Insanity | Stiles Fanfic (1)

Per 00Haybay00

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"Stiles," she said quietly and began shaking her head. "Please, let's not talk about it." "No, Maya, I need... Més

New Abilities
Wolf Moon
Wolf Hunter
Game Night
From Buses to Bowling
Magic Bullet
Hale House Fire
Movie Madness
After Alpha Attack
Night School
Speed Chase
The Truth
Werewolf and Werewolf Hunters
All Nighter
Final Fire

Dead wolf

312 8 6
Per 00Haybay00

Dead Wolf

The next day at school, Scott decided he had to tell coach he couldn't play. Maya was waiting for his to exit the locker rooms. She told him she would be there for moral support. While she waited she was thinking about Allison and praying she didn't know anything about Scott. Then her mind floated to Stiles, she smiled thinking about him. Thinking about how he researched all night to help her. How he was so concerned about her. His hazel eyes, the specks of gold and green that danced in them. She could dream about his eyes and never get tired of them.

She was knocked out of her daze when Scott exited the locker room.

"What'd he say?" Maya asked. They began to walk.

"Umm, not good. He told me if I don't play the game, I'm not first line and then he started talking about being gay and meth. I don't know but he was not taking no for an anwser." Scott grumbled and looked down at his phone when it rang. " ughh, what am I going to do?"

Maya grabbed his phone to see what it was. It was their mom saying she got Saturday off and couldn't wait to see him play.

"I'm sorry, Scotty. I wish I could help."

"I just-I really don't know what I'm supposed to do."

Maya didn't want to hurt his feelings, but there was a simple answer. Just don't play. It's not worth the trouble. It's not like he's not used to not playing. He never really played before so what's a little longer? 

"Hey Allie," Maya smiled at the brunette.

"You busy." She asked Scott who was still holding his phone from his mom's text message.

"Oh, no just my mom. She's nothing." Maya and Allison shot him a look. " I mean it's nothing. Umm, I'm never too busy for you."

"Nice save there Scott." Maya whispered to her brother who lightly pushed her away grumbling.

"I gotta run to French class, but I wanted you to know that I'm coming to see you play on Saturday. And then we're all going out afterward. Me, you, Lydia, Jackson. Oh, Maya, you're coming too. You should bring Stiles. Save me a seat at lunch." And with that, she left before the two of them could say anything else.

"What just happened?" Maya asked her brother confused.

"Umm, I think you have a date with Stiles." He chuckled at her dumbfounded expression. "And I'm still totally screwed."

They walked to math class pondering over their problems. She was thinking about her 'date' with Stiles. She wouldn't mind looking at those adorable hazel eyes on a date. She shook the thoughts away and attempted to focus on their math work. The teacher called Lydia and Scott to the front to work on a math problem. Lydia obviously was doing so much better than Scott, but Maya frowned when she heard them talking. Maya couldn't make out what it was about. 

Lydia turned to sit down after solving the equation. 

"Mr. McCall, you aren't even close to solving your problem." Their math teacher noted.

"Tell me about it." He mumbled.

Maya whipped around to see what Lydia was talking about.

"What did you say to him?" She asked as Lydia started messing with her hair.

" oh, just that if he doesn't play, I'll introduce Allison to all the lacrosse players."

"Lydia!" She scolded. "You can't do that."

"I can and I will, Maya." She retorted. "I don't see why he can't just play. He's first line, the whole point of first line is you play."

Maya turned around and continued with her work, ignoring the sometimes insufferable girl.

She stared at her work, but it began to get blurry. She shook her head and looked back at the paper. The numbers had changed to a big spiral-like symbol on the paper. It was red and took up almost the entire page. She wondered what it meant. Almost on instinct, Maya held up her hand. A little fire danced in her palm. It was enchanting. She was in a daze. Watching it move. It burned brighter and got bigger. Suddenly a piercing ring broke her out of the spell.

The bell had rung. She looked down at her palm and there was a slight ash mark sitting on it. She shook the uncanny feeling and followed Scott out of the classroom. She and Scott were pulled to the side by Stiles.

"Oh, my God, what is your deal?" She questioned while being dragged to the corner of the wall.

"Scott, what are they saying?" Stiles demanded.

Maya followed his gaze to see the sheriff and some deputies talking to the principal. She rolled her eyes. Stiles, ever so nosey. 

"Uhhh, curfew because of the body" he listened intently.

"Unbelievable. My dad's out looking for a rabid animal, while the jerk-off who actually killed the girl is just hangin' out, doing whatever he wants."

"I don't think it was him." Maya said simultaneously as Scott said. " it's not like you can tell your dad the truth about Derek."

Scott shot his sister a look and Stiles' mouth gaped open at her comment. When Scott saw Allison, he left the pair to discuss Maya's blind faith in the boy.

"What?" Stiles gaped at Maya. "How can you not think it was him"

" He just doesn't seem like a murderer."

"What! He's creepy and dark. And creepy. Ya know what, I'm going to prove it we're going to find the other half of the body."

" And how are we going to do that?" She asked. 

Stiles got a wild look in his eye. He had an idea and his ideas normally involved a crime. She rolled her eyes as he dragged her to where Scott had run off to talk to Allison. Scott turned around just in time to see his friend walking up. 

" I don't trust him. I don't like that he knows Allison and I don't like he's using her to threaten me. What did Derek say to you in the car?" He asked his sister.

"Nothing much. Allison was uncomfortable the whole time so I tried to ease the tension. And when she got out, we talked about you. He seems like he wants to help."

"Do you like this guy?" Scott questioned. "Do you think he's attractive or something?"

"What? No!" She was slightly offended by his accusations. "Well, he is attractive, but it is not like that. There's just something about him like... like some sort of connection. I-I can't explain."

Stiles stared at her mouth open wide. Scott was looking at her with confusion and anger.

" wha- what are you talking about? I have no words. I actually have no words."

"I don't care how you feel. You need to stay away from him." Scott demanded.

"Okay, baby bro, you don't have to go all protective on me." She rolled her eyes.  "Trust me, I don't need anymore werewolf drama. Your the only werewolf I need in my life."

She had spoke to him in a baby/doggie voice and ruffled his hair. His anger expression quickly turned to rage. Maya decided she needed to stop messing with him before he tries to kill her again.


Scott decided he wanted to confront Derek and Stiles came up with a ridiculous plan to find out if Derek actually murdered the girl in the woods. While Scott went to Derek's, Stiles and Maya went to the hospital. Maya made Stiles stop and pick up some food for her mom. They walked in and immediately went to her moms floor.

"Maya!" She smiled. " what a surprise? What are you doing here?"

"We jsut wanted to bring you some dinner. I know you have been working so hard lately." She handed her mom the to-go bag and a drink. 

"Aww, you are so sweet." She pulled her daughter in and kissed her head. She opened the bag. " You're the best. Thank you. I love you" and she disappeared behind the nurses station.

Her mom works so hard and Maya always feels guilty for putting her through her episodes. She does whatever she can to make her mom feel appreciated. Whether it's making coffee in the morning, or just simple house task. Whatever she could to lessen her mothers load. Stiles was smiling down at her.

"You're a good daughter." He told her.

"Yeah, it doesn't feel like it." She went to take a seat in the waiting area. "She always goes through so much when I have my episodes. And now sith everything going on with Scott. I-I just hate seeing her stressed."

"Maya, I get it, but it's not your fault."

"Ya know this summer, my dad wished me a happy birthday with the same pathetic check in the mail. I got the impala because of his guilt from not seeing me when i was in the hospital."

Stiles faced softened at the girl. He grabbed her hand and just listened. Maya never really had anyone to talk to about it. SHe never wanted to make her mom feel bad and well, Scott hardly remembers the guy.

"She's the best woman and he left her. Deserted her with two kids. And we are not the easiest kids to handle."

Stiles chuckled at that.

"I'm not your dad and neither is my dad, but you will always have us. I mean he loves you. And Scott." Stiles squeezed her hand. "The two of you are like his kids."

She leaned her head on his shoulder and waited for Scott to get there. Stiles was such a good listener. He was always there when she needed comfort or support and Maya knew he was never going anywhere. She smiled at the thought and leaned up to kiss his cheek. His face turned bright red and he looked down at her with excited eyes.

"Wh-why'd you— what was that for?" He stuttered.

Maya giggled at his adorable nervousness.

"I wanted to." She stated with a grin. "And because I could."

"But why—" Stiles went to continue to ask questions, but stopped when he saw Scott walk out the morgue. He lightly tapped Maya getting her attention. "Ooh, oooh, what'd you find out?"

"There was definitely some type of scent at Derek's" he told them.

"What kind of scent?" Maya questioned.

" I'm not sure but I think it was blood."

" Well, go see if it's the same." Stile ushered Scott away.

"Okay, okay, be the lookout." With that he went down to the morgue.

"This is such a bad idea." She muttered. Scott was seeing if the body found in the woods matches the scent at Derek's.

"So why'd you kiss my cheek?" He asked when Scott left.

"Stiles," she laughed returning to her seat. "It's not that big of a deal."

"Well, it is to me."

"Do— do you not want me to?" She looked down at her hands wondering why he was so concerned with it.

Stiles eyes widen and he squatted down in front of her grabbing her hands. He looked up at her chocolate eyes.

"No, no, you could kiss me anytime, anywhere, all the time you want." His eyes widened realizing what he said. "" I mean, my—my cheek you can kiss my cheek. I don't want to kiss your lips. I mean your—your Scott's sister and my friend, lips off limits, lips bad, cheek— cheeks are good."

Maya laughed stunned at his anxious rant. She smiled up at the boy, leaned to him, and kissed the corner of his mouth. Her lips lingered there for a moment ending his ridiculous ramble. His cheeks burned red from where her lips touched him. If the kiss was just one inch to the left. It definitely would have been lips. Maya wondered what would have happened if she did miss his lips. She longed to kiss his lips. She knew he did too. At least in the moment. She could feel his longing for her. He was in a daze. He couldn't image what had happened was actually real. 

"Is—is that okay?" She asked pulling away and looked at him.

"Yeah, yeah, that was perfect."

He was mesmerized by the girl in front of him. He had half a mind to pull her in and slam his lips on her, but he knew it would be wrong. So wrong, he thought. In so many ways. He wanted her, but he knew he couldn't. Between their friendship, and Scott. Not to mention, all the supernatural insanity. He just couldn't.

"It's the same."

Maya and Stiles jumped away from each other. A little suspiciously. Scott raised his eyebrows and looked at the two.

"Did I interrupt something?"

"No, no." Maya said quickly getting out of her chair. "You said the scent is the same?"

"Yeah, it's same." He confirmed.

"Ya know what the means Maya? Your crush did bury the other half the body on his property." Stiles smirked confidently knowing he was right.

"Which means we have proof he killed the girl." Scott added.

"Hold on, Scott's sense of smell is hardly enough to call the man guilty." Maya asked.

"Yeah, that's why I have a plan." He told her and then turned to Scott. "But first, are you doing this because you want to stop Derek or because you want to play in the game and he said you couldn't?"

"There were bite marks, Stiles. Bite marks!" Scott told him.

Scott seemed like he wanted to stop Derek, but Maya knew the truth. He wanted Allison, he wanted to play the game and he didn't want anyone to control his life. She understood, she just also knows that it's not the smartest thing to lock up the only person who knows anything about what he's going through.

"Okay, then we are going to need shovels."

The boys nodded at each other like they had their own secret language. And walked out the hospital.

"Wait, shovels?" Maya called after them running to them. "What the hell are you getting me into?"


The boys picked up their shovels and headed to Derek's house. They were going to dig up the other half of the body. Hunting for dead bodies, digging them up, if they were in a cemetery they would be grave diggers. Maya dozed off in the car.

"She okay?" Stiles glanced at her laying in the backseat.

"You ask me this everyday." Scott chuckled at his friend. "Why don't you just tell her?"

"Because it'll be a colossal mistake." Stiles told him sharply keeping his eyes on the road. "Scott, she's your sister and no offense, but she's the best friend I've ever had. There's no way I'm ruining that."

"Stiles, one, that hurt. And two, if you don't tell her soon someone else is going to come along and I don't know if I'd be okay with her dating some dickhead."

"What? Like Derek Hale?" Stiles grumbled and rolled his eyes.

"Nah, I don't think she likes him. I actually believe her when she says it's not like that."

"Well, I still don't like him."

"Yeah, me neither." Scott told him and glanced at his sister. "But you know Maya, she sees the best in everyone. She can be...naive."

"Scott, don't say that. She's not naive. She just has the biggest heart."

"Help, help us, help me." Maya cried in the backseat.

"What the hell? Is she okay?" Stoles glanced between the road, Scott and the mirror looking at Maya in the backseat who was shaking with fear.

"I—I don't know." Scott was leaned in the backseat looking over her. "I think she's having a nightmare."

"What are you doing? Wake her up."

"I thought you were suppose to wake up people from nightmares." He half yelled at Stiles.

"That's sleepwalkers dumbass. Now wake her up!"

While the two bickered, a fire erupted in Mayas mind. She saw children screaming and people burning. 'Fire, fire', they called out, but no one came to their rescue. Maya was transported. She felt the flames as if they were on her own skin. She was screaming as if she was burning herself.

"Maya." Scott called, shaking her arm. "Maya, wake up? Are you okay?"

She bolted away looking around in confusion and fear. They were in Stiles jeep. She rubbed her temples not understanding.

"You dozed off after the hospital, but you were muttering 'help'. Are you having nightmares again?" Her brother asked concerned.

"I don't remember." She shook her head. "I'm sorry guys."

But she did remember. It was the same reoccurring nightmare shes been having. Where she walks to the house in the woods, the doors slam behind her locking her in and everything erupting in fire. Except this time, she wasn't alone. There were people trapped with her. It was the realizes the dream had ever felt. And to make it worse, she felt all of their fear. their terror. AND their pain. The children, women and even some grown men. 

"Maya, you don't have to apologize." Stiles stated. "You just have to be honest. If somethings going on we need to know."

"Maybe we need to take her home first." Scott suggested to Stiles.

Maya jerked her head up.

"What? No! I'm good. We're going to find the other half of the body and I'm going to help." She proclaimed.

Scott and Stiles shared a look, but decided to leave the girl alone.

They were parked outside the house a safe distance away. Dereks car was still outside the house, so they had to wait him out. Maya couldn't help but feel a sense of familiarity at the house. Like  she's seen it. Or been there before. She was shaken out of her daze when Derek exited the house. The teenagers ducked out of sight like that was actually going to help. Once they heard his crank the car and it drive away, they each shared a look and got out the vehicle. 

"Do you still think he's innocent?" Stiles wondered as the grabbed the shovels.

"I don't know what to think." She muttered. "He just he doesn't feel like a killer...more like a — a damaged soul."

"Yeah, I see it. Damaged." Stiles nodded going along with it. "And deranged. Like he's so damaged he cuts people in half!"

"Just shut up Stiles." Maya rolled her eyes and walked around. 

"Maya, come on it's over here." Scott called. "Wait, something different."

"Different how" Stiles questioned.

"Different as in 'not the body' different?" Maya challenged.

"No, I mean I don't know. Let's jsut find out." With that, Scott started digging.

Maya was designated the flashlight holder while the boys dug up the hole. She refused to dig up a dead body. It was worse than when Stiles dragged her to look for it in the woods. She did not want to add grave desecration of the list of crimes shes committed as Stiles accomplice. She attempted to hold the flashlight steady as she looked around trying to make sure they weren't going to get caught. And to see why this place was so familiar to her. She heard rustling near the steps. She moved away from the boys on instinct. 

"Uhhh, Maya?" Stiles tried calling, "The flashlight?" 

"Shhh," She responded and continued toward the house.

Stiles shared a look with Scott who just shrugged his shoulders at his sisters odd behavior. Stiles rolled his eyes and stopped digging. He went tp go after her, but Scott grabbed his arm. 

"Dude, just keep digging." Scott pleaded.

He looked toward Maya and back at his friend. He let out a loud huff and went back to digging up the body. Maya, on the other hand had reached the steps. She could hear the whispers. The sounds of tortured souls. She walked up to the house and placed her hands on the charred wood.

Thats when she got a glimpse. A glimpse of the house before it was burned. Thats when she knew. It was from her dream. The same foundation and sturdy build. Still standing even though the Fire burnt it down. 

Suddenly, kids throwing a ball around ran pass her, but they disappeared just as quick. The boy had black hair and green eyes. The presence felt like Derek, but happier. Wholesome. 

She looked back up at the house. It was on fire. The people were screaming locked inside. She was frozen unable to help or move. Her eyes began to water as she watched the people die slowly. Their lungs filling with black smoke and the fiery flames clung to everything around them until it reached their flesh. 

A hand wrapped around Mayas should startling her from vision.

"Hey, hey, you okay?" the soft voice asked her. 

"Stiles," She looked in his eyes completely overwhelmed. "I know this house. Its from my dreams." 

"Maya, what do you mean?" He wondered.

"Stiles, why am I dreaming of the Hale House fire?" Ignoring his question, she looked to the house in wonder.

"I don't know." He squeezed her gently. "But, we'll figure it out. Come on."

Maya nodded and tired to ignore the sickening feeling she felt. She was overwhelmed. She went back to holding the flashlight trying to do something useful. Other than the constant thought of the visions, she's been having and the random things in her head. Maybe she is supernatural. Maybe she's not crazy. Although which one is actually worse. She looked down checking the boys progress. They seemed closer, but not close enough.

"So what are we going to do if he comes back?" Scott asked Stiles.

" we're going to get the hell outta here"

"And if he catches you." Maya asked taking a seat on the ground.

" well, I'll run one way, Scott can run the other and whoever he catches too bad."

"I hate that plan" Scott grumbled. Maya chuckled at her brother.

"I'm kinda with Scott on this one. But since that's your big plan I'm going to take the jeep." Maya smiled as she held up his keys.

"Okay, one, why would he just catch us? And two, when did you get my keys?"

"Well, one..." she mocked. "I'm too pretty to be caught." She heard stiles mumble, 'you got that right.' " And two, you literally left them in the ignition."

"See, I was being practical. Ya know, faster escape method and all."

"That is not practical. And that wasn't even ur escape method." She shot back at him.

"Ya see-" he went to argue, but was cut off by Scott hitting something.

" I think I got something."

The two boys dropped to their knees starting rubbing the dirt off. It was a decently sized package but tied with multiple knots. Maya was holding the flashlight while the teenage boys began to try to untie all the knots.

"Hurry!" Scott rushed. Maya rolled her eyes and dropped down beside them to help.

"I'm trying, but did the guy have to tie it in 9000 knots." Stiles yelled.

They were finishing up and Maya backed up bracing herself to see a dead body. She couldn't help but think how she can't believe Derek would do something so heinous like murder someone. He was a tortured soul, but not evil. She was so caught up in her thoughts, when she shook them out. The boys were done. The two went to reveal the body when they saw something they weren't expecting.

"Ahhhh!" They all yelled and jumped back.

They had prepared themselves to see a dead body not the top half of a wolf. Maya wasn't sure if that's actually worse, but it still frightened her. She looked at the wolf and could tell she was scared when she died. And angry. Lots and lots of anger.

"What the hell is that?" Stiles said in disgust.

"It's a wolf." Scott replied dumbfoundly.

" yeah, we can see that." Maya chimed in.

"I thought you said you smelled blood like human blood." Stiles emphasized.

" I told you something was different."

"Okay, this doesn't make any sense and doesn't exactly prove anything." Maya reasoned.

"Other than he's a weirdo for having half of a wolf buried in his yard." Stiles argued. Maya went to say soemthing but Scott beat her too it.

"Look it doesn't matter. Just help me cover it up so we can get out of here." Scott told stiles who was staring at something in the distance. "What's wrong?"

"You see that flower." He pointed to a purple flower planted right before the body. "I think it's wolfsbane."

" what's that?"

"Haven't you ever seen the wolf man?" Scott shook his head. " Lon Chaney Jr, Claude Raines, the original, classical werewolf movie. God, you are so unprepared for this." Stiles told him because Scott kept shaking his head no at all the movies.

" it's an herb. It's suppose to be poisonous to werewolf's." Maya told him, slightly shoving Stiles. While walking to the flower.

She picked it up and it was tied. She followed the rope, pulling it up from around the body. It made a spiral like pattern. Maya's blood went cold. It was the same pattern that was on her page in math. Stiles stood up next to her. She finished pulling the entire rope and Scott stared at the wolf body.

"Guys, look." He said.

"Oh." Stiles said grossly. Maya hid her face from it behind Stiles.

It was the top half of a woman's body, now. The wolf was no longer there. Maya looked back over and dropped to her knees.

Like a flash in her mind. She was transported.

She was in the very woods where the young woman died. She saw the girl looking around, she was meeting someone. She was cold and shivering. She heard a branch crack and jolted around. Her eyes were filled with sorrow just like Derek's, but they were kinder less hardened.

"Derek?" The girl called.

She knew him. She was meeting him there.

Suddenly a wolf-like being ran up on her and slashed her throat. She felt betrayed and hurt. She turned cold as blood spurted out her mouth. The being clawed at her more and more savagely. She didn't see who the killed was. But it was enough to convince her of Derek guilt.

"Ahhh!" Maya called holding up her neck, crying.

The boys dropped down beside her, holding her on each arm.

"What just happened?" Scott asked.

"What'd you see?" Stiles clarified softly.

"I saw her death." Tears streamed down Mayas face. "She felt scared and betrayed. And then when her throat was - was slashed. She was just cold an—and empty."

She took a deep breath and held it trying to control the tears. Once she calmed herself, she looked up at the two boys numbly. 

"What's happening to me?'

They all shared a look, but they had no idea. 


Hey guys, 

I dont really have anything to say about this chapter, but let me know what you think. 

Continua llegint

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