Tarnished : Percy jackson and...

By W-ubba

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At the time of his death Y/N had many thoughts coursing through his mind. But a single voice . A single call... More

Notice! before this tale
Prolouge - Where the hell am I ?
Chapter 1 - Systems & Maidens
Chapter 2 - Flight attendant tried to eat me 1 star

chapter 3 - Guess I made a starting impression

541 17 2
By W-ubba


[text] = [Gamer notifications]

*text* = sound effects

A/n = Author notes

"text" = speech between people


I woke up with quite a start getting up in a . 


Well whoever took me in was kind enough to both tuck me into a bed and leave a glass of warm water and some sort of sugary sweet it looked like a golden square like yellow jello but with a more solid appearance.

????: "I wouldn't eat that if I was you young man. It might just kill you, just lay down and rest"

Now normally if i was my more well rested, I would of gave some sort of sarcastic retort or ran out. But whoever this person was, was right about the needing to rest part. If I remembered correctly in my attempt to get into America and meet Percy Jackson, see camp Half-Blood and level up.I got onta a plane it got highjacked by some crazy harpy lady who treid to kill me, and crashed the previous mentioned plane into a strawbery field. Just my luck.

The man who called out to me sat in a wheelchair. He seemed to be a middle aged man with thinning hair a scruffy beard and a frayed tweed jacket. His eyes looked calm and kind but held a perceptiveness as if I had told him some bad news and he was thinking on it.

I looked down at my arms and legs all though they were bandaged up they still had some clear burns and many deep gashes particularly one on my forearm and when on my leg.

????: "Young man if you dont mind me, whats your name and what are you doing here"

Y/N: *Gulps down water* " My names Y/N and im sorry for crashing into your farm, I was just trying to make the best out of a crappy situation, Someone highjacked the plane and attacked me ,I tried to land somewhere safely. But as you saw it didn't really work out."

Chiron:  "I see thank you for telling me my names chiron " He gave me a warm smile but later turned from me held his hand to his chin as if deep in thought.

Chiron: " I think it'd be best if you follow me, and be carefully if what you told me was correct your a long way to recovery and it seems someones come to us with yet another forbodding omen."

He wheeled himself out of the door and followed him. Whoever took care of me with the bandages took my shoes so I just followed him barefoot.I slowly wobbled out of bed and limped forward after him my feet and legs were still very sore. When I came out it was so bright I had to shield my eyes.What I came out of must have been a cabin as there were many more around it in thes shape of a U with a unlit campfire in the centre. 

The air felt fresh and warm the grass looked lush and green and the sky looked clear except for some storm clouds ahead. I hadn't payed to much attention to the cabins as I had to put my main attentions to keep up with Chiron as many things went through my mind.

As i walked I couldn't help but let a smile creep onto my lips as it seems my somewhat idiotic plan had somehow worked. Although it nearly killed me I had somehow made it to Camp Half-Blood. I let out a laugh to myself as the people who were doing various activities stared at me as if I was some sort of weirdo.

But I didnt care . My do or die attempt to make it to camp had worked. Admitedley I could of died a very horrible death however I couldn't help but reap my reward as I looked at the gorgeous scenery.

Eventually Chiron halted to a stop and someone opened the door for him.He had deep sea green eyes,black hair and a bright orange shirt. With the words *CAMP HALF-BLOOD*  embroided across it.In the room were three other people other than the boy who opened the door. They were all doings various things but as soon as I entered all their eyes were on me.

Some in a curious intrest. Others in nervous anticipation and others set in a stern gaze. As if thinking how do I murder this child in front of me in the most intresting way.

Finally I stepped fully forward in the room and sat across from the stern gazed man as he tried to stare me down. This had no effect as I kept my eyes on chiron to avoid the affirmationed gaze.Chiron  wheeled across the room and sat next to the man with the stern gaze.

Chiron: " Y/N the boy to my farthest right is Percy jackson and  my farthest left Annabeth Chase  standing  in the middle of them is Grover underwood.  The man next to me is Dionysus but you can call him Mr.D. Everyone this here is Y/N." 

'MR.D' was a middle aged man in a tigger pattern hawaiin shirt. Annabeth was an athletic blond with grey stormy eyes that seemed to look straight through me and Grover was a scrawny kid like me with acne a wispy beard on his chin and scruffy curly hair.They looked as if the very wordsof the book were given a physical form.

Mr.D gave me a dirty look as his eyes seemed to crackle with a purple fire.

dionysus: "So this is the mortal who ruined my precious strawberies how should I punish him, I think i'll let your decide the fate of your death. Come now hurry up I dont have all day to smite you"

Y/N: "Uhhhh"

Chiron: "There will be no such behaviour we still need to find out if he is a half blood or not"

Dionysus: "You and I know both know that boy is no halfblood, and besides"

He flicked his finger pointing to my neck. A purple line of light shot out of his finger the magic around the circular wooden shackle on my neck fissled out as if it were a mirrage and my shackle was shown as clear as day.

Dionysus: " I believe the answer is much more intresting than that"

What he was pointing at was revealed as I followed his finger pointing to the symbol of the golden order burned into the shackle.

Both Mr.D and Chiron looked at the symbol and grimiced one as if remebering an old friend the other as if remembering an annoying pest.The atmosphere in the room seemed to tense up as if someone had let out an intense aura

Chiron: " My boy do you know exactly that symbol on your neck means"

Y/N: "Yeah it means im Tarnished, a banished heretic of the lands between, specifically"

Annabeth: " The lands between! Thats impossible all remnants of that civilisation were destroyed and forgotten"

Chiron: " I'm afraid its not that simple my dear. You should be well aware of the fact that a Gods power and it's people can never truly be destroyed only changed into something else.This boy is a clear indicator of that"

Percy: "um sorry to interupt but am I the only one who has no idea of what 'the lands between' is. How do we know this guy isn't lying"

Dionysus: " You hold your tounge Johnson-

Percy:" Thats not my-

Chiron: *ahem*

Chiron:" Sorry Percy the lands between is a sore subject for the Gods"

Dionysus:" I believe we should kill you. But I suppose every realm has their own lap dogs"

He said as he looked at you with a gleam in his eye

Dionysus:" May friend has encouraged me to let you stay so I will no doubt do that,But I expect you to earn you keep tarnished or i'll just-

Y/N: "Kill me ?"

Dionysus:" Well I personally would do something more unpleasent like turning you into a dolphin, but glad you caught on quick, farewell tarninshed and johnson dont die too quick now"

and in a swirl of purple particles he left the room leaving the smell of wine and grapes flourishing in his place

Chiron: "I belive that was enough tension for one day, Percy would you please escort Y/N to the hermes cabin, and annabeth and Grover please inform the rest of the campers that the war games will begin tomorrow. I believe we've all been too stressed lately."

Annabeth: " But could I just-

Chiron: "Please Annabeth this is not the time. I too am tired"

His eyes and body seemed to hold a wearyness to them as if he had aged 100 years from the very conversation. Poor old man.

Annabeth: *huff* 

she walked out of the room the cold nights air ands moons gleam showed that we had spent more than a couple minutes on the conversation. I guess a tense atmosphere of a mad god angry at you beacuase you murdered some strawberies would cause time to drag a little.

Percy: " Follow me I guess ?"

I looked back to Chiron whom met my gaze and gave me the best smile he could manage

Chiron: " Go on Y/N enjoy yourself"

And at those very words I couldn't help but feel really shitty. I couldn't help but feel bad alright.I mean I come in unnanounced like some sort ort of foreboding omen and on top of that with Chiron's mention of the hermes cabin I have arrived during the Lightning thief book. You know just that one book where all the gods are about to kill themselves in a war over a lightning bolt that makes millions of nukes look like children toys.

Percy took me to the Hermes cabin all the cabins were of similar build but had different decorations of their patron God. Hermes's cabin was surrounded by old greek road head pillars and wings. The house symbol the cadesces a saff with two snakes curled around it there heads meeting in the middle.

In the room there were sleeping bags no beds and if there were I doubt there would be enough to accomadate all the people there I found a spot and Percy threw me a sleeping bag witha nametag he told me to write my name I did just that and we made our way to the dining hall. 

Which from the outside teemed with life and excitement poeple were talking and hollering at each other as kids would do. As we were walking one of the girls from the ares cabin was gossoping about pery and making very rude hand gestures at me and Percy . So I gave her one back and her faced turned so red with anger I thought she might pop?.

I sat down next to Percy he told me to just speak to the goblet and it would dill it up for me (non-alcoholic drinks not allowed) something about dionysus and punishment. whatever.

I spoke to my goblet quietly and asked for a nice little drink.

"crimson tears"

and just liked that my goblet filled with a red liquid with specks of golld dust floating inside it.

"Oh i gotta keep this"

"Whats that?"

" oh nothing"

Then halfway through the meal everyone was offering to their God. I walked to the fire spat on it and told queen Marika (in my mind) to suck my balls. I guessthe fire didn't like that because it started goingnout of control and had to be calmed down by the senior campers with water.


I got to my sleeping bag which was across from Percy's and before I dreamt 

"Hey Percy you ever feel like you know who you are, but suddenly are taken to a new place and feel like you need to find out who you are all over again. Like the you that you thought you knew has completley changed"

"Yeah ever since it was revealed i was a half blood it feels like my whole world has been flipped upside down and that im just chasing someone for answers"

Y/N: "I wonder where I come from"

AN: Next chapter I become best friends with a blood god

Will Y/N find out where he comes from . Or will the answer be more dissatisfying than not knowing at all

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