The fell of remnant( Tarnishe...

By DarkHunter66

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Throwing a tarnished into the world of remnant How will this change things let's find out (Disclaimer RWBY i... More

Initiation and team? 
The bully Meets tarnished and a talk
More learning and forever fall 
A stray and meeting

Headmaster meet's Tarnished and first day

469 4 0
By DarkHunter66

Ozpin's office

Ozpin: I'm sure you're wondering why I asked you to show up here.

(Y/n): actually, I'm pretty sure I already know you see a me a person who you obviously know didn't sign up to participate appear in one of your initiations so You called me here to ask me if I'm a threat or not.

Ozpin: about sums it up yes also because there appears to be no record of you ever existing here.

(Y/n): To make it simple I'm not from here at least not from this realm from what I can tell your realm and mine are completely different but there is a bigger question in mind like what is another immortal doing running a school training people to fight monsters.

this comment shocks Ozpin and Glynda at the words another immortal Ozpin majorly because of the fact he know of his curse

Ozpin:puts on a serious look how I I do you know about that.

(Y/n): You thought you were the the only person cursed with immortality? He asked with a smirk

Ozpin: if you know of my immortality is yours like mine or like hers?

(Y/n): who is this her?he asked with curiosity

Ozpin: never mind.

(Y/n) gives a skeptical look as if he knows he's being lied to but desides not to push it

(Y/n): I do got a question what is this Place?

Ozpin: the planet, or realm you are in is called remnant a Place inhabited by humans ,Faunus and the creatures of Grimm.

(Y/n): interesting but how does joining this academy help me.

Ozpin: in time we can find a way to get you back to your realm, and in the meantime, you can use this place to learn about our world.

(Y/n) thinks for a moment

(Y/n): all right, Ozpin we'll play it your way I am interested about this world. This could prove interesting.

(Y/n) gets and starts to head to the lift

(Y/n):oh and one more thing Ozpin don't cross me it might be your last Time ever crossing anyone.
the lift closes

Glynda: he can't possibly be telling the truth.

Ozpin: with magic and maidens existing is it really impossible to believe that other realms exist.

Glynda's about to say something then says nothing

At the Dorms

With team (f/l)NPR

Nora: what do you supposed the headmaster Want to talk with fearless Leader about?

Ren: probably how he got into the initiation grounds without signing up.

Pyrrha: that would explain a few things.

Ren: what do you mean? Asked with curiosity

Pyrrha: well during the initiation when me and him partnered up he didn't seem to know what I meant by it, as if he hadn't heard Ozpin speech.

Knock knock

(Y/n): guess who

Pyrrha:(Y/n) what happened is everything all right?

(Y/n): Yea was just clearing things up with Ozpin.

Pyrrha: we're glad it worked out
Nora barges in the conversation

Nora: So what is fearless Leaders first act as leader!she said enthusiastically

(Y/n): for now rest, you all worked hard today, but you might have to work harder tomorrow we must be ready for any outcome

NPR:ok/your the boss/YES FEARLESS leader

(Y/n) smiles at this and shakes head

(Y/n): "the memories " hm

Timeskip next day

(Y/n): all right, rise and shine!!

NPR: Ahh!!?! Falls out of bed

(Y/n): All Right you are all working with me, as my team members, and I will not have you weak so Starting today we are training.

Pyrrha: It's 5:00 in the morning she says tiredly

(Y/n): Good observation Pyrrha because starting Today this will be the time we will be training every day or at least starting it.

Ren: did you even sleep?

(Y/n): sleep is for the weak and right now you're all weak but we're going to change that so take this training regiment I spent a couple hours, figuring out ways for you guys to improve your fighting. Hope this helps your training let's get started!

Time skip because I am not doing the training montage

At the dorms team, (f/l)npr had just finished eating... Pancakes

(Y/n):It's 8:40 classes start at nine I think we should start heading to class now.

Pyrrha: right away

Ren:yes sir

Nora: ONWARD fearless leader!

They leave to head to class

(Y/n): "hm I'm not bad at this despite what the others thought of me being a leader they shall be cursed for their treachery as soon as I find my way back to the land's between if they weren't cursed already by the fell curse."he follows his team

Ports class
(Y/n):" there is an eternal type of punishment. I should know I cast a world into it, but none was a vile as this man's speeches! No seriously is there no end he's not even teaching! I mean sure he's teaching us about the grimm which I find useful but we don't need to hear his sorry ass backstory he's supposed to be teaching not Monologging!"Looks to see ruby drawing something and Weiss getting pissed off.

(Y/n): "someone's getting mad this should prove entertaining"

Port: the moral of the story a true huntsman must be honorable Ruby stacks, a Apple on top of a book with a pencil a true huntsman must be dependable Ruby is seen sleeping a true huntsman must be strategic well, educated and wise ruby is seen picking her nose

(Y/n): "ok that's just gross and that is coming from someone who curses people"

Meanwhile Weiss is seen getting even more pissed.

Port: who here deems them self to be the embodiment of these traits?

Weiss: I DO SIR!

Port: well then let's find out he looks towards a cage housing some kind of Grimm step forward and face your opponent

(Y/n)"wonder how this will go"

Weiss come back with her huntress attire on

Yang: Go weiss she cheers

Blake: fight well she said waving a flag

Ruby: Ya represent Team RWBY she says enthusiastically

Weiss:RUBY I'm trying to focus she snaps

Ruby: oh sorry she said dejectedly

(Y/n): " what's her problem she was just Trying to motivate her"

Port: Alright let the match begin! he says, cutting down the cage door revealing a boar like Grimm

(Y/n): "Boarbatusk oh, this should be easy Weiss should handle this no problem"

The boar like Grimm charges out of it's cage at Weiss who quickly parries its strike and dodges to avoid being hit

Port:haha wasn't expecting that were you?

Ruby: hang in there Weiss! she said to her teammate

Weiss goes to attack the the Grimm

(Y/n): "her stance is wrong"

Weiss charges at the Grimm to strike it (Y/n): "she's going to-" when her rapier gets caught on the board tusks (Y/n): "Yep" shakes head in disappointment
Weiss struggles to free her weapon from the beast

Ruby:come on Weiss show him who's boss she said trying to encourage her teammate further

Weiss gets distracted and loses her weapon

Port: ho ho now what will you do now without your weapon?

Weiss dodge's just in time for the Grimm to charge at her and go past losing it's balance weiss takes the opportunity to retrieve her weapon

Ruby: weiss go for it's belly there is no armor underneath-

Weiss: stop telling me what to do! she snaps

Ruby gets a dejected look from this

(Y/n): "no seriously what is her problem?!"

The boar gets back up and charges at Weiss who summons a glyph knocking the boar off balance Weiss then summons another glyph to launch herself towards the unarmored area killing the Grimm

Port: bravo bravo it we are truly in the presence of a huntress's in training

(Y/n): " not what I would call it"

Port: i'm afraid that is all the time we have for today be sure to cover the assigned readings and stay vigilant class dismissed

Weiss walks out with a pissed expression

Random student:sheesh what's with her

Ruby: I don't know but I'm going to find out


Weiss walking to the hall when she heard a voice

Ruby:Weiss what's wrong with you why are you being-

Weiss: what's wrong with me what wrong with YOU You're supposed to be a leader and all you've been so far is a nuisance! She snaps

Ruby: what did I do!? she asked confused

Weiss: That's just it you've done nothing to earn your position back in the forest you acted like a child.!

Ruby: Weiss where is this coming from what happened to all that talk about working together I thought you believed in working together as a team?she said sadly

Weiss: not a team led by you I've studied and trained and quite frankly I deserve better Ozpin made a mistake. she states before walking away.

Ruby looks down in sadness not too far away to people watched the entire confrontation

(Y/n):I'll talk to the weiss you talk to Ruby.

Ozpin: that was the plan.

The two walked in the direction of said respective students

In the courtyard Weiss is seen standing there until Weiss hears

Clap clap clap

(Y/n): I wish I could say I am impressed, but I'm not.

Weiss: ugh what do you want? she said as if she didn't want to talk

(Y/n): well first I would like to know what your problem is with your team leader.

Weiss: that's just it I think I should have been leader of team RWBY.

(Y/n): ...

(Y/n):are you serious?

Weiss: Yes I am serious. I am more skilled and I have trained longer so I think I should've been leader of team RWBY.

(Y/n): so to put it clearly you're mad at your leader, because she was put in a position that she had no
control of and are mad because you wanted the position.

Weiss: Well when you put it that Way.

(Y/n): It's sounds stupid? You look at yourself and you see a leader I look at you and see an undertrained tarnished who can't seem to fight.

Weiss: excuse me!

(Y/n): Weiss there's more to being a leader, then combat skill which you need to work on. knowledge which you were lacking because this argument had you looked closely at how Ruby treats her teammates you would know why she was a team leader.

Weiss: undertrained lack of knowledge, how dare you!

(Y/n): so you were not made team leader are you really going to let that define your entire role as a team member would it change the mindset of those who made the decision?

Weiss thinks for a moment

Weiss: I suppose not.

(Y/n): look I'm not asking you to give up on being a huntress i'm asking you to be there for your team leader because that is what she needs right now. you both need each other and one day you'll wish you had each other's back.

(Y/n) leaves Weiss in thought

Port: Not how I would've done it, but I suppose he got the point across.

Ozpin: Indeed he did.

Timeskip nighttime

Weiss enters her dorm to find her teammates asleep
She goes to Ruby's bed and finds she fell asleep studying
Weiss is slightly amazed by this

Weiss: hey ruby wake up

Ruby:AHh weiss I'm sorry was just trying to-

Weiss quiets her

Weiss: how do you take your coffee?

Ruby: I don't-

Weiss: just answer the question.

Ruby: fourcreamfivesugars she answers at inhuman speed

Weiss:wait here

Literally, a second later

Weiss:Here gives coffee

Ruby: thanks weiss

Weiss thinks for a moment

Weiss: Ruby I think you have what it takes to be a good leader just know I'm going to be the best teammate you ever had.

Ruby smiles to this

Weiss good luck studying.

Leaves for a second the comes back

Weiss:That's Wrong by the way.she said with a smile

Weiss: And ruby

Ruby: uhm

Weiss: I always wanted bunk beds as a kid.

Then leaves again Ruby smiled to this

At team (f/l)npr dorm

(Y/n sit's there smiling

Cuts to black

Darkhunter66: well that happened I hope you liked this part a leave a comment if have any ideas for the future in this story.

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