Tensura: One-shots and Storie...

By The_Inferior

39.6K 1K 699

Based on the title, this is a fanfic where it will only be filled with short stories from my imagination. For... More

(Story #1) Oni Princess and a Dragon
(Story #1) Oni Princess and a Dragon(part2)
(Story #1) Oni Princess and a Dragon(part3)
(Crossover #1): Rimuru X Chainsaw man
(Crossover #1): Rimuru X Chainsaw man (part2)
(Story #2): Dragon Prince
(Story #2): Dragon Prince(part2)
(Story #2): Dragon Prince(part4)
(Story #2): Dragon Prince(part5)
(Story#3): Rimuru, The Primordial Nephalem
(Story #3): Rimuru, The Primordial Nephalem (part2)
(Story #3): Rimuru, The Primordial Nephalem (part3)
(Story #3): Rimuru, The Primordial Nephalem (part4)
(Story #3): Rimuru, The Primordial Nephalem (part5)
(One-shot#1): Temporal Freedom
(Special story#1): My Delinquent (part1)
(Special story#2): Messiah's Love(part1 revised)
(Story #2): Dragon Prince(part6)

(Story #2): Dragon Prince(part3)

1.2K 52 23
By The_Inferior

Once we arrived at the elf kingdom we went straight to start negotiating a cooperation agreement between the Ultra-Magic Elf Kingdom and the Nasca Kingdom.

However, I am still reluctant to do it because I have not yet apologized to my dear sister Milim and as a result I feel less motivated to do this work of being a "Kingdom Representative".....

'Forgive me, Milim-chan. I will be back soon...I promise!'

As we arrived, we were greeted warmly by the Elf King himself along with his aides, the Elf King then revealed his name as Jaahil.

Which made me wonder if I had somehow heard that name during a conversation between my father and his long crimson-haired friend in the past.....

Or it's just my imagination? Meh, let's throw that aside first....

The negotiation of a cooperation agreement between the kingdoms did not take long and was completed, King Jaahil agreed without slightly hesitation until he asked a very strange question that came out of nowhere of my expectations.

And his question really shocked me as if he wanted to provoke me or something.

"Do you have a sister, Rimuru Nava-dono?"

That's his question while grinning and looking at me like a predator for a moment.

And I answered his question.

"Yes, I have two younger sisters who live in our house, waiting for me."

King Jaahil simply nodded.

"However, I made my first sister upset and I have to apologize to her when I get home...."

I added again with a slightly bitter tone.

King Jaahil then grinned and said something that made me suddenly feel uneasy.

"It would be a shame if something happened to her, wouldn't it? Hahahaha! Right?"

He said with a small chuckle for an unknown reason to me.


That's what I answered with a bitter smile while laughing fakely with him.

He is a strange person and very different from what Uncle Rudra told me before arriving in this kingdom. Since me and the other envoys of the Nasca kingdom in this elf kingdom, King Jaahil always looked at me as if I was a toy for him.

Uncle Rudra has dug up a little information about this king of the elves named "Jaahil". Once he was a good and fair king, he also had a beautiful daughter who was also the princess of this kingdom.

However, all the characteristics of the information were completely opposite and skewed in the wrong direction from the original, because the longer I sat and talked with him the more clearly his arrogant and greedy attitude came out.

And he makes me feel so sick that my hands itch to punch him in the face if only he makes fun of my sister's name...if.

Also, I have not seen nor have I ever met his daughter. I wonder where his daughter is, huh? The princess is supposed to be the king's main aide.

Maybe she was sick or shy, I guess?
Anyway, me and the group of negotiating envoys are now staying in this elf kingdom for two days before returning to Nasca.

The members of the other negotiator group are walking and sightseeing around this kingdom. Meanwhile, I am now on my way to go back to my room that was reserved by King Jaahil in his own palace as a special guest.

He also allowed me to explore his castle where I only accepted his offer with a little hesitation. However, He strictly gave warnings and advice me to not go to the room that leads to the basement that is directly under his castle. And it also makes me feel curious....

Anyway, I made it to my room and went straight to my bed, and went to sleep.

Well, goodnight then.


The next day, Rimuru woke up with a face that looked a little sleep-deprived.

'Ugh...last night I couldn't really sleep well... because I kept hearing the screams and cries of someone like a girl, through my [Magic Sense] while I was unconscious...'

He thought with irritation as he went to the bathroom to take a shower, to freshen himself up.

After he finished, he went to wear the clothes that his aunt Velgrynd had given him before he came to this elf kingdom. He then went to his small coffee table and poured the herbal tea into his cup that had been prepared by the maids.

At first, the maids hurriedly wanted to pour the herbal tea for him but stopped when Rimuru said it would be fine if he poured it himself.

"Haha..it's okay, I can pour it myself."

He said.

However, the real reason why the maids stopped with a slight red blush on their face was not because of the words that came out of Rimuru's mouth but rather the way he looked when he said that.

They were fascinated.

With his long beautiful bluish silver hair that was tied in a ponytail style from the back but there were still a few strands of hair on the side of his face freely blowing in the wind, a pair of charming golden yellow eyes that stared directly into their eyes and a noble coat as his outfit that made him look like a prince.

Coupled with the view of the blue sky that is almost the same as the color of her hair, it is a very personable and captivating sight.

{Author: Not mine and credit to the artist}

After a few moments, the maids woke up from their intense and daydreaming stares at Rimuru's appearance, then apologized and proceeded to leave the room while blushing in embarrassment.

Rimuru, who saw the behavior of the maids, only chuckled in confusion. He then slowly sat down in his chair and sipped the tea.

"Hmm... why does this tea taste little bit...different?"

He said in confusion, while tasting the rest of the tea still on his lips.

≪Warning! Detected, tea water contains some highly toxic chemicals. It is strongly advised to remove it.≫

Suddenly, a robotic feminine voice was heard echoing in his head or rather his mind.

As a reflex action, Rimuru jumped out of his seat and stood stiffly as he looked left and right, looking for the source of the voice.

"W-who are you?? Show yourself!"

He yelled as he set up an attack and defense pose.

≪Proceed to purify and isolate the poison using [Poison Nullification]......success! The poison has now been purified.≫

Said the voice again, which made Rimuru start to turn his attention to the cup of tea he was drinking earlier.

"≪Poi-poison? Do you mean this tea is poisonous?≫"

He asked anxiously as he stared at the teacup.

≪Correct. But the poison is not so dangerous that it causes death, instead it will only cause paralysis for an unknown period of time. Fortunately, I have managed to purify and neutralize the poison up to 0%.≫

Answered the voice long and clear, leaving Rimuru speechless.

He slowly picked up his chair and sat down. Then he breathed a sigh of relief, but his face still had a look of worry. Worried, because he thought that he would never be able to see his siblings again if something happened to him.

"≪If so, thank you then....≫"

That was all that came out of his mouth, while he was trying to process everything that had happened now.

≪Your welcome.≫

Answered the voice and the room became silent.

Until for a moment, Rimuru spoke again.

"≪*Sigh* So, who are you, my savior?≫"

He asked, and it looked like he had calmed down.

≪I am a side effect of the ultimate skill [Wisdom King Raphael] that was previously held by an individual named Lucia Nava, your mother. She always called me by Raphael. Now, I am yours and I am ready to accept your orders.≫

Answered the voice called Raphael that expressed who she was.

"≪I see...so, you're the ultimate skill of my late mother, huh? Well, thanks to you I was able to avoid being poisoned....I never thought anyone would try to kill me.≫"

He said, standing up from his chair he then took a cup of tea that he had sipped and deliberately poured the poisoned tea into the base of a white flower vase that was on the edge of his window.

After he did so, he used his [Magic Sense] to detect the reaction of the poisoned tea to the white flower. He could see that the flower's life force was slowly being sucked away and the flower's respiration began to slow down and decrease which indicated that it was in paralysis mode.

The poison in the tea is indeed poisonous, but not only paralyzes but also weakens.

Rimuru who saw the white flower's life force being slowly sucked away before withering and dying from being too weak, stared with disgusted and annoyed face as his unknown enemy tried to kill him in a cowardly and weak way.

'Who might it be?'

He thought as he placed the teacup back on the table.

"≪Raphael, right? Can you tell me what your abilities are?≫"

He asked as he put his finger to his chin.

≪I have several sub-skills and among them is the sub-skill [Analytical Appraisal], which allows you to detect and analyze any information whether through taste, touch, seeing or hearing clearly and in detail.≫

Raphael answered and one of her sentences caught Rimuru's attention to ask something.

"≪Tell me, the girl's screams and cries that I accidentally heard with my [Magic Sense] last night, are they real or just my imagination≫"

He asked, when he heard the sentence "hearing" in Raphael's words earlier.

≪Affirmative, the sound of a girl's screams and cries you heard through [Magic Sense] was real. And I detected the source of sound and voice is under this castle. In short, the answer you seek is in the basement of this castle.≫

That was the answer that made Rimuru surprised, because the girl's screams and cries that he heard last night were in the room that was forbidden by King Jaahil himself so that not a single person could enter.

And it made his curiosity to enter and explore the forbidden room soared.

Desperate to find out the source of the girl's screams and cries he could no longer hold back, he decided to sneak into the basement in the middle of the night, where everyone was asleep.

Now, he was in front of the door that would take him to the basement. After he opened the door, he saw the stairs leading down.

He then went down the stairs and before long he had reached the bottom of the basement. The basement was vast and dark but accompanied by torches around the walls. There, he smelled so many different and foul odors. He also saw so many dilapidated prison cells that were empty, except for one cell that was far at the end of this vast and dark basement.

He then came closer to the cell and the closer he got to the cell he could hear a sound like a girl's cry and the sound of a chain clanking.

Upon arriving, his eyes suddenly widened at what he witnessed. An abomination.

Inside the cell, there was someone maybe like a girl with a sitting pose hugging her legs and shivering from the cold. Both sides of her legs and her skinny body were covered with scars, cuts and scratches, wearing tattered clothes that could barely cover her bottom and legs. She sobbed in agony.

"Ple-please... please n-n-no more... please forgive m-me... I won't do it ag-again...."

She begged sobbing.

Rimuru who could no longer bear to see the girl's suffering then easily broke the cell lock and went inside.

"Pl-please..! I promise I won't d-do it a-again! Please don't hit me again! Please..! I-i-i beg you..."

The girl's voice was getting louder with her pleas.

As Rimuru approached her, he could see that the girl was apparently an elf through her long ears and her beautiful blonde hair.

"Calm down, I'm not going to hurt you... whoever did this to you I'm not one of them. So don't worry."

He said, trying to reassure the elf girl as he took off his coat and gave it to her as a blanket.

The elf girl was initially very scared and hesitant to approach and take Rimuru's coat but after she saw his face she was stunned with a slight blush even with her face hidden by the shadow of darkness. Rimuru also could see the bright violet eyes of the elf girl that glowing in the dark.

Once the elf girl had calmed down and trusted him, Rimuru slowly and gently covered her with his warm coat as he had been wearing it since the morning. The elf girl wearing his coat no longer shivered from the cold because of the warmth of his coat.

"Nee..what's your name?"

He asked gently, keeping his distance to give her some space.

"M-my...my name...my name is Kagali...."

She answered weakly.

"Kagali, right? What a beautiful name. Oh right, my name is Rimuru Nava."

Rimuru replied with a very pitiful look on the elf girl named Kagali.


{Asnah (me): Forgive me for not uploading new chapters... I've been enjoying the manga and manwha so much that I've been neglecting to write new chapters.}

{Also, when I haven't written for a long time and all my ideas have been mixed with manga and manwha stories:

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