The Mischievous Mischiefs- Th...

By Glimmer_14

754 24 8

Edward (teddy) remus Lupin, James Sirius Potter, ALbus Severus Potter and Lily Luna Potter, Being potters the... More

Author's Note
Late Night Adventures
Home Alone
First Date Gone Bad
A little bit of snow?
Fights and Bullies
Psychotic Ex part 1
Psychotic Ex Part II
The Best Family
Wouldn't change a Thing

Hugs always make you feel better

29 2 0
By Glimmer_14

James- 16
Albus- 15
Lily- 13

(Lily's POV)

It was the Defence Against the Dark Arts Class. Professor McNilan, had told that today would have the class of Boggarts. I was actually curious for this class as I did not exactly what I was scared of.

I entered the classroom with Hugo and Lysander. Everybody was excited as this would be the first practical class of our third year.

The benches had been removed and a single cabinet stood in the centre, the class looked so empty that I felt we entered the wrong room. The class looked big this way. None of our class went further we stood near the entrance itself.

Just then, Professor McNilan emerged from his office, smiling radiantly.

-"Gather around, class!" He said standing in front of the cabinet.

We quickly joined him there, standing in a group. Once we all stopped talking, he started talking with a smile-

-"Now, third years, I know you're probably excited for today's session. So, as you know what this cabinet behind me holds. Before we start can anyone tell me what a boggart is?"

Me, Lysander, Hugo and a couple of kids raised their hands.

-"Yes, Mr. Scamander" He asked.

-"Boggarts are basically, shape shifting creatures that assume the form of whatever frightens the person who faces it." Lysander answered confidently.

-"Very good, Mr. Scamander. 5 points to Ravenclaw. But what does a boggart look like?"
-"Yes, Mr. Weasley"

-"Nobody knows what a Boggart looks like, if no body is watching itit, although it does exist." Hugo answered swiftly.

-"Excellent, Mr. Weasley. Five Points to Gryffindor. Last question before we start, where is boggart found at most? Yes, Mr. McLaggen."

-"Boggarts particularly like confined spaces, but may also be found lurking in woods and around shadowy corners." He
replied overconfidently to which the whole class rolled their eyes.

-"Okay. Now as we know the basic, let's start with the practical. Now repeat after me, Riddikulus!"

-"RIDDIKULUS!" the class room echoed.

-"Now remember, after the Boggart takes its form, you have to think of a very funny thing, concentrate and repeat the incantation, Riddikulus "

-"Yes, Sir." Everybody said together.

-"Okay, now remove your wands and stand in a line and don't get scared. It is not true. It can't harm you."

There was a lot of chaos I'm order to form the line but Hugo, Lysander and Me stood at the front of thr line.

-"Okay, Hugo. I'm opening it. Get ready. 1...2...3..." Prof. McNilan waving his wand.

With a swift wand movement the cabinet opened up and....

To my surprise and amazement, Aunt Hermione and Rose stepped out shouting at Hugo. He turned pale, nervously shouted the spell and were speaking but no voice was coming out of their mouths, everyone started laughing as I went next.


(Hugo's POV)

After I finished, Lily went next. The boggart shape-shifted a bit but then, dark clouds appeared, cold wind started blowing and someone's scream echoed through the room, and then Dolores Umbridge popped , laughing cruelly.

I looked at Lily, she had turned pale,her eyes went wide. Her eyes did not leave Umbridge. She stared at her, transfixed and paralyzed. The whole class was scared.

-"Ms.Potter, are you okay? You have to do something!" Prof. McNilan exclaimed.

She did not hear him. Umbridge was approaching Lily now,

-"Lily!  Snap out of it! It's not real! She isn't present here! Shes rotting in Azkaban!" Lysander exclaimed.

She didn't move, just then, Prof. McNilan stepped forward and then Umbridge was gone.

Utter silence, that was all. Nobody moved, because Lily Potter being terrified of something was not something you'll see every day.

Then, Lily's cry broke the silence, she apologized to the professor and ran from there. Professor as well as the rest of rhe class was shocked. Because Lily never cried...

-"Hugo, go call James and Albus, they'll be in the Great Hall!" Lysander said as he ran after Lily.

I nodded and sped towards the Great hall. I saw them at the Gryffindor table.

-"Well well little cousin, why are you so sweaty and panting?" James mocked.

-"Al and James... You have to come... Lils she.. She broke down.. "

This changed the mood and Al and James got up swiftly.


(James's POV)

Just then, Lysander came panting,

-"I couldn't find her, Hugo!" He shouted.

-"I know where she might be!" Albus declared.

Me and Albus ran towards the Astronomy tower. When we reached the top, we heard crying noises.

-"Lils?" Albus quietly asked.

-"Go away! Just leave me alone, for Merlin's sake, Hugo!" She yelled.

-"Lils, it's James and Albus here." I said.

She removed the invisibility cloak and lunged at me and hugged me tightly. She was crying heavily, though I don't know what happened. Albus patted her back as a way to calm her down. I removed the red locks of hair from her face as my shirt was getting wet with her tears. I looked worriedly as she looked she would not stop. She never cried, unless it was something gravely serious. 

-"Lils, did somebody break your heart? Cheat on you? Because if it is, I'm gonna kill him." I told her trying to keep my anger at bay. 

She shook her head. Then she looked up for the first time, she had bloodshot eyes and her cheeks were tear- stained. Then, we all sat down, she stared far and then finally spoke-

-"I was there again, Al and Jamie." These words were enough for me and Al to turn pale.

-"Wha-What do you me-mean?" Al stuttered.

-"We had a Boggarts class today. My Boggart had-had Umbridge, she looked the same, Jamie!" She cried as new tears spilt.

-"It's okay Lils. It's okay." I and Al reassured her, even though tears spilt from both of our eyes.

That night could bring tears to all three of us. When we were younger, I was 9, Al was 8 and Lils was merely 5, Dolores Umbridge and some deatheaters kidnapped us. We were gone for a week. And what we endured throughout the week is a horrific memory, Lils doesn't even remember much of it, but I can see it clearly now. They wanted to get revenge on dad, they tortured us so much. 

None of us were same after that. Our bloodied bodies and screams still haunt us in the  middle of the night. We had nightmares for months after that. Although we moved forward, this still triggers some bad memories. I see now why Lily was so scared and started crying, because believe I would have.

-"It's okay, Lils. We're past that now. She won't ever hurt us again. She can't. She's rotting in Azkaban. okay? Just calm down for a bit." Albus reassured her.

-"Yeah, everything we'll be alright!" Lily replied smiling a little. "Now can I get a hug from my favorite brothers?" She laughed.

-"Don't let Teddy hear you say that!" Albus exclaimed as he hugged her.

-"I will unless you want to wet my shirt again." I said mockingly.

They just laughed as I hugged both of them. 

-"I love you guys, so much! I couldn't have asked for better brothers!" She said.

-"We love you too. You're the best sister!" Me and Albus chorused.

And as they hugged each other, they knew everything would be alright, because it always does...

Hugs always make you feel better....

That's it! This is a long update! I'm sorry I couldn't update it quicker as I had next to zero motivation!. But here it is!

I loved writing this, I hoped you liked reading it too. This was so cutteee! 

Until next time! Sayonara!

Love you Lovelies! <33333

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