough for Emmet and Lucy to move around freely, Lucy moved up to her loving boyfriend, passionately kissing him while holding onto the back of his neck where he could mess with his soft hair, which was now soaking wet.

On a few occasions, Lucy told Emmet how cute she found his hair whenever it was either ruffled up or wet, but still loved how neat and tidy he was, part of his charm.

Emmet in turn moved his hands to Lucy's back to hold her with love, but to also hold her close to deepen the kiss. The kiss started to deepen even further and get a little messier, but Emmet remained a perfect gentleman to Lucy, promising to himself he would not lose control, and to love and care for Lucy unconditionally no matter what.

Lucy then left a trail of kisses down Emmet's cheek, before returning to his lips. She loved how gentle Emmet could be during kissing sessions like this, but secretly admired how shy he still was, even after 7 years of dating. His innocence and sincerity was all she needed for a lover. He cared for her, and that was something Lucy could never buy in a loving young man as a boyfriend.


The two would remain entwined together for another couple hours like this, before both would finally be ready to dry off and settle down in bed together.

Emmet wasn't very sure how to react to the recent evening, or how Lucy had just 'taken him' as people would say. But that was all alright. At least they had a lovely evening together, and would still get to snuggle together, just like they had done so for years, and would continue doing so for decades to come.

As long as he was here, and Lucy was here, everything would be perfect and awesome. No one would ever lay a finger on his true love. He would fight to the very end to protect her, even if she was the tough one.

As the two finally got into bed together, Lucy reached over, gently clutching Emmet's Pajama shirt, leaning into him, and snuggling into his chest, pressing a slow, warm kiss to his lips.

Enmet kindly returned the kiss, curling his arms around Lucy and holding her in his frame. Lucy would still be giggling and tossing around for a while, as she was unfortunately still in an intoxicated state, but with the warm bath, mixed with the coffee Emmet handed her, and even the romantic few hours she just soent with him, she'd be back to her old, healthy self by morning.

Lucy snuggled deeper into Emmet's chest, taking a large whiff of how pleasant and sweet he smelled. It was like a mixture of several scented candles all wrapped into one, but Emmet? He smelled a thousand times better than that.

She pressed a gentle kiss to his chest, and thought about continuing their romantic night, but her conscious told her both she and Emmet needed sleep, and they could kiss each other more later. For now, all Lucy needed was to be in Emmet's warm, protective arms.

Lucy Wyldstyle was in heaven.

To be continued


So, this is a new experiment I'm trying, like some of the people I follow have been doing, such as faestarsolar
and That_Random_author

They are awesome and gifted people, and they have by far, some of the greatest ideas for Emmetstyle fanfictions I have ever seen. This is purely out of inspiration from them, and I hope they see it as that and only that.

This first one will be a two-parter one shot, but I hope you guys think this will be a cool new idea.

odawg, out!

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