Young Trio: Storytime

By ThatMultiFandomTeen

29 0 0

From our sims machinima series, we decided to put them into chapters since some stuff can be difficult to fil... More

MOS: Moms of Strangetown

Carols Wedding

20 0 0
By ThatMultiFandomTeen

Jaces POV:
If y'all seen in the prologue, I have an aunt named Carol. She's a sweet aunt and my favorite aunt. Although, in the past she had fallen out of love. Now 25 and still alone, Carol hadn't meet anyone until she met Jason a year ago. He's a single father of two.
Anyways today Aunt Carol and Jason said their wedding planning is complete. Today also we are leaving to meet Jason and his kids.

Watch Young Trio Episode 1 before reading!

In 1984, Strangetown at the Dell house, Jace is reading a book in their room and hear a door knock
Jace gets up
"Oh somebody's at the door!"
Jace gets downstairs and opens the door, it's Shelley
"Hey grandma!" Jace said hugging her
"Hey sweetheart! I'm so glad to see you!"
"What brings you here?"
"Oh I got some good news! The wedding planning of Carol and Jason's are completed!"
"That's amazing!"
"Anyways, are y'all ready to meet them?"
"Yeah sure. Let me get everyone."
Jace then goes to the kitchen where Lois and Elliot are
"Hey mom?"
"Yes, Jace?"
"Grandmas here to pick us up."
"Oh alright! Tell Bob and Susanne." Lois said as she went upstairs to get their stuff for the weekend
Jace then heads downstairs in the basement where Bob and Susanne are on the sofa, Bob is playing videos games again and Susanne is watching him
Jace taps on Susannes shoulder to get her attention
"Hey guys! Shelley's here to pick us up." Jace says and also says in ASL
"Oh really?! That's amazing!" Susanne said signing back
"Can I-" Bob said but then Lois said upstairs
"No you may not bring your video games!"
"Dammit!" Bob said sighing and put up his controller
"Cmon let's go! We need to hurry!" Elliot said
Later at Carols apartment in Belladonna cove
Everyone is chatting while Jason and his kids arrive.
"So are you ready for aunt Carols wedding?" Shelley said in ASL
"It's going to be a beautiful ceremony!" Susanne replied back in ASL
"I know sweetheart, Jasons honestly the sweetest guy ever. His two kids are the best." Carol said
"You sure you aren't marrying him for money, Carol? Your 25 years old and this is your 2nd marriage" Lois said
"Oh shut up, Lois! The last guy.. was just.. not perfect."
"Oh whatever Carol."
"Girls stop fighting! Anyways, the weddings are planned and paid for and also the outfits! Jace I know you will love your outfit." Shelley said to Jace
"Thank you, Grandma!" Jace said smiling

On Saturday, the day before the wedding,
At the apartment again, in the guest bedroom of Rick and Shelley's,
Bob is fixing his tie
"Wow we do match!" Bob said
Jace walks in as well wearing matching tuxedos with Bob
"Yep! Honestly this feels nice. I know when I go to prom, I'll be wearing this."
Elliot walks in
"Oh my goodness! Look at y'all two. Very stunning."
"Thanks dad!" Jace said
Susanne comes out wearing a light purple dress
"And look at my flower girl!" Elliot says smiling and hugging her
"Thank you, daddy!" Susanne says in ASL
Later everyone is in their regular clothes and in the living, a knock is heard
"Ooh! Jason's and the kids here!" Carol said smiling
"Y'all be on your best behavior, please."
She opens the door and sees Jason with Justin and Josie
"Carol my love!"
They hug and he kisses her hand
"Aww thanks hun."
Lois leans to Shelley to whisper
"Did you know that guy looks EXACTLY like Elvis Presley?!"
"He kinda does!" Shelley whispers back
"Everyone in the living room please!" Carol said
Everyone goes to the living room
"Everyone I would love for y'all to introduce to my fiancé, Jason Anderson! And this is his kids, Jason and Josie." Carol says
"Ciao everyone! Yes this love here right here, is the love of my life" Jason said in an Italian accent
"Well Hello, Jason! I'm Lois. Carols sister."
"Are y'all twins?"
"Oh no! I'm older then her, Anyways, these are my kids, Jace, Bob, and Susanne. Now I do wanna ask. Do you know ASL?" Lois asked
"I am a teacher at a deaf and blind school!" Jason said in ASL
"That's amazing! Well I don't attend a deaf and blind school because I can speak well just can't hear well" Susanne said in ASL
"Wonderful!" Jason said in ASL
"Anyways, who's ready for the big day?" Rick says
"I'm ready!" Carol said
"Same as Well!" Jason Said
Justin and Josie smile

Later on at the playground
"Now don't y'all kids get too dirty now." Jason said
"We won't!" Justin said
"Good, Jace and Bob, y'all are in charge of them." Jason said and he leaves back to the apartment
"Well hello new cousins! I'm Josie! And this is Justin. He's a dimwit." Josie said smiling
"No I'm not!" Justin rolled his eyes
"Haha hey we got a dimwit brother too." Jace said smiling
"Hey!" Bob said
"If y'all don't mind asking, what happened to y'all's mom?" Jace asked
"Oh I'm glad you asked! Our mom cheated on him a lot and he finally divorced her a year ago. Then Carol came by and well now we are finally getting a sweet and more friendly mom." Josie said
"We just got estranged from her and she did as well" Justin said
"Oh no that's sad.." Susanne said in ASL
"It is. Anyways we are also starting school at Strangetown Communtiy school in September, why are both all of the schools combined?" Justin asked
"I asked myself the same thing." Jace said
"At Least there's more people to make friends with! We can show y'all around one day" Bob said
"Okay says the one who doesn't even have any friends yet." Jace said
"C'mon! No one really has the car cards collection like I do!"
"You're into collecting cars?! I am too!" Josie said
"That's amazing. I'll show you my collection one day."
"Nice!" Josie said

Later at the hotel, the Dells are staying at
The phone rings and Jace gets it
"Hello?" Jace said
"Hey Jace! Where are y'all? I don't see y'all's cars there." Pascal asked over the phone
"Oh I'm at Belladonna Cove again. My aunts getting married."
"Wow that's amazing! Do you mind if I go?"
"Sure, but Belladonna Cove is like two hours away."
"I'll catch the subway there."
"Strangetown has subways?!"
"Haha no, I'm just going to catch the downtown subways."
"Alright! Well the wedding starts at 3 and I suggest being there an hour early."
"Alright thanks!"
"Alright I gotta go now, if I talk longer then it'll be charged to the bill."
"Alright see you tomorrow".
They hang up

Next day at the Belladonna Cove Catholic church, in the dressing room, bridesmaids are chatting and getting ready, Jace walks out into the room wearing their tuxedo and Lois is putting Susannes hair into a hair bun with a french braid on top

"This may hurt a little, Susanne." Lois said in ASL
"Ahh!" She winced and signs in ASL "That hurts!"
"Sorry.." Lois said
Shelley walks in the room
"Here is our wonderful bride, Carol Gallagher!"
Carol walks in wearing her wedding dress
"This is beautiful.." Carol said smiling
"Yes it is, Sis, reminds me of my wedding."
"The wedding dress maybe expensive but it's worth it!" Shelley said
Jace looks at the receipt
"$5,000?! For a dress?!" Jace exclaimed
"Like i said, worth it!"

Now at the Church Sectionary
Everyone is sitting down waiting for the wedding to start
The bridesmaids are on one side and the groomsmen are on the other side along with Jason and Elliot
"Any advice?" Jason asked
"Just be yourself" Elliot said
At the pew, Pascal, Jace, Bob and Josie are sitting
"You look.. beautiful.." Pascal said to Jace
"Thank you Pascal." Jace said smiling
"This church is exactly like the one we had back home."
""Had?"" Jace asked
"Yeah no one will tell us what happened. It just disappeared. Now we have the religion radio. Has all religions. I'm currently on studying the Orthodox Judaism religion." Pascal said
"Ooh that's interesting. And damn that's gotta suck that the church is gone." Jace said
"Yeah. But hey at least it's better, sorta."
Pascal thinks
"Man one day I hope this is what our wedding will look like."
Then the doors open and music begins to start
"Oh here comes the flower girl!" One lady said

Susanne and Justin walk down the aisle, Susanne is wearing her flower girl wedding dress and throwing out the flower pedals onto the floor and Justin is holding a pillow with rings on it
"Aww look at the flower girl!" Another lady said
"Aww" One man said

Then the music starts and everyone goes silent, "Here comes the bride" plays with Carol walking down the aisle, holding a bouquet of roses, walking with her father, Rick. Then Rick sits down and Carol stands in front of Jason, both are smiling, then the priest does his usual speech before the big important part of the ceremony

"Now will you, Jason Avery Anderson take Carol Rachel Gallagher to be your wife? Through sickness and in health, good times and bad?" The priest ask
"I do." Jason said
"Now will you, Carol Rachel Gallagher take Jason Avery Anderson to be your husband? Through sickness and in health, good times and bad?" The priest asked
"I do!" Carol said
"Now Ring Bear, for the rings" the priest said
Justin gives Jason and Carol the rings and they put their rings in each other
"I now pronounce y'all, Jason Avery Anderson-Gallagher and Carol Rachel Anderson-Gallagher husband and wife, y'all may now kiss the bride!" The priest said and they kiss and everyone claps and cheers

At the Belladonna Cove Central Park where the wedding party is, Everyone is dancing, eating food and chilling
"Wow the service was beautiful." Pascal said
"It was" Jace said
"But not as beautiful as you." Pascal said
Jace giggles
"May I have this dance?" Pascal asked
"Sure!" Jace said
Pascal and Jace then slow danced

Later everyone is dancing, eating and chilling. Then Jason and Carol doing the couple slow dance, then everyone is doing the smustle. And then finally, Carol throws the bouquet of flowers and a lady catches it and she cheers

Carol, Justin, Josie and Jason all get in the car and it says "Just Married!" On the back and they drove off
"I'm so happy for her.." Lois said smiling
"Same here. He is better then her ex." Shelley
"Oh yeah!" Lois agreed

Later at the hotel entrance, Pascal is fixing to leave
"Well it was fun! Thank for the slow dance and inviting me." Pascal said
"Your welcome! And thank you for coming." Jace said
They both hug and Pascal leaves in a taxi to catch the subway
Jace then goes back to the hotel room and
Jace gets ready for bed and puts on their pajamas and sleeps in the bed

Jaces POV
The wedding was a lot fun. Weddings in the 1980s are just a blast. Sure weddings are great now but in my time, it was a blast.

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