Our Incomplete Story[KL Rahul...

By cricketloverAk_18

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I downloaded this cover from Pinterest, Book #1 in loveforever series... Disclaimer: This story is complete... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6(Part-1)
Chapter 6(Part-2)
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
New Story
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
About this Book (QnA)

Chapter 33

162 19 10
By cricketloverAk_18

So before you start, I have an announcement.

So I'm gonna update four chapters in a row, one chapter today and another chapter tomorrow, Saturday no update, Sunday and Monday another chapter update, all chapters will be a little lengthy and intense.

Because I may get busy  from Monday, that's why I'm updating it like this I dont want to give big gaps, between the chapters, because I can't able to write that's why, I hope you all understand this.



After a day

Gopal Reddy went to Rahul's room who was getting ready for his engagement.

"Are you happy with the engagement.?" Gopal asked.

Keshav who was sitting on the bed said "Even I'm also asking this, but he is not answering."

"Dad and uncle, stop getting worried, I'm happy." Rahul fake smiled, Purnima called Keshav, so he went out of the room.

"Uncle, do you need anything.?" Rahul asked

"Do you have h..his number.?" Gopal asked

"Whose number.?... Oh, Aarav's." Rahul took his phone and sent Aarav's number to Gopal "I have sent you his number."

"Thank you, I have some advice for you, listen to your heart." Gopal went out of the room.

"I'm doing that only, you all find it out shortly." Rahul slightly opened his room's balcony door and went out of the room.

Meanwhile, Gopal went to his room and dialled Aarav, meanwhile, Aarav was in his room, dressing a small wound on his hand when he received a call. Aarav picked up the call

"Hello, who is this.?" Aarav asked.

"Gopal." Gopal said.

"Which Gopal.?" Aarav threw cotton to the dustbin.

"Gopal Reddy." Gopal said.

"Oh.., sorry I didn't check in the true caller as I was cleaning my wound." Aarav said.

"Are y...you fine.?" Gopal's voice cracked.

"Yeah, just small wounds that's it." Aarav said.

"Well, is everything ok there.?" Gopal said.

"Yeah, but the guy who was coming to see Nisha, and his family are postponing the time of coming by giving some weird reasons" Aarav heard Rukmini calling him "Sir, I need to go mom is calling me." Aarav cut the call.

"Sir, my son calling me sir, my mistake, I'm suffering, here Panditji not coming and their boy's family is not coming, something is fishy." Gopal thought and went downstairs.
Meanwhile, in Shetty's house. All ladies are sitting on the chair and the men are waiting outside.

Aarav went downstairs "Mom, did they come.?"

"No, a cat stooped stepped in their way it seems, so they will come in after half an hour." Rukmini said.

"What rubbish?, who believes in these superstitions these days, it's evening 6:50 mom, they are postponing it from the morning." Aarav said.

"It's their ritual and they believe it, not superstitions." Shyla said.

Nisha stood up from her chair "Ok guys, I will be in my room, call me once they come, I need rest." Nisha climbed the stairs.

Nisha went to her room, closed the door, changed her dress, packed her luggage bag, and peeped out of the balcony window "It's the right time, Nisha, you can do it." Nisha thought...
After half an hour.

"It's almost 8, I don't think they are gonna come." Bhupathi said to the ladies.

"They should have told us first only, if they are not gonna come, we wasted our day waiting for them." Aarav said.

"I think they are doing it deliberately." Kishore said.

"They messaged me that they will come tomorrow for sure it seems." Bhadra said from outside.

"Wait a second." Shyla ran upstairs and started knocking on the door of Nisha's room "Open the door, Nisha." Shyla said, all others ran behind her.

"She must be sleeping." Roja said.

"No, there is something wrong." Shyla again knocked on the door, but Nisha didn't open the door "Aarav and Kishore, broke the door fast." Shyla said

They broke the door as all are worried about Nisha, they went inside but Nisha is nowhere to see "Where did the hell this characterless girl go.?" Bhadra said angrily.

"That's why I ran here, I had one eye on this girl always, she eloped." Shyla said.

"Stop talking rubbish, see all things are scattered on the floor, what if she is kidnapped," Rukmini said.

"Oh, the Kidnappers kidnap and leave her expensive jewellery here." Shyla opened the cupboard and all her dresses also missing and her luggage bag also "What you say about this.?"

"Mom, aunty stop arguing it's time to find Nisha, come let's search for her." Aarav said.

"No." Bhupathi screamed, "Nobody is gonna search for her, whether she is eloped or kidnapped, I don't care, I considered her dead because she betrayed our family, I trusted her, I'm sure that she is eloped." Bhupathi said angrily.

"Anna, it's a waste talking to you, I'm going to the police station to give a missing complaint." Rukmini went out, and Aarav and Kishore went with her to the police station.

"Mom, do you think, she eloped with Rahul." Aarav asked while driving.

"I don't think so, if she did then, she is in big trouble." Rukmini tensed. They reached the police station and gave a complaint "Do you have suspects.?" Inspector asked.

"No, but search in Reddy's house once." Rukmini said and all three went back to their house.
Meanwhile, In Reddy's house

Everyone is ready they are waiting for Panditji, he didn't come in the morning because his wife was not well, so he went to the hospital. Everybody is in the compound. Rahul was anxiously checking the time and looking at the house again and again.

"I hope Nisha is safe and executed our plan." Rahul said.

"Sumana, where is the pandit ji.?" Kanika asked.

"I don't know why he is not coming." Sumana said.

"Only one minute left for an auspicious time, if he won't come means then we need to postpone this to tomorrow." Keshav said.

"I think it's better to postpone, what do you say Nakshatra?." Rahul asked.

"Your time to be in good books of Rahul." Naksha thought and said, "I think he is right, better to postpone it, I trust him." Naksha smiled at him, Rahul smiled back.

"If they are ok, then who are we, let's do engagement tomorrow and marriage after four months." Kanika said and the police van arrived.

"Panditji didn't come but the police arrived," Sumana murmured.

"What happened inspector? why you all are here.?" Kanika said.

"Ma'am we have a search warrant, we need to search your house to find Nishabda Aditya Shetty, she is been missing from her home since evening."Inspector said.

"What?" Rahul acted shockingly "Sir we broke up, I don't think, you will find her here, but you can search our house." Rahul said.

"You can search our house." Kanika said, the police team went and started searching.

"Hmm, inspector come and check in my room first." Rahul said, as all family members are suspecting Rahul only. Rahul took the inspector to his room. Inspector was searching in his room cupboard, and Rahul saw Nisha was peeping out of the small storeroom, Rahul signalled her to hide, and she quickly hide inside and Rahul locked the door of that room.

Inspector went out of the room and the constable also came "We didn't find her anywhere, I think she must kidnapped, we will find that soon, sorry for disturbing you people."

"It's ok, inspector, need any help call, Rahul, he will help you, people." Kanika said.

"Sure, we will continue our searching tomorrow as our duty is over today." Inspector went from.

All people are talking

"No discussion people go to your rooms." Kanika turned towards Choudhary "You guys stay here or go home.?" Kanika asked.

"We go home, we have some work." Sanjeev said.

Rahul yawned "Good night everybody." He quickly went to his room and opened the lock of the store room, he went to close the room door, and Naksha arrived in front of the room.

"You didn't go.?" Rahul asked.

"No, Thank you for giving me one more chance." Naksha hugged Rahul tightly.

"It's ok, Naksha mistakes happen." Rahul patted Naksha's back, and Nisha who was watching this laughed inside.

"Ok bye, see you tomorrow." Naksha went from there, and Rahul closed the room door.

"You can come out." Rahul said.

Nisha came out of the store room, her body was fully covered with sweat "Nobody will come no."

"No" Rahul off the light and on the bed lamp

"Thank God, Vishal told us to make a plan b of breaking up and all, otherwise we would up in big trouble." Nisha sat on the bed.

"So true, all thanks to Vishal." Rahul said, before coming to Rayanakonda, Rahul and Nisha made this plan b, in case the convincing plan fails as Vishal advised them.

"My leg was scratched while jumping your house compound, what's the plan.?" Nisha kept her head on his shoulder.

"Same plan, first get a marriage certificate and then stay in exile for some days in Tulasipatnam, after that with police support confront our family." Rahul said.

"I'm kind a scared" Nisha said.

"Even I'm, anyways how did you know about my room." Rahul said.

"I have the blueprint of your house." Nisha joked.....

After few hours

Rahul and Nisha went out of the house with their luggage and a small old keypad mobile of Rahul with an old sim, they went backside of the house and was about to jump the compound but Gopal saw them. It was a little dark there.

"What's the sound there dad.?" A drunk Rohan said.

"I didn't see anything there, let's continue our party." Gopal said and he acted like he didn't see them.

Rahul and Nisha jumped the compound and in the car, they went towards Tulasipatnam

"Hello, why are we going on another road? , let's take the highway." Nisha said.

"Police will be there, it's a risky thing." Rahul said.

They left their car midway somewhere on the road, and on the bike which was parked earlier as a part of the plan, they reached the place early morning to the registration office even Vishal also came with Sakshi, and they started waiting for an officer, an old man who was going in that way, saw this person and asked. "Are you waiting for anyone.?"

"We are waiting for the register officer." Sakshi said.

"Oh, Yesterday he called us and informed us that he won't come for another few weeks, so it's better to come after a few weeks." That old man went from there.

"What" Nisha panicked "I can't go back home." Nisha said and Rahul's old keypad phone sounded

"Who knows the number of this phone.?" Nisha asked.

"It's my old phone don't know, let's read it." Rahul read "Rahul, the family came to know about you both, police are searching you both, so it's better not to come here or go to Tulasipatnam, stay safe somewhere, your's well-wisher." Rahul and Nisha looked at each other faces shockingly.....

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