The Diary Incident- TomxDraco

By Potter-Malfoy72

52.1K 1.5K 90

What happens when Draco Malfoy stumbles upon an old, tattered diary in his father's office? He falls in love... More

Perfect Prefect
The Ritual
What in the world?
First Day Back
Prank Night and More...
Old Fool
The Fall
This Realisation Was Purely Mad
Hello Evil
Harry Comes To Know
Meet Lucas
Oh Dear
Eliza Realises
Almost the end
The End.

Auror Horror

3.9K 103 11
By Potter-Malfoy72

Draco Malfoy's pov

"I try so hard! But it's never me. It's always him. He gets all he wants. Friends, glory, and power, and he doesn't even use it or need it!" I pleaded in front of my father to protect myself from getting yet another one of his cruciatus curses. 

I was honestly tired at this point, close to giving up and accepting my punishment. My father raised his cane.

Within a spilt second, the doors opened wide as men in black robes rushed in and spread out, circling my father. They threw spells at him and got him on his knees, hands locked behind his back. My mother came rushing in after hearing the chaos and my father's complaints.

A dark skinned man in purple robes spoke up. He seemed to be the leader of this disturbance. From afar, I spotted the Weasley father, which was honestly disconcerting along with Andromeda Tonks, my aunt whom I never really had a chance to meet. They clearly were unaware of the scene that was being played out before they burst in.

"You, Lucius Malfoy, are hereby arrested and taken to Azkaban for involvement in the practice of the Dark Arts."

And in that moment, I knew I was free.

3 hours later

After my father was arrested, it felt as if a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. My mother, though, was a crying mess. I tried to comfort her to my best, but she had to come to terms with our new situation without father. I was roaming the house, thinking of everything when I stumbled upon a locked door. It was my father's "private" second office, which he always kept hidden from me, but what shocked me more was that it was open. I gave the door a push with my foot, and it opened wide. The stench of dark magic was all around the room and quite suffocating.

My eye was caught on one thing. A tarnished diary lay on the table, and with curiosity, I picked it up and opened it, hoping that this was my father's latest diary where he had his secrets sprawled out. There was dried matt black blood on it, too. It disgusted me. To my disappointment it was empty so I decided to fill the sad diary with my sad story.

I wrote, 'I am Draco Malfoy,' when the diary suddenly let the words disappear in front of my eyes, and I blinked twice when a response came back,

'I am Tom Riddle,'

I threw the diary harshly at the wall, and it opened yet again on the floor and read, 'I do not prefer to be thrown around.'

This was the creepiest thing I had witnessed till now, and the room grew eerily quiet as a golden glow came out of the book. I was mesmerized and confused at how dark this magic really was. I walked toward it and picked it up, writing on the empty page again.

'Who are you?' I wrote back

'I just told you that. No one has spoken to me in years, but I'd like some company.'

Either this was really happening, or I had finally been driven nuts. How could a diary talk to me? It was weird but interesting, and I let that get the best of me as I continued our conversation. We wrote back and forth to each other.

He asked me things like the year, my family, my friends, and my interests. I asked him the same only to get upsetting replies like how he was a penniless orphan and grew up alone at an orphanage full of kids that bullied him. He also told me that he was from the 1940s and a Slytherin Hogwarts student with a strong dislike for Dumbledore and pesky Gryffindor's. At that moment, I finally thought someone understood him. It gave me a sense of relief that this summer, I would be able to communicate with someone other than spending all my days alone.

My friends weren't really friends. They were either minions or family acquaintance's children. But now, I had someone.

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